Vaginal Itching
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Vaginal Itching Relief

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Vaginal Itch Remedies

Posted by Plainjane (Planet Earth) on 10/28/2013

I"m 56, post-menopausal. I have all the symptoms--hot flashes, memory loss, dryness in my nether regions, etc. My question today is for the itch down there. Inside as well as out--not all over, put certain areas constantly. This is not in infection or inflammation, but hormonal. When it first started I thought I had a bug bite, but that was several years ago and the itch/irritation persists. It feels like I have splinters, inside and out, and just get no relief. I've tried evening primrose oil, coconut oil, olive oil, vit e oil, soaking in epsom salts, estrogen cream, progesterone cream.......This is driving me crazy. Any suggestions other than go on and die already?

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Plainjane, have you tried cutting down sugar consumption?

Replied by Plainjane
(Planet Earth)

You betcha. I have done all the standard remedies. Could you explain how sugar consumption can cause hormonal itchiness? I could see if it was candida, etc, but it's not. Funny, but I can put lotion on the external spot and get no relief, but my avon face cream soothes it tremendously (lasts about 5 minutes, so no solution).

Replied by Wendy
(Columbus, Oh)

Stop ALL sugar, processed foods and breads. Add organic Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and baking soda to water and sip throughout the day. Search here on this earthclinic site for recommended dosages. Usually it's 1-2 tablespoons ACV + 1/4 teaspoon Baking SODA (NOT powder) to a 16-ounce glass of purified/distilled/filtered water.

Stick to this plan for at least a month, including stopping ALL sugar, processed foods and breads, increase fresh/organic veggies and fruits (more veggies than fruits due to the "sugar" (fructose) in the fruit).

Replied by Plainjane
(Planet Earth)

I've been doing the acv/baking soda for over 5 years now, so that's not a solution. I/m still waiting for someone to tell me why sugar must be avoided--is it becuase sugar is bad, bad bad? or is there some reason for it. As I said before, I do not consume sugar as sugar, but I do eat an extremely good diet and consume mostly raw veg's, when I eat beef it's from my grass-fed steers and eggs/chicken from my free range, pastured hens. No dairy, no caffiene, nothing processed. I even eat my eggs raw, so please just give me the logic behind 'stop all sugar'.

Replied by Mike 62
(Denver, Colorado)

Plainjane: Making good hormones, preventing them from becoming bad hormones, and regulating them is the complete program. Aromatization is what you are experiencing. Chew and let dissolve through the gums 20g/day raw sweet potatoe. This makes progesterone. Eat 1 oz./day capers. This has quercitin, an aromatization inhibitor. Take 1g/day hops alcohol extract sublingually. This has xanthuomal. This is the most potent aromatization inhibitor. Take 3g/day cold processed maca or 12g/day regular maca. This regulates the hormones. Google raw food videos for nutritional support.

Replied by Plum Happy

I agree with another poster about sugar. But I would go further. Sounds like severe yeast. If so, you need to drop simple carbs since they turn to sugar in you body and drop sweeteners except strevia, it is an herb and does not harm your body unless you are alergic. This means no grains, potatoes, fruits, etc. Anytime I itch I can trace it to these things in my diet and have to lay off. When you are clear of this, add little back at a time but don't ever go back to it regularly or you will repeat the problem. This included leaving alone artificial sweeteners and diet sodas. Yuck.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Plainjane, no I cannot explain how sugar does anything, but I do know that when consuming much less, all manner of itching is relieved.

Replied by Nanowriter
(Hotspot, Texas)

What are the ingredients in the face cream? If not on the jar, sometimes you can contact the company to get them.

Replied by Mama To Many
(Tennessee, Usa)

Dear Plainjane,

Regarding sugar being I understand it, sugar increases inflammation and supresses the immune system. But I think that is processed sugar, not natural sugars like honey or sugar found in fruit. I think there are some health conditions that may make it prudent to avoid even those. But, personally, I think natural forms of sugar in moderation are part of a healthy diet.

There are some herbs that may be helpful to your condition. Philip Fritchey recommends several for menopausal discomfort, hot flashes, etc. If your itching is indeed caused by menopause, (which it seems to be) one or more of these herbs may help and hopefully correct other uncomfortable symptoms as well. He recommends Black Cohosh, Vitex, Dong Quai and Red Clover.

For the Black Cohosh he recommends 1 - 4 #0 capsules a day, or 15-30 drops of tincture three times a day.

For Vitex he commends 2-3 #0 Capsules 3-4 times a day or 1/2 - 1 t. 3-4 times a day.

For the Red Clover her recommends 2-8 capsules a day or 15-30 drops of tincture frequently.

