Natural Remedies

Vulvodynia Remedies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Baking Soda, Perineal Massage
Posted by Palmtrees (Midwest, Usa) on 03/12/2013

I was diagnosed with cytolytic vaginosis after 5 months of burning terrible pain. I began by doing a month of baking soda sitz baths, but after a month with what my doctor saw as normal flora, the cytolytic vaginosis came back. I then began using gelatin capsules from a health food store, filled then with baking soda, and inserted them twice a week. After two months I went back to the doctor and was told again my flora was normal, but to use the capsules and baking soda once a week for maintnance. I ended up at the dermatologist a month later because I still felt burning pain from time to time. The dermatologist told me my skin and vulva looked fine, but told me I either have a estrogen deficiency problem from birth control pills, or vulvodynia.

Well, its been 2 weeks since I've been off the pill and I already notice a decrease in the burning feeling on my tissues, but noticed my vaginal muscles just feel tight. The doctor told me sometimes vulvodynia occurs because of the body having pain for so long, I subliminally tightened my vaginal muscles in anticipation of every day pain. I have been finding this to be true, and have been doing the perenium massage I've read about, inserting a finger vaginally and pressing down on the pelvic floor muscles, it hurt at first, but got better with time, and its only been 4 days. I also plan to visit the physical therapist to see if there are more stretches I can do to loosen my muscles.

I hope this post helps anyone out there suffering from vulvar or vaginal pain that may have similiar problems. I was feeling quite hopeless being in daily pain for 10 months, but am hoping its finally passing. Keep trying new things, try doctors, accupuncture is wonderful, don't give up, it WILL get better.

Amino Acid Nac, Vitamin C, Spirulina
Posted by Epretty (Charlotte, Nc) on 02/27/2013

Hi, I have a subset of vulvodynia and I am desperate to be healed. I was wondering if the pain and burning you experienced was constant and interferred with your daily activities? Or did you only have pain with sex? Thanks!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Carole (Bury Village, West Sussex,, England) on 02/21/2013

You might like to try using some ACV in your bath - I found this very helpful when I had my first (and only hopefully) attack of vulvodynia last year, following (my first) urinary tract infection. You might also check out your pH levels and make sure they are balanced.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Torontolady (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 02/19/2013

Gianna, thanks for your post! You have given me hope. I was diagnosed with vulvodynia after a year of hell which started with a bladder infection in February 2012. It took about 10 doctors, eight trips to emerg and countless tests for me to find the right doctor to diagnose it, so much so that it was actually a relief when someone a) proved it was not only in my head but b) it wasn't anything life threatening. I already have a number of other health conditions, so I didn't need another serious one.

For me, just the peace of mind knowing what it was has helped me to heal a little bit, but I'm only about 50% better from before the bladder infection. (I also may have IC, being tested in another two weeks)... I've started going to therapy but it costs an absolute FORTUNE and I only work three days a week right now, so I can't really afford it. To know that you can do this stuff on your own, without having to pay thousands of dollars, is giving me a lot of hope!

About three weeks ago, I was in Jamaica, and I found swimming in the ocean worked wonders for the vulvodynia. I was in almost NO pain the whole week we were away, the first time I'd had near total relief in a year! There's no ocean in Toronto, but my boyfriend bought me some bath salts that he read were recommended for women with vulvodynia. I'm going to give that a try.

Baking Soda Douche
Posted by Khristine (Berlin, Nh, Usa) on 12/29/2012

My Friends in Womanhood, I would like to broach a subject that is affecting our lives and our medical professionals are missing the boat! I work as a medical professional and have had an experience over the last 6 months that I would likely compare to burning in "hell" with alternating itching/raw feeling. It all began in July when I began to feel a bit like I might have a yeast infection brewing. Within a weeks time or so after this feeling I began noticing that it burned when I urinated. Burning after I urinated as well. My vulvar area became inflammed reddened/raw in no time. However, what I was feeling was burning, unable to appreciate for obvious anatomical reason that I was in fact raw. I called my physician whom was unable to see me of course! Frustrated I spoke to a coworker whom indicated that quite possibly I could be having the start of a UTI. I rarely if ever have had a UTI and quite honestly I feel that unless they can prove you have one via a urine sample do not, I repeat do not, agree to take an Antibiotic. It will do more harm than good. I promise. After a course of Bactrum( a common UTI Med) I began to feel better within roughly 3 days. I thought... Wonderful.

