Spinal Stenosis, Art Solbrig
Natural Remedies

$30 Spinal Stenosis Homeopathic Protocol That Works

| Modified on Apr 21, 2024
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Spinal Stenosis Homeopathic Protocol

by Art Solbrig
Published June 02, 2020
Updated December 09, 2020

Around Halloween, 2019, a friend of mine (Jr.) was complaining about how his back had been bothering him for years, so I asked him for some background information. About 5 years previously, he had been diagnosed as having "spinal stenosis" (SS) and his doctor told him the only solution was surgery, so Jr. agreed to go ahead with the surgery since the doctor offered him no other options.

Jr. didn't do well after the surgery and was actually in at least as bad pain as pre-surgery.

The doctor told him that with time he should get better, but that relief never came and all the while he was telling me his story, I was thinking, how many hundreds of people across the country could tell this exact same story as I have heard it many times before!

After he finished his story by adding in that the doctor most recently had told him that where he currently was at that visit, was likely as good as he would ever be and there really was nothing more he could offer him except pain relievers, so Jr. left the doctor's office feeling frustrated and mad!

After his explanation, I told Jr. that the doctor is likely correct and there was nothing more he could do for Jr. I also told him that if he would be willing to stick to a protocol for at least 6 months, I could make a suggestion that just might help him to get the relief he has been searching for with no luck so far. He thought for a moment and said, yes, he would be willing to try it because he was sick and tired of being in pain 24/7!

What I had in mind was a very simple homeopathic combination that a doctor, Dr. Debra Katchen, M.D., who also decided to study homeopathy, had developed on her own based on the principles of homeopathy. I will link to her article below which will explain exactly how she arrived at this combination of two very common homeopathy remedies and how and when to use them.

Another good point about this remedy is that it may be helpful for bone spurs of the spine or other spinal issues according to Dr. Katchen. She developed this remedy for the simple reason that she was looking for a way to help her SS patients who have not fared well on the standard medications that she had to offer them. Being a homeopathic remedy, it is likely to have little chance for unwanted side effects or reactions.

In any case, to cut right to the heart of the matter, 8 months later Jr. is pain-free from using just two homeopathic remedies!

One remedy, although in the form of a small pill has to be diluted in water and the other pill is taken orally.

There are no overnight fixes for spinal stenosis and homeopathy is no exception to that rule, but some people will tell you there are no fixes at all if the surgery is unsuccessful!

Jr. will now beg to differ with that argument! Rather than go into detail about how to mix the drink and when and how to take it, I will simply leave you with the information above and these two links to what I ordered for my friend from Amazon. As it turns out, this is a fairly inexpensive homeopathic combo since you use relatively small amounts per dose.

Once you read the doctor's short and easy to read article in the third link, all of that will become clear to you.

Homeopathic Remedies Remedies for Spinal Stenosis

Here are two links to what I ordered for Jr. from Amazon.

1. Hyland's - Calc. Fluor 6x, 500 Tablets

2. Hekla Lava 30c

Dr. Katchen's Protocol


1. Dissolve one pellet of Hekla lava 30c in a six-ounce glass of water (just drop it in the water and let it dissolve) and take a one teaspoon dose of this mixture twice a day (no stirring or shaking between doses needed). They were to refrigerate it between doses and, when the glass was empty, to start the process again. (I chose this water dosing method because, according to Hahnemann, it is more effective than the common way of taking dry pellets.)

2. Take Calcarea fluorica 6X, 4 tablets under the tongue, once a day.


The following link* takes you to Dr. Katchen's article that describes in detail how she developed this homeopathic remedy on her own, as well as her credentials, how to take the two remedies and how to mix the one that has to be mixed with water.

Aging Spines Feel Young Again! | National Center for Homeopathy

[*This website was taken down recently. See full reprint from the internet archives below.]

Concluding Thoughts

Spinal stenosis rarely seems to have a happy ending for anyone whether they have had the surgery or not, so options are nice to have when the surgery is ineffective or you are just opposed to the surgery because of the poor success rate. Personally, if I had SS, the noninvasive homeopathy option would be my first choice and I would give it one year to see if it could turn things around for me, before considering other options.

I should note here that I have no idea on how regular Jr. was about taking this remedy, but knowing him as I do, I feel that he may not have been as regular about taking it as he should have been because he travels a lot and did, right up to Covid-19 lockdown. In any case, 8 months and pain free for a person who has already had the SS surgery and remains in pain, ain't bad!

I will update this article at some point, because Jr. ran out of the two homeopathic remedies and has not reordered them, so I may get a chance to find out if these effects are lasting or if this simple and inexpensive treatment will be required for life.

August 03, 2020 Update:

Jr. went off the remedy for about two months before some of the pain came back to a lesser degree than it was when he started on the remedy.

Junior said that after a week and a half to two weeks, his pain has started to subside again and his mobility level has increased. Not quite pain free yet, but this is very suggestive of the idea that there is actual healing taking place because the remedy kicked in super fast this second time compared to the first time he used it and this also suggests that this can be a longer term remedy for this common back and neck problem as well as bone spurs of the spinal region.

About the Homeopathic Remedies

Calc Fluor 6x

Calcarea fluorica (Calcium fluoride) 6X is commonly used for the relief of cracking of joints and minor joint pain.

Hekla Lava

The active ingredient in Hekla lava is a natural compound derived from volcano ash found in and near Mt. Hekla in Iceland. Hekla Lava is used for relief of bone pain, hairline fractures, heel pain, heel spurs, plantar fasciitis, neuralgia, toothache, jaw pain and other nerve pain.

