Tooth Loss
Natural Remedies

Tooth Loss Remedies

| Modified on Mar 23, 2024
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Tooth loss is not inevitable. You can keep all your teeth healthy and strong straight to the end of life, if you give your dental care routine the respect it deserves. However, if you have begun to lose teeth, it is never too late to improve your oral care habits and stop tooth loss, especially with the help of a few natural home remedies.

Gingivitis and dental cavities are the two most common causes of tooth loss, so addressing these two oral health issues will go a long way toward preventing further tooth loss.

Natural Cures: Reducing the acidity level in your mouth by eating fewer acidic foods (especially sodas) can help. Also, using 3% hydrogen peroxide as a mouth wash can help prevent gum disease and restore the stability of your teeth. Drinking more water (to keep your mouth and teeth moist), brushing and flossing better, and supplementing your diet with additional calcium and other minerals can help restore your oral health and prevent further tooth loss.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Cracked Teeth

Posted by Londonbluue (Overland Park, Ks, Usa) on 11/25/2010

Does anyone have any helpful remedies for cracked teeth? I went to the dentist a few days ago due to pain, especially if I eat anything sweet, and am scheduled for over $1000 worth of dental work, and that's with insurance, beginning Tuesday. To spend that kind of money, especially this time of year, is causing me so much anxiety, and will create such an enormous hardship for me, if there is a way to avoid these procedures (crowns), I'm very interested to hear your feedback.

I have to say I am an EarthClinic super fan. This has to be my most favorite site on the Internet. I love how helpful everyone is, and love, love using natural home remedies that are available to just about everyone, physically and financially. Thank you so much!

Replied by Pam
(Brooklyn, Ny)

In the section for remedies; there is a tab for infant and children remedies! I have read some parents post stating that they have reversed cavity activity and some totally disappeared! Check it out! Also go to your local drugstore check out the dental section, there you can find fix it yourself products! Stay awhile in that section and read the products, you would be surprised the things they have! Good luck! PS: Rinsing with water and peroxide always takes away mine and everyone I recommend tooth pain!

Replied by Anon

This is why you shouldn't drink, brush with, or apply flouride to your body....beware . You can keep your teeth and bones healthy with wisdom .

Replied by Sandy

My front tooth in lower jaw in loose and wriglyl. Can anyone hlep me with some home remedy to make it tight again and avoid falling of tooth. Tons of thanks in advance

General Feedback

Posted by Angela (Kalamazoo, Mi) on 10/23/2012

Hello: Thanks for having this site. I have been told I have severe bone loss in my mouth. Which is amazing because I have really nice teeth and have been consistantly seeing dentists since I was a little girl. I'm hoping for a natural cure to regenerate the bones. I believe western medicine is good for some things like broken legs. But, everything else make me nervous. One dentist says I have great teeth, one cavity. The next one says I have 32 cavities (1st time for me to hear this - I have good hygine and I go in for cleaning every 6 months). Originally, I'm told silver filling are bad. So they put the white ones in. Now, I'm told that white fillings are bad and they need to be gold filing. The dentists seem to want to redo each other's work. My question is why bother with all this work, fillings, caps etc... If my teeth are going to fall out. Please help. Thank you, Angela

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Hi Angela, I would look at the work of Weston Price. He talked a lot about regenerating bone and re-mineralizing the teeth through diet. Also, dentists are in it for business. I always loved my dentist and went to him for many years although many of the things he would say I disagreed with such as fluoride not being harmful, that the pocket at the back of my top tooth would only be fixed with surgery, amalgams aren't dangerous, etc. I finally stopped going to him when he moved to a beautiful, very posh, state-of-the-art dental office and with that his prices skyrocketed!

I asked around and found a friend who had had her dentist since she was a teenager. She said he was the only one who ever cleaned your teeth, not the hygienests, his prices were very low ( for L. A.! ) and he only did what was necessary. She said she'd had friends over the years who were upset because their dentist told them they had a slew of cavities and needed fillings. She would tell them to go see her dentist because he was always so honest and prices beyond reasonable. Lo and behold, they'd go to him and there would be no cavities! Crazy. Anyway, I just started going to him in the spring and my kids also. So, ask around and get personal recommendations on different dentists. Best to you, Lisa

P.S. In a previous post I wrote I could post Nadine Artemis speaking on tooth and gum health if it interests you.

Replied by Victor
(Medford, Ma)

I too had the same problem with dentists in Medford, MA. They were doing what I lovingly call "creative dentistry. " I went to 3 dentists(and there are only 4 in town) and they all told me that I either had a cavity or a cracked filling which they wanted to fix. Not having a tooth problem in maybe 30 years, I went to Tufts Dental in Boston where they have students do the work with a regular dentist overseeing them. They fix problems and don't create any. They told me I had NONE of these problems... There is NO integreity/honesty out there as far as I'm concerned, unless you go to a teaching college...

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2043 posts

Victor: I saw a local dental commercial today that humorously and dramatically promoted what was stated as "all children need to go to the dentist every six months. " A few yrs back I was recommended to have an oral local antibiotic treatment to rid infection from my gums. The cost was $2,000. And my insurance wouldn't cover any of it. So I go home and swish my mouth w/ 3% Hydrogen Peroxide for a cost of about 10 cents.

General Feedback
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 11/06/2010

Thanks to all who gave me advice on what to do to replace my tooth after my dentist made a mistake and my tooth had to be pulled. I had the implant done this morning and I have to say that it was a lot easier and faster than I thought. Although I was ok all day this evening I am starting to feel quite a bit of pain (quite a lot, even with the pain killers) so I am off to take a warm bath and to bed. I hope that it will all be over in the morning. Now four months eating to one side and then I will get my new tooth. I have to say that it is a lengthy project as my tooth was pulled more or less four weeks ago but the wound had to heal before they could proceed! I hope I manage to sleep...

