Almond, Olive and Vitamin E Oils
(Memphis, Tn)
(Prescott, Az)
Stretch marks are genetic. If you are genetically predisposed to stretch marks, you can rub everything under the sun and it won't matter. They will show up.
It's a complete bummer, but it's the truth.
Thos of you who rub oils on your belly all pregnancy and "it worked" were not going to get them anyway. Besides, there's no control version of you who didn't use the oil.
Signed, Bitter Stretchmark Bearer
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)
Hi Bitter Stretchmark Bearer,
With due respect, I beg to differ w/ you. First, I hesitate when people make blanket statements that we have no recourse for action due to the fact that "it's genetic". Dr. Gabriel Cousens likened it this way, "Our genetics are like a cocked gun but what we do is what pulls the trigger. " I have to agree w/ that. I believe there are too many factors involved that can change our course in life itself let alone our "genetics".
In regards to this subject, my mom had stretch marks on her body that looked like a road map. She was a woman who was never deterred by feeling "less than" and always wore her two piece bathing suits proudly! I envied her but at the same time dreaded that I would see the same fate. Well, I have no stretch marks and in each pregnancy I diligently slathered my belly and hips and thighs w/ coconut oil/ butter. Now I am not going to say this is the sole reason I did not see the same fate because I have always had an extremely good diet and became aware of dietary health at 19 when I read "Sugar Blues" which had a profound impact on me.
I have 5 children that I bore and gave birth naturally to whom are all healthy and grown now. So, please everyone, never believe that fate has cast the final say...
(Melbourne, Australia)
No..... Stretchmarks are a sign you have a zinc deficiency.
(Raleigh, Nc)
To: Macmommy from Memphis
In regards to your comment about your mother's genes and how she had stretch marks and you did not. I would like to point out a very SIMPLE fact.... Not all of your genes come from your mother (think grand parents, great unlces and so forth plus some genes are recesive and some are not). So you may just be one of those lucky people who happen to have good skin and therefore aren't really affected by the stretch mark issue. And even though you applied all those ointments on your skin, they only worked to maintain what was already in really good condition.
I have a baby boy and I applied vitamin E oils with shea butter and coconut oils on my body at breakfast, lunch and dinner during and after pregnancy. (I was 5'2' and weighted 115lbs before pregancy and I gained 25lbs during pregnancy... Dramatic change! ) I got stretch marks like a road map. My mother and sister, who is also a mother, don't have stretch marks. The one thing I will say that trully worked to "reduce" the stretch marks after birth is the fact that I got my six pack back - this reduced their size slightly.
The one TRUE cure to completely get the scars out is to wait for them to fade (even with this, they never ever really fade away). Or you could do like the super models and get some plastic surgeon to work on you (also takes time and LOTS of money).
Anne from Raleigh
(Mattoon, Il)
Stretch marks are not caused by any one thing. Genetics play a role; however overall health, the rate of growth/loss, and supplements all have an effect. Some people are more genetically predisposed to have stretch marks, but say you gain a lot of weight, very quickly (puberty, pregnancy, just general weight gain due to a poor lifestyle) and yet are not at risk genetically to get the scars you could still get them. Even if you are not over weight, in fact, it could be a man (I say this because I know a man this happened to) but if you work out a lot and build muscle too quickly, even that can cause stretch marks. The skin is very flexible, elastic and can take quite the beating, but just like a rubber band, you can only stretch it so far, for so long and so quickly before it is permanently damaged. The only difference is your skin is alive and can heal over time... A long time, but heals none the less. Also, pregnancy robs your body of its nutrient stores leaving the skin more likely to over stretch and be unable to compensate. That is where butters and oils come in; they are to enforce your skin, in a way. They "feed" your skin vitamins and oils that it greatly needs to be highly pliable, or to at least somewhat. Like I said there is more than one factor in place. My mother and sister both have them after having kids, I have not had any yet, but I do have some marks on my hips and inner thighs because puberty hit me like a ton of bricks and then I lost all the weight over my teen years. This left me with some ugly scars but exercising (lightly, mostly cardio and other non-muscle-building exercises such as yoga and Pilates) along with time and a healthy diet and keeping my skin moisturized, I have seen them begin to fade over the years. Just work against those risk factors as much as possible and your CHANCE (keyword ladies) of getting them will be reduced. Just think of them as any other ailment. There are only risk factors, not much is set in stone with the human body.