* December 09, 2020
Editor's Note

Most unfortunately, the site with the protocol listed above was taken down since we published this article on Earth Clinic, so we have copied it from the internet archives site and pasted it below so it is not lost.

Please note that the photos from the article did not appear on the internet archives and do not appear here either.


Aging Spines Feel Young Again!

Safe, successful homeopathic treatment for painful spinal stenosis

“My back aches so much that it’s hard to stand up straight…”

“Whenever I bend my neck forward, I get a sharp pain from my neck to my shoulders…”

“My legs feel heavy and clumsy when I walk, but when I use a shopping cart at the grocery,  I get around easier…”

Aches and pains that limit a person’s mobility—these are the kinds of complaints I hear daily in my busy family practice, especially from people in their 60s and older. I do my best to help each patient, but some cases are more difficult than others, especially when the culprit is degenerative changes in the spine that accompany the “wear and tear” osteoarthritis of aging. This degenerative process can also be accelerated in younger people who’ve experienced repetitive trauma to their spines, perhaps from sports, work, or other injuries.

Conventional medical treatment has little to offer people suffering the effects of degenerative spinal changes. That’s why I’m eager to share with you a homeopathic treatment method that I have been using successfully with patients for the past four or five years. But first, here’s a little background on the problem.

Wear & tear on the spine

Between each bone (vertebra) in the spinal column is a natural cushion ­(intervertebral disc) that absorbs shock and gives our spines the ability to bend. Over time, these discs lose moisture and flatten out, causing the joint spaces between the vertebrae to decrease. This is one reason why people tend to get shorter with age.

As discs get thinner and lose their ability to cushion, friction of bone on bone can occur. This results in the body trying to heal itself by adding extra bone to the damaged areas. Such bony growths on the vertebrae are common and may go unnoticed, unless they grow into the spinal canal and press on the spinal cord, or they grow into the nerve-root canals (i.e., “foraminal canals”) on either side of the vertebrae and press on the nerves. The narrowing of these canals is known as “stenosis” (spinal stenosis or foraminal stenosis). Bulging discs, vertebral fractures, thickened ligaments, and related conditions can further narrow these passageways in which the spinal cord and nerve roots travel.


Senior couple

Sufferers complain of lightning-like or toothache-like pains in their arms and legs.

Stenosis symptoms

Pain from stenosis can come on gradually or suddenly and be constant or intermittent. Although the problem is in the spinal column, the symptoms are felt mostly in the arms or legs, depending on which nerves or what parts of the spinal cord are getting compressed. Sufferers complain of lightning-like or toothache-like pains in their extremities that are worse with movement and better with rest.

They may feel heaviness, numbness, or weakness in one or both legs that gets worse when they walk, and they often have to sit for several minutes before the symptoms subside. Interestingly, they will tell you they can walk for much greater distances in a shopping center if they push a cart and are slightly hunched over it (this temporarily relieves pressure in the spinal canal). When stenosis is in the cervical spine (neck), people may complain of tingling or electrical-shock sensations down the spine or into the arms and hands.

In the worst cases, people may have trouble with overall balance, coordination, or bladder and bowel control. They can even develop paraplegia or quadri­plegia from acute spinal cord compression (a neurosurgical emergency); for this ­reason, anyone with stenosis should be monitored by a physician, preferably in consultation with specialists. This is a debilitating, progressive disease process that leads to loss of mobility and, consequently, social isolation and depression.

How is it treated?

Doctors don’t typically diagnose spinal/foraminal stenosis based on a physical exam alone, since nothing much out of the ordinary will be detected. Rather, they turn to X-ray, MRI, or CT scans to confirm symptoms that a patient reports. (Conversely, not everyone who is found to have stenosis via imaging scans will experience symptoms, however.)

Conventional medical treatments include rest, postural awareness and physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, narcotics, nerve stabilizers, and steroid spinal injections. None of these treat the disease process—only the symptoms. And the medications don’t do a great job with the symptoms either; at best they just dull the pain because as long as the bone spur is still there pressing on the nerve, the pain doesn’t go away.

What Is Spinal Stenosis?

The spine, a row of 26 bones in your back, allows you to stand up straight and bend over. The spine also protects your spinal cord from being hurt. In people with spinal stenosis, the spine is narrowed in one or more of three parts:
• The space at the center of the spine

• The (foraminal) canals where nerves branch out from the spine

• The space between vertebral bones of the spine.
This narrowing puts pressure on the spinal cord and nerves and can cause pain.

Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
of the National Institutes of Health

Section of the Spine


Surgery to relieve the bone pressure on the nerve (laminectomy) by shaving off some of the bone or other tissues is the next option, after conservative measures have been exhausted. Sometimes this is followed by spinal fusion surgery—fusing a few vertebrae together to create more stability in the spine following a laminectomy.

In fact, lumbar stenosis is the most common reason for spinal surgery in patients 65 and older, and surgery is helpful in properly selected people—usually those who have limited disease and well-defined levels of stenosis. In extensive stenosis, however, surgery may be too complicated and therefore contraindicated. Many older people with stenosis will be poor candidates for surgery because of other health conditions, such as osteoporosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or heart problems. Finally, although surgery may fix the current problem, it likely won’t fix it for good because the process of vertebral degeneration tends to continue.

First attempts at treatment

On average, in my 20 years of family practice I have seen about 10 patients a year suffering with significant spinal or foraminal stenosis. By the time they come to me, they usually have been diagnosed and are being treated conventionally for their symptoms, with limited results.

