Yeast Infection
Natural Remedies

Natural Yeast Infection Remedies: Herbal Solutions & Lifestyle Tips

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Multiple Remedies

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Posted by LH (Slidell, La) on 02/11/2009

Okay so I have been suffering from either a yeast infection or bv... havent quiet figured out which one it is. I have the itching so im thinking it is probably a yeast infection. I have tried everything...acv douche, h202 douche,folic acid pills, yogurt, acidiphillous pills, garlic pills, Rephresh, Yeast gaurd. Now im trying the b-comlex 50, nicinamide 100 and liquid b-12. It kind of worked on the first day but now I dont think it is really working. I havent tried the Boric acid inserts bc i dont know where to find the boric acid. Also I was wondering if you can insert the Nicinamide and the B-complex pills into your vagina? If anyone has any remedies that they would like to share with me or any comments this would be very helpful! Thanks!

Replied by Katrina

Take a piece of garlic, tear off the skin, wrap it in gauze, tie some tooth floss around it, and make sure you are using a long piece of floss since you are making a garlic tampon. Insert this tampon into your vagina and sleep with it overnight. Remove it in the morning, and do this for 3-4 days until your yeast infection is gone. If the infection is real serious, ask your doctor to prescripe the yeast infection pill, I think it's called diflucan, and take that in addition to the garlic tampon treatment. Note, if your period is coming up, this might help get rid of the yeast infection as well. And also, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you not consume products that have sugar (or minimize sugar as much as possible) since this is food to the yeast. It might not hurt to take yougurt pills and garlic pills as welll, though make sure you eat before you take the garlic pills or they might hurt your stomach. Goldenseal and echinacia pills might help your imune system too. I'm not a doctor, but this method has worked for me.


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Posted by Marie (Washington, DC) on 02/25/2022

Ted you are a lifesaver!

Re your 2007 post from:

"One major vitamin I have narrowed down, is the niacinamide vitamin B3, usually taken at about 300 mg/day has usually resulted in 50% reduction in yeast infection on the first dose, and the resulting doses, on the third or fourth day nearly all the yeast infection goes away and never came back, provided of course the body has sufficient vitamin B3 maintenance dose without causing a deficiency. The reason why is that yeasts have a gene called SIR 2 mechanism whereby the niacinamide induces early death of the yeast cells and hence keep their growth in check and stays within normal biological parameters and ideal symbiosis. If I am looking for that one single bullet it has got to be that niacinamide B3."

I tried the niacinimide B3 supplement 500mg for a yeast infection that would not go away and was keeping me up at night. None of my normal remedies were helping... low sugar/carb diet, yogurt, probiotics, walnut oil/tea tree/oregano oil douche. I also took an iodine supplement and took the baking soda/lime/water mix to normalize Ph levels. I noticed a huge difference within 24 hours. I am going to incorporate the baking soda/lime drink plus one cup of green tea per day and take a multivitamin that has iodine and all the B vitamins you mentioned as a maintenance routine.

I thought I knew how to handle yeast infections after dealing with them for 20 years but you helped me so much. Thank you for sharing your knowledge in such an accessible and understandable way. I have learned so much from your website over the past 10 years!

Oral Yeast Infection Remedies

1 User Review

Posted by Cassy (Maine) on 12/18/2013

I have been using apple cider vinegar in warm water with garlic as a face wash to clear up an oral yeast infection. Wondering how long I need to do this for until it clears up my lips and face are cracking dry and itchy and I put coconut oil on afterwards but now what? This is day 2 and I'm pretty miserable.

Replied by Mama To Many
(Tennessee, Usa)

Hi Cassy,

So sorry you are miserable!

You might try diluting the ACV and garlic more when you use them. Both are very strong, especially on sensitive skin areas.

Castor Oil may work well as a follow up moisturizer and is also anti-fungal. You could even mix it 1/2 1/2 with the cconut oil. I put castor oil on my face most nights and I do not wake up feeling greasy. (But I try to keep my hair out of my face when I sleep! )

Tea Tree essential Oil and Lavender Essential OIi together (and diluted in another oil) are good anti-fungals, too. But on your face I would dilute them a good bit...Maybe 5 drops of each per 2 teaspoons oil.

Let us know how it goes...I hope you feel better soon.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Cassy, you can try JUST the coconut oil for a week and see what it does.

