This is what I did every day for a week: Every morning and every night, I would brush my teeth by putting peroxide on my toothbrush. Then I would brush my tongue with peroxide. After that, I used the cap for the dettol bottle and put a small amount of dettol in the cap diluted by half with water (the ratio was 1:1). I poured it on my toothbrush and scrubbed my tongue vigorously for at least 30 seconds.
Doing the back of the tongue is the most difficult as dettol doesn't taste good. When I was finished with that step, I used the empty dettol cap again, and poured a small amount of tea tree oil in it diluted with water. The tea tree oil made up about 20% of the solution once diluted with water. I swished this solution in my mouth for 30 seconds and gargled for about 20 seconds with my tongue sticking out as far as I could, while gargling, so the solution could reach the back of my tongue. After a day, I noticed my tongue looking much better. After a week, it was completely cured.