However, little was I to know that I was only beginning a hell ride that would continue for months and ultimately end with me researching and finding my own resolve for this matter. Not the Physicians, 6 of whom I would end up seeing for this. Following the course of Bactrum I went back to my normal routines. I had intercourse with my husband one evening and when I woke up to urinate in the middle of the night I had burning and stinging unlike ever before. I thought to myself I must be dreaming. I was better. I had such intense burning I had difficulty falling back to sleep. I called the clinic the next day, still unable to see a physician. So I spoke to the nurse of a Doc I work with and she called and said that they would prescribe a course of Cipro for my stubborn UTI, however, I was to provide a urine sample to the lab. Lab was neg. I began the Cipro and within 2 days experienced severe itching and was given Diflucan to treat. The itching resolved, however, this awful burning feeling that I had, had not. Frustrated again I made an appointment to see a Nurse Practioner. She examined me and tested for everything under the sun. Yeast, Bacteria, STDs, etc. With no hard proof of anything to me she would give me a course of Doxycyclin. Desperate for healing I went ahead and took the script. My burning intensified to the point where I could cry. Ice was not enough to cool. I felt as if heat were eminating for my vaginal area that could burn a hole in a glacier. Later I was given Metrogel vaginal gel for what was thought to be a case of BV. Clue cells were identified in a wet prep so they said, however, the vaginal gel added insult to injury. No odor/ no unsual discharge noted. I tried every natural substance I could find to calm my horrified bottom. Raw Honey, olive oil, cornstarch and baking soda powder, vit E oil, Petroleum Jelly, KY Jelly, Desitin, Vit A oil, plain yohurt(which cooled me)... I tried it all. Also tried, Clotrimozole/betamethasone ointment, clebasol, hydrocortisone, allergy ointment, Nystatin, Monistat yeast Med... To no avail. In fact it made me worse.

Months later and still battling I see my GYN for the 3rd time. She says "I'm sorry dear you have Vulvodynia. " In my research I had seen this term & had thought that this is the Fibromyalgia of the vaginal world. A term used to label unsolved mysteries. Angered.. I did more homework. Antibiotics upset vaginal Flora & PH. Antifungals also change vaginal PH, making the area acidic. Birth Control can also influence PH. Vulvodynia symptoms clearly parallel the symptoms of Cytolytic Vaginosis. A very CURABLE problem. Practioners forget to look at the very tool that got them into medicine... CHEMISTRY. When you make an environment normally slightly acidic extremely acidic two things occur, irritation of skin, and burn like symptoms(ACID).

The Vagina is a delicately balanced Microcosum of bacteria/yeast/lactobaccilli/ and numerous others microbes. When antibiotics are presented, they wipe out an already unbalanced(in my case) world. Antifungals to prevent/correct the yeast symptoms also make the vagina very acidic still. Ultimately you have a petrie dish of disorder in a very big way. I suggest all of you think about your starting symptoms and look closely at what may have precipitated them. Antibiotics for no matter what will start the ball rolling. Cytolytic Vaginosis is basically a Chemistry lesson that our providers are just overlooking.. And for what reason I am not certain. It is extremely basic. And the cure is Baking Soda douche. 1-2tablespoons/4 cups of warm water. , bathing in a Sitz of Baking soda water is also very helpful for the external symptoms of itch and burning until symtoms resolve.. And they will.

Please all of you look up CYTOLYTIC VAGINOSIS. The symptoms, of burning, and itching, rawness do not just occur by themselves. They have been precipitated by something. They can be balanced and harmony can once again occur. Demand that your practioner do a vaginal PH. CYTOLYTIC VAGINOSIS will be in the 3.5-4.5 range. Certain Cytologic indications will also be evident on the wet prep slide. Lactobacillis will be plentiful. I encourage you to fully trust your instincts, your body is an amazing creation and the answers lie in sometimes the most basic fundamentals. Good Luck to you. I wanted to share my experience to help others prevent the nightmare the Medical Professionals whom we all go to in times of need, can create.

God Bless, Khristine

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gianna (San Diego, Ca) on 12/28/2012

Hello ladies... It has been a year and I have no longer had any symptoms of vulvadynia. The exercises I did seemed to help. If I ever feel like my vulvadynia might be coming back, I do the exercises again for a few times a day for a week, just to make sure. I have had pain free sex for a whole. What I have noticed though is that when I am taking antibiotics, the symptoms of vulvadynia come somewhat back.. The beginning stages that is. Just keep faith and try whatever you feel is necessary. :)

Amino Acid Nac, Vitamin C, Spirulina
Posted by Anna (Seattle, Washington U.s.a) on 12/25/2012

After suffering for 20 years from vulvodynia and going to so many doctors and spending tons of money on both conventional and alternative treatments and going insane from finding absoluely NOTHING to take away the burning pain and rawness until I accidentally found that taking something that another alternative M. D recommended for something totally different (amino acid NAC 600mg. , Vit. C 2,000mg and 3 tablets of spirulina) once a day or even every two days, takes away the pain within hours. So happy about it and want to spread the word to others. Been doing this now for two years and would also suggest that when taking NAC also take a good multi mineral with a meal as NAC is a good chelator of heavy metals like mercury but can also deplete the good minerals like zinc and copper. Hope this helps others as I know this type of pain is so horrible.

