Arjuna Benefits: 16 Proven Health Advantages of This Powerful Herb

| Modified on Aug 21, 2024
Congestive Heart Failure
Posted by Pauline (Cardiff, Wales, Uk) on 12/28/2009

Greetings, Dana, from Wales, UK.

My husband, Rob, who is 74yrs of age has congestive heart failure with an ejection fraction of just 15%. From initially barely being able to tie his own shoe laces he has increased his physical energy output to the point where some 15 months after his original diagnosis he is able to readily walk some three miles or so a day. Early on he eschewed the use of most of the prescribed drugs other than a very small dose of a beta-blocker (1.25mg)and 40 mg of the diuretic, Furosemide. His particular bete noire is statin therapy, although he happily admits that by so doing he might be ploughing a furrow to an early demise. He supplements daily with 200mg of CQ10 in it's more bio-available Ubiquinol form, 4 x 500mg of an Ayurvedic heart remedy, Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna), 1 Taurine, 500mg, capsule, and 1 Magnesium Citrate 400mg tablet. In spite of a very lean frame he has always had an impressive appetite, eating at least three hearty meals each day with lots of fresh vegetables, meat and fish. Occasionally he will add to his vegetables some fermented soya beans, manufactured in Japan and called Natto. He doesn't subscribe to a low fat diet although he consumes no dairy products and avoids all oils other than Extra Virgin olive oil. He certainly wouldn't countenance the merest sliver of margarine even in it's supposedly heart-healthy form!

I relate the above, not as a recommendation or a path that others should follow, but merely to inform of the reaction of just one, possibly misguided, person amongst the countless tens of thousands of others when confronted with the consequences of CHF.

Best wishes to you and yours,


Heart Problems, High Blood Pressure, Obesity
Posted by D Morrow (Usa) on 06/02/2018

Papajirao, in India, and everywhere, people use arjuna bark for heart problems, high blood pressure, overweight and so on. Please do an internet search. I just learned about this herb yesterday, and I am researching for my own heart problems. It looks amazing, and the arjuna supplements are made in India from the bark of a tree that grows there. When I searched Google with "arjuna powder or extracts?" I saw that indiamart sells it.

Heart Attack Recovery
Posted by Holly (Il) on 08/29/2020

Editor's Choice My loved one had a heart attack a little more than a month ago, LAD blockage, 2 stents. His echo showed about 35% function after that while in the hospital. Normal is 55%. An Indian suggested taking arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), capsules or powder, to strengthen heart muscles. His brother, when terminal at 5%, was able to increase function to 35%. So my loved one started arjuna, and 4 weeks later a new echo showed he was back to normal 55%, to the doctor's surprise. The left ventricle recovered. We believe it was the arjuna!

Heart Attack Recovery
Posted by Margaret (Washington) on 08/21/2024

What brand of Arjuna your loved one use? So many different companies selling it.