Viral Hepatitis
Natural Remedies

Oscar's Effective BHT Hepatitis Treatment

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


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Posted by Tony (Tn, Usa) on 02/08/2014

Thanks Oscar for your updated protocol for viral hepatitis. I have a few questions for ya. I'm currently under the anti-candida protocol provided by Bill here at EC. Have been on & off the protocol for over 2 years running now. Just don't seem to make much progress.

I have multiple health areas of concern including HSV(Herpes Simplex Virus) for almost 20 years now. I've never tried to treat the herpes on a consistent basis. In other words, I've not taken anything regularly for this condition through the years. I've NEVER taken any prescription meds for it. The only things I've used to treat it have been L-Lysine and Oil of Oregano.

I know there has been viral replication through the years in my body. I now have Hashimito's Thyrioditis along with candida overgrowth and who knows what other conditions not diagnosed. I did go through an extensive treatment for a 2 month period to try and kill the herpes virus but didn't work because I still get outbreaks. I used Oil of Oregano in high doses and L-Lysine in low doses during this timeframe.

In your opinion, would BHT be an option in trying to get the herpes simplex virus under control? I figure that if BHT works for hepatitis then why wouldn't it work with HSV since it's also a virus. I also have fatty liver disease(non alcoholic type) as well. I'm taking most of the anti-candida remedies suggested by Bill. I'm not on the iodine and a few others but take several of the remedies.

What would you suggest as the best route to go here? Should I continue with the anti-candida protocol before trying to kill the HSV? That's even if BHT will work for HSV. I do notice that I couldn't take any other supplements(other than yours listed) per your recommendations if using the BHT. I would have to stop a lot of anti-candida remedies in order to do this. Please let me know! Thanks and God Bless!

Replied by Prioris

Tony, are you taking coconut oil?

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Tony, For sure BHT has proven to be an effective treatment for ALL the different herpes viruses. I find it somewhat ironic that you asked this question. Because BHT was first being promoted as a treatment for the different herpes viruses back in the 1980s. It was me who tried BHT as a treatment for both hepatitis C and B back in 1997 with amazing results. I also used to have a variant of oral herpes. Since I started using BHT back in 1997 these oral herpes outbreaks cleared up also. As time went by these herpes outbreaks gradually disappeared and I have not had one for well over 10 years now.

You will find different opinions on how best to use BHT to treat herpes viruses. The take the BHT with a gulp of water method on an empty stomach method worked very well for me in the relatively small dosages I discuss.

Here are some others who have had very good results using this method:

  • I know that it must be frustrating for those of you that post regularly to know there are many who read but who don't contribute. If you can find a way to keep my anonymous, feel free to post my experience. If you have questions that I can answer that may be helpful for others, I am happy to answer them.

    Thanks to you and Cathy and Oscar makes a difference even when you don't know it! Kara

Tony, I very much recommend keeping the treatment simple. By that I mean to NOT be mixing it with any other treatments including herbal treatments....Oscar

Replied by Tony
(Tn, Usa)

Hello Prioris from Fl:

I'm not taking Coconut Oil at this time. I have in the past per the anti-candida protocol from Bill. I used it for at least 3-4 months straight at different times over the past 2+ years. I can handle the EVCO pretty well in smaller doses(1tsp.-1tbsp. daily). When I go up to the 2 tbsp. dose then I do get pretty bad nausea.

I always take it with food just after meals. It's been a few months now since I was taken EVCO regularly. To be honest, I've tried so many things in the past 2+ years to try and get better but seem to have very limited results. I'm still holding onto faith that God will lead me to the right cure or treatment plan to finally get my life back. Thanks & God Bless!

Replied by Tony
(Tn, Usa)

Thanks for you quick reply back to me Oscar. I wonder why I missed BHT as a possible treatment for HSV? I got my 2 month intensive treatment protocol for HSV right here at EC like I always do for health issues. I don't remember reading anything about BHT for treating HSV. I guess I just missed it because I have sooooooooooo many health issues I just overlooked it.

I do have further questions for ya. I have multiple health issues involved here like I stated in the previous reply. Bill is helping me with the candida issues from his protocol. I'm having trouble trying to figure out how I should proceed with treatment options. I don't have just 1 area of concern like HSV. I have way more than that to deal with.

