Acne Scars
Natural Remedies

Acne Scar Remedies

| Modified on Feb 01, 2022
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Natural acne scar home remedies includes the popular oil cleansing method. Lemon juice is said to be an even more effective method for getting rid of acne scars! Acne sufferers not only have to face their acne flare ups, but they also must deal with the scars left behind when the acne has cleared up. Acne is caused by a variety of factors and occurs when pores become clogged and inflamed. Improper hygiene, a hormonal imbalance or fluctuation in hormone levels, stress and diet have all been proven to cause acne. Whether acne is a present struggle or a thing of the past, it can feel like an uphill battle when trying to get rid of acne scars.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Acne scars can be treated with effective home remedies. One of the most popular acne scar remedies is using the oil cleansing method when washing the face. The oil cleansing method involved applying a mixture of olive and castor oils to the face, steaming the skin under a wet, hot washcloth, then gently removing the oils with the wet washcloth. Skin is left clean and moisturized and scars will begin to heal thanks to the healing properties of the oil. The best treatment for acne scars is the use of lemon juice on the skin. Lemon juice not only lightens red marks and areas of discoloration, but it also helps to remove dead skin to reveal fresh, healthy skin underneath. The acids that are naturally present in the lemon are a great remedy for acne scars.

Read on to learn the most successful remedy for acne scars as reported by our readers, Fresh Aloe Vera!

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Aloe Vera

5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Kate (New Windsor, Ny) on 06/29/2011

Applying Aloe Vera gel to acne scars is a gentle and effective way reduce their appearance. Aloe contains a concentrated mix of enzymes, anti-inflammatory fatty acids, and compounds that boost the immune system. It encourages cellular regeneration, speeding the healing process, while reducing any lingering pain cased by swelling and irritation.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Cocoandrico (Kingston, Ny, Usa) on 06/20/2011

You might want to try Aloe Vera gel as a treatment for the after-effects of acne. It's anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory and it speeds cellular regeneration making it a great remedy for sensitive skin with acne scarring.

Aloe Vera
Posted by K (Chicago, IL) on 07/02/2009

I have been using fresh aloe juice/gel/flesh topically overnight on my chest and back to try to heal scarring due largely to acne. I had been dealing with acne and scarring for months now. Just two nights of applying aloe liberally and directly onto my skin, letting it dry a bit, and then putting on a pajama top overnight has produced surprisingly good results. I am so relieved and amazed. I recommend this very simple, inexpensive, and natural method to everyone.

Replied by Maria
(Buffalo, Ny)

I have also been using aloe vera gel and it does really help minimize the appearance of acne scarring. I do not use the kind for sunburns, I use the highest percent of pure aloe I can find, with no perfumes or dyes.

Replied by Prc
(Chicago, Il)

I exfoliate with baking soda then apply a mixture of niacinamide powder and 100% aloe vera (and if my skin feels dry a small amount of unrefined coconut oil) and my acne scars have faded drastically. I also rarely break out anymore.

Replied by Thesexy1
(Chicago, Il)

Thanks for the advice. I just wanted to ask where can I find niamicin? How lond did it take before you see results?? I recently started to exfoliate 3 times a week w/baking soda in the morning. I have fewer break outs. I currently have huge pores (holes/craders) and old dark acne marks. I've tried several things to help with out much luck. Now my son is having the same problems with his skin. Will this mixture help him with pores as well?

Apple Cider Vinegar

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Posted by Felicity (Mooresville, Nc, Usa) on 02/20/2013

ACV for Acne Scarring (dark spots): I am a 45 year-old brown-skinned African-American woman who has had acne since my teens. It got better when I stopped drinking cows milk in my late teens and of course my skin is better depending on my diet. More fresh fruits, veggies, clean water and I it's noticeable.

Even when I don't pick at pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, etc. , I still sometimes get dark marks (hyperpigmentation) after it goes away. Frustrating and not attractive.

I read somewhere that ACV is good for fading the dark marks so I tried it.

What I noticed is that the ACV works well and kind of like a peel. After several days of applying the ACV, the dark spots just peel off.

I use a 50/50 mixture of organic ACV (with the mother) and distilled or reverse osmosis water. I store it covered in a small glass bowl and leave it in the fridge or sometimes the bathroom (if it's not to warm in there).