The above would be for taking them individually. He does not give recommendations for a combination of them.

He does not give a recommendation on the Dong Quai.

It may take some trial and error with these to find what helps you. Perhaps one would help or it may take a combination. Personally, I think I would start with the Black Cohosh and start with the minimum dose and work up to the maximum and see how it affects you.

Blackstrap Molasses is something else people have used to help people with menopausal issues and might be something to look in to.

I hope you find relief soon. Please keep us posted!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Plainjane
(Planet Earth)

How in the world do some people think this is yeast? No discharge, no odor, the skin on the outside itches--it's like an ingrown hair or a bug bite. I think some of the people on here have their pet bugaboos and that's always the answer. I know this is not yeast. It's some sort of inflammation of the tissue. As I said before, I don't do sugar.

Replied by Plainjane
(Planet Earth)

Thank you. This is by far the best post I've read. Helpful with the reasons given. I will give this a try. Again, thank you.

EC: Which post are you referring to?

Replied by KT

Dear Plainjane from PE, It is my opinion that you could not be eating an “extremely good diet” and still be having the problems you are. I am over sixty, post menopause and went through the same thing. It was by a piecemeal learning endeavor (over several years) that I found out the cause. I have posted similar information several times to no avail. After I saw the video about our food being genetically engineered (“GMO's”) to last longer I switched to the grass-fed steers, and free range, pastured hens for my chicken and/or eggs. I thought it would be healthier for us. I was happy to discover that the change was not helping us because it was becoming too expensive to continue.

My husband and I began having more problems with kidneys/bladder, urination, digestion, bowels and weight gain. These animals are being fed the GMO grasses and grains that are difficult for them to digest. Because of how our food is changing it is impossible to conduct reliable studies to prove anything. All foods break down to sugar. For me, sugar was not the problem but I do have to get one brand named sugar that is not supposed to have any flowing/anti-caking agent in it. It starts with a “D” and has been around for a long time. It is supposed to be safer but because of what has happened to our food supply I still reduced my consumption (I don't think I can provide the name on here). The problem was eating the critters who ate the GMO's and eating the eggs that were products of the chickens that ate them. If anyone claims GMO-free they cannot be telling the absolute truth and/or have probably been deceived.

Since you said you only ate “raw” veggies and eggs I believe that's why you are having so much trouble. What your body cannot assimilate ferments. It is a fact that food today is not the same as it was a hundred years ago. It takes me an inordinate amount of time to post things so I won't provide anymore information unless you are truly interested. The main thing I learned was I had to reduce my meat/egg portions and not eat raw veggies and fruit. I have provided a link about the soil to grow "organics" and if you are interested I can look it up for you.

Replied by Toourlady89
(Hayward Ca)

For the meantime till you find the cure, since you think Avon helps but only for a short time, try Sarna cream, it's for itching of any kind, mucous membranes included. Apply it on as often as needed.

Replied by Tom
(Fort Worth, Texas)

Hello Plain Jane,

I think I know what you're asking about "how sugar works" to produce bad issues:

First, sugar is the prefered food for fungus and viruses, as I've read.

Second, sugar sets up an acidic environment. I've also read that akaline can feed fungus in one of its forms, but acid feeds another form...again as I understand the life cycle of fungus. Maybe the itching phase is the acidic growth time. Just guessing on that one.

Third, suppose that the antagonist is a virus or bacteria. There are a lot of anti virals. Isn't boron an anti viral? I have a condition on the side of my face that over the years itches me to distraction. I started using boron (20 Mule Team Borax) and wet a bit on my finger and rubbed into the itching area. After using the boron a dozen times the itching is down by 99 percent. Did the boron kill a virus? A fungus? Mites?

Try that and any other anti virals you can think of.

Replied by Plainjane
(Planet Earth)

to KT from USA--no thank you, I do not want any more information from you. Just because you are 60 and went through menopause does not mean you know what I am going through. Also, I do not like it that you think I am lying about my diet. I grow most of my own produce, having an orchard with 5 varieties of fruits that ripen from May through November. I have at least an acre of berries-grapes, strawberries, blueberries, and brambletypes. My vegetable garden is year-round and totally organic--it has never been planted commercially or sprayed in the 42 years I've lived on it. I raise steers for beef, no antibiotics. I raise my own hay and sileage for them. I keep chickens for meat and eggs and, while they do get store-bought feed, a 50 pound bag of feed lasts almost a year because they are out eating bugs, etc. even mice and small snakes. I purchase sea salt and spices at the grocery store along with my canning supplies. Who are you to tell me my diet is not good? and then rant about gmo's? I don't even buy my seed, keeping enough to plant from what I grow. I'm willing to bet I eat better than you do.

