Yeast Infection
Natural Remedies

Natural Yeast Infection Remedies: Herbal Solutions & Lifestyle Tips

Apple Cider Vinegar

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Posted by J (Sf, Ca) on 02/06/2010

Okay, so I really do struggle with yeast infections pretty frequently. The things I have found most helpful are Apple Cider Vinegar (douching) and Boric Acid powder in capsules. There used to be a natural product that used boric acid for yeast infections but then they re-formulated it and since they brought the boric acid powder content way down, it doesn't work for me at all. I'm afraid to mention a product name because I think it says not to do that. Anyway, it's clear to me from what I read here that the people for who ACV did not work at all are dealing with something other than a yeast infection. Yeast is not a bacteria, it's a fungus. You don't take anti-biotics for it, in fact they cause yeast. Diflucan is prescribed for yeast infections and it's not an anti-biotic. Bacteria Vaginitis, however, is a bacterial infection and they do prescribe anti-biotics for it. I'm still suffering with my current yeast infection but the ACV is really making a huge difference. It's strange to me that some people find yeast infections very painful. It just itches like crazy, makes me crazy, and makes me want to do crazy things like pull my hair out or run through a brick wall or scream at a pharmacy clerk until she might cry (did that today, not proud of it). I'm just glad my 2 year old and I survived the day. I'm putting her off on my husband as soon as he gets home. Anyway, I'm going to do some more douching with the ACV or maybe I'll try a bath. By the way, I also shoved garlic up there, it gave some temporary relief but very temporary. No immediate help from acidopholus in any form but I think it tends to help prevent them. I also have to stay away from my antacids, combined with PMS, my period, or sex they cause yeast infections. YEA on ACV

Replied by S
(Tucson, Az)

ACV douching also works well for anal yeast infections. 1 tbsp in 1 cup water once per day for a week or so and the infection was gone! Took care of a recurring anal yeast infection that fluconazole wouldn't kill.

Replied by Anniern
(Gill, Massachusetts)

After reading many of these posts about yeast infections and cider vinegar, I think it's important for someone to point out that while diet is important and maintaining an alkaline environment in the body is important too, the reason the vinegar works is because the vagina itself is not alkaline at all. The vinegar helps restore the balance of the naturally acidic conditions in that region.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Virginia (Stillwater, Oklahoma Usa) on 01/20/2010

After many, many rounds of antibiotics I got a horrible yeast infection (Candida Albicans) The itching was so intense that I couldn't sit down. I was pacing around my house. Never in my life have I had such intense itching! In desperation I grabbed a washcloth and poured a small amount (maybe 2 tablespoons of ACV on it then ran the tap water over it briefly to saturate the cloth and held it on my genital area. The itching stopped IMMEDIATELY! No burning for me, just relief. Thank you Ted for being here.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tnh1218 (Helena, Al) on 01/03/2010

OMG, I do not normally get yeast infection but one came on me all of the sudden today and was very Uncomfortable. I immediately looked up natural cures and found these on ACV which I take in a drink with Honey daily anyway. But I decided to do like some have said and soak a cotton pad in it and apply it to the area and once the burning quit I could not believe that the itching was gone. Now it may come back but I am so stunned about the instant relief that I had to share with ya'll. Hope it helps someone as noone deserves to go through that misery (lol).

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kiya (Augusta, Ga) on 12/31/2009

Hello all, ever since I got pregnant with my daughter earlier this year I have suffered from yeast infections. So far I have had 4 this year and the only comfort I have found for them was cranberry pills and tons of water. I figured that once I had her the yeast infections would go away but they did not. Right now I have one that just started yesterday. I usually be in so much pain and itchy I decided I had to find a better remedy as the cranberry pills took a few days to work. I just now heard of the Apple Cider Vinegar remedy and luckily my mom bought a whole bottle of it a while back. It's never even been opened. I just tried dipping a q-tip in some diluted apple cider vingear and it does burn a little but already just about 3 minutes in I can feel it slowly fading away. I do intend on taking an ACV bath and soaking for a while. I will update and let everyone know how fast it goes away. This remedy came just in time, I thought it was going to ruin my New Year ;D.