Replied by Selma

Hello, can I also use normal water? I am from Austria, and we have clean water from the alps... I do not know what reverse osmosis water is.

Replied by Tim
(Cincinnati, Oh)

I imagine that your water is fine. You just want it to be as clean as possible. Many places in the U.S. have to treat their water with chemicals to ensure that it is save to drink. In this case you would want to avoid drinking the tap water and use distilled water or water that has gone throught the reverse osmosis process. I would be very happy if my tap water was as clean as yours.

Camphorated Oil, Lanolin, Peanut Oil

Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 12/09/2010

I have gotten rid of my scars with a solution of Camphorated oil (2 ounces), lanolin (1/2 tsp) and peanut oil (1 ounce). You can make it yourself or there are companies that make it already. Rub it onto your scars, as much as will be absorbed. It takes a long time! It took me 1 year to get a scar off of one of my children and it took me 2 years to get rid of a scar I had on my abdomen.

Replied by Bee

Does this work with old acne scars?

Hypertrophic Scar Remedies

Posted by Salenai (Bratislava, Slovakia) on 12/03/2013

Hello, I would like to ask you, how could I get rid of scar on my nose? I had cystic pimple 4, 5 years ago, it left me a hyperthropic scar, after 2 years I decided to get microdermabrasion done, my dermatologist suggested it to me. Nurse screwed up and left me with bigger scar due to microdermabrasion (scar is now longer).1 month ago I got another cystic pimple, on other side of nose, it was smaller though, but it too left me with raised scar. I squeezed the fresh scar and lot of blood came out, week after skin under pimple swelled up. I used aknemycin on it, it helped, once it was healed, I used Kelo-Cote (silicone cream) on my old scar, and new scar. It made both scars worse unfortunately :/. Old scar has raised and widened a bit due to silicone. New Scar? I was applying silicone on and around the scar, it seems like it has dyed skin white around the scar, and raised it a bit. There is one small bump, my scar, then next to it is another one, and under it is another one, it kind of froms a triangle. Dermatologists I visited said that it is a scar tissue.

I have used Kelo-Cote on new scar only for like 5 days, and on old scar for maybe 8-9 days. Even though I hae used it only for such a short time, it has made a difference in my scars, and it is worse. I have researched a lot about possible "solutions" to scar healing, which one do you think is the best one? I have managed to find this so far:

I found hemorrhoid cream that works on scars, essential oils, enzymes (serraptetase and nattokinase), vitalzym (enzymes+other ingredients), manuka honey, then oil, then gotu kola, sangre de drago, massages, needling, silica "drink", florasil, micropore tape (and other tapes), thyme oil, tamanu oil, vinegar method, edgar cayce scar oil recipe, saliva, urine therapy, celandula oil, germ oil, Helichrysum oil, black seed oil, arnica oil, dr max scar serum, avocado oil, aloe vera, invincible scars, manuka oil, emu oil, old urine for topical application, retin A, lugols iodine, sski/dmso.

From everything I have found so far, the most effective indeed sounds castor oil, and then rosehip oil and avocado oil, and perhaps also Helichrysum oil. And also lugols iodine or sski/dmso combo.

In case you wanted, I can post you pictures of my scars. I would like to ask you, what would you recommend? What kind of treatment for scars? Keep in mind, that they are on nose, and I have heard, that skin on nose is different than on rest of the body.

Thank you.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Salenai, as far as I know, these remedies work VERY slowly. So why don't you try dabbing on Castor Oil, for example, for a LONG time?

Laser Spot Treatments +

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Amy (CA) on 04/29/2020

I battled serious skin issues for 35 years. Cystic acne and more recently auto immune related skin lesions and scarring that left literal holes in my face. The physical and emotional damage is devastating on many levels. Fraxel laser spot treatments 2 - 3 times a year for 4 years finally resolved the holes. Cost is much less now and readily available by estheticians and medical spas. Out of desperation, and to avoid ongoing laser scar treatment, other options I have since used successfully include topical iodine and colloidal silver, alternated with aloe Vera or sea kelp bioferment. Gentle washing and exfoliating with a papaya product also helped. I avoid oil based products, sulphates and all skin/hair products with silicones and dimethicone. Reading labels and avoiding as many chemicals as possible has made a significant difference in frequency and severity of skin issues.