Borax Douche
Posted by Stacey (Abbotsford, Bc, Canada) on 09/17/2012

I had begun having severe pain in my clitoris lately which was making me feel horrifically depressed and irritated beyond belief. I did some internet research and figured that I might have some form of Vulvodynia. I've had long standing health issues with my body, but this is just aggravating to deal with. I've been drinking apple cider vinegar as I have systemic candida, which might be causing the clitoral pain. But I did a borax douche in the shower this morning and it was incredibly soothing. I had done a vinegar douche a few days ago and it aggravated everything; ugh, just a mistake. I think the borax helps so much because the pH is so high that it kills whatever is in the area causing pain. It also helped soothe my bladder which has also felt mildly irrirated for the last week or so also. Nothing is itchy, just mostly pain.

So I'll see how it goes. The borax is mostly a quick fix for severe irritation and burning. I'm going to try with the coconut oil to see if that helps for a more long term solution. Thanks so much for all the feedback here! I love this site :).

Magnesium Citrate
Posted by Cathy (Ireland) on 09/02/2012

I suffered with vaginal burning and swelling for over 25yrs. I tried every antibiotic and cream available but to no avail, I tried taking baing soda in water sometimes adding lemon juice and acv, this gave tempory relief. I was suffering with constipation after a spinal injury and decided to take magnesium citrate 400mg each nite, I was taking it for about 2-3 yrs and never had an attack of burning or swelling especially after intercourse, I stopped taking the magnesium about 3-4 months ago and 2weeks ago after intercourse it came back with a vengence so it was back to the baking soda with water, fluconazole tabs, icepack between legs, nothing worked, I was searching my mind to see what I may have done or taken that would start all this up again and it dawned on me that the only thing that had changed was stopping the magnesium citrate, so I'm off to the health shop first thing in the morn and please God this will cure it again, I will keep you posted. Cathy

Herpes Caused
Posted by Sydney (Cinci, Ohio) on 08/01/2012

I too have been suffering from external burning for several months.... It comes and goes. It seems to come and worsen from wearing tight pants, sitting prolonged periods, riding bikes, walking for long periods of time. I have herpes simplix 1 and I only know that because I have been tested for everything and this came up. I have never had one cold sore on mouth or outbreak anywhere else. Wondering why your drs think that this could be caused by herpes. Im only asking bc it happens so frequently and typically with herpes it rarely shows symptoms if any. Did they do a biopsy to know this or just guessing? I am dying to know bc I am wondering of I should have a biopsy done, or can this no way be from herpes?? Do you have frequent outbreaks when these problems occur so your dr is associating with this?

Pelvic Floor Muscle Stretches, Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sapphire (NY) on 03/19/2012

I think there's probably a lot to this strategy. I've had volvar pain for 1-1/2 years. After going to one ob/gyn after another and spending a fortune, I finally found help. What I'm doing: Seeing a Dr. in NYC who specializes in pelvic floor dysfunction. He's actually in my Empire Blue Cross plan, which is great. For the past 6 weeks I have been using a compounded cream (lidocaine, neurontin and ketoprofin). It burns when it's first applied, but it has SIGNIFICANTLY improved my condition. I'm also seeing a physical therapist who also specializes in pelvic floor dysfunction. She predicts that it will take about 8 visits (and the use of a dilator, ugh) to get me back on track... Having sex again. I know everyone's condition is different, but this is what is working for me. Also, I highly recommend this book: "Healing Painful Sex" by Deborah Coady, MD and Nancy Fish, MSW, MPH. It's very well written and clearly explains the complexities of every related condition. It's also very positive and inspiring.

Herpes Caused
Posted by Meg (Columbus, Oh, Usa) on 03/07/2012

So I had vulvodynia (I have Interstitial Cystitis) and I thought it was yeast because I suspected that was what was causing my IC issues. I went to my MD Kinesiologist and he found that I had the herpes virus attacking my sacral nerves, causing me genital burining and itching. My doc tested me for remedies and put me on a homeopathic series and freeze dried garlic, which have helped. I also had him check olive leaf extract and chaparral, which are known to combat the herpes virus. I was just wondering if anyone else had luck with olive leaf or chaparral in killing the herpes virus.