Replied by Lovely09
(Englewood, New Jersey)

when u r applying the apple cider apply it into the vagina??and does it cure the discharge and the cramps too??

Replied by Brandon
(Slc, Ut)

There are not any comments from men on here yet that I have read... But if there are any out there reading this (because I was) I got a yeast infection from antibiotics and found ACV to be a huge help. However, make sure it is EXTREMELY dilluted as it will burn and eat through a layer of skin if you apply it directly. Diluted in water and soaking or mixing a few drops with ointment is super effective.

Replied by Caitlyn
(Columbus, Ohio)

how many times a day and for how long are you supposed to use the apple cider vinega. This is my second yeast infection and I bought monistat. its my fourth nite and the itching is still so bad after the incert I cant stand it please helppppppp.

Replied by Jazz

hat I Wdid was to buy those vaginal showers at the counter and use the embole to fill it with diluted acv. You cn do it 3 times a day. And if the itching is terrible soak a cotton in vinegar and leave it the in the vaginal entrance For a while.

After a few hours it will start itching againg, so repeat the procedure. Good luck

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jenn (Queens, Ny) on 12/14/2009

THANK GOD FOR THIS SITE!!!!!!!! Im 28 yrs old and I found this site about a week ago in search of relief for a yeast infection. Sorry if this is TMI, but if this helps another person then so be it!...I had extreme itching accompanied by sore rawness after that would just not go away. This went on for about 3-4 days progressivly getting worse. I used OTC Monistat 'one day treatment' that is supposed to be cleaner,faster working, and all together conveient, hense the title. Well i had relief, but only for 'ONE DAY'! The next morning I woke up itching again, so I googled the heck out of finding a natural remedy and found this amazing site.

I chose to try the ACV that the site recommended and just picked it up at my local grocery store.I also picked up a bottle of Acidophilis capsules. The first night I honestly didnt even measure the first amount of ACV i diluted in a glass of water, as I was just desperate for something to work. Then I took a Acidophilis capsule following the drink. Maybe it was just mentally expecting a difference but within about 30 minutes I felt like the itching decreased. So I drank another glass of AVC (minus the acidophilis) before bed (this time i measured about 2 tbsp in 8-10oz water)and by morning I was still slightly itchy but had decreased about 85%! On a side note my menstral cycle had been extremly off for a few months, as this had been a high stress year for me, but my last period was in mid October. Well that day, mid afternoon I began spotting. Did I kill 2 birds with one stone? lol...Now I don't know if the AVC induced my period or if I got it reguardless, but I will say that when I was a few hours late of taking my ACV I began to feel 'itchy' again, as I was taking the same dose (2 tbsp ACV in 8-10 oz water) once nightly.

It has been almost a week of the regimen Ive been using and had had my period full blown for about 4-5 days now. I am almost 100 % comfortable, but the very minor itching can also be caused by the blood alone...I will definatly keep you posted. I am now a believer in ACV! It has also regulated my BM's too...I never realized how good ACV was good for you..if you look at other ailments on this site you'll find ACV pops up quite a bit as a #1 remedy!

Replied by Jenn
(Queens, Ny)

UPDATE from 12/14 comments: I LOVE ACV!!!!!!! This is truly an amayzing, healing solution. INCREDIBLE. I never thought I would be writing that my yeast infection is fully healed! No itching/burning/discomfort anymore. I never realized how good ACV is good for you anyways and I plan to keep full stock of it for a loooooooong time!

Replied by Michaelyn
(Aptos, Ca Usa)

To Jenn apple cider for yeasts infections. I do know that Apple Cider Vinegar works very well for sinus problems, and I don't doubt that it is wonderful for so many other ailments; however, you did take a 1-day Monistat treatment. If you read the insert for information you would see that it takes up to 7 days for the medicine to work. So, for you, it could have been the Monistat that helped your yeast infection--in your case. I'm not saying Apple Cider Vinegar doesn't work. This is just a FYI if you ever visit this site again! Thanks.

