Sinus Polyps
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Managing Sinus Polyps

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Follownature (United Arab Emirates) on 04/10/2019 17 posts

Sinus Polyps, from my various experiences with sinus polyps I can very well understand the pain a sufferer goes through hence would like to share the little bit of information I've learned, if it can help people i would be most most happy. I am available anytime for any questions so feel free to drop a query and of i can assist I will :) The below is a strict diet plan that I still follow for nearly 2 years and I promise you while the results might take time but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Think of the times when you will want to breathe free and that will motivate you to get better :) 1. Start the day with flax seeds, walnuts which will give you omega 3 fatty acids and dates will keep your sugar levels well as it is natural sugar and fibre. Sip water like an athelete through the day. 2. Eat more lean meats like grilled chicken, fish salmon and egg whites without the yellow. Avoid all kinds of red meats like mutton, lamb, beef etc as they create more phlegm. 3. Incorporate ghee (clarified butter) in foods and reduce usage of oil, if at all rice bran oil is good. 4. Cut down majorly or if possible avoid on dairy like milk, yoghurt, cream, lassi, paneer, butter etc 5. Reduce sugar if possible avoid, mainly refined sugar like mithais, chocolates, cakes, cookies. Gur (jaggery) based sweets are fine 6. Major uptake of water through the day along with aerobic exercises 4 days a week or yoga surya namaskars along with anulom vilom which is alternate nostril breathing. 7. Majorly reduce if possible totally avoid maida (white flour), and wheat products like chapati, breads, nans, white flour buns, puris, oily and butter rotis. This is the real killer! 8. Incorporate fruits like lemons, mangoes, apples, pears, kiwis, papayas, strawberries 9. Eat more rice based stuff for carbs like rice, rice rotis, rice flakes, Sorghum, pearl millet, buckwheat etc 10. Spinach, onions, ginger, cabbage, bitter groud, yellow lentils, clear chicken broth soup, raw green chillies are superb for sinuses. 12. Meditate, forgive yourself and others, pray to God and relax more often in nature like a walk down the beach. This is prime trust me. Louise Hay the legendary healer said that sinus infections are a result of stored anger against a person close to you. So imagine that the polyp is like a small bulb in your sinus cavity and that inverted bulb stores all the inflammation in your sinuses, which is nothing but the accumulated phlegm. So if anger = inflammation and you release that anger and if inflammation is the phlegm then what will the polyp store? Nothing coz there is nothing there to store. You've released the garbage out "mentally" and subconsciously. I would highly recommend EFT (emotional freedom technique ) to release your anger or irritation. You will see changes for sure. The polyp is a teacher and makes sure we learn our lessons on a spiritual level, food intake level and medicinal level. 13. When you wake up on empty stomach do teeth pulling with coconut oil, its a technique where you put a tea spoon of the oil in your mouth and swirl vigorously for 5 mins. It will really help your post nasal drip. 14. Steam inhalation with eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil. Hot water pot - put 5 - 6 drops of these essential oils and inhale the steam with your head covered with a towel. Fantastic fantastic way to clear your sinuses congestion 15. Another great great technique which will help - apply a paste of raw and dry ginger power mixed with water all over your sinuses and your face and sleep in the night. This will clear all your inflammation so you can start breathing normally. It will sting for sure but you will get used to it, 16. Input drops of castor oil in your sinuses to loosen up the passages. It could also shrink the polyp for some people. Try mixing 5-10 drops of tea tree oil mixed with 1 tbsp of castor oil for more effect and apply 2 drops of this mix in each nostril. 17. Exercise, run, and stay happy. I know its difficult but you must do your best to stay calm, cry out if you want but pray more and more. Doors will open, dont ever ever give up. So in summary, the dry ginger paste on the face, dietary changes and EFT are my picks to help you on this journey. You will see massive changes, just trust God and walk the journey. God bless.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Follownature (United Arab Emirates) on 04/10/2019 17 posts

Sinus Polyps, from my various experiences with sinus polyps I can very well understand the pain a sufferer goes through hence would like to share the little bit of information I've learned, if it can help people i would be most most happy. I am available anytime for any questions so feel free to drop a query and of i can assist I will :)

The below is a strict diet plan that I still follow for nearly 2 years and I promise you while the results might take time but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Think of the times when you will want to breathe free and that will motivate you to get better :)

1. Start the day with flax seeds, walnuts which will give you omega 3 fatty acids and dates will keep your sugar levels well as it is natural sugar and fibre. Sip water like an athelete through the day.