Liquid Calcium

Posted by Maryann (Springfield, Ma) on 03/26/2010

I have been bothered by translucent front teeth for years. I saw online somewhere that some company has invented a tray delivery system to remineralize teeth. They say they use calcium, flouride and phosphate (ACP). Couldn't I do the same thing with liquid calcium and a tray I already have? I know it is probably more technical than that but I would love your input. Thanks, MaryAnn

Replied by Marla
(Atlanta, Georgia, Usa)

Actually, the key to remineralizing teeth is pretty simple: an alkaline mouth environment (lots of ways to achieve this), low/no streptococcus mucosa (via oil pulling, xylitol swishing, or your other favorite effective oral anti-bacterial approach), sufficient saliva (drink more water if you don't produce enough saliva), and enough calcium and phosphate in your system to do the job (supplement if needed). How you achieve that is up to you, but that simple recipe sustained long enough to do the job is all it takes.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

From the research of Dr Gerald Judd -- an eminent dental researcher in dental health and the effects of fluoro-organics for 18 years -- he devised a set of simple set of rules to avoid both cavities and tooth plaque.

Here is an extract and a summation of his views on maintaining dental health:

"I have talked to thousands of people about their teeth, many of whom have perfect teeth. In all those cases of perfect teeth, the practice of rinsing[with water] while eating has been the reason, and not fluoride. I am convinced that perfect teeth have little or nothing to do with genetics. The best way to have perfect teeth besides staying away from greedy or incompetent dentists is to pursue the following behavior:

1.Rinse acids off the teeth during eating.
2.Brush the teeth with bar soap.
3.Take calcium pills with vitamin D daily.
4.Take monosodium phosphate daily.
5.Take freshly made sodium ascorbate daily for gum connections to the teeth.
6.Dispense with the worry that bacteria harm teeth: THEY CANNOT."
Source link:

All the reasons, evidence and research are given in the source link above which, in fact, is simply a detailed letter of complaint to the US Government from Dr Judd which addresses the gross inadequacies of what is promoted as dental care in the US today.

Dr Judd was also very anti-fluoride, and always maintained that fluoride was a poison for the body which was particularly bad for the teeth and bones as well. Dr judd also wrote a notable book which held many truths and which also helped to exposed the greediness of the US dental profession. This book was called: Good Teeth, Birth to Death.

(North Carolina)

Can monopotassium phosphate be taken instead? Orally?

Replied by Missy

Does anyone know what the known sources of phosphate are? In certain foods, or from a supplement? Is there another name for it? Thanks.

Replied by Marla
(Atlanta, Ga, Usa)

Missy, you probably get enough phosphate, but if not, it can be found in nuts (all types), fatty fish (herring, salmon, sardines, anchovies, etc. ) and shellfish (shrimp, scallops), bran, baking powder, eggs, dairy (cheese, milk, yogurt, ice cream), soy, chocolate-flavored items, soft drinks, lots of junk foods, etc. The standard western diet usually contains more than enough phosphate to meet our needs.

Replied by Marla
(Atlanta, Georgia, Usa)

A correction to my earlier reply: when I said "streptococcus mucosa, " I meant "streptococcus mutans." Sorry about that.

Replied by Ladyhawk
(Sarasota, Florida, Usa)

Bill from San Fernando, Philippines -- Dr. Judd's prescription for remineralizing teeth sounds interetsing, but Monosodium Phosphate has my attention. With research, it shows as NaH2PO4 (aka: MSP, Sodium Biphosphate, Sodium phosphate monobasic, monohydrate; and Sodium acid phosphate, monohydrate). Yikes!!! Sodium biphosphate and sodium phosphate enemas are used to treat constipation and to clean the bowel before surgery, x-rays, and etc.. They come with stern warnings for folks with heart disease, liver disease, recent stomach surgery, a bowel perforation or obstruction, colitis or inflammatory bowel disease, and seizures. As a matter of fact, for people older than 56, on a low-salt diet, or recovering from heart attack or drug or alcohol addiction, the literature says that sodium biphosphate and sodium phosphate could result in dangerous or life-threatening side effects on the kidneys.

I am at a loss in trying to rectify the positive, holistic results of Monosodium Phosphate on the teeth and bones while Sodium Biphosphate and Sodium phosphate, which are said to be the same chemical, appear so toxic. Perhaps a chemistry whiz would be willing to contribute some insight: Is Monosodium Phosphate in the reccommended 1/5 teaspoon per day in water generally healthy or harmful? Thanks.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Ladyhawk... Monobasic sodium phosphate(NaH2PO4), also known as Sodium Biphospate, which is the form that Dr Judd used, would seem to be a fairly safe form to use and is utilized quite heavily these days in both drugs, injections and IVs in the medical industry. See this link:

Ordinary table salt or NaCL (Oral Rat - LDL50 is 2600 mg/kgm) would seem to be over 3 times more poisonous than the Monobasic Sodium Phosphate form(Oral Rat - LDL50 is 8290 mg/kgms). LDL50 means the median lethal dose for rats. Here is the MSDS(Material Safety Data Sheet) for monobasic sodium phosphate:

Anhydrous(containing no water) Dibasic Sodium Phosphate(Na2HPO4), in its pure form, appears to be quite useful as a nutrient for cleansing toxicity from the liver as well as being used in the production of milk and cheese in the food industry. The Dibasic Sodium Phosphate form(Oral Rat: LDL50 17000 mg/kgm) also appears to be more than six times less poisonous than ordinary table salt. See this link:

I think Tribasic Sodium Phosphate (Na3PO4), aka Sodium Phosphate, is quite corrosive and poisonous and is only ever used in bathroom and toilet cleaners these days. See these links:

So the Monobasic Sodium Phosphate form - NaH2PO4 - would appear to be quite safe and the most useful form. Monosodium and Monobasic both mean that the phosphate molecule contains only one sodium atom in its make-up. The MSDS is also generally regarded as the definitive safety bible for all chemical and biochemical research.