Replied by Caska
(Montreal, Quebec)

Thank you for posting your trials with yeast infections. I would like to point out that (Pau d'arco) tea herb should be looked into. If Apple Cider Vinegar isn't doing the trick. I make tea out of the plant and use it as a douche. Seems to be working so far.

Replied by Happy Lady...
(London, Ontario)

Well... All I can say is thank the Good Lord for bring me to this site!! I am a 44 yr old healthy woman. About a yr and a half ago I started getting really itchy and irritated "down there" I was pretty sure I had a yeast infection and my Dr. prescribed me the one day pill, plus I got the canesten cream, to no avail. I was mistified and it's always worked in the past, so I was wondering what was up. The itching progressively got worse and the irritation was hell. Let me tell you I would scratch till I bled and I am not kidding. It was HORRIBLE. I asked my gynaecologist during my next apt about it and told him I had treated for yeast and he non chalantly said "it's from being moist, get yourself some "desitin cream" and apply liberally and that will help" NOPE... Didn't do a thing. My labia became so inflamed, irritated and almost leathery due to my scratching. It was relentless. I bought every cream you can think of and spent so much money I was willing to do ANYTHING to get back to normal, but nothing was working. I even took benadryl thinking I had an alergy. I bought hydrocorizone creams, itch creams, vagisil, special soaps... You name it! I went back to my family Dr again and telling him I could take this no longer... He took a look at my "goods" and could see the inflammation and spots from scratching. He said I had a bacterial infection brought on by my constant scratching. He prescribed a course of antibiotics for the bacterial infection and the one day yeast pill. He took a swab as well which came back showing yeast. Imagine!! I took the antibiotics which cleared up SOME of my swelling and soreness from the bacterial infection but the fact remained I had YEAST and I was ITCHY!!!! In fact I was going out of my mind with this itching!!!! If I didn't get this figured out I was going to end up with another bacterial infection from scratching. When I itched it would make my labia so inflamed and sore but I just could not stop. It ruined my sex life and I could think of nothing else. I felt like my life was ruined and I was literally destroying my vagina with the scratching.

WELL.... Then came this site. First of all, selfishly, I was so happy to see that I was not alone. This was happening to other women! I read and read and read for about 3 hours non stop and then went straight away to the kitchen where I actually HAD ACV. I took 2 teaspoons orally, then got a cotton ball soaked full strength ACV and wiped the whole area. It was the middle of the night... So too late for a full on bath. It did sting a litte but the stinging felt so good as it alleviated the itching some. Well... I woke up this morning feeling about 50 percent better. :) After work today I went and bought me a big ass bottle of ACV and some Acidophilis capsules. I soaked in a shallow bath with about a cup of ACV and cup of Epsom salts. Then I took 2 tablespoons of the ACV orally, and 1 of the Acidophillis pills.... Then wiped the area with full strenght ACV, even after I had bathed in it. Well.. I am am sitting on my bed right now with a fan on my goods to fully dry out before going to sleep. I feel almost NO itching and the swelling and irritation is almost gone. To think I had that little bottle of ACV in my cupboard all along. I am thrilled beyond belief and am so happy to have found this site. Thank you, thank you, thank you SOOOO much to all of the ladies who shared their stories and aired their most private and personal situations here to help others. I stopped short of posting this on my Facebook page just to get the word out to other woman! LOL. This works and I am living proof.. I have my life back and you can too!! Whoohoooo!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sheila (New York, Ny) on 10/01/2009