Here are the questions I'm asking myself:

Do I stop the candida protocol and go strictly to this BHT treatment plan for HSV and whatever other unknown viruses I might have?

Or, do I just continue with the candida protocol from Bill and wait in treating the HSV?

Bill has stated to me many times if I can get rid of the candida all of my other health issues will probably go away. This happened for him but doesn't mean it will happen for me. I just make small steps in progress from candida protocol. I can't take the iodine because I have such a bad reaction to it. I've come to the conclusion this is because I also have very bad adrenal issues. If we have adrenal fatigue, insufficiency, etc. then iodine can cause more problems.

The candida protocol calls for the use of herbs and quite a few other supplements not needed in your BHT treatment plan. I'm just torn as what to do now. I know I have viral overload in my body but I also know that I have candida overgrowth as well. Do you have any suggestions in how to proceed? Thanks again for your time & God Bless!

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Tony, This candida infection is a fungal infection. So yes that does present a serious complication. Have you been tested for HIV/AIDS or not ? The reason I ask is because candida is often associated with an HIV infection. Also, have you tried the conventional antibiotics for candida or not ? Is this candida localized or in your blood ? I need some answers to these questions. BHT is effective as a treatment for many lipid coated viruses. I doubt it will help with candida. You can give the BHT a try but if this candida infection worsens you may be better off with what you are now doing. Of course you can try the BHT treatment along with the candida treatment and hope for some improvement with the herpes infection. It may just work and work well this other treatment. I really do NOT know....Oscar

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Tony, In my opinion you have to make a choice: Go with these other treatments you discuss. If they are working stay with them. If they are NOT working there is the BHT treatment. The BHT treatment does NOT work well with most other treatments.

If you wish to give the BHT treatment a try use it as described. If it works you should see positive results in few months. For many the results are a dramatic improvement in 3 months or less. For some as little as one month.

So, if you choose to try the BHT use it as recommended. If it works you will know within said 3 months....Oscar

Replied by Tony
(Tn, Usa)

Thanks Oscar for another quick response. I have been tested for HIV/AIDS multiple times. At least twice in the past 2+ years. They came back non-reactive.

My doctors tell me that there's not a thing wrong with me other than depression/anxiety. Yeah right! I've had to diagnose myself basically Oscar. I know that I have a systemic candida infection. I've had a white coated tongue for years now. It's gotten some better but still a light coated tongue. All the doctors tell me it's normal to have a white coated tongue at my age! It's ridiculous!

I had kidney failure back in 2012. The doctors still say they have no clue as to why my kidneys failed. I think I know why more than they do. I have multiple organs/body systems affected. I've been given multiple courses of anti-biotics and anti-fungals which done nothing. That was almost 2 years ago.

They tell me that HSV doesn't have a single thing to do with my health issues. That's another yeah right! They say that I don't have fungal issues. Then, why was I prescribed anti-fungals? I've stopped going to the doctors. I did see a local homeopathic doctor for 4 months back last year. That didn't help me either. Only left us $3, 000 short in savings.

I still continue my pursuit of finding that answer. God has a plan and my faith will keep me going. God will lead me to the right thing. I love this site and I expect some sort of breakthrough coming from this site.

You say to try the BHT treatment alongside the candida protocol but you also say not to take herbs with BHT which are a part of the candida protocol. I take milk thistle, ALA, & other rotating herbs for candida, etc. Let me know what you think! God Bless!

Replied by January Jefferson

I have heard of using a product called "virux all viral" caps. All viruses killed including herpes. You can get the caps online or a health food store, or herbal store. They were developed by a Master Herbalist.

Replied by Mike62

Tony: You don't have to suffer anymore. All you have to do is get over the swishy swish. This is the swishy swish. Candida eats sugar. Therefor do not eat sugar when sugar is a necessary part of the cure. Please let me explain what is happening in the blood. Mitochondrial proteins are not unfolding and not revealing their insulin receptor sites. Carbs are being coated with excess oil. The insulin is not able to carry the carbs into the cell and attach them to the insulin receptor sites. This causes chronic fatigue. The carbs accumulate in the plasma causing high blood sugar. Candida performs the necessary function of eating excess blood sugar causing candida overgrowth. Raw organic fruit and low fat solve the problem. Low fat does not coat the carbs with oil and raw organic fruit unfolds mitochondrial proteins revealing their insulin receptor sites. Candida does not eat sugar in the presence of insulin when fat is below 10% per calorie. Thank you.