Oregano Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Shannon (San Antonio, Tx) on 09/14/2011

Just wanted to share my wonderful experience curing my yeast infection. I had been going through a rough month with a lot of travel and a lot of stress and hardly any sleep. The week before my period I had the most horrible yeast infection! I was even really swollen and in really bad pain.

Anyway I researched cures on earth clinic and came across oregano oil cures. I applied five drops of it mixed with 1 teaspoon coconut oil. I did this three to four times a day for 3 days although my symptoms were gone by the first day and on the thrid treatment! The first time I applied it stung and burned horribly. I persevered because I was desperate and because other creams made it worse and because diflucan takes five days to work and I wasn't willing to wait that long... Even though working as an RN with a doctor I can get it for free. The point is it worked!!! I haven't had recurrences since then and it has been about 6 months already. I strongly urge anyone that is suffering from yeast infections to try this remedy. Forget vagisil, or clotrimazole, or suppositories, try this... Use a tampon to apply if you need to but try it. It works. God bless earth clinic.

Replied by Jodee433
(Picayune, Ms)

Shannon, I want to THANK YOU so much for you rremedy for yeast... I took antibotics for 43 days and developed yeast everywhere, especially the vagina, then the mouth... I was desperate tonight and tried your treatment.. I called a friend and got some tampons, I have never used them, I mixed the oregono oil with the coconut oil, soaked the tampon in it.. At first it burned like all heck, but after a few minutes it stopped.. I can't tell you the rellief I feel.. I also took some by mouth... BTW I took the pills from the doc, use the cream with no success. Just thank you so much , again.. I will always use this remedy.. I really think anyone that is having this problem should try this.. I was going to the hospital tomorrow, but now I think I will be able to get this done..

Ozone Insufflations

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Posted by IntegrativeNurse (Santa Cruz, CA) on 01/18/2024

Ozone Insufflations for Yeast infections/BV/Trichomoniasis

Ozone insufflation inserted vaginally at 42-65 gamma over 5-15 minutes works every single time I, or my patients have had either of these infections. This is entirely safe for all ages. I did every day when I was 8 months pregnant to enable me to have a vaginal birth at home (I swear all that oxygen to her developing brain is why my daughter is so smart:). Yin Care and ACV are great compliments to this treatment and help reduce symptoms until you get to a clinic that will administer ozone.

Start with a low dose/time and work your way up. You often only need one treatment to eliminate the infection. It is always good to balance pH and microbiome for long term defense.

Please be careful not to give yourself a UTI while using vaginally inserted probiotics. If you do acquire a UTI from this method, which I have done, be sure to use UT Vibrance crisis intervention to eliminate the urinary tract infection. This also works every time I or my family have ever had a UTI. UT vibrance, coupled with oral UT probiotics also cured my young niece of a kidney infection caused by a UTI.


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Posted by Kelley (Tulsa,ok) on 06/06/2014

Every time I feel a yeast infections coming on I take about 1500 mg of potassium. That seems to stop it in its tracks. Not sure if its because the body ph increases.

Posted by Kelley (Tulsa,ok) on 05/04/2014

I always get a yeast infections if I am low in potassium. So, when I feel a yeast infection coming on I take some extra potassium. And within one day I am better!

Povidone Iodine Douche

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Posted by Linda (Langhorne, PA) on 03/29/2009

I write to help others with distress in their feminine and colon parts that involves itching and painfulness (when these parts do or do not show visible redness) when yeast medicines like monistat are not completely effective to remove the symptoms. I douche with provodone iodine and find relief almost immediately but must continue with daily douches (yes up both body parts) for one week (7 days). I have never found an m.d. who recommends this -- i have been recommended metranizole but that is taken orally and can have yukky side effects.

Good luck ladies--feel better. You should.

Probiotics, Kimchi, Vitamin C

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Posted by Mar (Honolulu, HI USA) on 05/13/2023

Probiotics, Kimchi, Vitamin C for yeast infection

I wasn't willing to cut out alcohol, sugar or yeasty foods and I didn't need to (how hard is it to give up yummy foods when you're already sad and stressed about being itchy and inflamed?! ). I think unfortunately there's no one pill cure for vaginal issues- it has to be an aggressive and decisive combo. The remedies that work for one woman won't necessarily work for another, but my hunch is this general combo will work for anyone as long as you stick to it for a couple weeks:

- A daily probiotic capsule

- An immunity booster

- A daily fermented high probiotic food

This is the combination that worked for me, now symptom free:

1. 2 probiotic capsules per day (20 billion FCU) for a week or so reduced my symptoms but definitely not a cure (my "local wholesale chain" had 70 capsules for $20)

2. I added Vitamin C even though I definitely get enough through my diet, I thought it might help and it definitely did

3. Right after I started the vitamin c, I started eating kimchi everyday (I got a big tub from "my local warehouse chain" for cheap - it's full of garlic and probiotics which are both recommended for yeast infections)

I ate healthy but I still had the occasional cookie, beer and fried food as usual. After about a week of taking all 3 daily, my pum-pum felt great and still does. Find your team and you can slowly taper off the supplementation as you build up your good cooch bacties once again. You can do it!

Rubbing Alcohol

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Posted by Roberta (Los Angeles, CA) on 12/20/2008

So I get reoccuring Yeast Infections, when i take Antibiotics, when i'm sick, sometimes around my period. Usually I just sit them out and consume lots of yogurt and take some apple cider vinegar. But the itching and burning just kills me, so i got restless and tried something rash. I was in the shower, and i figured what the hell, so i put a capful of some 80% rubbing alcohol on my "lips" and there was a very strong burning sensation, so i rinsed immediately and just as i had regretted it, i noticed the burning and itching were completely gone. the next day it came back a little, so i diluted a capful of rubbing alcohol in about a cup of water and rinsed thoroughly with it and again there was a slight burning sensation, then i rinsed with water and gone again was the itching and burning. So my final advice, just dilute some rubbing alcohol and rinse with it.

Saline Douche

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Toni (Oregon) on 09/15/2019

One of the ladies on here recommended The DrNeilMed Sinus rinse bottle. I ordered it on Amazon. While waiting, I tried yogurt... a little relief but still major symptoms. Read the Dr Neil Med Sinus solution which is basically a mixture of salt and baking soda. The bottle has a rounded top. She recommended using it in the shower, I just used it on the toilet. Squirt inside and spritzed outside. There was almost immediate relief of most of the symptoms. Within 24 hours was gone. Totally sold on this.

Replied by Lisa
(GA, United States)

After disturbing my pH balance with too many sweets over the weekend, I started getting a yeast infection that progressively got worse near the end of the day. I filled the bathtub with a cup of ACV plus 1 cup of baking soda and soaked for about 30 minutes but it only provided minor relief. I turned to Earth Clinic and saw this post. I have a box of the Med Sinus solution packets and used one packet with a capful of hydrogen peroxide in a douche bulb. Immediate relief and woke up with no itching or irritation! I will do it nightly for the next 3 days just to make sure it's all gone and continue to take my probiotics. This is definitely a winner!

Replied by Ellie

HI Toni! Did you use this treatment for just one day? THanks for the post!


I had complete relief and symptoms gone in one day. I used it for three days just to make certain there was nothing lingering. Have had no problem since. I'm SO amazed.

Replied by Lolly

I never comment on here but just have to add this worked for me too when nothing else would! It took a few days to go away but I did it in the morning and at night and EVERYTIME it gave immediate relief and improvement. Love earth clinic 🙏


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Posted by Aeiver (New Braunfels, Tx/usa) on 03/30/2012

Many years ago after taking a course of antibiotics I developed a yeast infection. That time, and a couple of times since, I have used salt in my bath water. Plain table salt, use liberally, 1 to 2 cups disolved in a shallow bath (to keep the salt more concentrated). The relief is almost instantaneous. I repeated the treatment once or twice and was back to normal. From what I understand, it helps to restore the normal pH of the vagina. It is quick and inexpensive. Have never since used anything else.

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

I think what Aeiver is suggesting, that is having a table salt bath... "plain table salt, 1 to 2 cups" in the bath water to rid vaginal yeast sounds a very dangerous thing for anyone to do. Table salt is "sodium chloride" and is very dangerous for blood pressure among other things. If someone has a heart issue or some other health issue (or even if they don't)... This much "salt" into their body at one time could be fatal. Once dissolved it would enter the skin transdermally... Huge amounts.

On the other hand real salt or unrefined salt is entirely different and would be safe without having to worry about side affects and it is full of other minerals.

I would be interested if others agree.