For a number of years, I tried homeopathic treatment to address the spinal stenosis symptoms of these patients. A review of the literature does not indicate any specific homeopathic remedies for this condition, so I repertorized the individual patient’s stenosis symptoms and gave the indicated remedy. Trials of Hypericum for those with sharp, lancinating or electric-like nerve pains were not successful. A few patients who felt achy and better from warmth improved mildly after taking Ruta graveolens, but their sickening, deep pain remained. I thought the remedy Bellis perennis held promise for some patients, as it fit their clinical picture of rheumatism in old laborers who are worse from exertion and lifting; but, alas, the remedy had no effect on their pain.

None of these patients came to me specifically for homeopathic treatment, so I did not treat them constitutionally; however, I did notice a Calcarea carbonica constitutional symptom picture in most of these fine people. That is, most had worked very hard physically in their lives, had a tendency to be overweight, had a tendency to “exostoses” (i.e., bone spurs), were susceptible to cold temperatures, had arthritic deformities, and were tired from a short walk. Perhaps I should have treated them constitutionally, but the nature of my busy family practice along with the physical, eroding, painful quality of their degenerative disease forced me to think less constitutionally …


Cow bone
Example of exostoses in a cow’s leg; a result of skeletal fluorosis from industrial ­contamination.


The remedy that would ultimately relieve my stenosis patients came to me as an “ah-ha” moment. While pondering the degenerative process in the spinal vertebrae and the proliferation of bone spurs that leads to stenosis, I consulted my homeopathic repertory for the rubric that describes bony growths—“exostoses.” A small handful of remedies were listed, which I researched in Hering’s Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica and other homeopathic texts. One remedy stood out—Hekla lava*, prepared from the ash and volcanic rock that erupted from Mount Hekla in Iceland in the 1800s. It came into use as a homeopathic remedy after English physician, J. Garth Wilkinson(1812–1899), reported that sheep, cows, and horses grazing on volcanic ash-covered slopes near Mt. Hekla were growing huge bony swellings on their jawbones, shinbones, and thighbones, and sometimes dying as a result. On post-mortem examination, these exostoses were found to be relatively soft, crumbly, and riddled with holes. This gave homeopaths the idea to prepare a remedy from the volcanic ash, and they began to report clinical ­success using potentized Hekla lava to help people with dental and gum illnesses, jaw deformities, and bone diseases.

A light bulb went off in my brain as I read this. Having begun my career in pathology, I have examined many diseased bones under the microscope. The description of the bony growths on the animals in Iceland reminded me of the lacey-looking, trabecular-like composition of the bone spurs I’d seen under the microscope at the Manhattan Bone Institute—as well as on the MRIs of people with spinal or foraminal stenosis. It was in that moment that I knew that Hekla lava was the remedy that could help people who suffer from debilitating stenosis.


Spine diagram

Conventional medical treatment has little to offer people suffering the effects of degenerative spinal changes.

A trial of Hekla

I asked some of my stenosis patients to ­dissolve one pellet of Hekla lava 30c in a six-ounce glass of water and take a one-­teaspoon dose of this mixture twice a day (no stirring or shaking between doses needed). They were to refrigerate it between doses and, when the glass was empty, to start the process again. (I chose this water dosing method because, according to Hahnemann, it is more effective than the common way of taking dry pellets.)

First reports from these patients gave me reason for cautious optimism… Yes, after a few months of treatment, they were experiencing some improvement in their pains! But they still had a long way to go… The progress was positive but much slower than what I had hoped for. Was there anything I could do to improve my prescription

Add the tissue salt

In researching remedies known to address bone spurs, I had also considered Calcarea fluorica (prepared from calcium fluoride, and occurring naturally as the mineral fluorite). This remedy has a long record of use in addressing many conditions, including bony growths, bone tumors, and joint enlargements. It is also one of the 12 “Tissue Salts”—homeopathic mineral remedies that German physician W.H. Schüssler theorized could be used to support the body in the manner of a “tonic.” Schüssler was a pathologist who examined the make-up of the body and identified 12 mineral salts he found to be present in every human tissue.** Because human bones contain calcium fluoride (among other compounds), Schüssler found that he could help people with bone problems by supplementing them with minute doses of this mineral salt, using homeopathically prepared Calcarea fluorica in low potency (e.g., 3X, 6X, or 12X).

I had ultimately chosen Hekla lava over Calcarea fluorica as the homeopathic remedy for my stenosis patients because it better fit the description of the type of bone spurs and because its indications were mostly physical—which matched the very physical nature of stenosis symptoms. But since I wasn’t completely satisfied with treatment results, I decided to supplement the daily Hekla lava 30c prescription with a “tissue salt” to support healing in the manner of Schüssler. So I asked my stenosis patients to also take Calcarea fluorica 6X, 4 tablets under the tongue, once a day. This seemed to be the “missing link” because within days of adding this tissue salt to their regimen, patients began reporting substantially less pain. Below are two case examples.


Woman in garden

“Last week I was lifting 40-pound bags of limestone and soil to spruce up my garden for spring …”

Janet: homebound and isolated

Eighty-four-year-old Janet came to see me for help with depression. She had been widowed for the past 6 years, and before that, she had cared for her paraplegic husband for 20 years.

“For three years now, I’ve spent most of my time in a chair near the picture window,” she told me, “because if I get up and move around for even a little while, I get these horrible pains.” She described them as toothache-like, deep pains in both legs. The pains first started coming on whenever she did housework or went out with friends … so she began to do fewer of these activities and more chair-sitting.