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Hi Tony, Thank you for your informative response. Thank goodness we can rule out HIV/AIDS. And they have already tried the anti-biotics with no improvement. And you suspect a systemic candida infection as opposed to a localized one. Those where my questions and you did answer them.

Tony, since the other treatment has not worked as well as hoped for why not give the BHT treatment at least a short trial. If your condition gets worse go back to this other treatment. Try the BHT as I recommend without those other supplements. Now BHT is a very effective treatment for herpes virus in all it`s variants. BHT can also enhance a person`s immune system by readily deactivating free radicals and reactive oxygen species. It may just be enough to get this candida infection under control.

Evidently I am also a candida carrier and did not even know it. I saw a picture of a person`s tongue with that white coating and was struck by how much it looked like my tongue when I was very sick with hepatitis C. I also developed an active case of TB while sick with hepatitis C. So who knows: It is possible the BHT treatment may turn the corner for you with this candida infection as well. It should surely help a lot with the herpes virus.

A short trial period seems worth a try. I recommend starting out with no more than 250mg of BHT per day with water on an empty stomach. From there ramp up to two doses of 250mg of BHT per day=500mg of BHT per day. That is the treatment. A daily standard multivitamin and mineral supplement is OK. Same for 250mg to 500mg of vitamin C. A standard vitamin B-complex is OK to use. The vitamins are optional and NOT required as part of the BHT treatment.

Also eat an adequate diet. Drink plenty of distilled water. Cook any and all foods adequately to prevent the dangerous new strains of E.Coli that have become a serious problem few people are aware of. Just this month there were two huge recalls of contaminated meat. I do mean in the last 10 days. Eat NO ground meat of any type. That does include beef, poultry. pork, and fish. Cook all meats and vegetables. I cured myself of what I thought was a chronic case of diarhea by doing as I just instructed in the last week. Lets give this a try and see how you do. I am also available at THE BHT CURES CHAT GROUP here:

Let`s give the BHT a try and see what happens. You can buy BHT in 250mg capsules here:

Wish you well and to get and stay well, ...Oscar

Replied by Tony
(Tn, Usa)

Thanks Oscar for that very detailed response back to me. I don't doubt one bit that I have a systemic candida infection. The homeopath I was seeing said she was very confident I also had a systemic fungal issue. However, her treatment options didn't help me. The anti-candida protocol by Bill just seems to provide only small improvements.

How do you come to the conclusion that BHT would help get the candida infection under control? The white coating on my tongue has gradually gotten better. I've used both tea tree oil and turpentine to get that stuff of from my tongue. However, it doesn't do any good if I have fungal issues from the digestive system. The tongue provides good evidence about your digestive health.

I'll just start out low in BHT dosage as you suggested. I'll take 250 mg daily on empty stomach and then increase to 500 mg daily thereafter. I'll probably just avoid a multi-vitamin for now. I'm getting plenty of vitamins and nutrients from food including a green drink every single day.

You say to stay away from meats but after that you say to be sure and cook all meats and veggies. I've been eating only raw salads. I wash all of my veggies and fruits in an organic wash liquid. Also, I normally only buy organic produce anyhow. I only eat organic meats as well.

I eat them in small amounts though because Bill lists this from the candida protocol. His protocol calls for only small amounts of meat and only white meat. Can I have any meats or not? I do like my organic turkey and chicken along with wild caught fish. I do have an occasional serving of organic grass-fed beef.

I get all of my supplements online from 1 source only. They do have a product called "Life Enhancement Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw's BHT Plus". It's the only BHT supplement they have available though. Seems to have good reviews from the site. It contains 180 mg BHT plus 80 mg vitamin C in the form of ascorbyl palmitate for fat solubility. Would this be OK?

Thanks again for your time and have a great day! God Bless you as well!

Replied by Bill
(San Fenando, Philippines)

Hi Tony...Life Extension sell the 350 mg BHT supplements on their site at a very reasonable price. LE also recommends nutrients based on the research. Their magazine and research articles are also quite interesting.