Apple Cider Vinegar for Bacterial Vaginosis and Yeast Infection

I have been suffering with some sort of vaginitis for the past 3 or 4 months. At first, I had itching and a fishy discharge and it seemed like Bacterial Vaginosis. I started taking P. Reuteri probiotic capsules and it seemed to go away but after sex it always came back. After that I tried taking folic acid. The smell went away but the itching was worse than ever and my vagina was red and irritated.I then tried golden seal suppositories at night while taking golden seal and garlic capsules orally. The itching and redness were worse than EVER. At this point, it was starting to look like I actually had a yeast infection, but I had no cottage cheese discharge. After reading the entries here on yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis I noticed that Apple Cider Vinegar was used to treat both, so I bought unfiltered apple cider vinegar (with the mother) and I folded 2 paper towels together to use them as a rag. I put warm water on them and poured about 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and put it on my vagina. I left it there for about 2 minutes but I noticed it wasn't burning or stinging so I thought it wasn't working. I added about 2 more tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and it still wasn't stinging, but I still kept the rag on for about 2 more minutes. It didn't help right away but about 5 minutes later, I'm sitting at my desk typing this up and I am finally ITCH FREE! The redness has also decreased. I am so happy to finally get rid of this! I'm also going to start taking the apple cider vinegar orally in a glass of water before bed. Just wanted to say that if your symptoms are ambiguous and you aren't really sure if you have a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis, it's a really good idea to try the apple cider vinegar, because people with both types of infections have seen results. You have nothing to lose !Good luck everyone! Don't give up!

Replied by Pahlee
(Phila, Pa)

Thank you for that tip, I have been using h202 and h20, which was was very beneficial for me, The more I read this site, the more I learn, hopefully I won't come in contact with this unwanted problem again, but if I do' I'll be sure try your tip or recommend it to someone else. This site is so enlightning.

Replied by Kathy
(Dubois, Pa)

For vaginal yeast infections, I like to take plain yogurt right out of the 'fridge and shoot it up my "cooter" with a turkey baster. It is very soothing, and has never failed to eliminate the yeast over-growth in just a few doses. I do this once in the morning and once at night for a couple of days and wear a pad to protect my clothes (and my dignity, LOL).

Replied by Arimian
(Port Of Spain , Trinidad)


I used raw potato juice for three mornings and yeast infection is completely gone. Because of an Existing liver problem(inflammation) yeast was very difficult for me to get rid of no matter what I did. I kept praying to find a natural solution that is fast acting. Looking for a solution for the liver problem I read about using raw potato juice on this site. Here is the recipe:

3-4 uncooked (raw) medium potatoes

First off ensure potatoes are mature by giving the skin a "dig" with your fingernail or a knife to ensure there is no tinge of green under the skin (this green stuff is toxic I understand). DON'T PEEL THE POTATOES. Scrub the skin well to remove any embedded dirt. If you've got a juicer Cut up and juice, OR grate on a kitchen grater, collect grated potato in bowl. Get a clean kitchen towel and put Grated potato in towel and squeeze contents over empty bowl to collect juice. Pour into glass (I used an 8ounce )add a little water to dilute, just a bit, and sweeten with some honey to make more pleasant to drink. Take this on an empty stomach and don't eat anything for at least one hour after.

I did this first thing on a morning for 3 mornings, and it was my husband who alerted me to the fact the yeast was gone as I had kept reinfecting him every time. This is since early December and no sign of yeast. I stopped using the potato after this and still no sign of yeast. Thank God. It worked really fast and well and seems to be permanent.

Replied by Gail
(Toronto, Canada)

For almost a week now ive had itchy, sore, annoying, vaginal annoyance. Some nights I cant take it. Tonight I had enough and thought I would read through this once more. I havent had a yeast infection in a while, and im pretty sure thats what it is.. Somehow the itch feels different.. But I couldnt take it! It was driving me absolutely mad!!! Normally every month before my period I get some sort of vaginosis.. Im sure my hormones throw it off. ive noticed the past few months its been really bad, since I gained weight.

anyhow.. tonight I grabbed a clean rag, dumped about 3 tbsps of Apple Cider Vinegar on it, ran water on it, and put it against my vagina. I felt a little bit of relief after a few mins.. but after about 5 mins, I thought I would try again with more acv.

after about a minute, it started to super sting. I suffered through it for another minute or two.. Removed the rag.. And theres no more itch. Thank heavens. I think I can go to sleep now.

Replied by Joanny
(Woodbridge, Nj)

I am diabetic lately I have been getting yeast infections, right before my period, organic raw ACV works. For some people, it may not work for others because of you body chemistry. If ACV dont work for you. Try hydrogen peroxcide 2 cups of warm water to 1/4 cup peroxcide, wash virgina best results if you insert your finger iside virgina and clean, it will feel worst for a min but after is Thank God it works, , , , , , , this is what gave me a relieve today.

