My enjoyment from use changed fairly suddenly around a year ago... no longer slept well, and my stomach/guts developed issues... I had been under a LOT of stress for the last two years before things changed...
Blood work all normal, except for slightly elevated hematocrit and very low Free testosterone. I quit for 7 months, felt a bit better but not completely... smoked a little the last 10 days and felt pretty rotten...
Is this the bitter end of my cannabis use?? I had hoped the long break would re-set things...
Any feedback would be appreciated and I will not consider any of it as "medical advice"... Thanks!!
Seizures and Parkinson's
Seizures and Parkinson's
I am very interested in PD and research. Can you include links to studies that show that non medical marijuana type CBD that is available on line offers benefits to people with PD?
Seizures and Parkinson's
EC: We've had a page on it for years (where your post is now sitting) but don't get a lot of feedback about it from our readers, that's why.
First, as with any plant sacrament, it is best to grow or harvest for one's personal use. Many are the train-wreck reports from adolescents that purchased their MJ from drug dealers who also have hard drugs like meth, cocaine, and heroine on hand. Talk about bad karma! This is one big reason decriminalization and regulation is to the consumers or general public's safety & advantage. Imagine for a moment, your adolescent boy or girl buying a small amount of MJ from an illegal dealer associated with the underground criminal enterprise/cartel and saying: "oh, would you like to also buy some meth, coke, or heroine". This must come to an end, endangering the lives of our youth. Of course, a properly managed & staffed dispensary is all the science & hard work already accomplished (with little or no bad karma! ), and one is good-to-go instantly!
Yes on starting out with high CBD & low THC, and potency is very important as "smoking" is not the healthiest option, so also consider "vaping" to greatly reduce harmful effects of combustion. The leftover plant material will contain very little THC but usually lots of CBD, which if extracted properly, can be used as an oil or tincture.
Also, the Indica strains are far more relaxing than the Sativa strains. Sativa are on the other end of the spectrum to excitability. So you can choose the correct strain for your personal situation.
Also, a deficiency of Lysine, Magnesium, and Vit-C will allow for many of the negative side-effects of smoking MJ, like red eyes and panic attacks.
Now one can enjoy the many benefits of Cannabis healings of body, mind, and social illnesses. What Joe Cocker realized and vocalized way back in 1969 at Woodstock --"Beautiful". Peace & Love!
Hemp Oil
For all USA residents, Hemp products are currently in the range of expensive in terms of cost for consumers. The reason for the high cost of H products is that most H products are imported from countries where it is not considered an illegal plant and is grown as an agriculture crop.
Please read more and support legislating Hemp as a legitimate agriculture crop and open the barn doors in terms of availability & affordability for consumers, as well as supporting local farmers.
Hemp Oil
I came across this site as a result of reading the FaceBook page of a well respected doctor. Thought you might be interested. The capsules looked good, although I don't know about the absorption rate. Seemed to be high quality. I have no financial or any other interest in this company.
As far as infused oil, I have a recipe I use and this community is welcome to it (thanks for all the remedies!! ):
Melt coconut oil in double boiler if it is not already in a liquid state. I use a larger pot with water in it, and place the smaller pot with the coconut oil inside of that pot. Mix in trim or broken up bud. You need just enough oil to submerge the herb, but feel free to use less herb or more oil if you want something less potent. Put on low/medium heat, just enough that the water simmers, but not a violent boil. I left mine on for about 30-45 minutes, watching it (very important) and mixing it, keeping an eye on the color of the oil. The finished product should still be green, maybe with a tinge of gold/brown. Please don't cook it until it's solid brown. I worry that the oils get broken down when it is over-heated or over-cooked.
Strain and enjoy. This oil can be used for edibles or taken straight. Always use caution with edibles. Too much can make for a bad experience.
Trigeminal Neuralgia
But, I ended up discovering that the medical marijuana did help. I had a couple of options on hand and found that indica worked much better than sativa and that by using a straight indica bubble hash I got more pain relif with less of a head high. It kept me out of the ER for the weekend until I got in to see another doc at my regular clinic. The mmj did not take the pain away completely but it took the edge off. I ended up on Tegretol which is much more effective, so far, but can have evil side effects for some people. I am doing okay on it but not without side effects, some of which are starting to drop off. I find the cannibis a complimentary treatment as neither medicine alone relieves all of the pain but together they keep me losing my mind from the pain. Hope this helps and best of luck to your wife. It is possible that she would likely get other benefits from medical marijuana as well depending on her ms symptomology.
That was an interesting post. I am glad your dad is doing so well!
Question. Any chance you could post more on the directions on how to make the cannabis infused coconut oil? Amounts of each, and how to store and how much to use Internal/Externally? Thanks! :-)
See, I found a site that said cannabis infused coconut oil (crockpot cooked for at least 3 hours I do 10 hours together under 225 degrees) cures the pain of fibromyalgia and since my step mom had fibromyalgia I wanted to try it to see if it helps it. I am a MMMP card holder.
Well my step mom no longer has pain in her hands from fibromyalgia but I didn't stop there. I had my dad put the cannabis into capsules and ingest it. He lost over 80 lbs. and has dropped his sugar level points from 11. something down to 7. something and it is only getting better. The accepted blood sugar level is 4. He has been taking it for a bit over a year but now he doesn't have to take the 2 half doses of the insulin shots during the afternoon times. He only takes his full dose in the morning and at night. Now he adds about 6 pills a night to his bottle of insulin. This saves my dad about $40 a month in the medicine and the instruments to give the insulin.
