The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Maria (A.C.T) on 11/24/2022
Yes years ago when I was in my forties, a doctor suggested that a daily tampon dipped in plain yoghurt would clear up my problem with yeast in the vagina and it worked. However; I'm now eighty, have been given three different broad spectrum antibiotics by my well-meaning doctor and painful swelling and itching in the vagina and anus is the result. All the good bacteria were wiped out leaving me with thrush. I douched with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in one cup of warm water with a half teaspoon of bi-carbonate of soda dissolved in it. Had trouble inserting the douche, so used lots of aloe vera gel from the chemist and after I'd finished I dried off, washed my hands thoroughly then massaged the whole area with virgin coconut oil then last, I inserted some into the anus. Relief rather than a cure perhaps but I was very comfortable straight away.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marilyn (Oswego, Il) on 10/31/2009
I am in such pain with this thrush. My question is is it at all possible that the apple cider vinegar is making it worse?
Replied by Melissa
(Summit Point, West Virginia)
Replied by
Ladyliza (Los Angeles)
33 posts
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Janice (Coloma, Mi) on 03/12/2009
Have you tried Apple Cider Vinegar? When my last child was born, he had thrush in his mouth. I was nursing him at the time and got a cracked nipple. The Dr. told me I had to quit nursing as the baby and I would just pass the condition back and forth. An old woman told me that was nonsense and to dilute apple cider vinegar with a little water and put it on a q-tip and rub it around in the baby's mouth and to rub soome on my nipple as well. She told me it would be gone in a couple of days at the most. I tried it and it worked. I have since passed this information on many times and it always seems to work. So, it's a cheap and easy thing for you to try if you haven't tried it already.
Posted by Carol (OKC, U. S. A)
Vitamin B6 has cured Thrush in people I have known.
Vitamin E stabilized my low BP.
Comfrey compresses healed not only the deep bruising (in 3 days), resulting from a stubbed, broken toe but also, bone -- after all, the common name for comfrey is "knit bone". Raspberry tea healed my indigestion after I was forced to eat "junk food" for 3 days whilst staying with my husband's cousin.
Cayenne pepper is awesome! My husband used it to reduce his weight. 1 tspn cayenne pepper in a 1/2 cup of hot water, 3 times a day. It speeds up the metabolism.
Baking Soda
Posted by Gcybk (London) on 06/30/2015
I had chronic monthly recurring vaginal thrush for about 7 years and nothing helped getting rid of it permanently so I resigned my self to just living with it when I read about bicarb of soda and took half a teaspoon in a glass of water once or twice a day for 10 days and it has been gone ever since! I couldn't quite believe it at first but that was 2 years ago now so the result is solid!
Baking Soda
Posted by Judy (Meldrim, GA) on 03/07/2009
Baking soda quickly took care of a case of thrush my less-than-a-year-old son had. All it took was about one teaspoon of baking soda mixed in a small cup of water, swabbed inside baby's mouth 4 or 5 times a day with a Q-tip that i dipped into the mixture. It vanished in about 48 or fewer hours. It's been many years ago, but I think this is the amount of baking soda relative to water. I definitely remember that it worked very fast. This seems to be a simpler method than any of the others here.
The pediatrician (I've since learned to avoid such unnecessary licensed quacks :)) had recommended "a new drug" being used at the teaching hospital where she worked.
----Please be aware that teaching hospitals are notorious for using patients as guinea pigs: read the book, "Confessions of a Medical Heretic," to find out this and many other fascinating/horrifying facts about doctors. The physician who wrote it says to avoid doctors as much as you can!---- I called the local La Leche (breastfeeding support organization) to see if they knew something less toxic, and that is where the baking soda and water remedy came from.
Replied by Diamond
(Salisbury, Usa)
Replied by Ruby
(Gloucester, Ma)
Replied by Haleyk
(Hackberry, La, Usa)
Replied by Cheryl
(Pa, Usa)
Bentonite Clay
Posted by Michale (New York) on 03/16/2012
I ate 1 teaspoon of Bentonite Clay (diluted in a glass of water) the first day, then 1 tablespoon and brushed my teeth with it 3-4 times a day - horrible dry mouth and thrush gone! After just 2 days!