Posted by Moon (New York, Ny) on 02/26/2012

Not coconut oil or anything natural, but botox injections into the muscles works to relax the muscles and in many patients cure them completely. I just had a 2nd round of botox after 3 months (needed more) and at this point things are feeling pretty soft inside, no knots like before in the muscles. I still have the vestibule inflammation, but I'm hoping this will subside with time. Botox is the only thing that has made a difference for me so far, and I am organic/natural - but it is actually pretty safe and worth it for this horrible condition! I see a great dr in New York.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gianna (San Diego, Ca) on 01/27/2012

It may be a type of infection.... BUT I'm telling you, the perenium massage works! I only itch like once every 4-5 days and for like 5 min, if that! Also, to cure the itch, I bought the Aveeno Colloidal Oatmeal and make a small amount of paste with it and apply it to the area for like 20 minutes then wash it off. That helps. Also, when I shower, I use Johnson and Johnson Baby wash for down there.. My doctor said "If you can put it in your eye, you can put it in your.... " So it is very gentle on the area. As far as the burning goes, I havent had much lately, except when I wear extremely tight jeans and sit down. The crotch gets a little restricting and I hurt a little bit. Trust me, I am trying WHATEVER I can to cure this! I am 28.. WAY too young to have to worry about sex or lack there of. LOL.... But again, relaxing helps too :)

Coconut Oil
Posted by Shampoo (Los Angeles, Ca) on 01/26/2012

Coconut oil taken internally and inserted everyday into the vagina in large amounts is incredibly soothing and healing to the tissues. I forget about the itch, burn, tightness, dryness and pain during the day with this oil. Thank God!!! Also, it makes you functional during sex. Best lubricant, and it smells good too!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Gianna (San Diego, Ca) on 01/24/2012

This post will be long and as detailed as possible because like myself, I am sure many woman want ALL the advice they can get for this mysterious condition. I want to tell about the moment I began to feel the pain, the in between, and how I went back in time and really analyzed myself and my past leading up to this.

In July of 2011, I began to notice the pain. As the months progressed it became worse. Most of my life I have been susceptible to Yeast Infections and Bacterial Infections. They were so common that I didn't even need to go to the Doctor to get them diagnosed anymore. I would just call in and they would send the prescription to my Pharmacy. Well, I thought I had one or the other multiple times during the past 6 months, but the medication never seemed make the pain go away or make me feel better like it had always done in the past. The symptoms were still there. Urinating was painful and I often thought I had a UTI. But I have had UTI's before and this didn't feel exactly the same. Urinating was just painful, burning, irritating; I never really cramped up like I had all the times I actually had a UTI. And sex was just PAINFUL. I had a boyfriend at the time and I never wanted to have sex because of the pain, but many times I would just suck it up and endure the pain because I did not feel comfortable talking to him about my ailment and I didn't want him to suspect anything else or feel like things were weird. At first it was only painful when he inserted himself and then pulled out. It burned. Maybe I wasn't aroused enough, but after a while I realized that wasn't the case because I could tell that I was. After a while the pain was with each stroke, and it would get worse and worse. Because I was anticipating the pain, during intercourse I would tense up the hold time. I could never relax. I would just close my eyes and hope that it would be over soon. Till this day I am upset that I didn't speak up and let him know the pain I was feeling because the more I think about it and the more research I do on Vulvodynia, I realize that my tense muscles "down there" during intercourse may have been the cause of this. There are so many accusations and "possible" reasons why women get Vulvodynia, all of which I will not list because I am sure you already know them, but for me, I think I found my answer as to how I got it.

I was diagnosed with Vulvodynia in early December 2011. Like many women, I became depressed and felt helpless. I mean, when your Doctor tells you that there is no known cure and that they do not know what causes it, you become hopeless. I began to do research EVERYDAY, trying to find ways to cure this and get rid of it. The thought of not being able to have sex again or have a "normal" relationship (Normal in the sense of a healthy sexual relationship with someone) made me even more depressed, but I knew I had to do something. I found a few articles and blogs where women talked about their Vulvodynia and how they controlled it, had it for years, or still have it and can't get rid of it.

Then I came across Earth Clinic and had some glimmer of hope. After reading a few of the posts on Earth Clinic, I decided to try some of them out. I tried the Coconut Oil. That did not work for me, BUT I now take the coconut oil capsules because they have other benefits. It just did nothing for me down there. I started taking Calcium Citrate plus Magnesium plus Vitamin D3 (all in one capsule). I also began taking Cranberry Supplements (this helps with the bladder muscles - it helped to relax me which has eased the pain a bit). I also take Probiotics to help regulate the flora in my body. I tried to be on a Low Oxalate Diet, which was SO HARD, but I tried it. I was willing to do whatever it takes. Overall, I was feeling a little better, but it still was not helping.