Manuka Honey

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Posted by Joy2dance (Pensacola, Fl) on 01/09/2018

I have been applying manuka honey everyday for an hour for the past few days. I've tried sooo many things. This is definitely working to fade the red spots from acne.

Multiple Remedies

2 User Reviews
4 star (1) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Samantha (Driggs, Idaho) on 04/18/2010

After suffering with acne scars for 30 years, I inherited a heck of a lot of money from my father. I put almost every dime of it toward top-of-the-line acne scar removal procedures, as well as potions, lotions and home remedies. The appearance of not one single scar improved. Not one.

Put your money toward make-up lessons. Acne scars don't come off. Ever. No matter how much you spend.

Replied by Elizabeth
(Nashville, Tn)

I beg to differ. I've gotten rid of acne scars using salicylic and glycolic acid gel peels. It may take some time but with patience you can make a dramatic difference in your appearance. God Bless!

Replied by K
(San Francisco, Ca)

I must agree. I've had improvement in mine as well, with in-office dermasanding and tca, and very diligent tazorac/camellia oil/exfoliation at home. I've also talked with many people who have improved or greatly improved theirs with various methods.

Replied by Laurie
(New York , Ny)

I recently had a very bad cystic pimple on my nose with left a small boxcar scar with a icepick scar in the center. I was upset because its in the center of my face and know that this could be permanent. I went to the dermatologist and he gave me prescription strength retinal, which I apply at night. Its quite strong so I alternate after a few days with glycolic acid (20%). In the morning I apply topical vitamin C and sunscreen. To my surprise and relief, the scar has improved dramatically in two weeks. Please note these products are very aggressive and you need to be extremely careful when going in the sun. Its not for everyone, especially if you have sensitive skin. But I did want to share because it is possible to greatly improve scarring with some patience and diligence, and without the cost of pricey laser procedures. God bless all.

Replied by Janeallen8
(Mesquite, Texas, USA)

Hi Laurie, I'm glad you found something for your cystic pimple. But have you tried Apple cider vinegar? I recomended this to my cousin, who had at least 3 huge cystic pimples on her face. And in 1 day they turned black, peeled off, and were gone :) I thought it may be cheaper and an easier route than the dermatologist. I dont have CP's but I use ACV for my random zits and to keep my face clear. Oh and a friend of mine used it on a huge wart on her finger and it was gone in 2 days. Im actually going to try it on a skin tag, I heard that it works on those too ;) Love ACV!

Replied by Priya
(Silver Spring, Md)

Disagree, try Manuka honey with Kfactor of 16+ and do research on hydrosols and essential oils.

Manuka honey and Lavender essential oils has helped me decrease scarring and acne! There are cures, you just have to not give up and believe there is something out there for you. Also realize that for normal skinned people- top, high end brands like Dr Brant, Murad, proactive etc work. But people with hormonal imbalances, cystic acne etc need more care and attention, and usually natural remedies work best for that! Don't loose hope :)

Natural Fiber Mitten Scrub

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Kismet (Houston, Texas) on 01/10/2014

Exfoliation with a natural fiber mitten is getting rid of icepick acne scars.

I'm an avid fan of this page—and of the holistic, natural approach to treatment. I owe that to at least 15 years (from age 13 to age 30) of terrible skin and associated label reading at Walgreens to treat cysts, white heads, pustules, red inflamed skin, all very painful and awful (where were you then, Earth Clinic?). Lest I sound like I'm issuing an informercial testimonial, I progressively tried the tetracycline, the proactive, sulfur, rubbing alcohol, ibuprofen, salicylic acid lotions, AHAs, blemish pads, creams--I even bought a snail mucus cream (which actually did work but was exorbitantly priced); I popped zits and stuck them with tissue paper doused in hydrogen peroxide—until I finally concluded I was making it much worse by putting more chemicals in my system and on my skin. It was an education in skin care.

So I began a regimen of skin oil moisturizing, finding grape seed oil too drying, but emu oil just right, perfectly moisturizing and soothing. I also switched to a fragrance free salicylic acid face wash with hydrogen peroxide. Things looked up a bit.