Replied by Kathy
(Washington Dc, Usa)

Hi ladies, I just douche daily. It gives me a fresh and clean odor and my husband loves it. I recommend douching!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Edna (Blaine, Wa) on 08/19/2009

can some one with fungal infection or yeast infection take raw apple cider vinegar, since it has yeast in it? won't the yeast in the acv make the infection worse?

Replied by Melissa
(Garner, Nc)

There are bad and good yeasts. ACV has only beneficial and healthy yeast in it. This is the yeast that acts as a prebiotic to feed your good bacteria which makes it stronger. Other vinegars like white vinegar are made of the bad yeasts. Never use or consume those if you have candida issues.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michelle (Glen St Mary, Florida) on 06/23/2009

Hello, Ladies. All my life I have been cursed with yeast infections. I have literally tried everything from RX to Home remedies. Until today I had never tried the ACV, O My God!!! It really works. I took a cotton ball and soaked it with ACV and then applied it to my lady parts. It burns like hell for a minute, but after that first minute the itching and burning stopped. Later the same day when I had time I made a sitz bath with ACV and water and soaked for 20-30 minutes. Already feeling much better. Thank You Earth Clinic!!! I will never forget this Home remedy (EVER)!!! Your website is the BEST!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Brigitte (Evanston, IL) on 06/16/2009

Hello, ladies! The apple cider vinegar does work better than or at least as well as over the counter remedies. I was taking antibiotics and became itchy and irritated in the vulva area. My external vagina was extremely sensitive and was so raw in between the folds of skin that rubbing it with a cotton swab actually produced a bit of blood! I was mortified at the sight of that and instantly had the creeps. I'd already been reading about acv and it's health benefits so I decided to give it a try. I just dipped the tip of a cotton swab into the vinegar and dabbed it directly on the irritated skin. It burned like crazy for a few moments but then quickly subsided, within a few minutes I felt relief! Less itching and irritation. Later on that evening I did it again after my shower. The next morning when I wiped myself I was 95 percent better! No itching, no discomfort NO drops of blood. I decided to do it one more time just to be certain that it was gone and walla! I only used the Q-tip dipped in apple cider vinegar with no dilution! That may be a bit too harsh for most women so I recommend that they dilute with a bit of water. I'm sure that it will still have the same benefits in a weaker version. Thanks to all the people who took time to post result and testimonies! That is always appreciated by those that are indecisive about trying home remedies. I'm totally satisfied with my results and have now encouraged my daughter to try it. If it works for her then I will post again. Here's to a happy and healthy vagina!

Replied by Nickie..
(Memphis, Tn)

Hello ladies! I have been getting a yeast infection after my cycle for about five months now. Myself and can you believe it, so have my sisters.. Anyway it makes me want to slide down a wooded fence with bricks on the end.. Lol anyway ACV has helped so much.. I was sick of going to the doctor to make there pockets bigger and my pockets smaller prescribed the same medicine and still no relief.. Thanks for your post may god bless us all..

Replied by Supermom
(Rathdrum, Idaho)

I got my first yeast infection a month ago and went right down to the drugstore for the "one day treatment. " It got rid of my yeast infection all right- but It gave me the worst cramps I've ever had and I sufferred some intense nausea. Was it worth it? Heck yeah! I think we can all relate to wanting to grind up on some sandpaper and not being able to! LOL- anyhow, this dreaded curse has returned so I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar. I took a bath first, then when I got out I locked the bathroom door, laid down on a towel and basically just doused my goods with the vinegar. I did not dilute- I just wanted to get straight to the issue! Boy- it BURNED, but only for about 30 seconds, after that I felt an almost soothing warmth. I will keep it up for a few days to make sure I've killed it and not just angered it. But so far, so good! Keeping my fingers crossed. Feeling human again right now :)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jamie (Dallas, Texas) on 06/04/2009