After trying all of this, I had sex for the first time a month after being diagnosed. The pain was still there, but I told myself to keep relaxing, don't tense up, try not to think about it, etc. But we all know that is easier said than done. Sex was still painful. I decided to do more research and realized I never fully tried some of the exercises people were talking about. I began to look into Pelvic Floor Muscle exercises and Perineum Massage. I started to realize that during sex I would tense up a lot. My partner liked to put me in positions that weren't really comfortable for me and I would tense up because it would hurt sometimes. With some positions I thought that was normal because it wasn't a burning pain, just a pain many women say they have when they are in certain positions, an uncomfortable pain. But it was uncomfortable the whole time. Well one of the possible causes of Vulvodynia is Sexual Abuse. Now, I was never sexually abused nor am I trying to compare my situation to a sexual abuse victim, but I am saying that tensing up and "bracing yourself" you might say, have some similarities. Could I have possibly traumatized my muscles? Did the penetration make me have nerve damage due to tensing up during intercourse? Sex with my partner wasn't that painful UNLESS he put me in positions that I was uncomfortable in (I am not flexible, so he would put my legs and hips in positions my body was not use to which in turn tensed me up). I began to really think about it and thought, maybe my Vulvodynia is caused by my tense muscles and overtime I have traumatized them.

I read one post about a woman who did a Perineum Massage where she would insert her thumb into her vagina and push on her perineum as hard as she could for 30-45 seconds. I began to do this every day, 4-5 times a day. At first it was painful, it burned, it felt uncomfortable and I thought I would not be able to tolerate it. But the key is to relax your muscles while you do this. The first few days it will be painful and hurt, but after a while, you will begin to feel better and the pain will minimize, if not just minimize but actually go away completely. I also began doing the Pigeon Pose stretch to help open my hips. Another stretch I do daily is lay on my back with my feet on the ground and knees up. I then open my legs and let them fall to the side, keeping feet together. You will feel a tremendous stretch in your groin. It has been 3 weeks and I feel 95% better. I do not have the burning or itching sensation that I had those previous 6 months. I could sit at my desk and work without having pain. I can pee without the burning sensation. I have taken up Yoga as well, to help me relax. I feel that has something to do with it too. Relaxation is key. I was stressed out and when you stress, your muscles feel it. For me, the supplements and the Perineum Massage have helped. I have not had sex yet, that's why I say I feel 95%, so I am not sure if this has been my total cure, but I definitely notice a difference in my day to day. I feel normal again.

Just to clarify, this is what I have done to try and curb my Vulvodynia (which seems to have worked) and I do all of this DAILY:

  • Calcium Citrate Mag Vitamin D3 Supplement

  • Cranberry Supplement

  • Probiotic Supplement

  • ONLY drink water

  • Low Oxalate Diet - sometimes, when I think about it

  • Perineum Massage DAILY (every time I pee) - This is what I feel REALLY helped

  • Pigeon Pose and Other Pelvic Floor exercise

  • Yoga 3 times a week
  • RELAX as often as I can (relax my body, deep breathing, relax my muscles down there when I think about it, etc)

    Again, I have not had intercourse yet, so I cant say it is completely gone, but I feel so much better, I am much more positive and I know that I am closer to recovery. I hope this post helped someone at least. It may not help everyone, but it has helped me. Good luck , stay positive, and RELAX.

  • Pelvic Floor Muscle Stretches, Multiple Remedies
    Posted by Reecee84 (Acworth, Georgia) on 01/03/2012

    Hi I have had my own trouble with Vulvodynia and I wanted to post my success with it since there is so little information about it.

    Once I realized that what was going on down there wasn't a yeast infection I started to do research, I had no discharge, just redness, swelling. For the most part I only felt pain and itching when I touched down there. Dynia means pain. Doctors don't know what it is and they don't know how to treat it, even prescribing antidepressants for it when that isn't going to help at all.

    Ok now for what you came for: What I found through my research is that trauma to the muscles of my hoo hah caused my vulvodynia. This was caused by forcing the aha moment by locking up all my muscles during my uh alone time if you will. One thing that I have tried is a cranberry supplement, mine is the once a day one that can be bought at the Mart we all know of.

    According to my research a UTI infection affects the same or similar muscles or something that Vulvodynia does, so I take a cranberry supplement every day because that helps so much with UTI's. I also take a calcium citrate supplement to help with oxalates, you can also get it from the Mart and the one I get includes Vitamin D and Magnesium for better absorption, it's a name brand.

    I also have Bacterial Vaginosis so I take extra amounts of Folic Acid and an Acidopholus supplement every day and extra if I feel the itch start. This has been the only thing that has worked for my BV and it works very well. Funny how doctors don't think vitamins and immune boosters will fix the body's problems.