Finally, at 30, I had a baby, and my hormones normalized; the acne completely subsided, but my skin was left terribly pocked. Small ice pick lesions dotted my cheeks with the occasional larger flat scars from cysts on the sides of my face. Making it worse is the dilemma of pronounced wrinkles where the facial muscle warps at a scar. So, of course, I begin looking for natural wrinkle remedies and for something to smoothen the overall texture of my skin. I've considered (but have been too chicken to try) derma rolling, at-home salicylic peels; I've rubbed with washcloths, had and broke a Clairsonic, tried a natural retinoid (and panicked at the ensuing, inflamed breakout), a homemade Vit. C serum, did lemon juice glazes.

Truth be told, I am prepared to just live life the way I am but I continue to have experimental urges. Then I came across a Baiden mitten, which is essentially a Turkish hammam bath mitten made of a thin knotted natural fiber that rolls away (by gripping and gathering) the top layer of dead skin. It's the act of a deep peel (not a scrub) with no chemicals that's making my skin respond; I think it's almost being tricked into producing collagen.

I use the mitten to massage with long up and down strokes almost daily in the shower under running water (important) followed by a spritz of a simple 1:3 ACV:water toner, a Vit. C serum (1:7 water: tiny drop of glycerin), and finally, a slathering of argan oil. But weekly, and I think this is what's making all the difference, I really do a hard scrub in up and down or side to side motions with the water off, and I've turned the water off after a long, steamy hot shower. The skin rolls off in clumps.

My skin is often raw (ACV, or even hot water feels scalding) and red (best to do at night), so after a gentle pat down with a towel, I'll slather on a thick layer of extra virgin coconut oil and go to bed. In the morning, my skin looks smoother, plumper, more even. I suppose the mitten opens up and rolls away blackheads, because my nose is seeing good improvement. Blemishes are past, wrinkles getting better, I feel. My skin is glowing, so smooth it reflects light. The icepick scars are flattening, some gone for good, but the cyst scars now tend to stand out a little more (because the rest of my face isn't as pocked). I'm sure with time, I'll see improvements. It's been only two months.

Perhaps the only warning I should issue with this treatment is don't overdo the hard scrub initially until you're aware of how the pressure it can take. At first, I did and scrubbed off the skin to a bleeding point on the bridge of my nose, between my eyes. Didn't take very long to heal but will be sure not to do that again!

Replied by Rebecca S

Thank you for sharing! Looks as though we've been down much similar paths!

I'm considering laser treatments for my acne scaring, but I'm going to try the mitt first. Thanks again!

Niacin Therapy

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Panem et circenses (Atlanta) on 12/07/2021

About 8 years ago, I began taking pure niacin for anxiety. I followed the protocol of Dr. Andrew Saul who was taught by Abram Hoffer. I started with 25mg 3x a day and slowly worked my way up to eventually 6500mg per day in divided doses. If you watch the documentary Food Matters, Dr. Saul discusses a woman with severe depression who benefits greatly from 13,000mg per day.

Anyway, as I was increasing my dose, I discovered that my cystic acne was going away. Up til then I had horribly painful deep cysts that would persist longer than regular acne. I also noticed that the cysts I had once developed on my upper thighs and even sometimes my armpits were COMPLETELY gone. I have not had them since. And like I said, that was 8 years ago when I started.

Now, PLEASE do your research about niacin first. While I have never had any issues with it (aside from accidentally taking time release niacin which raised my liver enzymes and caused my ankles to swell - very scary. Once I stopped it, all went back to normal), it does cause a flush. This flush can be anywhere from a slight warmth to feeling like a bad sunburn. It can take 15 minutes to an hour to pass. That is why I started at a VERY low dose and very gradually worked up.

I took the 25mg 3x a day and increased by 25mg per dose every 2-3weeks. I only started flushing when I started taking 50-100mg each dose. I believe it detours the liver and that may have something to do with it getting rid of the acne. I RARELY even have a pimple now when prior to starting it, I had a horrible pizza face with redness and discoloration from the scarring.