Black Seed Oil
Posted by Deborah (San Diego, California) on 12/24/2013
Take 1-3 teaspoons of Black Seed Oil for a few days and your thrush will be gone and you'll have a nice pink tongue!
Replied by Keru
(Saudi Arabia)
Calendula Tea
Posted by Mayari (Candler, NC) on 12/05/2007
Calendula tea helped my newborn's thrush. I brewed it for four hours and then applied it with a q-tip and gave her a little in a spoon about 8 times a day. It had an immediate effect, and after a week, her thrush is nearly gone.
Coconut Oil
Posted by Serena (San Diego, Ca) on 05/23/2013
Coconut oil is an incredible remedy to cure thrush. BUT you have to use it in the wrong way. If you take too much, it can exacerbate your symptoms. Through much trial and error, I have learned the importance of GOING SLOW!! When I took a tablespoon, and even a teaspoon of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, my thrush got so bad I could barely swallow - my mouth got so incredibly dry. Coconut oil is SUCH a potent detoxifier/antifungal - if you already are having a problem with yeast, you must go slow! I started taking just 1/8 of a teaspoon of coconut oil for about a week (even that tiny amount initially caused detox reactions in me) and then all of a sudden the thrush that the coconut oil had in the past cleared right up!! GO SLOW AND START WITH TINY AMOUNTS WHEN IT COMES TO USING COCONUT OIL AS AN ANTIFUNGAL! Good luck!
Coconut Oil
Posted by Jade (Dallas, Tx) on 09/08/2011
While I was nursing my baby we both got thrush. It was very painful to nurse. I started just pumping and bottle feeding. A friend of mine said thrush is a fungus and to try extra virgin coconut oil. I put it on as a topical on my affected area. And after a few minutes I would nurse. Not only did the oil add more relief than the lanolin during the actual nursing, but within days the thrush was gone. I continued to use it for my mosturizer and we never had thrush again.
Since it helped there I suggested my husband use it on his toe nails. He had 2 that I was guessing were infected with fungus. They grew so thick I would file the tops of them so they looked less gross. It took awhile because the nails had to grow out. One was completely healed and one still looks a little funky but is half the size. I think he stopped using it too early on that toe (it was worse than the other to start with).
I have also used it on diaper rashes as sometimes those are caused by fungus. It had helped several times on those.
Coconut Oil
Posted by Melanie (Rochester, Il) on 06/06/2010
Both myself and my infant suffered horribly from thrush. I breastfeed and had it on my breasts, baby had it on genital area. It was miserably itchy. I began consuming 1 TBSP coconut oil daily, as well as applying it topically to myself and my baby. I also would use tea tree oil/alternate 2-3 x daily,it also helped considerably to avoid sugar, and breads. A few things happened, I noticed right away my asthma improved and was able to go off my meds! I lost 8 lbs the first month, and a total of 30 in 5 months consuming the coconut oil. It took about 3 weeks, but the thrush was totally gone, with no reoccurances!
Coconut Oil
Posted by Rodney (Delaware) on 04/18/2006
I suffered with thrush for 9 mos. Tried Nystatin and several other RX meds. Tried all of the popular probiotics and even tried the expensive Three-Lac. Three-Lac did offer some relief but could not completely get rid of the problem. One week of extra Virgin coconut oil from GNC, Emerald labs did the trick. I had several days of pure hell from upset stomach, loose bowels stomach pain and so on. This eventually subsided and the benefits have been nothing short of miraculous. I wish I had known of this product earlier, it would have saved me a ton of misery and saved me a boat load of cash.
Colloidal Silver
Posted by Ted (Seattle, WA) on 08/13/2014
Swishing Colloidal Silver around in my mouth a couple of times helps clear up thrush instantly. Taking some orally could help as well.
Cranberry Juice
Posted by Michelin (Georgia) on 10/10/2022
Cure for Oral Thrush (Yeast)!
Unsweetened Organic Cranberry juice.
The organic cranberry extract supplements did not work for yeast, even when I dissolved them in my mouth before swallowing. I just drank about 4 oz a day and it was gone in like 2 days. Like a Miracle!