Replied by Tony
(Tn, Usa)

Thanks for the reply Bill. Can ALWAYS depend on you replying back in a helpful way and not sound arrogate or aggravated like some others on here. It means a lot to me knowing I can trust you in really helping me and not making things harder on me. I think I'll take your suggestion with the Life Extension brand and start out at 350 mg daily for a couple weeks and increase to 700 mg(2X daily) thereafter.

Hopefully, after a few weeks I can see some improvements with the viral part of my disease/sickness. I'm also going to purchase a Terminator zapper and see what that device can do. I'm still searching and with faith I will get through this awful health crisis.

I'm really tired of taking soooooooooo many supplements. Been doing this for over 2 years now. They just don't seem to work for me no matter what brand/type but I know they're better and safer than drugs for sure. I'm putting a lot of confidence in the zapper I'll be purchasing. Timh on these boards says they've helped him tremendously. Anyhow, thanks for the link to the BHT. I'll get one bottle and see what happens when using it with the zapper. Thanks again Bill and God Bless!

Replied by Lana
(Raleigh Nc)

Hi Oscar;

This is my 2nd year taking BHT and last year the results were lower. This week my blood work was as follows:

AST: 54 last year 32

ALT: 69 last 54

Viral Load 22 million last year 7 million

I am genotype 3 and have been taking 2 350 miligram capsules, the last 2 days I doubled the amount, last night I couldn't get to sleep so today I am taking 3 350 miligram capsules. Also, I have taken R-lipoic acid 2 times a day 350 mil each cap, also fish oil capsule. I drink a large coffee with 5 creams each morning half is decaffinated and was told coffee increases viral load. Any comments or suggestions welcomed and thanks for the hope. Lana

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Lana from Raleigh, NC, Well, if I am interpreting your report correctly: You are saying your viral load went from 7 million to 22 million. You are not clear about this. Did your viral load go up or down ? Also. we or I NO longer recommend taking vitamin B12 supplements with the BHT treatment. Do NOT take vitamin B12 supplements with the BHT treatment.

In fact at this point because of the feedback available: I, we are suggesting using ONLY BHT with an occasional multivitamin and mineral supplement. I never recommended fish oil or the other supplements you mentioned. Are you taking the BHT with water only on an empty stomach or not? If you are taking BHT at the same time as you are the fish oil or anything else you will make the treatment NOT work.

Also, IF your viral load has gone up to 22 million it is time you look into the NEW hepatitis C treatments becoming available this year [ 2014 ]. Please be clear about what you are saying. I try very hard to be very clear about what I am saying. If your viral load count actually went down I see some hope for the BHT working. But you need to keep this treatment simple and NOT mix it with other supplements.

And, you are taking TOO much BHT. 700mg of BHT per day is the upper limit as to what I consider safe. Here is a link to our group:

Look, The BHT treatment does NOT work well with many supplements. Join the above group if you wish to. That way I can stay in close contact with you. If your viral load count went down instead of up: With some supervision we can get this treatment to work. If your numbers went up to 22 million it is time to look into the new treatments becoming available this year....Oscar

Replied by Lana

Hi Oscar;

Yes my viral load went up from 7 million to 22 million, it was 7 million last year.

I read steven fowkes book about herpes and bht and the amounts he recommended were higher 1000mg for persons weighing 110. and I weigh 140.00 and am 5 ' 3 " the treatment also had a lot to do with persons that were in menopause?

I always took the bht by itself, and did take R-lipoic Acid 700 mgs a day, with fish oil and an occasional bcomplex. You were saying not to take b12, I never said I did.

What is the new treatment and what do you know about it, where might I find out about it. Thank you, Lana

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Lana from Raleigh, Let me start by saying that a woman who tried the BHT along with the R-Lipoic acid also had poor results when she tried the BHT treatment. I remember because she went on about what a good quality R-Lipoic acid she was taking. So stop taking the R-Lipioc acid and the fish oil. BHT is a reactive compound. It will combine with many compounds in unpredictable ways. You mentioned you have HCV type 3. We had one member with the type HCV type 3. For him it was drinking lots of grapefruit juice that screwed up his treatment. Once he stopped drinking grapefruit juice he quickly reached VIRUS UNDETECTABLE and stayed there. Grapefruit juice is well known to interact with MANY drugs or medications. My point is for the BHT treatment to work it is important NOT to take other supplements. So that you can do right now. The good news I have is that the conventional treatments work MUCH better for HCV type 2 an 3 than they do for the HCV type 1s.