My scarring is 95% gone too. I'm sorry for the long post but felt this was a good one to share. Again, I ONLY use pure niacin (flush niacin), not niacinamide and definitely not time release niacin. Those two are dangerous to the liver from what I've read.

Rose Hip Seed Oil

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Haley (Houston, Tx) on 01/12/2010

Acne Scarring

I had mild/severe acne for a short period of time and afterwards, even when the pimples were gone, the skin on my cheeks and chin was scarred. I found that rose hip seed oil worked really well for my skin to help reduce the scarring from my acne. I purchased the oil online and applied it every night to the scar tissue. I'd advise that this only be done if there is no remaining acne.

Replied by Ashley
(Scotland, Greenock)

Is this any diff from essential Rose oil?

Replied by Cathy

Yes, there is a difference in Rosehip essential oils and Rosehip oil. Essential oils unless diluted to 1 or 2% will give you chemical burn on your skin. The regular Rosehip oil will not.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Keloid Acne Scarred (Vermont) on 11/20/2013

I form keloid scars instead of healing properly. Severe cystic acne left me with horrible scars on my face, chest, shoulders and back. Surgery for thyroid cancer left me with a scar that looked like I was wearing a rope necklace.

I had been taking Vitamin E capsules for years. It was the only thing that made any difference, but it was slow. But then I started eating soy veggie patties (Morningstar Farms) for breakfast every day and there was a HUGE improvement in my scars. I stopped taking the Vitamin E capsules and kept on eating the soy patties. They must have much more vitamin E than any other foods, and apparently that is what is missing for normal scar formation in the skin.

Keloid scars are huge raised discolored scars. Now after eating the soy patties for a number of years the scars are flat, and the discoloration of quite a number of them have disappeared as well. The thyroid scar is flat as well.

I feel so sorry for people I see with severe acne scars on their face, because if they ate soy the scars would improve and likely disappear. My scarring affected my entire life and I'm sorry I didn't know about solving the problem with soy products earlier in my life.

I like aloe vera gel and Neemaura neem cream for healing any active acne outbreaks. I had been under a lot of stress and then I had a huge boil (abscess? cyst?) break out on my face. I washed my face with neem soap every day, applied witch hazel to the infected area, and followed that by a big glop of aloe vera gel. It is almost completely healed after only a few days, and the swollen red area which had been about a quarter of my whole face, has shrunk to a small area right around the infected pores.

Replied by Linda

Thanks for your story. I have been trying to get rid of a keloid scar I've had for almost 36 years. I researched further about soy and read that soy contains Genistein (a phytoestrogen) which inhibits inflammatory factors known to play a role in keloid formation. I will be adding more soy to my diet to see if this helps improve my keloid scar.

Replied by Megan
(Charleston, Sc)

Morningstar Farm burgers are owned by the Kellogg company and made from GMO's. Please find another organic alternative for your soy patties. These are toxic.

Sulfur, Vitamin E

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Posted by Mm (Spfd, Nj) on 05/30/2012

Funny, I had the same pus pimples and I too associated them with ice cream but they came out when my period was coming on. I had the scars for years and finally got rid of them with sulfur and vitamin E.

Vitamin E

Posted by Lt (Odessa, Texas, Usa) on 02/23/2010

Vitamin E for Acne Scars

I have very sensitive skin when it comes to using oils on my face. I will break out which results in pink scarring that usually lasts some time. I read here that Vitamin E can be used to reduce these scars but I can't find a pure form of it. All I have found thus far includes olive, castor, or certain other types of oil. I'm weary about using these mixtures because I don't want to do any more harm to my skin. Please let me know what kind of Vit. E I can safely use and where I can find it. Thanks so much.

EC: People report opening up capsules of vitamin e and applying it to the skin.

We do see some pure vitamin e oil products here:

Replied by Sue M.
(Worden , Il. Usa)

I have sensitive skin also and have been experimenting with different oils. I found some vitamin E oil at GNC and mixed 1 oz.with 16oz. of aloe vera gel. I put that on after I have cleansed my face and it is still damp. When it dries my face is still a bit tight, so I use a combination of VCO and castor oil(lightly). It seems to be doing the job just fine. You can read about the essential oils here on EC....great information. Hope this helps....