Hope this was enlightening for everyone! God bless!
(Boise, Idaho,usa)
I used Shea Butter when I was pregnant with my second child on a reccomendation of a friend and it worked great for me! I started before I started to show and I swear this stuff keeps your skin so moist and supple the stretch marks had no chance to form. Found some great organic shea butter at and I now swear by the stuff. Use as a daily moisturizer and nothing I've bought in the stores works better. Good Luck!
Boise, Idaho
Let me start off by saying I am in the medical field and have always been told that stretch marks are hereditary. My mother and sister both have stretch marks, but I wasn't going down without a fight, so after reading the reviews on the _____ organic skincare brand, I found the Aloe & Jojoba Cream Therapy and I ordered it online.
I used it throughout my entire pregnancy... EVERY morning and EVERY night. I started using it at about 8 weeks pregnant. I am so happy to inform anyone who is in doubt of this product that I did not get 1 stretch mark!!!! I was so surprised considering that my mother and sister both have them. For those who are wondering, I carried my baby for 37 4/7 weeks with not one stretchie! If you use the product it WILL work!!!
(Anaheim, Ca)
I have two beautiful children and like all mothers to be I did it all. The baby oil in the bath tub/with shower. The coco butter. The vit E. sadly not only did I get stretch marks, but I skin ripped. And as I was laying in the hospital bed waiting for my daughter to arrive. The woman accross the room was up moving around. I seen her belly. Not one stretch mark. The kicker to this. She has a two yr old little boy and was prag with triplet girls. Sooo I will have to go with its genetics. But all you wonderful woman out there I still say use the different items out the to keep stretch marks under control.
(Cairo, Egypt)
Hi, Thanks for putting in the link about zinc and stretchmarks. I have had them from age 12 all over my thighs and then from about 20 my torso. It fits my profile [vegetarian, high cholesterol, IBS, drinks alcohol, lots of cellulite :-(] and I haven't had any kids so its nothing to do with hormones.
Anyway in the advice it says that copper prevents the absorbtion of zinc. I also fit the profile of someone with insufficient copper (grey hair since about 25, now quite white at 46). Thanks to this site I am trying ALL the remedies to lower cholesterol, remove xanthewhatsits above my eye, detoxing with ACV, baking soda, citrus fruit, carrot juice, garlic, sprouting seeds, green tea, linseeds, armfuls of vitamins, kelp, lecithin, nutritional yeast, brown rice, oil pulling etc. Going through a phase of skin eruptions (is that roseacia?) which I hope are a temporary reaction to this blast of health and not just another new problem.
I have (almost) stopped bread, reduced alcohol to 3 - 4 units a week, one coffee a day, soya milk, no cheese, no yoghurt, no fun. I jog 3 - 4 times a week.
I am also trying to eat molasses (copper) - can't get blackstrap in Egypt - to recover pigment in my hair and hope that this wont interfere with the zinc supplements I am taking.
So my questions are: How long is all this (xanthething reduction, cellulite/weight loss, grey hair, stretch marks) going to take? Ball-park
and Any ideas about the zinc-copper conundrum? Thanks in advance for any feedback
Amanda: as for the Zinc/Copper relationship, they don't "compete" against each other any more than a man & woman, they are simply bi-polar. They need Balance to function together. Zinc/Copper function together to make a major defense enzyme in the body called Zn/Co Superoxide Dismutase.
Alpha Hydroxy
(Murrieta, CA)
(Vancouver, BC, Canada)
(Austin, Tx)
(Montgomery, Tx, Usa)
(Manila, A2)
(Ehenfeld, Bavaria, Germany)
(Tampa, Fl)
I would agree that drastic weight gain causes stretch marks. I remember having too much ramen noodles at one sitting. Felt ill after all that woke up the next day and felt fatter. I was not an obese child. I was a busy young woman in my mid 20's when I became pregnant working full time in a manufacturing company so was rather in decent shape. In the beginning I started the coco butter regiment but quit due to laziness and the belief that it might not work. Plus I'm not a big fan on putting grease all over my body. I'm under 5' and gained a bit of weight to naturally birth an 8.5 lbs baby boy. Yep gained stretch marks where my skin was taught before. Then came my daughter who weighed even more at 9.10 lbs. More stretch marks. My older sister had two kids but they her babies averaged around 6 lbs. No stretch marks for her and she also has the size breasts I'd like but that's another story.