Replied by Ladyhawk
(Sarasota, Florida, Usa)

Bill ~ Thank you, thank you! You may indeed be the very chemistry whiz whose opinions I was looking for. Genuine appreciations for your prompt and thorough reply on this subject! My interest in Dr. Judd's "soap as toothpaste" protocol is earnest.

To say, however, that Monobasic Sodium Phosphate (NaH2PO4) is more than 3 times less poisonous that ordinary table salt (NaCl) isn't all that impressive. Common table salt is detrimental to the body in countless ways. In high concentrations, it causes the body's delicate fluid and mineral balances to change. Too much NaCl in the system can cause excessive fluid build-up and create high hydrostatic pressure in the tissues. This can lead to high blood pressure and, ultimately to severe heart disease and stroke. NaCl also does not allow the blood to circulate properly, and the increase of water in the tissues as a result makes the essential process of waste excretion more difficult.

Yet, we all need to consume at least a teaspoon of salt daily in order to aid the lymphatic system. For this purpose, Celtic salt and Himalayan pink salt are optimal as these forms of salt are 97% minerals with little sodium. Celtic salt and Himalayan pink salt actually have the potential to LOWER blood pressure rather than raise it. As a result, NaCl is high on my list of avoidables, and I would be curious to know how the sodium content of NaH2PO4 is going to affect me. How much, for example, will the addition of a 1/5 teaspoon of NaH2PO4 to the daily diet disturb the inter-dependent calcium-sodium-magnesium-potassium ratios of the body? Any ideas on this, Bill, or is it just hit or miss?

Again, I appreciate your assistance. Thanks!

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Ladyhawk... Much thanks for your comment. My own opinions on salt are perhaps a little different because salt is so necessary for human life. I completely agree with you though that too much refined salt is the enemy, however if you do not take adequate salt in your diet it can also cause great problems. So I worry when people say that they refuse to eat any salt at all. Time and time again, fear always seems to succesfully defy logic.

My reasons for believing that natural salt is very healthy are mainly historic. Centuries ago, in Africa and other foreign places in the world, salt was a rare and scarce commodity that was actually used as currency and was regularly traded for goods including gold and silver. That was the measure of its ancient worth in these primitive times. Humans came from sea animals -- which is probably why our blood serum mineral and fluid concentrations are so similar to sea water. Over 85% of our serum body mineral electrolytes is Sodium and its proper balance is critical to the body.

Before 1900 there were no refridgerators to keep food cool to preserve them like we have now. So everyone mainly used sea salt or mined rock salt as a preservative which contains many other beneficial minerals as well. Everything was preserved with salt -- beef jerky, salted fish, salted pickled vegetables and even salted bacon. A far greater amount of salt -- as natural salt -- was therefore eaten in these past historic times than now. And did they have the numbers of autoimmune problems like heart disease, arthritis, obesity, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimers, bowel diseases, gout, osteoporosis etc to the extent that we have today?

Like you, I regard the main enemy as both refined salt and chemically processed foods.

But I have found also that taking just half a teaspoon of sea salt regularly seems to help with problems of stress, insomnia, acts as an anti-pathogen, is alkalizing and is a useful absorbtion synergist for many other ingested minerals.

Regarding your questions, I have to say that I am not a complete believer in the RDA dosages. Some are fairly accurate, but many are not and I just don't trust them. Over 15 years ago the recommended ratio of calcium to magnesium was 4:1. Now they have decided to reduce that ratio to 2:1. They really haven't got a clue have they? And these are people whose opinions we should trust ?? A few years a go this standard was called MDA -- The Minimum Daily Allowance. But then it was changed to RDA -- Recommended Daily Allowance -- a subtle change perhaps, but enough to instill fear of departure from the apparently baseless "standard" itself. So I prefer to call it MDA or Miniscule Daily Allowance which perhaps describes the true nature of its usefulness best. Please excuse my cynicism...

Two years ago I bought some European Kelp tablets. When I checked, each large tablet contained 125 MICROgrams of iodine. This kelp tablet, in my opinion, would have an extremely tough time satisfying the body iodine needs of a mouse (and I'm not just talking about the thyroid here). The Iodine Project recommends a daily intake of at least 12.5 MILLIgrams of iodine a day -- so that's 100 times more than the RDA of 125 MICROgrams. And so to satisfy that requirement meant that I would have to take 100 of those European kelp tablets PER DAY. But this was my fault -- I was not thinking of Codex Alimentarius at the time of purchasing the European kelp tablets. Such is the vulnerable nature of our greatly misplaced trust.

My answer here is simply to let your body decide. First, like Ted, I believe we eat far too much calcium in the western diet. Humans only need high calcium up until the age of about 18 when they are growing. After this point the need is much less -- but our western food is way too over-fortified with calcium these days. Just look at any packet of corn flakes, processed milk, grains, soft drinks, mineral drinks -- "... With added extra calcium" -- its simply a selling point that's based around peoples fears about lack of calcium. But the one to really worry about is Magnesium -- which is hugely lacking in the western diet. I don't take any calcium supplements at all now(I'm over 60), but I supplement Magnesium Chloride(400 mgs/day) regularly on a daily basis because all food lacks this important mineral. It's beneficial effects on bone health, heart, thyroid, blood circulation, stress, insomnia etc are well known.