    The coconut oil didn't work for me. But what has made the most significant difference and has for the most part cured my Vulvodynia has been the pelvic floor stretches that I do. If muscles are traumatized in some way they stay tensed and contracted, just like they would if you were in a car accident, so they must be relaxed and this is accomplished through stretching. The one that has worked best for me is a perineum massage where I take the thumb of my dominant hand and press it against the bottom of my hoo hah towards my rear hole as hard as I can without hurting myself but so I can feel the strings or muscles down there pull and stretch. I count slowly to 30 or 45 and release. I do this every time I go to the bathroom or at least 3 times a day when it hurts, which for me only seems to occur after sex now. After sex and the next day of doing this along with some other stretches and I can totally avoid any discomfort I also do a stretch where I lay on my back, the soles of my feet pressed together with my toes up against something solid so the heels of my feet are as close to my butt as possible. I then let my knees fall to the sides and hold this position for as long as is comfortable. This stretches the top or front muscles of my hoo hah. Another is piling pillows under my butt while letting my legs dangle off the bed as another person suggested. I try to do this for at least 15 minutes at a time to get a really good stretch. This stretches similar muscles as the previous exercise. This isn't as easy to get out of and makes my back hurt some so I don't do this unless I'm hurting. I have started putting ankle weights on to assist in extra pull. I don't recommend starting out doing this. Adding more pillows should be gradual as well. One thing that has also helped me is masturbation, believe it or not. My little friend doesn't penetrate me. One thing I do differently now is I make sure the soles of my feet are touching just like the exercise I mentioned above except I'm on a bed, and I don't force the aha moment. Doing this pulls the muscles in a different way and for me seems to relax them. One more exercise I do is called the pigeon pose, I feel it stretches the pelvic floor from different angles and helps some. My Vulvodynia has gotten so much better doing these stretches that I now only have to do it after sex and if I'm feeling any discomfort, which I really don't. It is such a relief cause I was going out of my mind. I hope this helps somebody. The info I found was sparse on this topic so I want to be as detailed as possible which is why this post is so long. One thing I recommend is people look up pelvic floor STRETCHES online to find more exercises. DO NOT do the exercises that make you clench your pelvic floor muscles this will only make the pain worse! It must be a stretch. You can slowly add those other exercises, also called kegel exercises once the pain is gone, but not till then. It may take some time but I found ones that work for me and didn't have to pay for lots of doctors that don't work and have no clue. I think having a regular stretching or yoga program will keep those muscles more supple in general, along with a regular exercise program.

    One final thing: I have found that reducing the amount of sugar in my diet helps immensely with how often I get yeast infections and the general health of my lady parts. Also becoming gluten free has helped immensely as well.

    If anyone has questions email me at cbscientist(at)

    Colloidal Oatmeal
    Posted by Kylie (Los Angeles, Ca) on 02/03/2011

    Hi ladies! I've suffered from vulvodynia off and on for over 5 years. My longest period of it was every day for 11 months. The pain was so bad that I couldn't walk well anymore and even began using crutches. I still get small flare-ups but I now know how to maintain them. I eat healthy (avoid acidic fluids that would be harmful to the vulva such as citrus/coffee), and I clean my underwear with baking soda and white vinegar before washing them in Purex detergent.

    But the key to stopping and treating the pain is Colloidal oatmeal! I had some luck with coconut oil, but it never "treated" it fully, at least for me. I buy Aveeno baby bath oatmeal powder. I mix it with a bit of water to form paste then apply it to the red/painful areas of my vulva. Let it sit for about 15 minutes, then soak in a bathtub with the rest of the packet of oatmeal. I apply the past in the morning and night and do the bath at night. In about 3-4 days I'm all healed! I still get flare-ups but atleast it doesn't have to ruin my whole life.

    Pelvic Floor Muscle Stretch
    Posted by Charlotte (Oxford, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom) on 06/18/2010

    Thanks for this Anna. I suffered with vulvodynia, interstitial cystitis and urethral pain for 2 years - at times the pain was so bad I didn't want to get out of bed in the morning. Except that lying down was equally painful to standing up so there was no benefit in not getting up! Then by chance I discovered Amy Stein's book - within 24hrs of doing her exercises most of my pain had gone. I still feel very mild pain but compared to how it was it seems like nothing. Her exercises have to be done 4 times a day and if I miss just one set my pain comes straight back. It's a long process of stretching and healing. However, like you, I'm impatient and I want to see all of my pain disappear so I was thrilled to read your 'invented' stretch and I am going to try it today! I'll let you know how I get on. Thanks so much.

    Pelvic Floor Muscle Stretch
    Posted by Anna (Las Vegas, Nv, Usa) on 05/23/2010

    You're absolutely right, Carley!!! I've always thought inversion (or even hanging from a bar) would help stretch those muscles, too. I'm very glad you confirmed it! I've been wanting to get one of those inversion tables for a very long time: they have many benefits!

    Pelvic Floor Muscle Stretch
    Posted by Carley (Seattle, Wa) on 05/22/2010

    Hi Anna - thank you for taking the time to put all of that in writing! VERY interesting, and informative stuff!