Baking Soda, Lemon Juice and Turmeric
Make a thick mixture of the three ingredients. Cut a lemon into half and squeeze it on the baking soda. The mixture will sparkle, and then add turmeric. Apply the solution to your skin. If the mixture becomes dry keep squeezing lemon. The color will change from yellow to orange and then it will turn into red until it is maroon or dark brown. You should not worry about the changing color. Just leave it on your skin overnight. You will see a tremendous improvement after the first application. You must continue applying the mixture until your marks disappear.
Turmeric heals all skin infections and muscular ailments. After the first few applications leave out turmeric only mix baking soda with lemon juice and use. This should get rid of the most stubborn stains if you use it regularly.
(Los Angeles)
Hi... About the remedy for stretch marks with turmeric, baking soda and lemon juice: the last remark about taking out the turmeric and using only lemon juice and baking soda, is it to help clear marks and dark spots (like from scars) on the skin? or to clear spots or stains on the skin after using the mix with turmeric? Also what amount of ingredients should we use? Thanks!
(Kitwe, Zambia)
Hi Shivi, castor oil is a natural essential oil, so it shouldn't "bleach" your skin. I think what it will do is restore your skin cells (as much as possible), so anyone can use it. I, for one, am going to try all this because I'm a 21-year-old with stretch marks and dark circles under my eyes from allergies. Instead of looking lively and young, I just look tired. And I'd love to wear shorts once in a while but my stretch marks only have me wearing them comfortably at night or in winter when I can wear stockings underneath. So I'm glad I came across this :)
Castor Oil
On other areas of my body I have been rubbing a mix of 50/50 castor oil with jojoba oil into the stretch marks after my shower and they seem to be fading a bit but these are areas that would not do well wrapped in plactic such as my inner thighs, back of my arms (armpit crease area) and chest.
Other noted improvements I have had using castor oil is as a face wash. I have heard about the oil cleansing method and had tried it with great results but if you follow the directions on some websites it takes forever to do it so instead I just rub the castor oil into my face before I get in the shower, massage for a minute or two and then leave it on while I wash myself in the shower. The last thing I do in the shower is rub my face with a face cloth while letting the water run over it. It is a lot easier than the oil cleansing method found on other websites. The skin on my face has never been so beautiful I've always had problem skin and had moderate acne since I was 12 years old. My face was covered in pimples, blackheads, acne scars, hyperpigmentation, small red veins, overall redness and enlarged pores. Since using the castor oil to wash my face, my pores have reduced almost completely (probably 95%), my blackheads are completely gone, the broken capillaries (or small veins) are reduced by 95% (i only have one tiny visible vein left) and my acne has completely cleared up 100%.
Since the castor oil worked so good on my stretch marks I decided to try something different on my face with the castor oil to see if it would reduce my acne scars, fine lines, crows feet and expression lines across my forehead. So after my shower, I will slather my face with a thick layer of castor oil mixed 50/50 with jojoba oil and cut small pieces of plastic wrap to put over my face (Leaving holes where my nostrils, eyes and mouth are) I even cut small pieces to fit over my eye lids and directly under my eyes as close to my eye as possible. Then I leave this on while I get ready for work or while I am doing housework for about 30 minutes to an hour. After I remove the plastic wrap I just lightly pat it with a clean dry cloth to remove the excess oil and apply my mineral powder over that.