“I felt very sad after my husband died, for sure … but, to be honest, I also felt a bit of relief … It was hard to see Howard so ill. And it was hard on me taking care of him all those years—constantly lifting him to transfer from the bed to the wheelchair, and so on.” With the onset of Janet’s own pain and mobility problems, however, her mood grew increasingly depressed as she realized she was largely homebound and cut off from activities and social connections.

Janet had been to several medical ­centers where she’d been diagnosed with lumbar spinal stenosis, and she brought the MRI reports to show me. She had been treated with anti-inflammatory drugs and mild narcotics. “I eventually stopped all that because the drugs weren’t really ­helping, and they just seemed to be ­making me more down in the dumps and foggy in the brain,” she said. Desperate for help, Janet had consulted a couple of ­different neurosurgeons. Although they thought she was healthy enough for ­surgery (which is often not the case for an 84-year-old), they refused to operate because Janet’s spinal stenosis was at too many levels in the spinal canal and would have required extensive surgery with an uncertain outcome.

Homeopathy for Janet’s stenosis

Although Janet’s depression was certainly colored by grief over the loss of her husband, I believed the sustaining cause was the terrible pain from spinal stenosis that had severely limited her activities and left her isolated at home. So I asked Janet to take Hekla lava 30c twice a day and Calcarea fluorica 6X once day, in the manner described earlier.

Three weeks later, Janet called to report real improvement in the stenosis pain. “At first I was noticing that I could do more around the house,” she told me, “and then after a few weeks, I decided to venture out for groceries for the first time in a long time—instead of paying to have them delivered. Not only did I get to the store okay, but I was able to last much longer than usual! The pains weren’t as bad, and they didn’t come as often.”

By the end of the first month of homeopathic treatment, Janet was occasionally forgetting to take her remedy doses because the pain wasn’t limiting her every move. She began to go out and visit friends again, and she wasn’t so worried that pain would interrupt her visits.

By the end of three months of homeopathic treatment, Janet’s stenosis pains had decreased in intensity and frequency so much that she began taking the homeopathic remedies only when she felt she needed them—specifically when the pain would start up after sustained activity.

Stenosis pain gone?!

Six months after the start of treatment, Janet stopped the remedies completely because she was essentially pain-free! She went back for an MRI the following month—and the neurosurgeons who read it were puzzled by the fact that the multiple areas of lumbar stenosis, clearly visible in previous imaging studies, were no longer there!

Janet was extremely grateful to be back in action again. Later that year, she sold her house and made plans to move to another city where her daughter was opening a new business. On her last visit to my practice, I remember the joy in her face as she turned to wave good-bye—smiling and ready to start her new life. Two years later when I checked in on Janet, she was still completely free of the deep stenosis pains.

Stephanie: Lightning strikes

Stephanie, age 64, had suffered with severe left-sided neck and arm pain for five years before coming to see me. “It feels like lightning is striking!” she said. “The pain travels down my shoulder into my arm and hand really fast and gives me a terrible jolt.” It was especially triggered when she turned her head, when she drove, or when she did even very light housekeeping. She had always enjoyed her annual drive to Texas each winter from Illinois, but she had had to give that up the last few years because of her condition.

Stephanie had already seen several specialists and been diagnosed with cervical foraminal stenosis; specifically, severe narrowing of the nerve-root canals of the vertebrae in her neck, which was pinching her nerves. Her MRIs also showed degenerative changes in her spine in multiple places. Stephanie had been treated with anti-inflammatory medication, muscle relaxants, physical therapy, neck traction, and narcotics, but her pains were intractable. So she had stopped all those treatments before coming to my office and had decreased all her activities, in an effort to reduce the excruciating pain.

A number of neurosurgeons had recommended surgery, but Stephanie was not interested. After examining her and reviewing her MRIs, I thought that with the severity of her stenosis, her relatively young age, and her otherwise good health, perhaps the surgeons were correct and surgery would be Stephanie’s best bet. But Stephanie wanted to avoid surgery at all costs, so I decided to see if we could help her with homeopathy.


Hiking stairs

After several months of homeopathic ­treatment, all nine patients were pain-free and off all their pain medications.

Driving and cleaning again!

Stephanie began taking Hekla lava 30c twice a day and Calcarea fluorica 6X once a day. After just one month of homeopathic treatment, much to her amazement (and mine!), Stephanie could clean her house and make short driving trips around town without much pain. After the second month of homeopathic treatment, she was working in her garden “almost as if everything was back to normal.” In the third month of treatment, Stephanie’s pain worsened while cleaning her house, especially when she hyper-extended her neck while emptying cupboards. So I suggested she reduce the activities in which she was hyper-extending her neck but keep taking her daily homeopathic remedies. By the end of her fourth month of treatment, Stephanie found that she could go back to cleaning in all positions, even with a hyper-extended neck, and she did not have pain. Over the fifth and sixth months of treatment, she gradually became almost completely pain-free and was back to driving and gardening. She had cut back on how frequently she was taking the homeopathic remedies at this point, as she was having few if any problems with shoulder and arm pain. About 11 months into homeopathic treatment, she completely stopped taking the remedies, as she no longer needed them.

A treatment that lasts

Two years later (and three years after her homeopathic treatment began), I checked in with Stephanie to find out how she was doing. “I’m completely fine!” she laughed. ”No more lightning pains—what a relief!” Her only complaint? “Well, last week I was lifting 40-pound bags of limestone and soil to spruce up my garden for spring, and now my neck feels a little stiff… But I think it’s just regular muscle soreness—it’s already starting to feel better.” Later in the fall of that year, Stephanie called me with the happy report that she would soon be making her annual drive to Texas for the winter.