Regarding supplementing with monobasic sodium phosphate I have a similar argument. You should be able to adequately obtain all your daily levels of phosphates as phospholipids, which is a form of phosphate -- from just the plant and animal diet that you eat. Phospholipids are found in the cell walls of all plant and animal cells. Unless you have a serious bone or teeth problem -- I myself do not think that its necessary to supplement monobasic sodium phosphate regularly because you should really get adequate amounts from your diet.

Replied by Ladyhawk
(Sarasota, Florida, Usa)

Hi Bill ~ We are very much on the same wavelength. Not only did I say, "Yet, we all need to consume at least a teaspoon of salt daily in order to aid the lymphatic system"; I also make a practice of totally ignoring the RDA when it comes to vitamins and minerals.

Because of this almost religious viewpoint when it comes to FOOD (as opposed to PHUDE) -- I could have made myself more clear -- the "calcium-sodium-magnesium-potassium ratios of the body" I was referring to had nothing to do with RDA ratios. Rather, I was referring to the systemic ratios of these four crucial minerals as they relate to hair tissue mineral analysis. They are: Ca/Mg=7.33; Ca/K=1.47; Na/Mg=10.67; Na/K=2.13.

Assuredly, these figures have nothing to do with appropriate dietary intake proportions. Certain nations in Africa that have no osteoporosis and only 1 in 100,000 cases of breast cancer, for example, have indigenous diets in which the calcium:magnesium intake is 2:3. Here in the US, on the other hand, where ospetoporosis is rampant, and where our breast cancer rate is 1 in 8, 1 in 7, and soon to be 1 in 6, we promote dairy products as the solution and peddle cow's milk, which has a calcium:magnesium ratio of 10:1. (sic) Something is hugely wrong with this picture.

Much of my reasoning in these inquiries about monosodium phosphate has been in relation to my own osteopenia. At 62 years of age, I have been diagnosed with clinical bone loss as a result, I have been slowly and successfully regrowing bone on my own, but it is a long, extenuated process in which I am swimming upstream completely solo in many respects. I practice yoga; I jump daily on a rebounder; I balance my calcium supplements (taken at the same time as omega-3 oils) with strontium and megadoses of magnesium and Vitamin-D; I have traded "sitting" at the computer for "standing"; and I have started including 2 T of hydrolyzed fish collagen in with my daily food intake.

Dr. Judd's recommendation to use bar soap as toothpaste has been serving me for about a week at this point in helping to keep my teeth white while also healping to keep my saliva alkaline. Since I have noticed bone loss over the years in the jaw and surrounding dental structure as well as in the hips, ankles, wrists and spine, I found your post at Earth Clinic (a favorite website for searches of this nature) while investigating Dr. Judd's mention of monosodium phosphate supplementation.

At this point, on the basis of websites like, ,d00427a1,00.html that warn people NOT to take phosphates if they have Addison's disease, a bowel obstruction, heart disease, high BP, kidney disease, liver disease, hypoparathyroidism... The list goes; it appears to be anything but a mindless additive... I'm not running out to find myself a bulk supplier quick.

I have, however, noticed that my daily vitamin/mineral supplement regimen does NOT include any phosphorus whereas certain other health optimizing products on the market include approx 500 mcg potassium/calcium phosphate. My feeling is that I am probably not going to drive myself nuts trying to supplement with phosphorus right now. I will continue instead with the regimen I have outlined above (e.g. , yoga, jumping, hydrolozed fish collagen, etc. ), keep brushing my teeth with bar soap, and see how it pans out from there.

Much like you, Bill, I too believe that keeping supplements as close as possible to wholesome, natural, bio-available FOOD makes the most sense. Monobasic Sodium Phosphate (NaH2PO4) feels just a bit too arcane for me at this point.

Thanks so much for your camaraderie and input! Blessings!

Replied by Ladyhawk
(Sarasota, Florida, Usa)

Hi Bill ~ Insights from Dr. Andrew Weil at on phosphorus have me sitting on my hands and swearing to do absolutely nothing about supplementing with monosodium phosphate. For starters, Weil says that phosphorus is highly reactive and is never found in its free form it nature. He too recommends getting phosphorus from diet alone.

Weil says that excess intake of phosphorus (or phosphate supplements) can worsen conditions like heart disease, pancreatitis, rickets, osteomalacia (softening of bones), high blood pressure, and liver and kidney disease. Moreover, it can result in hyperphosphatemia (high blood phosphorus levels), which can lead to potentially serious electrolyte imbalances and even death. Yikes!

Chances are Dr. Gerald Judd is being a bit too cavalier in recommending the unilateral use of monosodium phosphate for re-mineralizing the teeth. I'm still following his advice to brush with bar soap -- that seems harmless enough -- but I'm steering clear of monosodium phosphate supplementation.

Replied by Dee
(Nyc, Ny)

What kind of bar soap is suggested as the best for brushng your teeth? Regular bar soap like Dove, or Ivory? Or, natural soaps like lye and pine tar? Thanks.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Dee... Use the most natural soap you can find -- no perfume, no additives etc. My own reasons for using soap in dental hygeine is really due to more recent research on bacterial biofilms.

These bacterial biofilms exist and are a danger to not only our oral hygeine, but also help to cause great problems in the intestines as well. These biofims completely protect bacteria from attack by the body's defenses and are what seem to protect the bacteria against anti-biotics now.