It is time for you to get on a treatment that really works. If the BHT without R-lipoic acid and or fish oil works that would be great. But you need to find out. And those viral load tests are the only way to find out. I did mention some new treatments were due to become available this year [ 2014 ].

Here are some websites that discuss these new treatments:

Short extract from above link:

"This has made me change the way I'm talking with patients. These regimens are essentially going to cure everybody, " said Muir, who has conducted related research but did not participate in these studies. "I had a patient in my office this morning who said, 'If I get cured, ' and I said to him, 'When you get cured, '" Muir added.

"I think the great thing about these new direct-acting antivirals is that with the right combinations of drugs, all patients appear to be cured, " said Muir.

Here is another link:

I would think you would be a prime candidate for said treatments because even though your viral load is high your liver function test results are NOT that bad. You are close to normal in that regard. But it is time for you to get on a treatment that works for you Lana. In the meantime STOP taking LIPOIC ACID and lower your dosage of BHT to NO more than 700mg of BHT per day. More is NOT better. Fowkes` book is mostly about treating herpes viruses.

Who knows, you may get lucky with the BHT WITHOUT R-Lipoic acid. They will test you before starting these treatments so if you do not show a dramatic decrease in that viral load it is time to get on a treatment that works for you. I want to see you get well....Oscar

Replied by Lana

Hi Oscar;

Thanks again, I stopped the r-lipoic acid and the other vitamins and will see what happens. Also the ast was 36 this year not 54 my mistake. I will check out the treatment site but hope the bht will work by itself. Thanks and I will keep you posted. Lana

Replied by Femi
(Lagos, Nigeria)

Hi Oscar

It's really crazy here in Nigeria and sometimes you are not properly taken care of when it get to medical issues, am actually on Liv.52 and I bought immance myself trying to be on a more safer side BUT my question is (is liv.52 killing Hep b virus) . I have read so many things about BHT and am interested in getting it as soon as possible. I haven't gone for my viral load test yet but I will like to know if I can take both liv.52 and BHT together. I would love to get rid of this, reading about other people improvement I will like to give it a try... Please advice. Thanks

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Femi [ Lagos, Nigeria ], Let me start by saying: Fully one of every three people alive today are infected with hepatitis B. The good news is: Most of those people will never suffer serious health issues because of this infection. But some will.

Of course you wish to NOT be infected with hepatitis B. There is the BHT treatment that seems to work for some people infected with hepatitis B. You asked about " liv 52 ". I can NOT find a link that gives anything other than a very vague or unclear description of what " liv 52 " is. For that reason I have NO opinion on how well it works or if it will work well with the BHT treatment.

Also, because I have NO idea what liv 52 is: I do suggest NOT taking it when or if you ever start the BHT treatment.

The BHT treatment is NO more than 250mg of BHT per day with water on an empty stomach as a starting dosage. It could be less. You have to try it and find out if you can tolerate the BHT or not. If you weigh less than 125 pounds it very well could be a smaller dosage of BHT. This dosage issue is something only you can determine. I can not do it for you. I can only provide the rough guidelines I have. For people who weigh between 150 pounds and 200 pounds the two doses of 250mg of BHT with water on an empty stomach is what seems to work best = 500mg of BHT per day as a treatment for hepatitis B and C. If any adverse effects occur ALWAYS lower the dosage used or stop using BHT.

I do NOT know of a totally safe treatment for hepatitis B. If you are not suffering any sign of liver failure you might be better off just living with it. There is also the " monolaurin treatment" that is reported to be effective against many viruses. Monolaurin is a component of human mother milk and for that reason might be safer.

In conclusion: The BHT works well for some people. Seems to actually cure the infection with some people if used with care....Oscar

Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 12/28/2013

New BHT success story for HCV. Here it is as reported from Gene:

"My blood test came in and I'm very excited.

January 2013 my Load counts were very high.