More success stories

In addition to Janet and Stephanie, I have successfully used the same homeopathic treatment method for seven other people in my practice with spinal and/or foraminal stenosis. All were initially suffering with debilitating pain that greatly reduced their mobility, and all were initially ­diagnosed via standard radiological methods (MRI, CT scan, etc.). After completing several months of homeopathic treatment, all nine patients were pain-free and off all their pain medications. All have continued to be asymptomatic in the ensuing two or three years since they began treatment, as well.

So far, I have only treated one patient in this manner whose response was not complete. A woman in her 40s with severe pain from spinal stenosis improved about 65% after three months of homeopathic treatment. I viewed this as a good response with potential for continued improvement if she continued the homeopathic remedies for another few months; but because she still had pain, she decided to go ahead with her scheduled surgery.

What’s going on here?

I wish I had “before and after” radiologic reports on each of these patients to see whether improvement in the physical signs of stenosis could be detected after homeopathic treatment, but I have “after” documentation for just one person. Most patients have no interest in pursuing follow-up MRI or CT scans once they are pain-free, nor would insurance pay for the tests when patients have no pain or medical reason to investigate.

Short of that, all I can I surmise is that homeopathic treatment with Hekla lava and Calcarea fluorica stimulated these patients’ bodies to absorb at least some of their vertebral bone spurs, so there is less pressure on the nerves, thereby reducing their pain.

But if these homeopathic remedies have such a positive effect in the spinal vertebrae, what about other areas of the body where bone spurs develop? Would this treatment protocol help there? Many of my stenosis patients also had arthritis elsewhere, especially in the knee or hip, presumably with some bone spurs, too; but interestingly enough, their arthritis in these other areas did not get better. The only improvement seemed to be in the vertebral column. I find this amazing and cannot explain it.

Try it and see!

The symptoms of nerve pain from spinal and/or foraminal stenosis are terribly debilitating. They decrease a person’s mobility and cause social isolation, which often leads to depression. The pain does not respond well to conventional medications, spinal injections, or physical therapy.

Homeopathic treatment using Hekla lava 30c, twice daily, and Calcarea fluorica 6X, once daily, over the course of a number of months has effectively stopped the pain in nine spinal/foraminal stenosis patients in my practice. These are amazing results! What a blessing for the patients who have avoided surgery and/or a life of isolation and misery!

I urge other homeopaths to try this method for their patients who suffer with painful spinal or foraminal stenosis and are under a physician’s care. Please let me know how it goes!

* An alternate spelling for the remedy Hekla lava is Hecla lava.
** For a thorough explanation of Schüssler's theory and use of Tissue Salts (also known as Cell Salts), see the articles by Miranda Castro in the January/February 2008 issue
of Homeopathy Today. View it and other back issues online at


Debra Katchen, MD, MPH, AAFP, ABIHM, CHom

Debra Katchen, MD, MPH, AAFP, ABIHM, CHom, has been in ­general practice for almost twenty years in the Illinois cities of Knoxville, Galesburg, and East Peoria. She has studied homeopathy with Drs. Luc de Schepper and Robin Murphy and integrated it into her practice for the past six years. She currently practices in Monmouth, Illinois, and can be reached at [email protected].

About The Author

Art Solbrig is a researcher who has been reading scientific studies and testing natural remedies for over 30 years searching for useful studies and alternatives that apply positively to human health issues and natural treatments using minerals, vitamins, amino acids, essential oils, herbs, homeopathy, colloidal silver, combination treatments, and other alternatives to improve the quality of life of others by writing about his findings and test results in places like Earth Clinic. He documents and writes about many of his experiences in helping others. Art is a native of sunny California.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Calcarea Phosphorica

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Art (California) on 08/06/2020 2370 posts

I was reading a report of the use of Calcarea Phosphorica (CP) for spinal lordosis which I believe the common name for is swayback, in which CP was successfully used as a treatment. I'm just posting this to show that spinal issues which current medicine may not have answers for may be helped by the use of homeopathy! Here is a link to that article:


Given the known safety profile of homeopathic remedies, the reasonable availability, the noninvasive nature and reasonable cost of homeopathic remedies, they should always be worth consideration for many health issues. Some health issues are not exactly generic and these will require a homeopathic practitioner to make an individualized remedy, but when you are running into a block wall with traditional medicine, homeopathy should be an option worth considering!


Dr. Katchen Protocol

1 User Review

Posted by Alan (West Midlands) on 11/10/2022

Hello Art,

I have read your article on spinal stenosis and the protocol developed by Dr Katchen. I have also watched the videos made on this subject by Glory-B.

I live in Birmingham, UK and wonder if there are any contacts I can make with a homeopathic practitioner who would also recommend this protocol. I have bought the tablets and used them for a while back in May/June but have discontinued for the moment. I really need some assurance that they will be of benefit and will not have any significant side-effects. To speak to someone rather than just read online would be a great opportunity. Many thanks.


Replied by Art
2370 posts


I am not familiar with any homeopathic contacts in the UK since I am on the other side of the pond and since it was Dr. Katchen's own protocol, other practitioner's may not be familiar with it and may not be able to help you on her regimen.

