(San Diego, Ca)
I drank vikatin for gallblader pain I was hesitant but pain was unbearable and if if went to the hospital they would give the same pain killer, I had gone to the hospital for that issue and non-stop vomiting they gave me medicine for nausea and vomiting I have not ate well today because I keep throwing up every time I eat it is 7:00pm I was searching for something easy and natural to help me on the web because the medicine didnt help read reviews and saw the comments of taking 1 tablespoon of honey I did at 4:00pm so far I have not vomited and now started on gatorades for pottasium and hydration im feeling better I will post how I am feeling with the honey remedy.
(Denver, Colorado)
(Grosse Pointe, MI)
Hello everyone, thanks for this great site!
Please make sure not to feed honey to children under 12 months of age. Honey may be infected with a bacteria that causes Infant Botulism and the consequences may be fatal. Here is a link from the Mayo Clinic regarding this subject: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/infant-botulism/HQ00854
(Ponchatoula, Louisiana)
It's BRATT diet Bananas - Rice - Apple - Toast - Tea. You should never give soda for vomiting and everything in the BRATT diet should be closest to it's purest form with no additives, even salt and sugar, so plain cooked rice, plain toast with no butter, 100% juice, etc. I can attest to the fact that it works very well with diahrrea but Ive never heard of using it for vomiting.
My 6yo has been throwing up since midnight and it is now 8:02 am, she's thrown up 7 times and it's now just bile. I will try the BRATT diet and if ti DOESN'T work I'll write back. :)
My eight-year-old got the flu, I gave him Raw Honey, 1 heaping teaspoon as soon as he finished vomiting, then nothing for three hours, unless they want more honey. He vomited twice total, and was completely well in a matter of hours! My husband got it, would not eat the honey, has been vomiting for two days STRAIGHT, can't keep food down! Then my four-year-old started vomiting. I gave him 1 tsp. honey, he stopped vomiting and ate honey about 1 tsp every two hours. He felt so much better in four hours, he (against my warning) ate Goldfish crackers and drank a Capri Sun! He vomited one more time and then by dinner, was completely well and ate a light dinner!! Amazing! So, now it's Tuesday, my ten-year-old gets it. Fever, body aches, headache, nausea! Wow, of course, I get the RAW HONEY, I give her a nice big tsp., she mixes it with water (she hates honey but has learned her lesson) I keep her home from school and send her to bed with a fever and no medicine. My husband calls, he is leaving work sick because he can't stop vomiting! Third day, he is in bed all day, eats nothing, and feels terrible. He comes home and sees our daughter, all better in a matter of two hours! (I think we caught it early enough, she is at school celebrating her Birthday!) He eats the honey! Today he is back to work, amazed at the benefits of the honey. You will be too. Special note: My six-year-old (who has autism) and I take the most supplements, eat mostly organic, don't drink soda, etc. we are the only ones in the family who didn't get this FLU!
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Joanne!
If the peach syrup doesn't stay down, you might consider the homeopathic remedy Nux Vomica. Try the 30C potency - 3 pills after each episode. Ideally you do not handle the pills directly - just tip them from the bottle into your mouth/under your tongue. You may need 3-4 doses in about an hours time.
Peach Syrup
Peaches are also good for when your stomach is way so empty after you've heaved-ho'd, walked the plank and it's in-side-out. Nothing wants to stay down, no food or drink feels good and your stomach is all acidy, hurting. Maybe you even have dry heaves. Maybe you are empty, starving, very sure there could not possibly be any bad bugs or body organs left. You want to try something, but scared to anger Montezuma's Revenge one more time. Peach juice is calming. It seems to relax the stomach, calm it's nerves, settle the acid and set a base in the stomach to get it back in order. Maybe peaches have some sweet electrolytes to give you enough energy to crawl to the fridge and make a nice baked potato with only salt on it. I jokingly tell myself that peach botulism is botoxing my stomach into behaving nice and smooth. I know this is in no way true, but something in peaches does seem to help.