    I just realized while reading about your stretches...

    since I got my inversion table it has helped a lot! It is basically the same concept. Hanging upside down for 5-10 ins a day has lengthened all of the same muscles. (It is also great for the back, which is why I got it in the first place). If you have the room and the money, I highly recommend it!

    Thanks again, that was great info.

    Best to you and anyone else who has this affliction!

    Pelvic Floor Muscle Stretch
    Posted by Anna (Las Vegas, Nv, Usa) on 05/20/2010

    Editor's Choice

    Vulvodynia Remedy: Pelvic Floor Muscles Stretch

    Simple vulvodynia remedy/solution/cure (that worked for me) I'm so excited to have finally solved my problem that I need to share it with all of you, because I, like you, suffered SO VERY MUCH and I was so desperate for a solution! Unfortunately there are too many wrong, confusing, even dangerous suggestions online about crazy or expensive treatments, like surgeries, anti-depressants, oxalate diet, etc., when the solution is so simple, yet it eludes everybody. I am proof that vulvodynia can be treated very naturally, easily and FREE at home. If my story can help somebody, at least my pain has had a purpose. I had vulvodynia for almost a year, so bad I couldn't wear underwear/pants, sit down or go by bicycle. [As if it wasn't enough, months after it all began I ALSO started experiencing what I can only explain as urethral spasms (those are actually worse than the vulvodynia pain, because they always came unexpected). I thought there was something wrong w/ my urethra, I even went to a urologist who couldn't understand what I had and didn't find anything wrong w/ me but nonetheless gave me antibiotics which turned out to be totally useless & unnecessary because, as my gyno confirmed, I didn't have whatever strange invisible infection the urologist thought I had. Brilliant!] Anyway, after lots of research online, I realized it was possible that vulvodynia could simply be a muscle problem, so I finally went to a pelvic floor therapist, who confirmed lots of things to me. She did some manual trigger point therapy (which you can do yourself), but mostly what I got out of my experience with her was hope that it could be treated, which was the most important thing to me as the pain was driving me insane. Therapy helped a lot, but as I am unemployed I couldn't afford more sessions. Well, at least I knew for sure it was a muscle problem and nothing else, as I had already experienced a major improvement thanks to her. See, the reason that doctors can run millions of tests on all of you and find nothing wrong/related to the pain is because vulvodynia is simply caused by the SHORTENING of your pelvic muscles due to the trauma of, say, an infection, accident, bad posture, bad habits, scoliosis, or even just name the cause, you're probably right. Those poor, stressed muscles have contracted to the point of causing internal chronic spasms (whether you feel them or not), which tug at your nerves, thus giving you pain! The secret to reverse it, then, it's simply to LENGHTEN the muscles back to their original shape, by stretching them. I, by the way, requested a fantastic book from the library ("Heal Pelvic Pain" by Amy Stein) which explains all of this in detail. You should look into it, too, if you are looking for more info about how numerous pelvic disorders are simply caused by the shortening of the muscles & by trigger points (she explains how to do trigger point therapy -which I love- on yourself, however I found that the stretch I "invented" was enough to make the trigger points go away on their own!). One of her most useful pieces of advice was the part about "dropping the pelvis": until I read her book I never thought/realized how super tense my pelvis always was. Catch yourself anytime and you'll see that if you have vulvodynia your pelvis is all tensed up, drop it! (It's the same feeling as when you have finally reached a bathroom after holding it in for a long time.) Make a conscious effort to drop it/relax it/let go of it as often as possible until it will become normal to you again. (To better understand what I'm talking about, see her book.) I did the long routine of stretching exercises (for different parts of the body) that Amy recommends however I felt none of them were really specific enough to solve the problem, or at least I wasn't feeling any difference fast enough (I'm kinda impatient), as I am unemployed and I have a lot of time on my hands, I started mulling over where the problem was specifically arising from...I thought: it's not my back, or my butt, or my thighs,... my urethral spasms & vulvodynia pain MUST stem from the front of my pelvis (the area below my navel). Well, then! Those are the muscles I have to lengthen! So I created my own (easy) specific stretch exercise, which amazingly accomplished the job very quickly! I felt immediately better the first morning (I had no more urethral spasms! What a miracle!). After 2 days I was already MUCH better, and after a week my vulvodynia was virtually all gone! The longer you do it, the better. It's something you can do as a tune-up once in a while, too. THE SOLUTION: This is done in bed for as long as possible while you read or watch a movie (you'll know when you've had enough), you can get up once in a while if you really need to move around. (I guess you could try it on a table too, I used the bed as it's more comfortable and you can stay there longer.) On the VERY EDGE(<-important!) of the bed, without falling, put as many pillows as possible under your pelvis (it depends on how high your bed is, mine is pretty low), make sure you have some support for your back, too, if necessary, in order to be as comfortable as possible (you'll figure it all out on your own), but the important thing is that your pelvis needs to be a little HIGHER than your back TO CREATE AN ARCH! Then, let your legs hang from the edge of the bed, creating as much of a backward arch --between your thighs & your pelvis-- as possible. Simply lie there and feel the muscles of your pelvis and lower abdomen S-T-R-E-T-C-H. It's very easy. I even extended alternately my legs for further stretch of the pelvis, one leg at the time as much as possible. I did all of this while reading, so it's no big deal, it actually feels good. (I have a tile floor so I used a towel under my feet to made the sliding easier). This is all folks! Let me know if it works for you. If not, get Amy's book and try her stretches, maybe the muscles that you need to lengthen are not the same as mine. It depends on where your pain is, I guess. FURTHER ADVICE: #1 Months ago, when my pain was the worst, I noticed that the only thing that cut my pain in half was drinking a whole stalk of celery juice. Within hours it gave me so much relief! It might be for the same reason that celery is good for rheumatism (I don't have it), I'm not sure why it worked, all I know is that celery juice surely was a huge help! And it went to prove that my vulvodynia had nothing to do with too much oxalates, as celery is high in oxalates! If you strongly believe that your vulvodynia is caused by oxalates (very unlikely from what I've read) I highly recommend that before embarking on such a restricted, crazy diet at least you bother to get a test to confirm whether your oxalates are off, most likely you'll see that everything is normal! #2 As my therapist and Amy Stein say, do NOT do kegel or similar strengthening exercises until the pain goes away first! The problem is that exercises such as kegel actually tend to further contract/shorten the muscles which, in the case of vulvodynia, are already too tensed up to begin with! The exact OPPOSITE needs to be done, instead: RELAX them! #3 Do NOT constantly touch/mess with the area that bothers you! As my therapist said: if you keep on pressing on a bruise, you are preventing it from healing! #4 Also, as much as possible, try NOT to think about it, I know it's really hard, but you need to rewire your brain so that you DON'T constantly EXPECT pain from that area! Otherwise you're keeping the pain alive through a self-fulfilling prophesy.