hey girls. Yeah so yeast infections must be the worst thing ever, I have never felt so uncomfortable in my life. Mine have always been medication induced after being on prescriptions. This last one I have had for over a month. I got it right after my period, and it took me a few days to realize what it was for sure partly because I had just shaved down there and thought maybe it was just irritated. Anyway I got on a prescription, which last time took over 8 pills to make go away. This time I felt little change on the 2 pills I took. I hate the over the counter creams so I didnt even go that route after my past experiences with them ( not working, burning worse than the actual infection). So after suffering for weeks, I have been online for hours a day, on every website. I tried yogart, both eating and inserting. I actually found it made it feel worse, when I inserted it. However I didnt have as much burning as I have with past infections if I did I think it would of been great. But eating the yogart I could really tell a difference I would eat 4 a day and after I would eat them I felt a lil better. I was nervous about trying garlic, I mean what if I couldnt get it out. So I ate two cloves of garlic instead, till I could get to the store to buy whole garlic pills. After reading on here I decided to try ACV. I was worried because it was midnight and all the natural stores are closed. Luckily the supermarket by my house is 24 hours and has a natural section in it. I found all natural ACV. It was like 5 bucks! I came home and made a bath with warm water, and a cup of ACV. I soaked in it for 20 mins. Then I took 1/2 cup of ACV and 1/2 cup water and poured it on a washcloth, I applied it to the infected area and left it there for two mins. It did burn a lil bit, which made me kinda feel like it was working. I felt a big difference. Even just after the bath I felt a big difference. I went to bed and did it again in the morning. My plan is to keep doing this twice a day till I feel completely back to normal, the only problem is I should be starting my period any day now so that will likely make this all way way worse. Im hoping for the best, and I am thankful for all of you who shared your stories, they were very helpful to people like me. I never write on these things, but I figured if it will help one suffering women I will do it. Thanks girls~

Replied by Leah
(Friendswood, Texas)

Garlic will kill anything fungal, use it until it goes away, dont stop when you think you've had enough, keep taking it diligently and the acv. Peroxide will kill it also and acidophilus. Take them all like crazy, and get ready to be happy! No more itching or burning! I had to do this also because I had got a yeast infection when I got a stent put in for a kidney stone. I used all of these and peppermint soap, and it all did the job almost instantly, of course you have to keep on it and make sure it is gone.

Replied by Shampoo
(Houston, Texas)

How do you apply the peroxide if you have a yeast infection?

Replied by Proxy
(Spokane, Wa)

Hydrogen peroxide can either be applied, or diluted and applied. [Do NOT use internally as the doseage is in DROPS. Too much taken internally will cause a dangerous drop in blood sugar level.]

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kimberly (Lewisville, Texas) on 05/04/2009

acv cured my insane yeast infection. i am 37 years old and i have never had a yeast infection, until this month. after taking some antobiotics i developed a yeast infection. WOW! i tried monastat 7 and a yeast cleanse from my local health store. well, the yeast cleanse seemed to worked for a while , so i stopped. 2 days later my vaginal area was a deep red, itching , discharge , and unbearable. i could barely function. i found this acv cure on this web site and tried it. i read through a few posts to see what worked for others. so,i did a couple of things. i combined 12 to 16 oz of water with 2 tablespoons of acv and drank it 3 times a day. for immediate relief on my extrenal vaginal area i took a damp wash rag and put about 2 tablespoons of acv on it and held it on my vaginal area for a few minutes. it burned like no other for about 2 or 3 minutes , but i had IMMEDIATE RELIEF. you could actually see the color of my skin go back to normal. thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! my extreme pain is now a extreme relief. thank you to this site for your awesome information

Replied by Sasha
(Baltimore, Md)

