Stomach Flu
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for the Stomach Flu

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Lime Bicarbonate Drink

1 User Review
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Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 01/20/2016

I woke up today feeling nauseous and really tired. I know a stomach bug was going around and was a little nervous! I decided to drink a lime bicarbonate drink. In a tall glass I put 1 Tablespoon of lime juice, 1/2 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), 1/2 teaspoon of ginger (for the nausea), 2 drops of Stevia extract and water to fill the glass (probably 10 ounces.)

I sipped on this over the course of a half an hour or more. I used a straw to stir it often since the ginger would settle to the bottom.

Within an hour of finished it, I tested my pH. It was about 7.2, so slightly alkaline and in a good range for the time of day.

I have felt increasingly better all day.

Now that I have broken in to my pH test strips, I will probably be doing a lot of experimenting with them to see how different things affect my pH.

~Mama to Many~

Multiple Remedies

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Posted by Myway (Wilmington, De) on 12/15/2016

Editor's Choice

I had gotten typical gastroenteritis (stomach flu) from something I ate. In the morning I had chills, low grade fever, aches and classic diarrhea. I still dragged myself to work with my arsenal at hand.

1st hour - 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar in large glass of water. Drink.

3rd hour- Consumed 1 tablespoon organic unrefined coconut oil.

5th hour - 1 tsp food grade diatomaceous earth in large glass of water (well mixed).

7th hour - cup of black hot tea, tablespoon raw honey. Drink.

That night, I had no fever, no diarrhea- just a little achy and weak. I drank tons of water. By the morning I felt almost 100%. Wow!

Onion Juice

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Yolis (Santa Paula, Ca) on 01/11/2012

Onion juice, thank you for this remedy it really works!! My son started vomiting at 4 am, I was exhausted, then I checked this web site and I did the onion juice.

Replied by Karen

My grandmother made this for her kids. Mom told us stories how they used to fake being sick just to get some because Grandma used to sweeten it with sugar. It knocked whatever they had right out of them she told me. Mother said Grandma would put onions on the back of the warming part of the stove and let the heat extract the healing properties and then sweeten it with sugar. Love old fashion remedies that keep your pocketbook intact.

Rhus Tox, Probiotics, Vitamin D

1 User Review
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Posted by Lover Of Truth (In) on 01/10/2016

Came down with a very unpleasant stomach flu. I used Rhus Tox, a homeopathic, for the aches which worked like a charm for up to a few hours at a time.

My wife fortunately bought me a probiotic juice. I slipped on this and fasted with several drops of vitamin D added with each cup I drank.

Along with a lot of sleep by the next day I felt all but over my symptoms and was able to return to work.

Tea with Honey

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lori (Utica, New York, USA) on 04/23/2012

I woke up around 4:30 am with a bad stomach ache and queasiness. i projectile vomited my entire supper all over the place. after vomiting undigested food several more times, my stomach didn't feel any better. i threw up all night long in the pail and today was vomiting huge amounts of tan liquid-every time I moved a muscle, I vomited. I tried the acv which immediately came back up. When i could move again, i made the tea with honey-have not thrown up in almost 2 hours, of course there's nothing in my stomach and i still feel achy and empty and a little sick but much better.

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