These biofilms are like microscopic slime which is secreted by and covers single or large groups of bacteria. Teeth cannot be attacked by bacteria -- it's impossible. Acid from many sources -- fruit juices(citric acid), sodas(anything phosphoric acid, benzoic acid, carbonic acid to name a few) plus the acids from ordinary foods are what erode enamel and cause cavities.

Plaque and gingivitis are a different story. If bacteria are able to get in between the tooth and the gums, they form small vertical growing colonies that are completely protected within this biofilm. So plaque eventually forms on the teeth that also helps to both destroy the gums and degrades the tooth minerilization process and thus can help to weaken the teeth.

So the trick is to continually disrupt and stop these bacterial biofilms forming on your teeth. In general, doing this every day will eradicate biofilms and will reduce plaque and most of the bad bacteria in the mouth. There are also several ways to do this. Soap is the easiest and cheapest way. Recent research also suggests that using Iodine is another way to successfully disrupt biofilms as well as to kill the bacteria. So you could use an iodine-based mouthwash or even diluted lugols instead if you like.

Replied by Swhit
(Los Angeles, Ca)

Re: monosodium phosphate

He explains what to take at

Note* He says Food Grade

Thanks Bill going to give it a try.

Replied by Swhit
(Los Angeles, Ca)

In another article Judd suggests using Take 1 tablespoon lecithin to replace PO43- (phosphate).

Replied by Sandy

My question is for Mama to Many. I didn't know any other way to get in touch with her. My one tooth was loose. So I got it splint. It was good for one year. Now that tooth plus one more adjusant tooth became loose and projecting up.. because I was afraid of it becomeing loose again I was not brushing it properly so lot of tartar build up. And two tooth in front, lower jaw are loose now. Doctor said it happened because I did not brush properly. Can I splint said he can splint again but I have to brush properly. Or he suggested to remove two teeth and get a bridge. I am terrified with the thought of loosing my teeth. I want to keep them. Please suggest something


Swish mouth twice a day with diluted hydrogen peroxide. Take 3 grams of vitamin C a day.

Oil Pulling

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Shemika (New Brunswick, NJ) on 08/10/2008

I found your site in June of 2007 because I allowed a dentist to talk me into repairing a chipped tooth, he even claimed he wouldn't do any drilling. But he lied & drilled so deep into my gums a nerve was damaged. I was in non stop pain from the time I left his office dispite the novacane,which got worst after it wore off. I could not sleep & cried every night for a month, almost going to the emergency room but determined not to go back to him and fearful of dentists. After searching the net I tried your herbal remedies for the pain and started oil pulling. And within a few days the pain was gone and the only thing I did to maintain it was the oil pulling. I continued it for about 9 mos and felt the tooth must have healed by then so I stopped oil pulling and about two months later the pain returned but there was swelling this time and I was told I must definately get a root canal asap. Instead I started oil pulling again along with ACV and the swelling went away and the pain stopped again. I also recently found a great book about healing cavities and tooth infections called Cure Tooth Decay by Ramiel Nagel. He advises what foods to eat to recover from cavites and pressure tecniques to restore the bodies hormonal balance which I barely tried but was amazed that they seem to work right away and I felt a difference. That tooth is now almost 100%. No sensitivity to hot or cold & I can chew any kind of foods no matter how hard, & the tooth no longer feels weeaker than the others. Unlike before when I had to chew certain foods like steak or nuts on the other side of my mouth.

EC: Read more about Oil Pulling here.

Replied by Lindsay P
(Ripon, North Yorkshire, England)

Thanks for you information. I have been researching how your diet can affect your teeth and have just sent for the book you referred to. I wondered how much of the advice that you put into practice from the book and what has your experience been? After having a tooth extracted in January (had a root canal that didn't work) I now seem to be having probs which I didn't have before in terms of sensitive teeth, discomfort around the extraction although gum healed (I did have an infection) now. I am very concerned and like you now have a profound fear of dentists! Any other advice appreciated. Lindsay

Oregano Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Randy (Webster, S.D.) on 10/28/2012

I was diagnosed with gum disease, receeding gums by my dentist, I used 10 drops of oregano under my tongue, let it set til I had good saliva built up, then swished it aroung my mouth, used my tongue to rub it on my gums & swallow it, every morning & guess what, went to my densist 6mo. Later & he was amazed. I now do this every morning, & for some reason---i do not get ill near as often either. Amazing!!

Ted's Remedies

Posted by J.B. (N.J.) on 06/16/2008

Hi Ted, Like many others, I stumbled onto this site during an internet search for some health concern and am thankful for the helpful, inexpensive and safe recommendations. My reason in writing concerns how to prevent tooth loss due to cracking. I have just cracked my forth tooth in 12 years (I am 52). None of these teeth had cavities, in fact I have never had a cavity in my life. But I do have periodontal disease, with most of the pockets in the 4 - 6 mm range. I do not brush daily, but use salt/baking soda combo when I do, followed by a hydrogen peroxide rinse.

My questions are:

1. Can unchecked bacteria growth cause teeth to crack vertically, especially if the bacteria is anaerobic?

2. Can teeth, which have never had cavities and have never been injured, crack vertically only as a result of grinding your teeth in your sleep? Though I considered that possibility, I have never awakened with a headache (nor do I get any headaches) and there is no evidence of wear on my teeth.

3. Should I consider having dental implants to replace the lost teeth or would that lead to further complications down the road as I had with infected root canals? Would getting a bridge or noninvasive option be better?

Of the first two teeth that cracked, both had a root canal and crown put on in order to save the tooth. Unfortunately, in time that led to an infection and huge abscess, so I had both of these root canal treated teeth removed. Consequently, I would appreciate any comments by you or by your readers as to their experiences.

Thank you so much."