Within 2 weeks of doing this the crepey skin on my upper eyelids has firmed up, my dark circles are completely gone, my acne scars are completely gone with the exception of a small area on each cheek where they are almost gone but not 100% yet. The lines on my lips have filled in and my lips are smooth and plump looking, my crows feet and smile lines around my eyes are reduced to the point where they are only barely visable when I'm actually smiling, , my eyelashes and eyebrows are growing in thicker and darker, the expression lines on my forehead are almost gone (there were three lines before horizontal across my forehead. The one on the top and the one on the bottom are completely gone and the middle one is fading. ) My skin has never looked this good before. Even the over all tone of my complexion is a nice creamy color and I can actually go out with no make up on for the first time in years! A few days ago a new girl at my work said that she is envious of my skin! She said that she always stares at my skin because its so beautiful looking! ME!!! I never though ever in my life I would hear those words. I actually cried, and this girl is 5 years younger than me.
Another added bonus since I started using castor oil on my body and face is that the eczema on my hands has started clearing up and it's almost gone. It's only been 2 weeks!
Sorry for the long essay here but I am just so excited. I want to share this amazing oil with other women who may be suffering from skin conditions like I was and now I am so happy with my skin and my body this is the happiest and most optimistic about my appearance I have ever been in my life. I hope this information can help someone out there as much as it has helped me. God Bless!
(New York)
(Granite Bay, Ca)
(Alamogordo, Nm)
To "Kbear from Langdon, Alberta, T0j1x2" Thanks for the information. I am going to try this, for sure. I have used he castor oil packs before.
As I read your post I thought "This gal should be checked out for pyroluria! " The acne, and stretch marks are a clue. At the very least get your zinc/copper ratio checked.
(Fort Washington, Pa)
(California, Usa)
(Fort Washington, Pa)
By the way, wanted to update that I started using the castor oil (50 castor/50 olive oil) on my face. After the first use my pores shrunk and my skin felt amazing, like it has never felt before. While massaging it in, I could feel the grit of the black heads which had popped out. I got the castor oil from rite aid. I now have all of my friends and family using it... Everyone says I should sell it! I havent been consistent enough on my stretch marks but everything I have read says yes!
(Texas, US)
Thank you so much for posting this about castor oil. I have saved it in my phone as a motivational tool for me to try it. Well, I have been trying it for over 2 weeks and I have had exceptional results. I have tried it on my tummy and my face and I look and feel so beautiful. My skin tone on my face is the best its been since I was 16 years old (I'm 36 btw). Thank you once again. I am now a true believer of castor oil and I will use it forever as a daily regiment.
(Washington Dc)
I've started doing a similar regiment. I like to dry brush my skin for a good 15 or 20 minutes and then blend olive oil and castor oil and lather it on my belly and hips and rub it in for a good 5 or 10 minutes before bed. I purchased a cheap workout waist cinch that's supposed to help reduce inches on your waist. I got to bed with the band on, it's real warm but you get used to it. It's been a week now and I'm amazed at how light my stretch marks have gotten and how much they've m shrunk . I've started to workout with the cinch on just to see if extra heat would make a difference. My skins tighter, my stretch marks are near invisible ... Castor oil is amazing.
Cocoa Butter
You got stretch marks, because you scratched your stomach. As the months go by your skin stretches, and becomes itchy. Therefore to relieve the itchiness you react naturally and scratch your tummy. To prevent it when it itches, put a towel over your tummy, and rub gently. Share this info with your friends. Love, and cherish your babies...they are your gift, from God!!!
I'm sorry but that's ridiculous. You don't get stretch marks from "scratching"! I never once got itchy skin and I still got covered in stretch marks after pregnancy.
Cocoa Butter
Coconut Oil
(Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
Thank you for the scrubbing advice! I have keratosis pilaris as well (so lucky!), so I scrub every day anyway... Now I will just scrub my stretch marks as well. I think the coconut oil is slowly helping, but I've had my marks for a long time, so it will take a long time to get rid of them. But they will be gone!
Coconut Oil
(Los Angeles, Ca, Usa)
(Port Of Spain, Trinidad)
I'm so sorry for not replying sooner, I was in the middle of the toughest semester ever. Anyway, I noticed improvements in the first three days. Then I had such high expectations for the treatment that I stopped noticing that it was actually working because I thought that all of the marks should be gone in two weeks. However, by the end of the first month, I realised that some had been completely removed and my faith was renewed. I continued to apply it only at night (it can be a little uncomfortable to sleep in though), and in about three months, maybe before, they were all gone. Hope I'm not too late with my response.
