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DMSO for Edema and Fluid Retention After Surgery

| Modified on Dec 28, 2024
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Learn how Earth Clinic readers used DMSO to quickly treat edema and fluid retention.

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3 User Reviews

Posted by Jedi757 (Portsmouth, Va) on 12/01/2013

Editor's Choice

I'm new to DMSO.

A doctor gave it to my husband to use after his back surgery b/c he had terrible swelling in his legs and feet. His feet looked like pregnant lady feet. I applied the DMSO around the suture and within an hour his legs were no longer swollen (they were swollen for 5 days after surgery). I applied the DMSO around his suture again that night before he went to bed. The next morning his feet looked normal. I'm now trying it on a MRSA scar.

If I have any luck with it reducing the scar I will post my results. Do know, MRSA toxins are nasty but if you can find a doc to give you a vitamin C IV get one. It will mop those toxins up and make you feel a ton better. I had undiagnosed MRSA for 3 years in my nose. I could smell a burning matches type smell all the time. One doctor actually told me I was hallucinating. I ended up septic, after about 6 months sepsis I found an integrative medicine doctor and he gave me the vitamin C. It made me feel so much better immediately. It pushed the toxins out through my skin. I had cystic like knots all over my head the day after the infusion and they disappeared later that day. After that I got 4 more infusions weekly and I was soon healed. The MRSA popped up 2.5 yrs later and I finally had a smart enough doctor to swab the wound in my nose, we found out it was MRSA, I was finally put on a MRSA appropriate anti-biotic and I combined it this time with 40k mg of IV vitamin C, this finally knocked it out. For the first time in my life I don't smell burning matches. Vitamin C in conjunction with the right antibiotic works miracles. Don't take fluroquinolones as the antibiotic it will make it worse, I used rifampin. I also took likes of niacin. I suffered through the flush but the niacin is to get blood super close to the wound to help heal it faster.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile ,tn)

JEDI, you bring up a good topic with flushing Niacin as it dilates your capillaries which allows blood to get to places it normally can't go. Also it allows your body's toxins to pass out. It is a must with any Detox program. The problem is that most Md's have no clue and most folks start with a 500 mg capsule, which is normally far too much and thus, the flush is way too strong and unbearable.

Some 10 years ago, I was fortunate enough to subscribe to a Naturopath who started me off on 100 mg capsules and you found your level that would give you a mild, but tolerable flush. I think mine was 300mg. This lack of knowledge turns people off flushing Niacin and that is a shame.

Did you consider Colloidal Silver for your MRSA?

======OLE ROBERT HENRY========

(Portsmouth, Va)

To Robert Henry: Yes I tried colloidal silver. The MRSA was between the layers of my skin. The silver didn't help. I'm still using the DMSO and I think it is helping but not enough. I really need to be more consistent with it. I think Niacin works wonders for so many things. I think it has helped my blood pressure too. It use to be 120 over 80 in my 20s and teens. I'm now in my 30s and my blood pressure is 90 over 60 consistently which is much better. I also are much more cool headed but I think that might also be because of the magnesium I take when I'm stressed although I have read where niacin helps with mood disorders.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi John Henry...I'm with you 100% with what you say about niacin. This is why higher dose niacin should be in so many protocols where there are problems with the extremities of the body -- like the head, hands, feet and other areas that sre difficult to reach. Niacin safely opens up the arteries, veins and capillaries for more efficient delivery of nutrients to these regions. Niacin(not niacinamide) changes the blood -- it thins or unclumps thick blood safely. Other side-effects of niacin supplementation at higher orthomolecular dose are that it seems to be highly beneficial for problems such as CFS, Depression, Diabetes, Dementia, Arthritis, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Heart Disease, high blood pressure and alcoholism.

But you won't achieve any of the above beneficial effects with the lower RDA dosage of 15 to 20 mgs for niacin.

I also much prefer the niacin form and take it regularly. If your niacin flush is unbearable then just take ordinary aspirin 20 mins before supplementing the higher dose niacin. This greatly reduces the flush. Niacin is also much cheaper than either niacinamide or inositol hexanicotinate (slow release niacin).

Niacin Therapy Details -- Hoffer

Regarding DMSO, I came across an interesting article the other day. I think that most people are aware of the transdermal benefits of DMSO and its ability to carry nutrients through the skin and into the blood. Well here's something that might help people with excessive plaque on their teeth or gum disease.

Hulda Clark suggests taking DMSO as a mouthwash. Use 50% DMSO, one teaspoon twice a day as a mouthwash. What could be simpler?

It's also well known that DMSO is an anti-microbial that also can kill mycoplasma(which is why it works so well against arthritis). DMSO also has rather remarkable anti-inflammatory and pan-killing properties. Furthermore DMSO also dissolves biofilms or plaque.

The DMSO acts more deeply than just ordinary anit-microbials because it actually penetrates the gum line to help disinfect and remove pathogens from the all-important root canals. I am thinking of using DMSO and lugol's iodine in combination as a mouthwash. The use of lugol's with DMSO should greatly help in removing both pathogens and biofilms or plaque from the teeth and jaw areas.

“DMSO, 25% in water. Take one tsp. as a mouthwash, twice daily. Swish slowly over gums. Hold several minutes. Swallow for maximum effectiveness. This “pushes” your supplements into your tissues. It also helps to draw toxins out of cavitations. You may add wintergreen drops to the mouthwash. 50% DMSO is preferred, if available. Must be edible quality.”

-- Hulda Clark

Replied by Kathysrq

Love the idea from Hulda Clark about using DMSO as a mouthwash but with one caveat: If toothpaste with fluoride is used and not washed out of the mouth extremely well the DMSO is going to take that fluoride right into the body if I'm understanding all of its properties correctly. Not sure any of us need that. Then there are the other ridiculous ingredients like sugar or perhaps far nastier things.

Posted by Geralyn_d (Atlanta, Ga) on 08/24/2012

Editor's Choice

When I went into acute liver failure 4 years ago I was not told about ascites, they didn't really expect me to live and I turned down a place on the transplant list. I started eating raw vegan as it was the least reactive food I could stomach. One day I was dressing and noticed I looked like a water barrel! I weighed myself and had gained 8 pounds in a couple of days... I was going out of town the next day and used the only thing I know of that quickly removes excess water... DMSO.

I spread 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of 99% DMSO on a baby wipe. Then I wiped from the breast line to just past the groin where lymph glands are (front and back.)

Over the next 12 hours, I peed like a racehorse!

It took 2 days but all the water build-up disappeared. It has come back 5 times and I used it each time to success. I also added tissue salts for control of water in the body and liver support (nat mur /nat sulph).

Recently my sister was in the hospital when her chemo almost killed her (heart and liver issues). She gained 24 pounds in 5 days. I advised the DMSO cautiously thinking at least there they could deal with any reaction. Instead of a problem, she ended up flooding the measuring container a few times and lost the 24 pounds in a week.

The Drs were very happy that the liver numbers quickly dropped to the normal range. We didn't share our diuretic-free solution though.

DMSO is a cheap and pretty safe way to get rid up water build up.

Replied by DJ84

Hi. Did your sister also take DMSO internally or only topically? I am trying to help with edema/ascites for a liver cancer patient. I mixed DMSO with aloe (50:50), because of the skin sensitivity, and applied a couple of times, but does not appear to help so far.

Replied by Conny Foster
(New Zealand)

Hi there, how do you use DMSO for water in the legs? What dilution and what to mix it with?