06/17/2008: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand writes, "Usually in a periodontal disease, the bacteria may grow in vertical column, causing vertical breaks. Given the fact that regular brushing was not done in the morning and before sleep, it gives ample time for this disease to develop and the thinning of teeth, especially the enamel, which causes the teeth to be brittle. Once that sets in a break occurs along the vertical column. The thinning of enamel can be further worsens by acid saliva where the saliva pH is below 7, while a urinary pH is much more allowable to be as low as 6, but a much stricter allowances of the mouth pH not to be below even 6.8 before a bacteria sets in. However acceptable allowance of urinary pH to be as low as 6.5 and 7.0 for salivary pH are allowed.

The major alkalizing remedy for the mouth has always been the potassium, unfortunately certain diets may influence excess potassium and lacking sodium in case of vegetarian diets, Hallelujah diets here are not applicable. The mouth gets alkalized with a potassium bicarbonate, or a potassium citrate. One effective remedy that I have tested so far in the prevention of bad breath and some periodontal disease was the use of potassium citrate. The reason why potassium bicarbonate was not tested, at least here in Thailand is that the chemical suppliers here don't sell it, so I ended up testing just the potassium citrate. The remedy is often 1/4 teaspoon of potassium citrate plus 1/4 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in 1 glass of water, only once a day for healthier people. But for people who are sicker it may be taken twice a day.

It should be noted that I actually have a two tiered remedy depending on the condition of the people, either they are sick or they are well. A people who are well generally either don't need the alkalizing remedy or used it once a day, depending on condition, rather than perfection of achieving a close pH values, where allowable pH is much wider in healthier people, but within limits.

For example, for me the positive effects of potassium citrate lasts for days in alkalizing my mouth, while some may need just once a day, a more unhealthier people may need up to twice a day. The potassium added remedy is often a bit more difficult to handle, because excessive potassium use has a stronger effect and longer lasting effect than a sodium bicarbonate one and needs more complete description.

Besides the alkalizing effects to alkalize the mouth to prevent erosion of enamel when mouth pH is acid, is the issue of dietary preferences. Frequently people with enamel erosion has high strontium, fluoride, and other metals which causes erosion of enamel. Fluoride by mottled of the teeth. Sweets play in a large role in enamel erosion, which is the gives the teeth its strength as sugar increases calcium solubility by 35 times over ordinary water causing enamel erosion, which thins the teeth.

A couple of things not mentioned is that enamel erosion causes teeth sensitivity. Two possible supplements might help, one that I knew very well is the magnesium supplements and the other that came from nowhere is the silicon supplements, chemically in the form of silicic acid (which is neutral form) and sodium silicate (a very alkaline form), that is sometimes added in supplements. I make my own since it's not available anywhere. The matrix of enamel are complicated, but magnesium, silicon, phosphate, are some that is needed. The dentin inner part which is soft is high in collagen, so some sodium ascorbate vitamin C supplements may help, especially in cases of gum disease, such as receding gums.

The remineralization of teeth is vital, and molybdenum supplements are needed or can be added to a toothpowder formulation such as sodium molybdate 1% in a tooth formulation. Sodium molybdate is relatively benign and helps in remineralization of teeth and protects against cavities. But molybdenum is not the only one, and xylitol or mannitol are also helpful and deserves special mention. Already xylitol works better than fluoride by twice the value, while the addition of molybdenum will work a lot better in cavity prevention than traditional methods and are safer bas molybdenum are an essential mineral also. Mannitol is more natural version, than xylitol and they both work equally well when I tested it. Xylitol might work a bit better. If zinc chloride 0.1%-0.5% is added in a tooth formulation it will be fine. The reason why I discussed some of these chemical aspect is that I used to moonlight as an industrial chemist, so it's not something you see in consumer products since they don't add these because effectiveness of formulation in cavity prevention is not their priority. Cost is. That's where more conscious consumers comes in and have to formulate himself.

While I am fairly positive that sea salt used in tooth powders may help remineralization and even better approach is to add a tiny amount of rich mineral, bentonite a tiny pinch in the entire formulation often below 1% to help increase mineralization of the teeth.

As to why I used mannitol or even xylitol in a tooth formulation I find this is the future of antibiotics, the addition of these prevent colonies of bacteria and virus from replication. It is what I call a glue remover, that prevents the virus and bacteria from attaching to healthy cells forming colonies. Some people may not xylitol and there are more natural alternatives such as mannose, extracted from cranberry, or even mannitol which is derive from mannose. I prefer both or sometimes I used xylitol because it's cheaper and easier to find in my area. The reason why I know mannitol and xylitol may help periodontal disease is I purposes eat sweets (ouch!) to cause cavities and toothache, where I added mannitol or xylitol to find out how long it takes to stop it. The amount is about 1 gram applied in the area and it kills it. The mechanism of killing by polyol sugars is it prevents bacteria from attaching to the surface of the enamel and prevents enamel erosion that way. Hence between 10% to 50% of the formulation used contains this element in a toothpowder.

Therefore, I would avoid sour, sweet and very hot foods, smoking (causes strontium and excessive wear of the enamel) and should be avoided. Sour foods digests the enamel by acid. Getting an alkaline saliva is also important but they are more tricky to use than the old baking soda remedy. However, much of these I used only when it is needed, and not as a supplements. Some people mistakenly assume I used this as a supplement. If that were true, I would have to use a Ringer's solution, along with vitamin C sodium ascorbate with a twice a week vitamin B complex and required a lot of more description. However, a saliva's pH should be around 7-7.3, and potassium is added in addition to baking soda. But since most of my postings deal with Home Remedies, I frequently opted simpler supplies than a more complicated Ringer's solution, and other nuances since most will not have it anyway.