    Coconut Oil
    Posted by Julie (San Diego, California) on 05/12/2010

    Update: I am still a lot better... i have a little discomfort every now and then maybe for about 20 minutes a day but i am still for the most part pain free... still not getting my hopes up but i can't argue with an obvious improvement... hoping for the best! give your body time... i still don't expect this problem to be completely resolved for a long time... keeping my chin up, and keep yours up too.
    GOOD LUCK, you CAN beat this :)

    Coconut Oil
    Posted by Julie (San Diego, California, United States) on 04/21/2010

    This post will be a little long just because I have a lot to explain. The disease vulvodynia has affected me for about 2 years, ever since I was 16. I have gone through many ups and downs with this disease, my psychological health was extremely affected. All tests came up as negative with my doctors, and I did so much research and would only end up in tears or have a panic attack because of the overwhelming amount of women who have not found a cure for this awful problem-- all the suffering and the idea of this 'death sentence' drove me closer and closer to insanity. Doctors and even my own mother thought it was all in my head. Wrong. I have always been into natural cures, and was disappointed again to see the lack of hope for a cure on Earth Clinic (Not Earth Clinic's fault!). By chance I just happened to be looking at the coconut oil section and saw that one woman was able to cure her chronic, 21 yr old struggle with an 'incurable' bladder condition by ingesting coconut oil. A light bulb went off in my head. Well, this condition, I assumed, was what many women suffer from called interstitial cystitis (IC) that is extremely similar to vulvodynia, only it affects the bladder not the vagina. So between these two conditions, you are walking around feeling like you have a bladder or yeast infection, but the results come up negative so any infection is generally ruled out leaving the symptoms to remain with no end in sight. That's the connection I saw between the two. Some women have both IC and vulvodynia... I can't even imagine. There ARE women who have cured interstitial cystitis on Earth Clinic. The majority of them seem to think there is an undetectable infection and anti fungal/bacterial measures helped their situation. I caught on and thought well, it couldn't hurt to try some of these remedies just in case I myself have an undetectable infection. So I've been ingesting coconut oil everyday for about two weeks... at least 1 tsp a day. Sometimes I go all the way up to 2 tbsps it really varies... I tried not to get my hopes up but guess what-- this is the first time I've been pain free in 2 years. I'm reeeeally gonna try and not get too excited as things could change but for these two weeks I've been fine... coincidence? I hope not. I will definitely update! Ladies, your health is in your own hands. Remain optimistic and be creative. I took a cure I saw helped one woman for a completely different but curiously similar disease, and I think it's helped me. Don't give up! I'm only 18 and too young to have to suffer from this. Please, please do not settle to be a prisoner in your own body.

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