Of interest to those here. There is a "detox" diet, which I tried a few years ago and I believed helped me much in overall health, giving relief to a burdened liver (as the whites of my eyes were jaundiced looking.)
after getting I'll and seeing a very jaundiced look in my eyes, I went ahead and comitted to this Stanley Burough's "Master Cleanser" or lemonade diet. My mother had tried it. One thing you do when on the diet (10 day minimum) is monitor your tongue. Within. Few days on that detox, the tongue become a white shag carpet as the body begins to operate a cellular house cleaning. The tongue indicates the progress. And when do you note you're clean? The tongue turns pink and the white coating is gone.
I did that cleanse diet (a little yellow book at the health food store,) and found that in 30 days I did not get rid of white tongue, which indicates I am still full of toxins, despite all the absolutely vile stuff I hacked up when on the diet. I will begin that diet anew after thanksgiving. Perhaps this round I'll obtain that enviable pink tongue.
When on that diet, I must relate that I only needed 6 hours of sleep a night to feel very rested, nor did I toss and turn. I always awoke and felt bright, easily able to rise from bed. I had energy all day and ambition not evident since my teen years.
One other thing to share, that last time I got sick and jaundiced looking, I took up the free bio-meridian scan offered by Dr Jack Stockwell in SLC on his radio show. They tested me and the technition asked: "what have you done to your lungs? You have done damage to your lungs, you've got scar tissue in your lungs and are loaded in the abdomen with toxins."
Bingo. I was becoming a believer in the scan. My Sr. year of high school I was in a finishing room in the woodshop two hours a day for a few months. It was toxic. The year after I graduated, the fire Marshall condemned the place, forcing a wall to be knocked out and many more exhaust fans installed. My time there resulted in my developing an athsmatic condition, where I just struggled to get air. After a year it seemed this condition left me and I forgot about it until that scan affirmed lung damage and toxins were in my system.
So is that the basis of my white tongue? Will another long 2-3 weeks on the lemonaide diet cleanse me enough to obtain permanantly that white tongue? I shall see.
Thanks for the site and the reading of all these posts dealing with white tongue. It's very informative.