As to your questions:

1. Unchecked bacteria growth cause vertical cracks.

2. A periodontal disease, eating sour and sweet foods and acid saliva can cause rapid enamel erosion. Cavities is just one element of enamel damage!

3. Grinding of teeth will cause crown erosion. But theres more than one way to grind it! The teeth during sleeping can be grinding up and down the crown, but there is another which happens when we go left and right, which does not wear the crown, but put undue pressure to the side to cause a break. A grinding of teeth can only be noticed by two ways: someone tells you were grinding in your sleep, or you webcam recorded yourself while you sleep. Grinding of teeth is in my opinion a very weak from of epileptic seizures and I have seen cures with granulated lecithin, alkalizing, and magnesium supplements, as well as occasional cilanto (Chinese parsley) to remove heavy metals. One newer remedy added to arsenal of reduced grinding is fish oil omega 3 containing DHA and EPA.

As to the issue of dental implants for lost teeth and noninvasive option. The dental implants is more invasive and risk potential infection.


Replied by Blake
(Greenfield, Wisconsin)

According to Dr Hal Huggins: Dental decay is systemic. Always take out all of the larger fillings (Negatively charged) first or u can end up with autoimmune disease. parotid gland in the cheek releases a hormone, parotid hormone, which controls the flow of tooth circulation from the pulp chamber thru the dentin, thru the enamel of the tooth. Too low parotid hormone causes the tooth circulation flow to go in reverse.

Sugar causes low hormone and the flow to reverse and go from the body into the tooth enamal, into the dentin, into the enamel and then, to the tooth pulp which demineralizes the tooth--its not bacterial cause.
Dr Ralph Steinman in CA--Serum phosphorous levels indicate the balance of estrogen and testosterone in the endocrines. When serum phosphorous is below 3.6 - 4.0 there is no dental decay. The tooth circulation flow goes from mouth, enamel, dentin and into the pulp chamber. When serum phosphorous is between 3.6-4.0, the flow of tooth circulation goes from pulp chamber, dentin, enamel into the mouth and healthy cavity free teeth.
Dr Melvin Paige in FL--To stimulate the parotid gland, Albumin (animal source protein) needs to be at least 4.6 gm, then, globulin and BUN will be in the normal restorative function. Minerals needed are:

Mercury goes to the thyroid in 4 minutes.

a cavity will recalcify if u eliminate all sugar from your diet. 1832 first multiple sclorsis case and they had the first amalgam filling in Paris, France. teeth have either a positive or negative charge. Removing a negative charged filling, will cause regeneration of the body. Removing a positive charged filling, will cause degenerate type diseases, such as autoimmune. 8 Endocrine glands (4 regeneration, 4 Degeneration) control this. When removing a filling, the sodium/potassium balance gets messed up and effect the synapses in the nerves of the body. Always remove ALL the negatively charged (largest) fillings first.

galvanic current is measured using an electrical oral potential meter known as the Rita Meter that can be used to measure electrical charges on fillings, crowns and metallic appliances. (Normal readings range from 2/-2 micro-amps. ) The brain operates on 7 to 9 nano-amps which is 1000 times weaker than the currents resulting from non-precious metals found in the oral cavity.

To regrow bone around teeh, sodium ascorbate in a waterpik. Using Sodium Ascorbate in a water pick to erigate the gums will regenerate the bone 1mm per year.
Gum restorer
aggressively swish 1/2 tsp of ____'s pickling and canning salt to fix gum pockets.

To prevent cavities and disease keep albumin within 4.2-4.6 eat protein Serum Phosphorus 3.5 - 4

inject calcium iodide into the cavitation areas and the periodontal ligament will show up on xray.

Vitamins D, E and A are essential to healthy teeth as well, but stop all the carbs.

Ted's Remedy Feedback

Posted by Kat (Kodak, TN USA) on 06/15/2009

Hey Ted,

I think I've read every post of yours that I could find about your remedies for gum/periodontal disease but having done that, I'm a bit overwhelmed! I have started using the milk of magnesia rinse after brushing my teeth with a very expensive tincture (made for gum disease and general oral hygiene) I purchased almost a year ago online when I was diagnosed initially with gum disease do to a cracked tooth that went unnoticed til bacteria set in and started this whole thing. I have several deep pockets, 6 mm and they are talking laser surgery which I cannot afford. I wish I could tell you what was in this "magic" tincture, but apparently they like to keep it a secret so it cannot be copied; essential oils of spearmint and such is all I could gather. I have been completely off of regular flouride toothpastes for at least 18 mos and have been brushing with baking soda and ACV at least 1 x day b/c I only have a few servings left of the tincture. So, I guess my question is, what is your tooth powder composed of and what additional supplements do you suggest? Just a side note, I also take the ACV and baking soda remedy every day, am & pm b/c you put me on it 2 years ago: I was the girl that had the E. Coli and Candida (plus 3 other "bugs") that nearly killed me, unitl I found you here at Earthclinic. I told you then, as I tell everyone now, that I believe YOU saved my life (I spent a week in the hospital with an NG tube and the dr.s didn't have a clue what was wrong with me). I've saved every one of your letters, just in case of a relapse, which has happened only once. You deal with and have met and helped so many people here, that you may not remember my particular case...but, I will never forget you!

Replied by Preet
(New York, USA)

Hi Kat, Could you tell me what you tried for candida? I'll really appreciate it.