(Calgary, Alberta)
(Port Of Spain, Trinidad)
My stretch marks were older. I had had some of them since I was about 14 years old and I'm 23 now. Most of them had turned white. They were not pretty and it was rather severe. I had problem skin generally, acne and everything, so I thought that I'd have to live with them forever. Then when I got a few behind the knees, I thought they were gonna take over my life. I went all over looking for a remedy, only to have my mom, a nurse, tell me that coconut oil is recommended for pregnant women and that it really works. I'm not saying that you are unjustified in asking. All I'm trying to say is that you need to try it and see for yourself. When you do, just be consistent.
One question though, for the persons who actually try using coconut oil, are you sure that you are getting what you pay for? If you make it yourself and you are lucky, you should get about two ounces of oil from a large coconut. If you attempt to buy it, it may be wise to ask whether you are getting coconut oil, or coconut-scented oil. If you can get it pure, then spare no expense.
Sorry about the essay.
(Calgary, Ab)
(Sacramento, Ca, Usa)
Coconut Oil
Raw, hard-pressed coconut oil is anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and can be used for makeup removal or for cooking. This stuff is amazing!!! It even aids in anti-aging as it is loaded with antioxidants. It needs to be the raw, hard-pressed oil though. I found some at rms beauty online ($18/bottle) but I'm sure it can be found for cheaper. It will feel really oily at first, but as your skin gets used to it, it will soak into your skin really quickly. You will not be disappointed!
(Branson, Missouri)
I read this about 2 months ago and started using it on my stretch marks which are 9 years old from having my son, on my belly and they are white... I saw a remarkable difference... I rub in cold pressed coconut oil once or twice a day, always after I shower... I heard it can take months but I see a major difference so I am keeping with it... I am also taking the coconut oil internally for other things and also using it on my face, my crows feet are GONE... I am 33
Coconut Oil
(Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
I am 40 and have had stretch marks since I was a teenager. I've never been pregnant and I've never gained/lost a large amount of weight. I think mine are part hereditary and partly me growing quickly as an adolescent. I have been using coconut oil on them religiously for maybe 3 weeks or a little more. Sometimes I think I see changes and other times I think they look the same. People saying they see changes in days, especially those who have had them for years and years... Well this seems almost impossible to me! But clearly people on here have had some real success with coconut oil so I will contiue to use it. After having them for so long it's only realistic to assume it will take a number of months to show results in getting rid of them. I will keep at it and post my results. Fingers crossed!
(Ottawa, Ontario)
Hello! Well I've been using pure 100% coconut oil on my stretch marks since mid-January maybe..... So going on 7 weeks. I am reporting my findings. Well I have to say I have not noticed too much change with them unfortunately. I apply faithfully once a day and quite often 2 times a day. Usually right out of the shower but on occasion in the evening as well. I have switched it up and bought a few different brands but I haven't noticed much change. I have had mine for a long time and they are all that white/silvery colour. I have read about people's successes on here so I will keep plugging away, but if anyone can share more details about their successes that would be great.
What brand did you use? How often did you use it and so on. A lot of people seem to say 3 months and they are all gone. That seems like a dream to me! I guess everyone is different. Anyway I will keep in using it and will keep updating my findings. :)
(Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium)
(Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)
(Vancouver, BC)
(Somewhere, Europe)
(Pensacola, Florida)
I'm also using coconut oil, I just started using and I am even putting them on old scars from playing on bikes and falling and other outdoor activities that I ended up with a scar. Well I am seeing signifficant amount of difference in appearance. I highly reccomend using this coconut oil 100% organic cooking oil. It went out of date and I thought since I have read to use olive oil from another web site I decided to use this. I found it at a health food store about 25 to 30 $ not bad, but I am a white woman 25 years old with stretch marks and I just found this out and now i'm using it. It's a cooking oil, I put it in the fridge and then pull it out let it thaw some and put it on me. Try it and share your findings with this extra virgin coconut oil 100% organic. You can use it too cook too, but I wouldnt reccomend it if you are putting you hands in the jar and rubbing it on your marks. Put some in a different jar and keep rest for cooking. You don't want skin cells in your cooking oil. Also I find that if you don't scrub then you won't see the redness back. If your into your appearance I reccomend not scrubbing unless their sticking out and built up. Hope this helps like I said post back on your findings.