When it comes to a newer homeopathic regimen, it is down to trial and error just as Dr. Katchen did. She took known homeopathic concepts and combined them to first create her regimen and then offered them to her patients who were willing to try them in addition to what they were already using. In her patients who tried it, they had very good success and I saw similar results in my friend who tried it and those results were very good, but this remedy comes with no assurances and I am sure that it will not work for everyone as nothing does when it comes to SS. If you do your homework you will quickly see that there are multiple homeopathic remedies for SS and not all will be effective and it basically comes down to trial and error testing to find out what is helpful and what is not and if you find someone who will "assure you" that their remedy will work, remember that no remedy works for everyone all of the time, at least that has been my experience.

As far as needing assurance, there is only Dr. Katchen's patients and my friends experience to go on. When it comes to spinal stenosis (SS) there are no assurances by a homeopath or a doctor. The surgeon told my friend that he would likely have significant relief of his back pain if he had the surgery for his SS, but he offered no assurances that he would be better after the surgery and as it turned out, he was worse, much worse and in more pain. On the other hand, I have heard reports of people who were much better after the surgery.

As far as side effects, in general, homeopathy has minimal to no side effects in most people, but there are some people who have reported side effects. Again, no assurances against side effects either. Some people claim that because of the super dilution nature of homeopathy, there can be no side effects, but if that were 100% correct, then by that same line of thinking, there could be no beneficial effects either, but clearly, people do get benefits from homeopathy.

You might talk to your doctor about your SS condition and ask your doctor about side effects, assurances and efficacy of the treatments available to get a clearer idea about what the doctor has to offer in comparison to homeopathy.


Dr. Katchen Protocol
Posted by Bunny (Oh) on 10/05/2020

I have had severe spinal stenosis with numbness in hands, arms, legs, feet and buttocks for approx. 8yrs.

I tried Dr. Debra Katchen, MD Hekkla and Fluor. Cal. protocol. I took it at bedtime but was woke up a couple hours later with severe leg cramps. The same thing happened with chanca piedra, coral calcium, and Dr. Christopher complete bone and tissue formula..

I am doing borax protocol now but with the first dose I got a leg cramp, I backed the dosage down to about 1/8 of a tsp but I can't see any improvement. I have been doing it for one month. I take 600mg of magnesium citrate, B 12 5000mcg(I am vegan trying to eat WFPB low salt low sugar and No OIL). Armour 120mg(Thyroid/Prescription) and Vit. D 50,000units per week(Prescription}. Why the leg cramps with all the remedies? Any thoughts or suggestions?

Replied by Deirdre

Hi Bunny,

I think this can be a sign of a potassium deficiency. If this were me, I would take a potassium supplement (not a banana, which doesn't provide enough potassium). If it is indeed a potassium deficiency, the muscle cramps should immediately cease. This is based on my personal experience. Let us know how it works out if he tries it.

Replied by Art
2370 posts

Hi Bunny,

Leg cramping is most often caused by a magnesium and or potassium deficiency (hypokalemia). Magnesium chloride oil applied directly to the area of cramping will generally offer very quick relief.

One medium banana contains over 400 mg of potassium while a small banana contains about 360 mg of potassium and a large banana contains about 485 mg of potassium, whereas, all potassium tablets and capsules only contain 99 mg of potassium unless they are prescription potassium.


Replied by Sam

Applying vinegar - white or apple cider topically - really helps my leg cramps. Sometimes I need to do it more than 1 time but usually within a few minutes they stop.

Replied by Rosiland

I have had leg cramps for years and I tried all sorts of things. I did magnesium and potassium plus some product from Standard Process. None of them worked, my cramps were so severe they would wake me up at night crying from the intensity! Then I read that MAGNESIUM GLYCINATE is the magnesium to take (magnesium citrate does nothing for leg cramps, I know I tried it). I ordered it from Luma Nutrition since I respect the quality of their products. The next time I had a leg cramp it was intense for a second or two and then it disappeared completely on its own without me having to get up and walk around. It happened one other time but since then I have been sleeping peacefully with no cramps or even a hint of cramps.

Dr. Katchen Protocol
Posted by Michelle (Id) on 08/07/2020

Hi Art,

I was reading about how doctor Katchen used homeopathic medicine for spinal stenosis. You have a link there to show how she used her protocol and mixed it with water but when I click on it each time it does not show how she mixed it with water, it just shows other stories.. is there a better link that shows her protocol on mixing it with water if that is the way it's supposed to be done?


Replied by Dw
(Cleveland, Oh)

I tried to reach out to Dr. Katchens. She is no longer at her clinic. Anybody know where she went?

Replied by Art

Hi Michelle,

Admittedly, the article could have been laid out better with a separate box for the protocol details, but they are there in the article, you just have to read enough of her article to find it. I may ask Earth Clinic if it is possible to make an addition to the original post to add the actual complete protocol so that people do not have to read her full page in order to find out how to take the two homeopathic remedies. I would add though, it is useful to read her whole article to give some background on how she arrived at this specific homeopathic combination and what to expect from it and when to expects it in terms of results.

I have recommended this protocol to another friend who did not stick it out long enough, quit at two months, and did not take the remedy every day. Had they read the whole article they would have realized that this was not at all following Dr. Katchen's protocol!

That part would look something like this :



1. Dissolve one pellet of Hekla lava 30c in a six-ounce glass of water (just drop it in the water and let it dissolve) and take a one-­teaspoon dose of this mixture twice a day (no stirring or shaking between doses needed). They were to refrigerate it between doses and, when the glass was empty, to start the process again. (I chose this water dosing method because, according to Hahnemann, it is more effective than the common way of taking dry pellets.)

2. Take Calcarea fluorica 6X, 4 tablets under the tongue, once a day.


That's it!

