Yes years ago when I was in my forties, a doctor suggested that a daily tampon dipped in plain yoghurt would clear up my problem with yeast in the vagina and it worked. However; I'm now eighty, have been given three different broad spectrum antibiotics by my well-meaning doctor and painful swelling and itching in the vagina and anus is the result. All the good bacteria were wiped out leaving me with thrush. I douched with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in one cup of warm water with a half teaspoon of bi-carbonate of soda dissolved in it. Had trouble inserting the douche, so used lots of aloe vera gel from the chemist and after I'd finished I dried off, washed my hands thoroughly then massaged the whole area with virgin coconut oil then last, I inserted some into the anus. Relief rather than a cure perhaps but I was very comfortable straight away.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Have you tried Apple Cider Vinegar? When my last child was born, he had thrush in his mouth. I was nursing him at the time and got a cracked nipple. The Dr. told me I had to quit nursing as the baby and I would just pass the condition back and forth. An old woman told me that was nonsense and to dilute apple cider vinegar with a little water and put it on a q-tip and rub it around in the baby's mouth and to rub soome on my nipple as well. She told me it would be gone in a couple of days at the most. I tried it and it worked. I have since passed this information on many times and it always seems to work. So, it's a cheap and easy thing for you to try if you haven't tried it already.