(Louisville, Ohio)
(Cincinnati, Oh)
I have been using these for about 6 months and can guarantee all those out there thinking they are stuck with them forever or thinking about lasers or peels that this method works.
Some stretch marks were new, some over twenty years old, and I have seen a 75 percent improvement and will continue to use this method until they are all gone, patience is required as your body needs time to produce new collagen. Please don't despair. Try and you will get results like no other, and I have tried them all, creams, cloths, dermabrasion and peels.
Nothing is as effective at restructuring the skin, and as a mum of four I can tell you I had very bad marks on my tummy, breasts and thighs that are now almost invisible, not lighter in colour, mind-but healed and vanishing. Bless
(San Diego)
I would love to hear from more people who've used a derma roller for scars stretch marks.
Previous poster said it was cheap on the big auction site but company websites claim theirs are the only effective ones at about $200 for a kit. That seems very, very expensive and painful so I haven't bought one.
Please - anyone out there who has used one, please leave your feedback! It's VERY easy to leave feedback on Earthclinic and they don't spam or anything.
(Los Angeles, Ca)
Hi. I purchased a dermaroller for 14.95 on the most popular auction site as directed by women who have posted videos of their success using it. I also have worked in a plastic surgeon's office that was the first to introduce this method. you should never pay more than $20 for the roller itself. None of them are superior. I have first hand experience with the expensive and the cheaply priced rollers they are the same. The only difference you will notice depends on your consistent use, products and the way you heal.
The one I purchased gave directions of rolling 10 times up, 10 down, 10 left, 10 right, 10 diagonal across up both ways in an x formation, for a total of 6 directions.
I have only used mine twice. I'm a bit ticklish and for me the sensation borders on tickling with a slight pain. I covered my skin in cold pressed EVCO. I will try to keep this up 1-2 week for 6 months or until they are gone. A girl who posted a video on the most popular site said that she did it for 6 months and TOTALLY erased her stretchmarks.
(Washington Dc)
I, as well attest to the wonders that the derma roller has done on the stretchmarks I've had all along my buttocks and hips since puberty. I remember desperately wanting them eradicated back when I was still in college and managed to fade them up to 60 percent, they are barely noticeable now and I can wear a bathing suit without being embarrassed about them. I am going to go back to rolling since it was the only thing that came close to completely erasing them, this time I will be more committed to getting them eliminated, if I managed to erase more than half when I was a college student with little time I am sure I can reach my goal now with a much more flexible schedule. Be sure to use a cream that will help you produce collagen prior to rolling, A good one is Coconut oil or even Vitamin E capsules once you start rolling the cream will go deep into your skin attempting to plump the areas of stretchmarks where collagen was lost. I will keep you posted once I start derma rolling again.
(Melbourne, Australia)
I've used derma roller's successfully. I have heaps - all over my bum from when I was 12 (I'm 28) and more recently very light ones down my thighs from weightgain during the last few years.
I had a horribly forked stretchmark that really hurt across my left hip that was about 3-4mm wide that, using a single-lined roller, I managed to get rid of about 80% of it.
I'm fairly certain that using a regular 1.5mm roller along my thighs helped make the stretchmarks on that area lighter. I've been focusing a lot on the area you can see when I'm wearing a swimsuit (bottom/side of my bum) and the stretchmarks there are still visible but seem shallower than the ones on my actual bum cheek that I haven't been attacking.
I've since moved onto the Derminator - it's a machine that lets you use either a single needle or a 9-needle cartridge, and it is far superior and easier to use. Yes, still smarts but it isn't anywhere near as painful as using a manual single needle or the other deep rollers.
A few things to note:
- you need to use Vitamin C and Vitamin A in conjunction with the roller. Pre-treat the area with both for a month before using the roller.
- ONLY roll every 5 weeks. You can damage your skin if you do it more often.
- Use the creams after you have finished rolling.
- Make sure you sterilise your instruments and work on clean skin.