AST= 160

ALT= 155

Viral Load Count = 10 million

I have had HCV for 50 years and never really took it serious until I started feeling pain in my liver earlier this year. That's when I started getting worried and Found Oscars BHT protocol . I started the BHT about 3 weeks before getting a blood test done and I knew right away it was helping me because the pain I had went away about 3 days after starting. I had my blood drawn Dec 20 2013 and here is the results.

AST= 84

ALT= 120

Viral Load Count = 1 million

Wow!!! I was floored and excited. pretty dramatic for only doing BHT for 3 weeks.

But my Platelet count is low =78 but it's been low for at least a year that I know of. It should be 140 - 415. I will get my next test done in a few months and will post results. Thanks for finding this BHT Oscar.


Important: Keep it simple: NO milk thistle, NO grapefruit juice. Just the few vitamins I have discussed.

Here is the BHT cures chat group for those interested:

Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 12/23/2013

NEW BHT success story from HCV type 1b person

Rosa from Brazil achieved NO VIRUS DETECTABLE in about 3 months of BHT treatment with NO other supplements and has stayed NO VIRUS DETECTED for about 4 months now.

Rosa takes one 250mg of BHT twice a day = 500mg of BHT per day. She had or has a HCV type 1b infection. She takes NO other supplements. I asked for and received Rosa`s permission to post her test results. Here they are:

RosaToday at 08:49 AM

Hello all.. My virus load test is out!!! On April2013 I Had 109.357 Ul/MlI started taking BHT at the end of JuneOn Sep2013 I was counted as INFERIOR to 12 ul/mlLets mention all my liver panels are normal now. If you need Oscar I'll repeat all my numbers here for reference. 3 months of BHT only! I owe it all to you. I will continue to take BHT for looonnnggg because it makes me look younger, fresher and gives me a boost of energy.

Rosa 1b

Update here:

Today Dec 23rd, 2013 as a Christmas gift I got my new results

ALT 17

AST 20

Gama 17

Alcaline Fosfat 49

Virus load undetected as you can see on the picture attached for the ones that have a difficulty in believing on BHT.

Although in Sep we know it also meant undetected, I keep taking my BHT twice a day and I feel very energetic. I want to mention that also my Cholesterol nbrs went down and I havent made any substancial changes on my diet, on the opositte, I think I was more concearned with what I was intaking before Sep scared to overload my liver.

I have only one word to say here. For the ones that are starting now, YOU CAN DO A CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE YES. and it only takes some months!

My friend that used Interferon and suffered a whole year, is not cleansing his body of the effects but he still suffers all teh changes that it did to his life. I almost feel ashamed that I got rid in such a easier way...

He will start with BHT now just to make sure it never comes back again,

I wish you all a Great holliday season, full of love and hope and many successfull stories in 2014.

Rachel im crossing my fingers for you and you are in my mind all day today!


There have been many other BHT success stories. But I am increasingly convinced the simpler you keep the BHT treatment the better. Some moderate use of vitamins might be helpful. With the exception of vitamin E. Do NOT take vitamin E supplements because said supplements have been shown to enhance lipid coated viruses` ability to replicate. Yes you need some vitamin E but most people get plenty in the food they eat.

There is the BHT CURES CHAT GROUP here for those interested:

BUT, please post your results here at the EARTH CLINIC where it does the most good. Merry Christmas, ...Oscar

Replied by Marcus
(Los Angeles)

What about surface anti-gen? HBsAG?

BHT Contraindications

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mo (Floriduh, USA) on 04/17/2023

I intend on taking BHT and try to align with Oscar's Protocol. The thing is I have ulceritis, .. severe peptic issues. I NEED L-Glutamine, PepZinGI, Mastic Gum, DGL (Diglycerized Licorice) and MSM (not MMS like said on Oscar's). Just doing a few of these doesn't work until I use a cocktail of these natural supplements to heal and maintain my stomach's lining.

Do I need to give up these supplements to take BHT? They are not on Oscar's contraindication list and are NOT herbal. Mastic Gum is a tree resin/sap and DGL is a licorice extract. The others are what comes from our food.

Plus, as for SPIRULINA. Please use with BHT. It has already been shown to do WELL with BHT in studies when reversing Liver Cirrhosis. It doesn't contraindicate BHT. Not to mention, it can dually kill HIV and other viruses at the same time. This is NOT herbal but a plant that's eaten like you would eat your GREENS aka spinach, etc ... but it is much more potent than any other green.


