EC: The Wim Hof breathing technique is as follows:
Sitting in a comfortable place, take 30-40 quick, deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Then, take a deep breath and exhale; hold until you need to breathe in. Inhale again, as deep as you can, and hold it for 10 seconds. Repeat as many times as you like.
More details here: https://www.wimhofmethod.com/breathing-exercises
Poppy Seeds
Poppy seeds have been shown to reduce cortisol levels in the body. Blend them in smoothies, bake with them or boil them and drink as tea. Be careful though, they make the body so relaxed sleep comes very easily. So they are good for insomniacs too.
Other plants that work against stress are adaptogens - rhodiola, moringa, pine pollen, ashwaganda, cacao, maca, holy basil, etc. Read up on adaptogens.
Ayurvedic Herb Ashwagandha
We titrated similarly--very small reductions in mg's for 10-14 days at a time, then another very small reduction in mg's, etc. Towards the end, when her mg's were very low and difficult to split, we did water titration--you put the mg's that remain in a bit of water, let it dissolve, then drink half of the water and save the other half for your next dose.
Her doctor told her to come down 25 mg's at a time, then stop entirely after a couple of weeks. Ridiculous! When she followed 'doctor's orders', she felt like she was going to die. She had dreadful side-effects that landed her in the ER.
I did some research and had her titrate super-slowly, and while it took a long time, she was finally able to be FREE of it.
What a nightmare, though!
The trouble is emotional stress through working in sales and in call centre/cold calling positions, coupled with moving house 8 times since then, money worries due to time off work and a small amount of debt. Not to mention relationship up heaval and my parents domestics.
I've had several tests including but not limited to blood tests to check my thyroids, hormonal levels, my heart function on a stress test, a bubble test and a Echocardiogram. - The only thing thats been found is that I have Gilberts Syndrome and a small hole in my heart (pfo). Neither of which are life threatening.
I still get some symtoms but I have found some assurance having the echocardiogram recently. It also helps if I eat cruciferous vegetables and a balance diet with omega 3 via hemp oil intake and fish. However stress often creaps up if I have too much going on in and outside work. So Ive had mind blanks, headaches, almost double vision, dizziness, General anxiety, being tense and having back pain even this month.
I tried L-Tyrptophan but it was only very mildly helping. Since then I have come accross Rhodiola. I have the Higher Nature Stress relief version. I have to say its been incredible alongside light excercise and weights. My mind is clearer, the dizziness is 10 times better and in the bedroom I dont feel as anxious. Im going to keep on with these but I seriously would recommend this to anyone with anxiety or stress related issues.
Stress Remedies
EC: For those interested in learning more about this condition: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telogen_effluvium
Ayurvedic Herb Ashwagandha
Ayurvedic Herb Ashwagandha
I hope you take the opportunity to hear what he has to say. I am always amazed at how I learn something new every time I hear him! Best to everyone, Lisa
I heard about Sensoril yesterday and do know much about it. It is supposed to be good for everyday stress and fatigue. I want to try it, but I want to know if anyone had any luck while trying this. I suggest if they open a new for this herb. Thanks and God bless you all.
B Vitamins
EarthClinic has been my favorite website since my strep throuat was cured overnight with ACV and a pinch of cayenne in warm water (gargled) in 2008. A unique and valuable service!
B Vitamins
I have been a user of the ACV and VCO for a long time, so ive tried everything to pinpoint the acne probblem, including starting and stopping dhea. thank you, have a blessed day!!
The best way for me to reduce my daily mental and emotional stress is to meditate. It is not as easy as taking a pill but it is more effective in the long run. There are many different styles of meditation but the basic theme is that you sit down and calm your mind, slowing down or stopping the stressful thoughts that you don't even realize are zipping through your mind.
Here is a good article to give you a brief overview.
I would recommend that you also go to youtube.com and do a search for "meditation" and watch some different videos to get a sense of what it is all about. You might also want to go to the library and get some books on meditation or find a local meditation group where you can practice and learn from others. Don't expect overnight results, as a matter of fact it will probably take you about 10 sessions before you start to get some results, but hang in there because it is worth it.
Laughter Is...
EC: Glad you guys enjoyed it!!
Laughter Is...
Laughter Is...
Laughter Is...
Take care,
Multiple Remedies
1) Getting as much extra sleep as possible, even if it meant going to bed hours early when i could. This REALLY helped in the long-term.
2) Taking a multivitamin and B-complex vitamin
3) (I also read that extra C, Zinc, and the other 'essentials' is great for a.f. recovery. I did this as well)
4) Taking a teaspoon of baking soda with Apple Cider Vinegar in the a.m. and afternoon to keep my energy and sharpness going. ACV is also a great immediate stress-soother.
5) NOT drinking coffee
6) Eating an extrodinarily healthful diet; Keeping myself full (avoiding any low blood sugar spells)
7) Drinking Matcha green tea which is amazing for soothing stress and not over-caffinating (though completely limiting caffeine is ideal)
8) As much soothing relaxing activities as necessary, "Self Care".
9) Taking Bee Pollen (I read this is excellent for a.f. recovery)
10) avoiding unnecessary stressful conversations whenever possible, limiting conversation with 'draining' people, or avoiding anything else that might rile or tense me up.
10) I also took advice from the stress page about 'stress foods', particularly adding pistachios and barley to my diet.
11) I also tried to educate those close to me about how one under stress/adrenal fatigue might react or be very in need of elevated support and gentle treatment during this time, and that helped immensely.
I hope this information will help someone else as well, and I'll keep reading these pages for more insights.
I have stopped menstruating now, and have had no (touch wood), menopause side effects. Except for the occasional hot flush when I have a glass of wine (that's a pain). Amazingly though, I would go without a period for 3 or 4 months, then when I stopped the Ginseng, I would get one....that night. It's now been 6 months since I had a Ginseng tablet, and I have just started another course. It will be interesting to see if it still has the same effect when I stop. I will let you know.
Hope this is helpful to someone. The added benefit of taking Ginseng is that my energy levels increase, and people say I don't look my age.