- To reach the damage and crush the collagen (this is what you are doing with the needle and the body re-heals itself properly) you need a fairly long needle: 1.5-2mm length
There is an excellent resource that everyone should read before embarking on needling. It's written by Dr Des Fernandes, one of the pioneers of the technique and also the creator of Environ skincare. The skincare range is fantastic and I have been using it since I was 16. He discusses the type of Vitamin A you need (retinyl palmitate). - Plastic Surgery Journal - April 2008.pdf
If you want more great articles to read on the technique:
Good luck! I'm still working on mine but any improvement is better than none!
Diet, Essential Oils
Edgar Cayce Remedy
2 ounces of camphor oil
1 ounce of peanut oil
1/2 teaspoon of camphor
The most difficult ingredient to find was the organic cold-pressed peanut oil. I purchased it online from a natural food store. I had always believed that stretch marks could only be removed by surgery. I was delighted to find out that this is not true!
(Montgomery, Tx, Usa)
I am so happy it worked for you! It worked for me also! I also put it on my face at night - and have minimal wrinkles - as I am 40 years old about to be 41 in Feb. - I have been using Cayce's remedies for approx 25 years! I use Castor Oil plain and I use the peanut oil, olive oil and camphor oils also. I am so glad it is working for you though! Keep up the good work.
(In The Valley, Ca)
(Montgomery, Tx, Usa)
I think that she means the Camphor crystals. I have them in my medicine cabinet. You can also get camphor oil, which is just camphor crystals dissolved in olive oil. I make my own as it is less expensive. For my scars (that I use to have! ) I use Scargo which is the same as: Camphorated oil 2 ounces, Lanolin 1/2 teaspoon, and Peanut oil 1 ounce. However, it takes a long time to make the new skin grow back - so don't give up!!
(Cardiff, Uk)
Brooke is right, Kay. It is cheaper to make camphor oil at home by dissolving camphor crystals in olive oil. That's what I did. Just make sure you buy natural camphor and not the synthetic one.
One could easily purchase Camphor oil here in the UK, but I'm not sure that is the case in all countries, due to its toxicity (
Which makes me wonder, Brooke, how safe it is to use this recipe as a long-term treatment on the face (even though I am sure it delivers impressive results and am dying to try it...).
(Montgomery, Tx, Usa)
The truth is that I have been doing this for approx 1-2 weeks at night with the Scargo oil on my face and yesterday morning I woke up with terrible dryness around my lower part of my face and lips!! So if you are to try this, then I wouldn't do it every night!! Maybe one time a week would be ok - but I am not going to try it again until my face gets back to normal!!
(Cardiff, Uk)
I tried it on my face last night and this morning I did experience some dryness. I already have pretty dry skin, so I don't think I will try it again. Thanks for the heads-up, though!
Another possibility would be to use it every other day, alternating with the olive oil and myrrh tincture mix that Cayce recommended for scars as well...
(Yorkshire, England)
(New York, NY)
Hi. I was so glad to read that the use of this recipe has been making such a dramatic difference! I am wondering can a quantity of the mixture be made to use over time or do you have to make it fresh for each usage?
Also, I would probably have to use something other than peanut oil. I would probably try cocoa butter or almond oil with the camphor oil and camphor. These are the closest to peanut oil I think. Please give any info. you can. I am happy for you that it is really helping to heal your skin.
Wishing you well, Ann
(Denver, Co)
Just a correction on the above recipe. It should read:
2 ounces of Camphor Oil
1 ounce of Peanut Oil
1/2 teaspoon of Lanolin (melted)
And Camphor oil can be made by adding 1 Oz Camphor Granules to 4 Oz Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Let the granules dissolve into the olive oil for a day or two.
If I may ask, when you say that you applied this concoction daily, can you be more specific?
Did you apply this once, twice or thrice per day? Did you use a dermaroller or did you just apply the oils on their own? And did you wrap yourself in saranwrap to let the oils soak in as deeply as possible?
Sorry to ask so many questions, but your testimonial has given me so much hope for the first time in a LONG time, that I wish to be sure that I properly do what you have done.
I thank you in advance for understanding.
Her recipe is misquoted. The most important ingredient in the Cayce scar remedy is olive oil (which should be first in the ingredients list there). She accidentally put camphor twice.
Jojoba Oil
Jojoba Oil