The short article itself is definitely worth the full read in order to have realistic expectations of her protocol and to also have an expected timeline.


EC: Added, Art, thank you!!

(Naples, FL)

Hi Art, The protocol calls for taking fluoride, I thought fluoride wasn't good for our spine and caused DDD? I'm confused ..

Replied by Art
2370 posts


She is 67 years old now and could already be retired.



Replied by GloryB-TV


I posted about Dr. Katchen's protocol on YouTube several years ago after someone shared it with me and it worked for me. My second video (March 2017) is at this link - https://youtu.be/0IA6I8i6KLQ - and in the video I show the jar I use to dissolve 1 pellet of Hekla Lava 30c. (The original video is dated Nov. 2015.) I also show the Calc. Fluor. 6x.

Dr. Katchen's article was originally published in a homeopathic journal, which is read by people who work in the industry. That is why her article reads like a scientific article; it's not intended for people who aren't homeopathic physicians. Nevertheless, the article was shared with me by a chiropractor and I had to print out the article and read it with a pen to learn what I had to do.

Dr. Katchen is likely retired by now. When I did the protocol, she was in Monmouth, IL. Then she moved to Ontario, Canada, but she isn't at that clinic any longer. As someone else wrote, she would be 67+ now. There certainly is room for other homeopathic physicians to learn this protocol and to work with patients who have extra boney growth to introduce this fabulous solution and to ensure they do it correctly.

Homeopathic Treatment Contraindications

Posted by Dn (Fort Mill, Sc) on 08/03/2020

Hi Art,

Will the protocol for spinal stenosis you posted interfere with a diabetic glucose monitoring? Or someone on Glipizide or Metformin?

Replied by Azuka

I really like Earthclinic, but I am seriously disillusioned that any remedy involving homeopathic preparations is included here. If they work it is only because the user believes it will work. Any other benefit is coincidental.

How do I know this? It's because the amount of the original substance being used in the homeopathic preparation is diluted to an extreme so that the likelihood of even one atom of the original substance being in the dose is extremely unlikely.

So, what people are getting is sugar pills or just plain water.

To prove me wrong, just use the precise protocol for making a homeopathic preparation of whiskey or other similar strong liquor. The homeopathic mantra is that the more times it is diluted the stronger it becomes. Take it to the 30X level and then take a drink from your 30X homeopathic whiskey and see how strong you think THAT is!

Replied by Brett

As a medical professional (RN), I can tell you that Homeopathic medications contain not ingredient that would interact with any medications. There is literally not possibility of chemical reaction or interaction as there is ZERO chemical contents in the Homeopathic blends. It is magnetic resonant energy as proven by Dr Benveniste.

Replied by Art
2370 posts


There is no data available to know this with any certainty that I am aware of. Homeopathic remedies in general don't have a tremendous amount of quality studies.

Based on how homeopathic remedies are made using very high dilution rates, it seems like it should be compatible with most drugs, but because it is your diabetes at stake, it will be safer to ask your doctor or better yet, ask Dr. Katchen because she has probably already dealt with this issue in her patients with spinal stenosis. Here is her number and address:

Phone: (309) 734-0100
Monmouth, IL 61462

Replied by Art


Human cells are not affected by a placebo effect and the following study shows that the use of homeopathy definitely has positive effects on these human cells in the following new (June 2020) study abstract. If it was just a sugar pill as you stated, these effects would not have been seen. This particular homeopathic remedy is often used for arthritis and is purported to reduce inflammatory mediators exactly as this cell study shows it did with the reduction of Cox-2, TNF-a and NO. Here is a quote from the study:


The molecular docking showed interaction of C. carbonica with the phenylalanine 367 residue present in active site of Cox-2.


Here is a link to the abstract :


Without an active component in the homeopathic remedy tested, these results would not have been possible with a sugar pill. Simply put, homeopathic remedies are not a placebo.

Your example of diluting alcohol clearly shows you have no idea of how homeopathy works. In homeopathy it has been found that "like heals like" so in this case of your diluted alcohol, you could potentially help a hangover, not get drunk, but it would require that you mix it right in the first place. If you believe that homeopathy is merely a placebo, then I doubt you would know how to mix it in the first place.

Since you are opposed to homeopathy, what would you recommend to help my friend with the lumbar spinal stenosis since he has already had the surgery and is in more pain that pre-surgery and two other doctors have told him there is nothing they can do for him? He has tried every topical pain reliever recommended to him and does not want to get addicted to the powerful opioid pain relievers as they can do harm.


Replied by Lauhala
(Haiku, Maui)

LOVE homeopathic remedies! I wanted to also add that there is another remedy that comliments homeopathy wonderfully for stenosis, that literally cured me of severe chronic neck pain of 40 years. Dr. John Sarno's books on the mind/body connection. My physical therapist suggested I read The Mindbody Prescription, and immediately no more neck pain. Ive been pain free for 2 years now. Our mind is more powerful than we know. And im living proof! Total miracle ❤

Replied by Jk
(Ny Metro Area)

I am a trained homeopath, and can assure you homeopathy does work. This article, however, is misleading. The so-called protocol of this doctor is not unique to homeopathy at all. She is including a cell salt with a proven homeopathic remedy. No startling discovery at all, but, yes, these particular remedies may work . But homeopathy is based on the individual, and there is not one remedy that will fit all. There are many remedies for the same thing with slight differences that must match the "individual." The complete case must be taken preferably by a homeopath or homeopathic MD or at least someone who studied homeopathy and knows what it's about. An individual prescribing this for themselves may possibly fail and blame homeopathy when there is a better remedy out there for them. It "is" commendable this homeopathic MD was assured of the correct remedy from the beginning.