2. Eat more lean meats like grilled chicken, fish salmon and egg whites without the yellow. Avoid all kinds of red meats like mutton, lamb, beef etc as they create more phlegm.

3. Incorporate ghee (clarified butter) in foods and reduce usage of oil, if at all rice bran oil is good.

4. Cut down majorly or if possible avoid on dairy like milk, yoghurt, cream, lassi, paneer, butter etc

5. Reduce sugar if possible avoid, mainly refined sugar like mithais, chocolates, cakes, cookies. Gur (jaggery) based sweets are fine

6. Major uptake of water through the day along with aerobic exercises 4 days a week or yoga surya namaskars along with anulom vilom which is alternate nostril breathing.

7. Majorly reduce if possible totally avoid maida (white flour), and wheat products like chapati, breads, nans, white flour buns, puris, oily and butter rotis. This is the real killer!

8. Incorporate fruits like lemons, mangoes, apples, pears, kiwis, papayas, strawberries

9. Eat more rice based stuff for carbs like rice, rice rotis, rice flakes, Sorghum, pearl millet, buckwheat etc

10. Spinach, onions, ginger, cabbage, bitter groud, yellow lentils, clear chicken broth soup, raw green chillies are superb for sinuses.

12. Meditate, forgive yourself and others, pray to God and relax more often in nature like a walk down the beach. This is prime trust me. Louise Hay the legendary healer said that sinus infections are a result of stored anger against a person close to you. So imagine that the polyp is like a small bulb in your sinus cavity and that inverted bulb stores all the inflammation in your sinuses, which is nothing but the accumulated phlegm. So if anger = inflammation and you release that anger and if inflammation is the phlegm then what will the polyp store? Nothing coz there is nothing there to store. You've released the garbage out "mentally" and subconsciously. I would highly recommend EFT (emotional freedom technique ) to release your anger or irritation. You will see changes for sure. The polyp is a teacher and makes sure we learn our lessons on a spiritual level, food intake level and medicinal level.

13. When you wake up on empty stomach do teeth pulling with coconut oil, its a technique where you put a tea spoon of the oil in your mouth and swirl vigorously for 5 mins. It will really help your post nasal drip.

14. Steam inhalation with eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil. Hot water pot - put 5 - 6 drops of these essential oils and inhale the steam with your head covered with a towel. Fantastic fantastic way to clear your sinuses congestion

15. Another great great technique which will help - apply a paste of raw and dry ginger power mixed with water all over your sinuses and your face and sleep in the night. This will clear all your inflammation so you can start breathing normally. It will sting for sure but you will get used to it,

16. Input drops of castor oil in your sinuses to loosen up the passages. It could also shrink the polyp for some people. Try mixing 5-10 drops of tea tree oil mixed with 1 tbsp of castor oil for more effect and apply 2 drops of this mix in each nostril.

17. Exercise, run, and stay happy. I know its difficult but you must do your best to stay calm, cry out if you want but pray more and more. Doors will open, dont ever ever give up.

So in summary, the dry ginger paste on the face, dietary changes and EFT are my picks to help you on this journey. You will see massive changes, just trust God and walk the journey. God bless.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Raj (Uae) on 10/10/2017 17 posts

So where do I start? First I would like to start by thanking god and Earthclinic and particularly Mama to Many.

From my experience with nasal polyps, one thing I have certainly learnt is that it is there to teach us a few things about us and make changes to get better. First on an emotional level and then the physical level. Is there some emotional pain that you are experiencing in life? Then please sort that or atleast start working to sort that. As per Louise hay the world famous spiritual healer chronic sinusitis is being angry at someone close to you...does that happen with you? If yes then sort that anger and keep the affirmation "I declare peace and harmony indwell me and surround me at all times" on through the day. Talk to God, ask for forgiveness and seek his help to get you through this phase. I know how hard it can be because I have myself felt it, the helplessness, the pain. The tears and desperation to get better can only be expressed by someone who has felt it. I dont want to even list down any of those physical experiences because I will in turn touch upon what you are going through yourself and that will make you feel low. We have to keep searching for solutions so lets talk remedies.

If you want to cry it out, do it, trust me do it..Go to your washroom, your car, youe husband or wife and do it once...Scream out, and let it out but the very next minute after the flood gates are opened get to work on the most important project, and that is your health. Mind you, I am still a work in progress but its a day to day activity and you cant slack. Keep the faith and keep trying, you will see improvement.

Thats for the mind, now comes what you can do to internalize and consume.

