Yeast Infection
Natural Remedies

Natural Yeast Infection Remedies: Herbal Solutions & Lifestyle Tips

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


29 User Reviews
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Posted by Alex (Bethesda, Md) on 03/17/2009

Using yogurt has treated my yeast infection. The trick is once you've inserted about a tablespoon with an applicator put your legs up over your head to ensure the yogurt gets all the way up there! I feel like my self again. Thanks everyone!

Replied by Mona
(Santa Rosa, Ca Usa)

This worked wonders for me!!!

For immediate relief apply a handful of organic pure raw honey wherever relief is needed, I would suggest you do this in the bath as honey will begin to melt. Leave this on for 10-15 minutes then wash off. Take a bath in lukewarm-warm water pour in 1/4 cup- 1/2 cup of ACV.

Use plain organic yogurt, find a disposable glove pour yogurt in the fingers and freeze. Break off a finger each night and insert into your vagina, do this until you are completely sure it's gone, usually 3-5 days, longer if needed. Freezing makes it easier to insert and you'll find relief with the cold yogurt. Last I suggest using a sanitary napkin at night as yogurt will star melting immediately, and try to insert just before getting into bed.

Posted by Jane (Glendale, Arizona) on 02/11/2009

This is my first yeast infection in 20 years! I had to take a high dosage antibiotic and four days later, wham! Yeast infection! I did not want to take another synthetic drug and upset my system even more. I too looked up natural cures and stumbled upon this site. I had heard about yogurt from a girlfriend and she said it was amazing. I bought plain organic yougurt and inserted it with a tampon for an hour. The itching went away instantly! It felt cool and soothing. I did apply some yogurt to the outside of my vulva to help soothe. This is only my first day,but will try it again tonight before I go to bed. My v-jay is irritated, but not how it was earlier. I can at least sit down without cringing. I expect that to subside after another application. Thank you!

Replied by Jane
(Glendale, Arizona)

Update: I continued to use the yogurt for three days, once in the morning and once before bed. I dipped a small tampon in the plain organic yogurt-covering it to almost dripping- and left it in for about an hour. I usually left one in over night. Each day the symptoms were less and less. It has been two months now and no yeast has returned. I do eat yogurt everyday to ensure it does not return. Amazing and cheap remedy that truly works!

Posted by Daisy (Houston, Texas, U.S.) on 01/19/2009


Now, Ive been suffering from this for a while now. At first i was not quite sure what i had. Someone told me it must be a yeast infection. so i went to the store and bought creams to treat it. No good. Then also i read here that someone used plain yogurt to treat it. so i tried it and for the first time in many years no odor no more anything. For one day i felt awesome in that area. now this was not for long. it came back! i was shocked and a little upset. it's not as strong as before but its still there and its quite embarrassing with my boyfriend and all. anyone care to help?

Replied by Sandy
(Bangalore, India)

I eat around 200 ml of yogurt every night (home-made yogurt), and this keeps yeast infection away. I find that if I miss eating yogurt for a couple of days, a slight odour is back. Key is to eat around 200-300 ml yogurt everyday...this is easy to do as yogurt is delicious and also healthy.

Replied by Bbmolasses
(Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Usa)

If it only worked temporarily,and you've been experiencing the problem for years, you definitely want to see a clinician to make sure its yeast and that it is your only problem. Sometimes problems can occur together. Personally, I was skeptical of the yogurt cure until I tried it. I always get a mild yeast infection a couple of days before my period. I got a 20cc syringe, no needle and just applied liberally and went to bed. I do this for another night even after the symptoms disappear, to ensure complete efficacy. It made a believer out of me! Make sure you use certified organic yogurt with live active Lactobacilli (more than one species is good).You can also alternate between yogurt and garlic cloves as garlic contains allicin, a powerful natural anti-fungal. Both are definitely better for me, since I'm allergic to most of the topical application anti-fungals available on the market and the pill is not 100% effective for me in the recommended dosing schedule.

The quest for well womanhood continues!

Posted by Bee (Atlanta, Georgia) on 12/21/2008

Im 27 and this the first time I ever got a yeast infection. Im very against using medications not even for head aches. I googled this site for a quick natural remedy for the infection. What I did was put the plain yogurt in a plastic glove (the fingers) and put it in the freezer so it can freeze. Once it was completely frozen, I took one of the fingers of frozen yogurt out and inserted it into my v-jay at bed time, and this canceled any mess. It worked like a charm! No more yeast infection or symptoms.....

Posted by Brooke (Milford, Ohio) on 11/27/2008

Yogurt cured my vaginal yeast infection

i used to get yeast infections once a month. after bieng to the doctor and getting that one day pill 3 times i was fed up and came to this AMAZING web site. i read all the testimonals about plain yogurt and had to try it. so i had my mom go out and buy some. i layed down on my bathroom floor and spooned some on. i was amazed the itching instantly went away, i did this over 3 days along with wearing only cotton panites, ivory soap and not wearing tight pants and my yeast infection went away in a matter of a week. i love this cure because its natural and im no longer putting chemicals into my body

thanks earth clinic!