Replied by Sophie
(Dayton, Ohio, USA)

I have to disagree. There is nothing wrong with taking a bath in regular table salt, especially only 1-2 cups. Even though some salt is absorbed transdermally, the thing about that process is that your body will only absorb what it needs, and no more. Soaking in salt water is not the same as drinking salt water. Additionally, table salt is iodized, so really it may be the iodine in the salt that is responsible for the healing effects, more than the sodium chloride itself.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2043 posts

Debbie, I very much agree. It is important for everyone who post info at EC to be specific and accurate, or misinformation can occur as a result. Also, in this new age of rapidly expanding info and discoveries, it's critical to be specific. Water isn't simply water anymore; there's tap water, bottled water, filtered water, distilled water, alkalized water, mineral water, etc. Salt isn't simply salt anymore. Also, while on topic, I wish people would also include the common name of a particular illness, not just the medical/scientific name; or maybe I need a e-medical encyclopedia. Also, how many mg, oz, or how many times a day or how many days also helps.

Replied by Dud
(Up The Creek In, Wv, Usa)

in reply to 04/01/2012: Debbie from Melbourne, Australia --

""plain table salt, 1 to 2 cups" in the bath water to rid vaginal yeast sounds a very dangerous thing for anyone to do. Table salt is "sodium chloride" and is very dangerous ....."

I agree. Everyone knows that swimming [bathing] in sea water is nearly always fatal...... Because sea salt is 98.3 % sodium chloride.

Replied by Baldev
(Mumbai, Maharashtra, India)
180 posts

Hi Debbie, I fully agree with you. I wish she means the Sea salt. Baldev

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Dud, my point being that table salt is processed and does raise blood pressure etc and is very bad for your health. Raw sea salt or swimming in the sea does not raise blood pressure or endanger your health. Taking in excess processed salt via food or transdermally would not be healthful. If you still add table talt to your food, good luck to you.

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

Agreed Timh, people need to be specific about things and when someone does post something that may be dangerous for people to try I think it should be corrected. This girl specifically said "table salt" which could endanger someone with blood pressure problems. She may have meant raw salt but she didn't say that.

Salt Water

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Posted by Maureen (Vancouver, BC, Canada) on 12/09/2006

Years ago I saw a doctor in Australia who told me that the only way to cure yeast infection was to douche twice a day for 10 days with a solution of salt and hot water (as hot as you can stand it), holding the solution in the vagina for 5 minutes, then draining and inserting new hot solution, etc. for a total of 20 minutes. Here's the problem ...I can't remember the proportion of salt to water! I think it might have been 1/4 cup table salt to one quart of hot water (boiled and cooled sufficiently). It works great! Does anyone know what the proportions are? Is it 1/4 cup salt to 1 quart hot water, or is it less salt?

Sun Dry Laundry

Posted by Dulcinea (La Mancha, Spain) on 07/02/2011

For about three miserable years I had a yeast infection, but one month after moving into a new apartment, the infection was gone. I believe it is because I am now able to dry my laundry outdoors in plenty of sunshine. It seems that even though I always wash undergarments in the hottest water possible, my underwear was reinfecting me with yeast! My mom is a retired nurse and has always said that the sun is an excellent sanitizer. She suggests that ironing one's undergarments with a very hot iron might be another way to kill residual yeast if you don't have a sunny place for drying clothes.


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Alfonzo (Cape Coral, Florida) on 11/22/2008

My wife suffered from severe and recurring yeast infections as a result of her bad diet(favorite foods-breads, pasta and cheese) and becoming overweight as a result. Both of us became very frustrated as a result of the discomfort that it caused her. She tried all of the over the counter medications as well as prescription medicines, but they all failed! I've studied herbal remedies and vitamin fuctions for years as a hobby. Somehow, I concluded that this [vitamin(A)-vitamin(E)] combination would offer the best possibility for success and sure enough it has'nt occurred again. I's been such a long time that I think that it's fair to say that it was a success.
[DOSAGE] 2 softgel caps of each vitamin i.e.(8000iu X 2 of A) (400iu X 2 of E) puncture and squeeze into a table spoon then using a liquid dropper or needleless shringe take into the unit so as to insert mixture deep inside the vigina once a day for about 3 days. Then follow-up only at next occurrance using the same method. Infection should disappear and eventually not return again. Good Luck!
Thanks Earth Clinic!!!
Stay healthy and free!!!

Replied by Mara
(Los Angeles, Ca)

After using a lot of ACV in my drinking water for the past year, which did help, I finally came upon the idea of taking vitamins C & E with every meal. It has worked wonders for me. Even if I eat something starchy, I don't get a yeast infection now.