1. Take out allllll the junk food out of your name it.....chips, cookies, biscuits, chocolates, cakes, fried food, pizzas, burgers, extra processed sugary foods, sweetmeats, canned juices, aerated and carbonated drinks, canned food, preservative foods, sauces. Avoid MSG in chinese foods, if you wanna eat chinese food ask for it without ajinomoto. Stay clean, and trust me you will start seeing small differences. All these foods promote inflamation which is worse in this situation. I have a major sweet tooth but ive stayed away from all this for nearly 5 months now after tons of reading on this condition. Has it helped me? Yes, ive lost nearly 8 kgs and I feel healthier and fresher, so you will only gain out of this my friends. I was told I have LDL cholestrol in april this year, was getting obese, had fat around the tummy...couldnt run with my son etc...u know the feeling of being bloated and out of energy.

I am a vocalist by profession and you could def imagine the problem I would have with breathing freely, but then one day when I was bathing my toddler son and couldnt smell the body wash I was applying on his body, I cried and sobbed and told myself after that, I have to do all I can to heal and God will do the rest. I have to do all I can for my health, and God will heal. Thats when I first chanced upon Earthclinic in May 2017 after struggling.

2. Eat right, salads, greens, radish, onions and garlic ( not too much if youre on homeopathy : that is a wonderful alternative therapy too and I will come to that ), brocoli, spinach, carrots, beetroots, lemons, chomp away on this along with your meals or before and this is all pure fibre and can help you fight the infection. Drink atleast 3-4 litrs of water a day so your body doesnt dehydrate, sinusitis / nasal polyps worsen when the body goes dry.

3. Eliminate foods like wheat, gluten, yeast, dairy, white flour, potatoes, eggs, alcohol, caffeine, corn, jams and jellies, pickles, red meat, black tea from your diet as these produce excess phlegm in the body which doesnt get released as the polyps block them from coming out and thats where they get infected in turn.

4. Eat vit c rich foods like citrus foods, pineapples which contain bromelain that helps a lot. Sprinkle lemon in warm water and sip it through the day, apples, berries, kiwis, strawberries, another rich source of vit c. Eat mangoes which are rich in Vita A and that helps the sinuses a lottt.

5. Chicken broth soup with a dash of cayenne pepper can open up the sinuses and help in a way. Tomato soups, clear veg soups, Warm water with 2 tbps of organic apple cider vinegar ( go for the one with the mother) can help to thin the mucus and flush it out.

6. If you need carbs, go for a moderate portion of rice. I need carbs as I sing, and need energy. Eat lean meat like grilled chicken, salmon fish, hummus, chick peas, lil olive oil, walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, oregano, all of these nuts have fatty acids which help a lot. Pumpkin seeds also have zinc and magnesium whcih can help.

7. Steam inhalation, massively helpful to loosen all the phlegm in your sinuses, morning as you wake up and once before you sleep. If you do not intend to take homeopathy then you can use essential oils like Tea tree oil ( super super ) in the steam and inhale it. Put in like say 5 drops of essential organic TTO and I inhale the steam for 4-5 mins and you will see how relaxed you feel. Essential oils normally are and antidote for homeopathy hence it would be nice to speak to your homeopath before mixing the two.

8. Mama to Many's technique...Super like for this one!

Mix hexane free castor oil 1 tablespoon +10-15 drops of organic TTO and input 2-3 drops of that mix in each nostril if the polyps are right in your nostrils. So lie down on your back so that the mix reaches the polyps and this can really shrink them. Continue this once every morning and night after steam inhalation till the polyps go away and your sense of smell should improve soon. Under no circumstances should you directly apply any essential oil to your polyps using a q tip or ingest it. If the polyps are deep in the sinuses then take a spoon of castor oil first thing when you wake up and this will help too.

9. I know this is difficult but you will have to do it, 3-4 times a week of atleast 45 mins of workouts. Release sweat, and your toxins will be released. Run, walk, cycle, weight train ...choose any of it but do it.

10. Sleep well, atleast 7-8 hrs so the body heals itself through rest, also put your head elevated by sleeping on two pillows so all the mucus fliws down

11. Get an allergy test done so you know what you are allergic to and avoid that accordingly. If you are allergic to dust so be it, wear a face mask and dont feel concious, remember your health first!

12. Do yogic breathing and pranayam exercises, this is also helpful to open up the breathing pathways. Anulom vilom can help, but it has to be done only when the nasal passages are clear. Try this sinus massage below to help drain the sinuses so the phlegm flows out of your nose and is not stuck up in the sinuses. Never blow your nose hard to release phlegm, it could put the infection back inside, instead sniff it and spit it out. Thats way better, plus blowing puts further pressure on the sinuses.