Replied by Azuka

It's hard to know what to make of your friend's situation since there are a number of different procedures, surgeries, and treatments available for spinal stenosis. I don't know which one your friend had, who the surgeon was, and whether there was any surgical followup protocols, and whether those protocols were followed. I'm pretty interested in such treatments since spinal stenosis is significantly affecting my life by severely impacting my mobility, not to mention pain level.

I'm pursuing a minimally invasive procedure called 'Vertiflex.' This involves the insertion of a device between two vertebrae which alleviates impingement on the nerve passing through that juncture. If one receives some benefit from epidural shots to the lower back, then it is likely they would receive equal or better results from a vertiflex implant, with the added benefit of it being permanent. Recipients of this procedure six months post-procedure have a 90% satisfaction rate, much much higher than traditional surgical approaches. In some cases, the insertion of two such devices is warranted, which is what my pain doctor is recommending.

Unfortunately, these plans have been put on hold since I need to be off of blood thinners for a short period of time before and after the procedure. I need to remain on blood thinners for another six months or a year before my cardiologist will agree to take me off of this medicine. One may take a look on Youtube at numerous videos demonstrating exactly how this works.... but a common result is a patient who must be taken in via wheelchair for the procedure, who can then go out dancing a week or so later.

As far as that abstract that you were kind enough to provide a link to, I do not profess to understand all of the technical jargon, but I am troubled by a few things....

1 - Sample size - I can not tell how many people were involved in this study. Was it just one? Was it more than one?

2 - Lack of a control - As far as I can tell, there was no control. I think the results could be more meaningful if they conducted cell survival rate studies in a person who merely stopped taking the NSAIDs so that there would be something to compare the questionable use of the homeopathic preparation with.

3 - Conclusion - Two problems. The study fails to show that the homeopathic preparation was the reason for the anti-inflammatory response because (as stated in 2) there was no control. AND attributing the cause as 'probably' mediated via interaction of C. carbonica with phenylalanine 367 residue. What this tells me is that either they are just guessing at the manner in which this supposedly works OR that they already 'knew' the answer before they began the study, which would be a confounding factor.

To be considered as a legit treatment, a different group of researchers would need to develop a parallel study to see if the desirable results can be duplicated, actually many such trials. It sounds like one person only was the subject of the study, but as written it's impossible for me to tell.

I have two further issues:

1 - Your statement that cells are not affected by the placebo effect.

You state this as though it is fact, but it sounds like it is merely your opinion. The placebo effect is extremely well known. I don't know what studies have been done on the placebo effect as it relates to changes at the cellular level. Are you aware of any such studies? If not, then on what do you base your statement that this is not possible? I'm not convinced either way, myself.

2 - You are rather presumptive that I have no understanding of homeopathy. Just because I believe homeopathy to be a fraud does not mean I do not understand the basic premise or how the preparation process goes. I do understand that it is not merely diluting the substance over and over again to achieve a preparation. Using traditional homeopathic preparation methods ALWAYS dilutes the amount of substance at each level of preparation.

I made my own (apparently faulty) assumption when writing my original comment. And that assumption was that the readers of earthclinic, at least those who are interested in homeopathic preparations, already understood the basic principles of homeopathy and of course know that this results in diluting the original material. I did not want to bore people by restating what everyone already knew.

Replied by Art
2370 posts


First, I would like to say I understand your disbelief of homeopathy as I have been exactly there. Years ago, I felt the same way, that anything that is diluted so much can not have any medicinal or healing value. With time and testing, I am now a firm believer, but I essentially had to prove it to myself before I could believe it. Now I use it regularly for different health issues.

Regarding my friend and his options, his original surgeon and two other doctors told him there was nothing they could do for him to improve his pain situation other than strong pain killers. One of the two doctors told him that the pins and screws used in the original surgery complicates things and occasionally the body can reject them and that he was lucky to have avoided that complication so far. A fourth doctor told him that he might be able to do a surgically implanted type of electrical spinal stim, but that is a fairly invasive surgery that is somewhat similar to the DBS surgery used for Parkinson's patients where they install electrodes to the brain and implant a battery pack that needs to be replaced at regular intervals and you use a handheld remote control to control the internal device. In his case, the electrodes would be attached to the spine. This procedure comes with the risk of infection from the devices being installed. He was seriously considering it so I suggested trying the homeopathy first and that has worked out very well for him and still is. At this point he will not consider any other procedures because he is better now than he has been in over a decade!

Regarding that abstract of a study, the whole point of the study is that it was a laboratory study on human cells that they treated with the homeopathic Calcarea Carbonica to see if they could elicit a response in the cells with the application of the CC. This study was not done on humans, but rather on human cells which takes the placebo effect out of the equation. The cells were stimulated to produce an inflammatory response using lipopolysaccharide and then the CC was used and this application produced the antiinflammatory response reported in the abstract, thus showing that homeopathy is not a placebo effect.

In the following human study using placebo and active groups, the homeopathic remedy Arnica Montana (AM) for the purpose of reducing bleeding and fluid buildup under the skin (seromas) after surgery for unilateral total mastectomy in women. This study shows that AM statically significantly did what it was supposed to do, reduce blood loss and fluid buildup post surgery, again showing that homeopathy is not a placebo.


It is your right to believe what you want, but it is not in line with current science regarding the effectiveness of homeopathy.