How to Buy BHT in Ghana

Posted by Natin (Ghana) on 05/10/2015

Hello Oscar, I have recently been diagnosed of hep b when I went for a blood donation exercise. Till then I have never fell sick before. I went for further lab test and the doctor said I was inactive carrier and that I just have to live healthy life that it might go away. I had lost hope when I learnt that there was no cure. But now thanks to this site I believe I can be cured. But my problem is I don't have access to the bht. The only thing I take now is green tea because I learnt it could help. I am also trying to see if i can get chanca piedra here in Ghana.

Another thing is that I have been experiencing some right abdominal pain which I believe is the virus cause. Please can you help me get access to the bht I dont want to die from this virus.

Replied by Oscar
(Syracuse, New York)

Dear Natin [ Ghana ], You can try this link:

If that link does NOT work: do a search for: Wholesale Nutrition + BHT.

Also: Try NOT to get overly concerned about a hepatitis B infection. One of every three people alive today are infected with hepatitis B. A large majority of these people will never suffer from this infection. But some will get sick.

Have you had any liver function tests done? Is there any indication of liver failure? Poor liver function tests results?

Also: In it's initial phase: malaria can produce temporary liver malfunction. This usually clears up.

Now: BHT is sold as a " food preservative ". So if anyone asks why you want to buy BHT: Tell them you wish to buy it to help keep your food fresh.

There are many other companies that sell BHT. You are going to have to find one you can buy from in Ghana....Oscar

How to Buy BHT in Nigeria

Posted by Tuoyo (Delta State Nigeria) on 01/10/2014

how can I get this medication in Nigeria?

Replied by Timh
(Ky, Usa)
2043 posts

Tuoyo: BHT is available for online purchase from top venders like Amazon, Ebay, and ShopWiki. The next hurdle is shipping. Look for yes on "international shipping" or any restriction as to local laws. BHT isn't classified as a "drug" but more like a chemical antioxidant so you should not have any problem of legality.

Notes From Oscar

10 User Reviews
5 star (10) 

Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 08/05/2015

Editor's Choice

Because I am in so much pain as a result of that old gunshot wound I can not think straight.

I have done my very best to provide helpful answers to the very many questions asked about the BHT treatment for viral infections.

But as the years have gone by I find myself in never ending pain as a result of very severe injuries sustained as a US Marine in the Vietnam war. It has become increasingly hard for me to think clearly about anything.

Because of this increase in pain from these old injuries, I am unable to maintain a reliable ability to answer questions people ask me.

And for that reason: I wish to bow out of this discussion of the BHT treatment NOW.

I have described in detail exactly how and why the BHT treatment works as well as it does for SOME people. Keeping the BHT treatment simple works as well as it does for the reasons discussed by me in my many postings about all this.

I do hope people will continue to post the results they have with the BHT treatment good or bad.

My very best to all, ...Oscar

Replied by Jay
(London, England)


I consider myself to be very fortunate to have been one of the many beneficiaries of your invaluable advice. I am sorry that you are in such pain. I hope that in time you are able to live a pain free life. Even though I am in the early stages of my BHT treatment I know that it is helping me. I have my first Gastro specialist appointment next week. I expect it to go well, due in no small part to your selfless help. I hope that others will carry the BHT Hep C treatment torch on from you. I will do my best to offer others my own experience and advice. You have very big shoes to fill!

My very best wishes,


Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

To Oscar and all who have benefited from Oscar's expertise...

This is certainly a sad day for so many who have learned from the great work Oscar has contributed out of his deep heart. His is a heart that loves and cares and asks for nothing in return.

He is one of my heroes.

Oscar I pray that that old injury will be healed and that you once again will join in with your always insightful and precise discussions.

I am in grief over losing you and hope it is only for a time. We all love you dear friend. I do feel that you are a friend. You have the "Earth Clinic Heart" and we love you deeply.

Your student,

Dave from Fountain Inn

Replied by Timh
2043 posts


In my severe condition especially in the past 4-5 yrs, I have had considerable pain in my bones & joints and have been near needing prescription pain meds but fortunately found relief with magnet therapy. I got my hands on the strongest magnet I could find and have experienced very positive results which allowed normalcy and sufficient sleep. Magnet bed pads are also very good for pain as they work so well while your sleeping, that's when healing and repair occurs.