Posted by Tobey (Bellingham, WA) on 11/06/2008

Since I was a young teen, I have had the embarrassing white crud yeast infection over and over, starting before I ever had any sex. Doctors prescribed some of the worst colored creams you could imagine to be put into my vagina at night, and having to wear underwear and they always created a big mess in the underwear the next morning. Originally I had to use this for 7 nights. Luckily this changed to being able to buy my own tube from the store and using over 5 days, then 3. Still the mess.
10 years ago, again I discovered another bout. Someone suggested plain store- bought yogurt and since I despise medicines I tried it.

I placed one large tablespoon of the plain yogurt into my vagina right before bed, then put on my underwear to catch the ugly mess the next morning. Instead there was no mess and the PH had changed the white dicharge and yogurt had changed to clear liquid and no, I mean NO mess. It was as if I was normal and it had never happened. I could not believe it that doctors had made me use disgusting stuff when something so simple and pure as yogurt was available.
Tell everyone, please.

Posted by Amanda (San Francisco, CA) on 07/09/2008

Plain yogurt dipped on a tampon and inserted for a few hours works like a charm at curing impending yeast infections. Additionally, the yogurt is very soothing, not harsh in any way. Also, a tip about avoiding yeast infections: don't have sex using a flavored condom!

Posted by Veronica (San Antonio, Texas) on 04/18/2008

I have suffered from yeast infections since I was a teen. The otc creams are almost as bad as the yeast infection. I have found the less sugar I eat, the less infections I get. But the biggest help has been yogurt. Unflavored yogurt sucked up into one of those applicators used for the yeast infection medications really knocks out the pain and irritation within seconds and cures it in a matter of days. It is so much cheaper, kinder and faster then the creams.

Posted by Tiera (Winner, SD) on 04/12/2008

I just found this site, looking for help with my chronic sinus/dental problems and got side-tracked. I wanted to add my input on using yogurt for vaginal yeast infections. I rarely get yeast infections, but any time I ever did, I dipped a tampon in some plain yogurt and left it in overnight, and it always cured the problem immediately! In addition, a few years back, I was baking some bread and must have scratched my leg with a fingernail that had some yeast underneath, and within an hour I had what is known as "baker's infection"...something people who work in bakerys suffer from on a regular basis because of the live yeast surrounding them. My rash on my legs was spreading by the minute, so I finally ran a hot bath, dumped a carton of plain yogurt in, and it brought it to a screeching halt! The redness remained into the next day, but the spreading had stopped, along with the itching and burning! I had read that yogurt bacterias kill yeast on contact, and I know, from experience, that this is absolutely true!

Posted by Janet (Music City, USA) on 03/07/2008

re: Yeast and Bacterial Vaginitis. Hello, I don't know if this will work for bacterial infections, but when I have had yeast infections, I apply a couple of Tablespoons of plain, unsweetened, unflavored yoghurt to my inner and outer parts with a clean finger, and instant relief. Poof! No more yeast infection ! Its worth a try, it can't hurt, and its very cheap.

Posted by Sabrina (Brantford, Ontario, Canada) on 01/12/2008

Wow, i was really surprised when I used yogurt, it actually worked, and although it was messy all of my symptoms cleared up...there was no more scratching or discomfort, after about 4 days it was completely gone, i was very impressed, if I get this again I will know exactly how to cure it. Thank you everyone on this website, if it wasn't for you, I would've never been able to cure this in any quicker way.

Posted by Jo (Glasgow, UK) on 10/23/2007

After years of unsuccessfully trying to treat yeast infections I came across this website. Having tried every treatment available from the doctors and specialists I have seen I tried yoghurt and I am astounded to say that it really worked!! I have now had two blissful days with no pain! Thank you to all involved with this site. You have no idea the difference you have made to my life.

Posted by Gem (sydney, australia) on 10/05/2007

hi, i've had thrush for about a year and a half now and haven't done anything about it till recently,i started eating alot of plain yoghurt and drank about 1 L of water each day. My thrush has been gone ever since but you have to keep it up. When you have vaginal thrush or white discharge it means the level of pH acidity is high in your body, to neutralise the acidity you have to take in substance which have a pH of about 7 which is neutral , the most neutral substance is water. and yoghurt contains acidophulos which helps to. TAking B6 helps as well, I ensure you , do these things and thrush will never bother you again! Oh and stop wearing pantyhose and try and wear cotton underwear!

Posted by Kels (Tacoma, WA) on 10/02/2006

I tried monistat 1 day and it gave me 2nd degree burns and made me swell down there like you would not believe. I had to go to the ER and get it flushed out and be out on medication. After the burns healed, I used yogurt. Just put it in waited 20 min and then took a shower. Sleep with a pad so to catch any remaining yogurt.

Posted by Marla (Minnesota) on 07/26/2006

I have vaginal itching for over a month now, but I wasn't sure if it was a yeast infection or not. I tried the apple cider cure, but it didn't help at all. Inserting it vaginally made it even worse! Finally, I looked up vaginitis/vaginal itching online and found the yogurt suggestion (vaginally). I inserted 2 tsp. (10 ml) of it into my vagina last night (my husband found it hilarious, by the way), but it's the first night that I haven't felt like clawing at my insides! The website I found suggested using 2 tsp. inserted with a syringe vaginally for 7 days straight at bedtime, and then doing it once more on the 14th day. In the study done on Turkish pregnant women, most of them didn't having symptoms by the 3rd day.