14. Homeopathy, read on it and see for yourself if it suits you. What it does is to strenghten our immune system and make us stronger so we are not prone to allergies etc. It certainly has a very good solution to this. Very holistic healing, heals us from the root but needs to be with a homeopath who can read your system and heal you from within.

15. Lastly, plz plz stay strong...i am doing that coz there is only one way to be. Strong and have immense faith, I know what this can do to you, I have been through a stage of extreme depression through it but in all of it I kept doing is praying to God. Speak to him, talk about your good and bad days, but keep the attitude of gratitude and doors will open up for you. I remain open to your queries if I can help in any way but all the remedies on earthclinic are wonderful so plz follow that..It is after being on this site that hope sprung up within me so a massive thank you to earthclinic. Me listing down my journey is to help others who are going through this and also my way of thanking Earth clinic. May god always bless you :)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Yearningtobreathefree (Middle Tennessee, US) on 01/17/2015

Have had nasal polyps about 13 years. Have done the nasal steroids and about every remedy in these pages over the years. A few months ago was still in my chronic state of 100% blocked nose on both sides, chronic sinus infection, soaking wads of tissues, sinus headaches etc - you all know! Nose was swollen and fat.

Much better last few months. I have been taking twice daily a rotating and varied mix of a tiny pinch of goldenseal, 1 drop GSE, 1 drop clove oil, 1 drop oregano oil, now and then 20 drops myrrh or olive leaf tincture - all of the above to keep infection at bay.

Have been squirting home-made nasal spray (distilled water, xylitol, baking soda, colloidal silver, GSE, 3% h2o2, baby shampoo - all these not measured but in tiny dabs into the distilled water in an empty saline nasal spray bottle), alternating with an oregano oil-based nasal spray I purchased and plain homemade colloidal silver also sprayed in the nostrils. I squirt each of the above in the nose at least once each per day.

Other vital parts of this regimen that have helped greatly:
L-arginine (500mg) once daily.
1000 iu methylcobalamin B12 once daily (in the morning! ).
500mg cordyceps capsule each morning.
5000mcg biotin once daily.
From 2 to 5 drops 2% Lugol's iodine daily, depending on how I feel.
The oral and nasal items in the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs are to kill/prevent infection.
The arginine boosts nitric oxide, which helps kill infection and seems to assist in opening the sinuses (humming 20 minutes a day also boosts NO).
The methylcobalamin I saw mentioned on a few forums as greatly relieving decades of chronic sinus trouble in many people.
Cordyceps boosts immunity.
Biotin is needed to help the body beat back fungus - whether sinus infection, dandruff, athlete's foot, jock itch, etc.
Iodine helps to improve low thyroid, which is endemic now due to bromine having replaced iodine in American bread, and chlorine and fluorine in the water. Low metabolism is loved by fungus, & 96% of sinus infections are primarily fungal (Mayo Clinic).

One final thing and likely the most important: look up "cured nasal polyps -normal body temperature", then look up Matt Stone and read his e-book "Eat for Heat". The latter worked for me better and faster than iodine alone.
I can smell things for increasing lengths of time every day now! I can even get some air through one or both nostrils for some time every day. My nose looks mostly normal now, and I am using less tissues. It wakes me up, running, much less often.

Good luck to you all, and remember, use your own judgement and discretion on any of these suggestions. Pay attention to how your body responds.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lauren (Denver, Colorado) on 10/07/2012

I've been struggling with chronic sinusitic and nasal polyps for 4 years. Within a few months of my first bout with chronic sinusitis I also deveoped asthma, an allergy to aspirin and ibuprofen, and have since developed all kinds of food sensitivities. I believe what's at the root at all of this is simple: immune defunction. But treating that can be quite complicated and take a long time. It's taken me years of experimentation and emotional upheaval to find a natural regimine that shows results, and I've finally found a combination of things that is working. I have wanted to avoid surgery and over-medicating, so the results I am having so far are great. Actually, what brought me to this in the first place was this: I had been controlling my sinus issues with a nasal steroid for a year, and then suddenly got a bad infection on which the steroid and anything OTC had no effect on whatsoever. After 4 weeks of suffering, I got aggressive about the following...