Also, have you tried the Epsom Salts baths? They are very good for both pain and nerves.

You must come back here and update us on your condition and don't worry about posting for others for now. You have many friends here and we want you to get better.

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)


Thank you for articulating exactly what I, and probably many others, have been thinking concerning Oscar. What a gift he has been to all of us, and hopefully he will chime in and let us know how he is doing. Our prayers go up for his healing and strength, and thankfulness for all the altruistic, caring, smart and absolute "out of the box" thinking he has shared while always trying to help Anyone who asks. God bless you, Oscar. Take care, heal, strengthen, and know we will be thinking and praying for you. May the love and goodness you have sent out come back to comfort and surround you now. Best wishes always.

Replied by Liz
(Boston, Ma)

Take good care, Oscar.

Though the contents of your threads didn't apply to me, seeing familiar names leave the board are like having friends leave.

Like you, I have frequented EC for many, many years and I will miss seeing your name here.

I hope that you will find relief for your pain. You have helped so many, it hurts me that you're suffering. Life just 'aint' fair.

Thank you, too, for your unselfish, intrepid service to our country. I am only sorry that serving it left you in such physical pain.

Wishing you all the best. You will be missed.

Replied by Lisa

Hello Oscar,

I am praying for you in your pain. May the Lord bring healing and relief. I know your many posts have helped so much. Blessings ...

Replied by Art
2370 posts


Here is a mix you can make yourself and try to help reduce your pain level with minimal side effects. It isn't natural, but seems to be effective for some people. Check with your doctor first to make sure it is okay for you to do.

Take 15 of the cheap aspirin that has no coating and dissolves quickly in water, 15 cheap generic ibuprofen standard 200mg tablets and 15 generic naproxen tablets and toss them all in a blender. Pour in one 16 ounce bottle of 91% isopropyl alcohol or the higher strength EverClear that is around 180 or 190 proof and is found in liquor stores. The Everclear is preferable to the isopropyl alcohol. Add 1/2 ounce of sweet orange essential oil and blend this in the blender at highest speed until all ingredients are liquefied. Pour this mix back into the alcohol bottle and relabel the bottle clearly and accurately for safety and to make sure that nobody ever drinks this mix. Get a small clean glass spray bottle and fill it with the mix. Spray this mix on painful areas as needed. This method helps protect your stomach from damage typically caused by these three NSAIDS but allows you some of the pain relief benefits afforded by these three.

The reason for using three different nsaids is because some people are more responsive to one over the other and they do have different activities so there is potential for more benefit from all three combined. The aspirin also has an antiviral action. For me personally, naproxen is the most effective of these three for pain, but I am allergic to it so I can't use it .

You can use other nsaids and certain prescription pain relievers with this method also, but that would have to be prescribed by your doctor and made at a compounding pharmacy. Voltaren Gel would kind of be in that category but even topically, that one can have severe side effects or adverse reactions.

There are other natural herbs and supplements like MSM that you can substitute in a topical mix like this, but this can be a good starting point to see what is most helpful for you and it is very easy and cheap to make. A bottle of this should last quite awhile.

If all it can do for you is "take the edge off" sometimes that is a good thing. Be sure your doctor approves this before trying it and good luck! .


Replied by Sarah

Dear Oscar,

I was very sorry to read that you are in pain and I wish you and hope you feel better soon.

You are a dear and loved by many people here. I have no words to describe your contribution to the health of people like me, without asking for anything in return.

You are a model to me and I'm going to go your way and help others like you helped me. As I told you, my doctor is very interested in BHT treatment.

I have a long way to go in my dealings with the disease, and I'll miss your guidance and your support very much.

But now the most important thing is that you'll take care of yourself and concentrate on improving your physical condition.

You will be in my thoughts and I hope you will return to us soon.

Get Well Soon


Replied by Pelumi It Is Well
(New York)

Oscar, I do wish and pray for you for a speedy and miraculous recovery. Thank you so much for your help. I pray your pain will ease and will actually disappear. Once again, thank you so much for taking the time to respond to everyone and explaining just how helpful BHT is.


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