Tooth Issues

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Arsieiuni (Arley, Al, United States Of America) on 05/19/2012

I think that my bottom-right wisdom tooth is coming in at a bad angle. As it's grown in, pain has occurred once in a while, usually only 2-3 days every few months. This time, however, it has caused me to repeatedly bite a bit of skin near my back molars which comes off of my cheek near the jaw. This is causing severe pain and it is beginning to become very difficult to eat. Because of the accidental biting, the skin there is becoming swollen and thus, easier to bite.

The tooth itself is relatively painless, but this bit of skin is really starting to cause me major pains. Can anyone recommend anything to keep this from continuing? I don't know what to do. :C

Replied by Jennifer
(Sunrise, Fl)

You have to get the tooth taken out. I know that's probably not the response you wanted to hear, but if it's growing in at an odd angle, it's going to continue to give you problems until it comes out. (Not to mention that it's very difficult to brush and properly clean a wisdom teeth that came in at a bad angle - and you may eventually need it out anyway once it starts to decay).

My top 2 wisdom teeth grew in at odd angles and I had the same problems you have. They continued to cause me more and more discomfort until I finally had them taken out. No supplement or remedy is going to prevent your teeth from rubbing up against your gums.

I know wisdom teeth surgery can be very expensive, but many local dentistry schools offer the procedure at reduced costs and with payment plan options. I had my 4 wisdom teeth (including 2 severely impacted ones) taken out for $600 by an oral surgeon resident which was much cheaper than the $3000 my oral surgeon quoted me. The removal went wonderfully and I had no problems.

You can also have your oral surgeon/dentist remove just the one tooth if you are worried about the cost or surgery, although it's better to get them all out if you are going to go that route.

If you are terrified of the dentist (very common! ) opt for general anesthesia. It's completely painless and you won't even know what happened!

When I had inflammation from my wisdom tooth, I took ACV everyday which definitely helped. However, my gums did not fully heal until after the tooth was out - and now I feel 100% better.

Best of luck to you! Jennifer

Replied by Sophie
(Dayton, Ohio, Usa)

I have to agree -- get the wisdom teeth removed! I had impacted wisdom teeth, so bad that I had pockets of liquid forming under my gums around the teeth! The liquid pockets were causing the teeth to rot inside my gums. If they had not been removed I would have had a huge infection in my jaw. Don't risk it! It's a very simple procedure and realistically, tooth extraction is a much more natural procedure than all the antibiotics and pain drugs you would be facing with an extreme infection! There is evidence that even primative man would pull bad teeth as a medical procedure. Try to schedule it for a Friday, that way you have the weekend to heal and will not miss work. Most dental insurance covers the procedure.

Replied by Robert

Cayenne pepper, turmeric will help alot!!!!!!

Tooth Issues
Posted by Big (Detroit, Michigan) on 05/19/2012

Wow!! I can't believe how well this remedy works. Had toothache pain for about 2 days on my wisdom tooth, I put some garlic powder on a Q-tip and saturated my tooth and gum area with the garlic powder, there was some burning but I couldn't believe the relief it gave me, NO MORE PAIN!!!!!

Replied by Cat
(Bop, New Zealand)

Big from Detroit, Michigan: Wow, I can't believe the garlic either!! My tooth pain has been slowly increasing over 2 weeks and about 5 minutes ago I checked EC to remind myself of the fabulous cures as it was getting too sore. I got a clove of garlic, peeled and bit down on it and within a minute the pain had diminished to almost nothing. Had to spit out because of the stinging of the garlic though but swallowed the saliva and will eat the rest of the garlic. RELIEF all within a few minutes!!! Thank you everyone :)

White Oak Bark

Posted by Karen (Alpharetta, Ga.) on 06/02/2010

White Oak Bark for loose teeth

if you have loose teeth, try about 960 mg before going to sleep. In the morning they won't be loose anymore.

Replied by Aurora
(Mason City, Iowa)

I have a question about white oak bark helping with loose teeth, the person that wrote the comment didn't say how to take if you ingest or is it a oil? if you can give more info I'll appreciate it. Thanks

EC: Hi Aurora,

White Oak Bark is sold as a supplement in powder or extract form:

Replied by Paul
(Cortlandt Manor, NY)

I'd be interested to learn the dosage & type (capsule, tablet or bark-strip) you used and for how long a period and from which site you discovered its effect for loose teeth please.

Wisdom Teeth Extraction

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Katken (Bloomfield, Mi, Usa) on 08/18/2011

Does anyone have a remedy to speed along the healing of wisdom teeth extraction? My daughter had 4 impacted removed and I've never seen a worse case of misery from that in my life, my sister's were really bad off... But this doesn't even compare. I'm getting a little scared. She literally looks like she has a huge rubber mask on, just horrible.

Replied by Braveheartlion
(Rome, Ny)

I would take call the dentist, this may be dry socket or some other complication. I had 3 widsom teeth removed 2 winters ago and did not have inflamation as you say you are seeing with her. Good luck, hope she's better soon.

(New York City)

My physical therapist took Arnica Montana, a homeopathic remedy, 3 times a day, 1 week before all of his 4 wisdom teeth were removed. He had no swelling, and the dentist said, "Whatever you are doing, keep doing it as it works." Take one pill without anything your mouth 10 minutes before or afterwards.

Replied by Cindy
(Illinois, USA)
529 posts

Activated charcoal. Empty 2 tea bags, put some activated charcoal in them, tie them off with thread, dampen them and place on "the hole" areas so they hit both upper and lower when she closes her mouth. Shouldn't take long to start relieving the discomfort. Maybe a minute - but probably not that long. Also, make a charcoal slurry (1 TBS activated charcoal per 1/2 cup of water for her to rinse with. You can keep tht in the fridge and simply shake it a bit before rinsing with it. It is perfectly fine to swallow.