Any brand is fine, but not the light kind. It has to be the regular sugar, heavy syrup, kind. I like to get a more well known brand so I'm sure it will taste good to my kids, but I imagine a store brand would be just fine too. Open up a can and pour some of the juice in a cup for the poor soul. Save the peaches for later. I try to put off refridgerating the juice since room temperature seems to feel better.
Peaches may prevent barfing too. I have seen our entire family puke for days while my daughter is unfazed at all, slightly nauseaus or maybe throw up only once. I always stock up on a few cans every winter in preparation, so she would eat a bunch of canned peaches. We didn't. It happened nearly every year. She barely got sick, if at all. Maybe she had a better immune system, but I know she just gobbled up peaches every time!
I have had a couple bouts of food poisoning before. I know that feeling when my stomach bloats up, feels like absolutely nothing is digesting and it gurgle-gurgles constantly and loudly. I used peach juice to calm things down. This was before I found ACV and you all at EC (thankyouverymuch! ). ACV works too, but peach juice is a tasty alternative to try for kids who won't drink the sour ACV drink.
(London, Uk)
I have had the norovirus for 2 days now and your post is the first thing that has made me laugh and feel a little better! I am no longer alone on trying to sleep on the bathroom floor and praying for death to take me quickly!!! Thank you for your glorious humour, a remedy in itself :)
(Cape Town, Western Province)
(Fredericksburg, Va)
I was doing a Google search and came across this ingenius post! SO GLAD to see someone confirm it. When I talked to my doctor about waves of nausea (likely caused by combo of nerves, stress, and newly introduced Rx), the DOCTOR said, try some syrup from canned peaches. I was really surprised, but hey, I thought - I got nothin to lose here, except some of my guts! So, I have tried it, and so far, so good! ALSO -- there is always the excellent pharmacy remedy called E------l. It is a sugary tasting syrup, not all that pleasant, but it WORKS. I have always known this, since I was a kid.
(New Bedford, Ma)
Peach syrup contains electrolytes. That is why it makes you feel better!
Peppermint Water
One or two drops of Peppermint extract in water. The ratio of peppermint to water really doesn't matter- I generally like my peppermint water strong (1 drop of peppermint in 3 table spoons of water), but everyone else in my family prefers diluted stuff (2 drops in 6 ounces). Nevertheless, it will still work.
Peppermint extract is available in the spice section of most of the grocery stores I go to.
Red Cordial
EC: Red cordial is a sweet, raspberry flavoured drink made by adding cordial syrup to water.
Here's a recipe we just found: http://www.recipecottage.com/drinks/red-cordial.html
Rinse around 4 tbsp of rise and bring to boil with 2 cups of water. Add water if the rice becomes too dry. Drink the rice water at first very slowly, otherwise make your stomach turn again. Rice is very effective for this because it is packed with electrolytes, which regulate are responsible for regulating your stomach. If no rice is available, Gatorade or any other water with electrolytes will work, however it will be relatively heavier for your sensitive stomach to take.
Above all soothe your stomach, do not feed it dramatic, heavy elements or it will turn again, remember, there is a reason why it got to this point in the first place!
Rosa de Castilla
I usually try things at home if it doesn't work instantly, it can need medical attention. I got so sick with the stomach flu and was running to the bathroom for 3 days, my Dr gave me something that only caused my to vomit. After that just so happened my sister called my mom to say hi and see how she was doing and my mom responded by telling her she was fine but that I was ill with a stomach flu and my sister told her omg mom, give her Rosa de Castilla which is the rose petals from a rose bush with thorns. You remove the petals and rinse the good with water like 6 petals put about a cup and a half of water to boil and as soon as it starts to boil add the rose petals to the boiling water for about a minute or 2 strain the water to remove the petals add a little sugar. It actually tastes good as God is my witness it was all I needed. No worry about it harming you, you can also buy Rosa de Castilla at Mexican supermarkets. They look like dried rose petals. All you need is a pinch of 3 fingers per cup. Wish you all well
Sliperry Elm