First there is the diet. After being gluten free for several years and more recently elliminating processed sugars and dairy, I have adopted a Paleo diet that is beginning to take in principles of the Specific Carb Diet and even GAPS. Please Google especially the last two to find out more information about these things. Going grain-free and adopting a strict whole-foods diet (no 'organic' frozen pre-packaged foods) began to make a huge difference in how I felt overall. It has not cured my sinus issues, but it has supplied me with energy and vitality I otherwise lacked. It has elliminated most of the brain-fog I had for years with chronic sinusitis, and I have the energy to keep up with regular exercise, work, and school. It has also balanced out the bloating and wieght gain I've experienced being on low-dose nasal and lung steroids. Recent emphasis on rebuilding the gut using L-glutamine, therepeutic strength pro-biotics, home-made bone broths, and fermented vegetables has also increased this overall vitality. According to GAPS dieters, there is strong hope for being able to eventually tolerate the foods I developed sudden allergies and intolerances to (dairy, alcohol, almonds, grains) but for now I strictly avoid all of those things.

Next, there is the direct attack to the polyps and sinus infections. Twice a day to a half-filled neti pot, I put in 1/4 tsp salt, a few drops of tea tree oil, a few drops of concentrated Grape Seed Extract, and a few drops of Goldenseal. Since one nostril is completely blocked by visible nasal polyps, I simply soak what I can for a few minutes instead of passing the water from one sice to the other, as that's pretty impossible for me at the moment. In the other nostril, I can get the water far enough back that it runs into my throat. I let that happen a little bit, but otherwise, try to hold it in as it can be a bit intense with all the oils and instead just soak the area. When I'm done with the neti pot, I apply a few drops of Neem Oil into each nostril and suck back what I can. Neem oil is not only an anti-fungal/anti-bacterial, but it is also a strong tonifyer to the mucous membranes, like Goldenseal as well. I aim to balance the bacterial-fighting properties of waht I use with some tonifying properties to help rebuild damaged tissues. Every once and a while, I dab a qtip into coconut oil and tea tree oil and pply it directly to the visible polyps and surrounding tissues.

In the two weeks I've been doing that particular regimine, I've experienced visible shrinking of the polyps and of the surrounding facial swelling. I've reduced my usage of my prescription nasal steroid to once a day and might aim to slowly elliminate it to allow my immune system to properly function in my nose for further assistance. My stuffiness has come in and out- I believe that as the polyps shrink, a TON of trapped mucous is being released. Every once and a while, I almost literally scrape out (with a qtip) thick chunks of bright colored mucous, which I could see easily getting trapped with the polyps and feeding their inflammation. Also, as larger polyps shrink, I imagine they leave room for the medicine to finally start reaching other hidden polyps for healing, so I am not expecting overnight results.

I have some days where I can nearly smell in one nostril, and where the airflow is so clear that I forget my struggles. Congestion and inflammation always returns, but it comes in and out. On stuffier days, my neti pot regimine almost always brings instant relief, de-inflammation, and sinus draining.

FWIW, I've also been committed to weekly acupuncture treatments and taking Bi Yan Pian, a chinese medicine complex you can find on amazon at great prices. For chronic conditions, this sort of treatment can take a long time to start showing their effects, but I believe in their support. I have a community acupuncture place that I attend with sliding scale fees.

Most days, I also have a cup of ACV 'tea' sweetened with stevia and occasionally spiced with cayenne pepper. I regularly drink dandelion tea, tulsi tea, nettle tea, and also take spirulina and chlorella supplements, all for their blood-cleansing immune supporting properties.

After reading things here, I'm going to experiment with adding Castor oil to my regimine, directly into my sinus and as a pack on my liver. But so far I feel really good about what I have going and think it'll take some time to measure my results drastically. The relief I've received so far is incredible.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Zen (London, Unite Kingdom) on 05/19/2011

Hi All

Having suffered from a return of nasal polpys follwing 2 bouts of surgery I consulted an Ayurvedic doctor and have found this regime really succesful in shrinking them and giving relief. I hope it helps some else as this is a really debilitating condition.

Eat 5-7 raw Basil leaves before breakfast and again before dinner

Get a fresh turmeric finger and hold it over a tea light until it smokes. Make a paper cone and inhale the resulting smoke thru the nostrils to relieve congestion and discharge mucus.

A teaspoon of castor oil taken for 4-7 dys also helps.

Avoid sugery foods and diary products as they feed the condition.

Do some yogic breathing exercises every day.

and the very thing is to make a steam bath as follows

Put several broken Basil leaves and 4 crushed garlic cloves in a basin of boiling water. Add a pinch of turmeric. Put a towel over your head and inhale for 20 mins for real and lasting relief if done daily.
