Stiff Person Syndrome
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Stiff Person Syndrome

| Modified on Feb 12, 2025
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Evening Primrose Oil
Posted by Jean B. (Old Glory, Texas) on 02/09/2025

When I saw Céline Dion in a coma from Stiff Person Syndrome and crying out in pain, I knew what I was going to do. Many years ago I had the same thing and it was horrible.

Mine came on slowly and if I even lifted a bucket of feed, I'd have to go to bed for the rest of the day. One day I woke up paralyzed and unable to even turn over to call for help. The pain was incredible!

When my husband came home to eat lunch, he was shocked to find me still in bed. I asked him to slowly help me sit up and then help me to my feet. Being a man, he just didn't understand the word slowly. Talk about agony! When he helped me to my feet, I nearly collapsed from pain. It took hours before I could flex enough to pull on my socks.

That was ‘the' day I knew I had to find a cure for whatever this was, for I had no name at that time. I searched my herb books and finally found an herb that sounded like what would help me. Logic told me it was inflammation of some sort and the one herb that worked like a miracle was Evening of Primrose Oil. Swanson carries this. In just a few days I was able to trim 10 Boer goat's feet m(40 feet), well rope them into a trailer to get a health certificate and not one pain! It has never come back, thank goodness!

I understand there is even an association for this disease where they ask for donations. I'd like to see them acknowledge a cure and then go out of business.

Anyway, I found out Céline Dion was on Facebook but I'm not and will not ever be! I asked my Niece Susan to write her what I'd done for this awful disease and how well it worked. We received a capitalized THANK YOU!! Just after this, Céline Dion went to Paris to sing.

I wrote to let them know of what I'd found out but in their limited wisdom, they did not publish anything to help others. So much for being helpful!


EC: So sorry, Jean, we never received your post. Otherwise, we would have created a new page and posted it, as we have done now.