Ok so I am currently suffering from a YI or BV which I have had in the past so I figured its one of the two because I am familiar with the symptoms...anyway, I have burning, itching, and musty smelly discharge coming from my cooch but no cottage cheese. I have tried VH Essentials only for 3 days but experienced very little relief so that was a waste of $$. So I started doing some home remedy research and came across the "yogurt remedy" and the "ACV remedy" on this site. I filled a needleless syringe with plain greek yogurt (greek because its texture is thicker than most)and inserted about 1 teaspoon into my cooch. I am on dose #2 and I noticed the smelly discharge is not as strong about 85% gone and the itching was not as intense but still lingering. So I decided to be brave and try the ACV (from the supermarket). I poured straight ACV on a cotton ball and squeezed it so the liquid could drip onto my clit and labi...OMG! It burned like hell for about 60 seconds! However, I am 100% not itching or burning at ALL. ACV works for real!!!! I am ready to just pour the whole bottle down there lol...but yes ladies it does work. As for the yogurt...I will repost in about 3 days since I just started it today (02/19/10)...ACV is my hero!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Veronica (New York, NY) on 03/21/2009

Apple Cider Vinegar for a yeast infection. I've read a lot about home remedies for cures and been worried to try them from all the mixed reviews. However, for the past couple of months, I have been having a very unfamiliar smell and itching sensation in my downstairs area. So I thought that maybe it could be normal since I just started having intercourse considering I got myself a PAP test and it came back clean. But after weeks of my vagina constantly being itching and uncomfortably smelling, I decided that I needed to take action. So I put about 3 tablespoons of ACV in a little dispenser bottle filling the rest with warm water. I put it directly on my outer labia lips and put some on a cloth and held it on for around a minute or so. After taking off the cloth, it stung a little bit for myself but very minimal. I did this twice and right after I felt a relieving sensation. It feels clean and able to breathe but just slightly itchy.With the other comments I would also like to say that no "cottage cheese" discharge came out my vagina and nothing of this at all. I'm going to keep continuing with this for at least 3-4 days, twice a day to make sure it is completely gone.

Replied by Bv
(Los Angeles, Ca)

With an odor and no cottage cheese discharge and having just started having sex, its very possible what this poster was experiencing was bacterial vaginosis and not a yeast infection.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ellie (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) on 02/22/2009

Latley I've been suffering from an on coming yeast infection. I came here to look for something and after reading about all the yeas for acv I decided to try it. I put about two tablespoons of acv and the rest warm water in a perri bottle and rinsed myself with it (alittle bit inside but mostly out). Anyway I did that about 35 minutes ago and as of right now I feel a lot better!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sally (Upper Hutt, New Zealand) on 01/29/2009

Hi I would like to thank everyone who has written about apple cider vinegar.

I had a Yeast infection: itching, and burning, around the outside of my vagina. I get the monthly e-mail from (Earth Clinic )and just my luck there is was in my in-box. Clicked on a few remedy's. However, tried ACV. I poured (neat) ACV on a face cloth (enough to cover face cloth in half), and placed it on the vagina for a few minutes. It stings for a little time. I did this, for a couple days. All good now.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by LIZ (Philadelphia, PA) on 01/08/2009

I truly believe that Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is one of the most precious liquids on this earth. I should make a little altar in my bathroom just for it.

I had a yeast infection since Sept. 27, 2008. I had never had a yeast infection in my life so after 2 weeks of torture & doubt, I went to my doc. She prescribed Gynazole and Nystatin cream. I admit the Gynazole did calm the inflammation but it didn't get rid of the yeast. Nystatin helped in calming the pain.

I had thought the prescriptions would end my yeast infection but soon after I noticed the little white clumps. The yeast refused to go away so I quickly started eating yogurt, inserting yogurt, Monistat-3, Monistat-7, eating acidophilus pills by the dozen, inserting acidophilus powder,drinking water w/acv each night, inserting garlic cloves and eating 3 cloves each night. NOTHING WORKED.

I decided to reach out to science again so I was prescribed 2 mega doses of Diflucan. Those clumps didn't leave.I decided to be brave and try the ACV douche. I was traumatized from the garlic inserts so I didn't want anything as invasive.

Last night I emptied a douche bottle and put 3 teaspoons of ACV (_____s Organic) w/lukewarm tap water. As I showered, I douched and immediately felt some tingling but no pain. I was relieved and squeezed the bottle to the last drop.

I noticed there was no slight itch. Also, later in the evening I noticed there were no clumps. I do feel slightly dry but no odd smells from the vinegar. I intend to continue douching for 2 more nights and 1 morning so I can be sure the infection is completely gone.

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