Replied by KT

WOW, I did not imply that you are "lying". I'm so sorry I offended you. I was only trying to help and offer a possibility since you were asking for help.

Replied by Andrea

My Black Cohosh bottle recommended two 40 mg caps a day.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Joyce (Dallas, Tx) on 05/02/2012

Three years ago, I was on multiple and repeated doses of antibiotics for a recurrent Staph infection that has now ceased due to using - Tissue Salts... However, I did develop a yeast infection and (fungus) itchy flaky skin on the labia from the use of these antibiotics.. Nothing would get rid of it... The only thing that helped was drinking borax water that Ted advised on Earth Clinic... Another thing that helped was digestive enzymes, but they got too expensive... And the problem with both of these remedies was that I was okay throughout the day, but at the end of the day the itchiness came back... Same thing with the digestive enzymes, the itchiness would come back at the end of the day... I gave up and basically told myself, "OH WELL"

Then years later I was surfing on Earthclinic for a weight loss supplement and saw one of Ted's posts suggesting to take Chromium, Taurine and especially Vanadium to lower blood suger levels which would reduce the weight. I first tried the Chromium and Taurine together... Did not notice any weight loss or change... Then I purchased a bottle of Vanadium on Ebay, which is Vanadium supplements of 50mcg each and Ted was suggesting to take 200mcg... I did not lose any weight... However, the first day I took this, my itchy vaginal yeast infection disappeared instantly and the effects lasted all night long and into the next day... I can miss a day or two and still be okay... So, I am doing a one day on and one day off and it is working great... Better than anything else I tried : Garlic, Oregano Oil, Borax, Probiotics etc. I don't know if it is a permanent cure yet, but so far so good... Vanadium, go get some now!!!

Replied by Kathy

"Vanadium is LIKELY SAFE in adults, if less than 1.8 mg per day is taken. At higher doses, such as those used to treat diabetes, vanadium frequently causes unwanted side effects including abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, nausea, and gas. It can also cause a greenish tongue, loss of energy, and problems with the nervous system.

Vanadium is UNSAFE when used in large amounts and for a long time. This increases the risk of serious side effects including kidney damage."

Vicks Vapor Rub

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Amaw (Al) on 09/21/2015

Vaginal Itching:

I use vicks vaporub. Burns, but the itch goes away. I use it 2x per day, just smear it on. Seriously, it works for me.

Replied by Janette

I tried your remedy and it works really well. You are right it does burn then it becomes cooling and itch disappears.

Ive tried ACV before for all over itchy skin but I didn't want to risk it as I think an acid treatment for BV set it off itching.

This is the second time using Vicks for this problem. And thank you for your advice.

Vitamin D

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Relieved (Fresno, Ca) on 12/17/2013

I have suffered with severe external vaginal itching for the last three+ years. Initially I thought it to be vaginitis, but nothing abnormal was present and all tests came back negative. Luckily I work in a lab and did my own lab tests cause I could not believe nothing was wrong. It was specifically the discharge that was causing the irritation, (itching only on the outside). My OBGYN and NP could provide me with no real cause stating that everything looked clean and healthy down there. They could only give me some suggestions. For the last three years I tried doing my own research and came on this site repeatedly trying to find relief but everything only worked temporarily and then not at all. I tried LB cultures, yogurt, change in diet, ACV, honey, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, folic acid, , everything minus bleach, , , lol. I came to the conclusion that these things only worked temporarily because they were simply diluting the causing agents in the discharge. It made no sense that all of a sudden this would occur. I love watching Dr. Oz and one night decided to see if he had any info. on the topic just for the heck of it. He had mentioned my condition specifically and suggested Vit. D. It was the first I heard of it as a remedy. Skeptical, I tried it anyway. I am very happy to say that I am now taking Vit. D3 supplements twice a day, on a daily basis and the itch has been 100% gone. It has been over a week that I have found relief, longest ever in 3 years. I will continue this for a few more weeks and see if it is still gone then. Though I know this won't work for everyone, I hope that those with my same situation will also find relief. I have regained my intimacy with my husband and can focus on daily tasks!!!

Replied by Courtney
(Granite Bay, Ca)

@Relieved from Fresno, CA: How many mg's of vitamin D are you taking twice per day?

Replied by Relieved From Fresno

I am taking 2,000 IU, 2X/day. I should also mention that I have been taking it in combination with a lactobacillus pill (1billion culture) and it seems that the two are working best together. Hope this helps for you!!

Replied by Ginger

How many milligrams did you take all together at one time taking 2 pills of vitamin d? Thanks!

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