My dad is 68 years old and contracted diabetes around 40 years old. I am expecting by summer of 2015 he will no longer need any insulin.
Before my dad tried this remedy he was using all he could get from the medical community and before the end of the month he would run out of the testers and the insulin he desperately needed. His sugar levels sky-rocketed to 400 and even 500 sometimes as a normal reaction of not maintaining the levels. The medical industry will only give the ailing of diabetes a certain amount and beyond that they say "You are not eating right and need to keep your sugar down." Well that doesn't matter at the end of the month when you are about ready to die from the disease.
As I said my dad's levels are now maintained and getting better every day. His levels never shoot up to bad levels anymore and mostly is between 75 - 115 which is awesome for a sugar diabetic.
Since he was not a pot smoker this pill was a bit potent for him at first and he only started out taking one a day and has worked up just recently after about a year to 6 tablets once before bed.
As a bonus the oil that is made when creating the coconut oil soaked in cannabis trimmings is a miracle cure for other ailments.
My dad had a car accident before I made the oil and had injured his leg by the shifter going into the leg. The doctor tried to heal it for over 1 1/2 years. The first batch of oil I made my sister took over to my dad's and put it on this infected leg being ready to get amputated because it wouldn't heal and getting worse because of his diabetes and it was cured over night.
Arthritis/back pain
It works on pimples, cold sores, senile warts, and GH complex.
It works on Psoriasis, Eczema and other skin ailments…
It has helped 2 people get rid of tumors. One lady was stage 3 with a 7 inch tumor in breast. Because of the stigma that calls this SUPERFOOD a 'drug' she did not want people to know she was taking it including her husband. SO she got the radiation pills needed to start the traditional therapy by doctors but also took the pills and applied the oil to where the tumor was at on her body. She did not finish her first round of radiation pills. Her tumor had disappeared.
The other person I am not sure what stage she was but she just downed a 2 oz. bottle of the oil before going to rehab. Her doctor said she had a tumor hooked to her backbone. I hadn't seen her in about a year since she did this and found out that her doctor went in to do surgery to 'get the cancer' but there was just remnants of it left. He told her he feels it will not come back. :) It is a cheap and easy remedy. As easy to make as a roast without the cutting up of all the vegetables you put into the roast. It is simply 2 food ingredients so please if you can let's work together to make this SUPERFOOD turned back into a food instead of incorrectly categorized as a 'drug'. Drugs do not cure things they mask things…
I am sorry to hear of your physical and emotional suffering! I am hopeful that there will be a natural solution for your pain.
I think that in your shoes, I would hesitate to try cannabis given the strong reaction you had in the past to an herbal narcotic. Herbs do affect people differently...Mullein is a gentle and safe herb, but I have one child who is allergic to it.
If you haven't seen Earth Clinic's arthritis pain page(s) you might be encouraged by the natural remedies that many find helpful. Also, many of these remedies are going to the root of the problem to eliminate pain instead of just making it less noticeable.
I think the easiest thing to start with is Apple Cider Vinegar, Raw. 1 Tablesoon in a tall glass of water once or twice a day. You can start with less and work up to that. It has helped so many people.
Also, I would try a magnesium supplement, which has helped some with arthritis and also is calming. A couple of us in my family use Natural Calm daily.
Plenty of water is very important. Pain is worse when you are dehydrated. Also, I find that coffee and sugar seem to make arthritis symptoms worse. I am not necessarily saying to completely cut them out, but perhaps use them quite moderately.
Please keep us posted and I hope you will be feeling better soon!
~Mama to Many~
General Feedback
He rolled a rather large joint. We were smoking and watching a monster movie at the same time. He kept saying over and over, "wow that's scary, man that's scary." I looked up and noticed that the mast seemed to be going back and forth rather fast. It scared the heck out of me and I started to scream with tremendous fear. I ran up the ladder, we were in the cockpit.
I tried to drown myself. But he grabbed me and gave me coffee and orange juice. I started to cry, then I wanted to laugh, then I wanted to dance. I never forgot that. But that terrible feeling of panic stood with me. I now have severe panic attacks and depression.
Was that because of my mind or the way my emotions are. I was beaten by a brother who was mentally ill when I was a child. My life had been hell for over 15 years. I had a brain aneurysm that was clipped about 13 years ago and have pain in my head and neck from time to time. I also have osteoarthritis that is quite painful. Can I try cannabis or not I don't think I could repeat the same scenario now that happened to me years ago. Thank you and God bless you all. Mary
General Feedback
The United States of America as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services (Washington, DC)
Trigeminal Neuralgia
One possible remedy for TN is a fifty fifty mix of DMSO and Colloidal Silver (CS) soaked in a white cloth and applied as a poultice to face ... topically I hurting area.
If true, as some believe, that TN is caused by viral infection, the CS might kill the virus as the DMSO carries it to affected nerves.
Worth a shot. I have killed (I believe) Bell's Palsy with the same remedy and if I had TN would certainly try the DMSO/ CS combo. I'd leave the poultice on affected area for twenty minutes. Repeat next day. If improved repeat every other day.
My favorite web site on DMSO is found by googling "DMSO 60 minutes Dr. Jacobs you tube".
Trigeminal Neuralgia
I agree... Cannabis has obviously been demonized on behalf of special interests. Think about it: when was the last time someone for consuming it? IT HAS NEVER HAPPENED.
Now think in terms os aspirin, alcohol, table salt, chemotherapy, antibiotics, cortizone, allergy medication, etc... it's insane! We just need to go back to common sense.
General Feedback
Dr. William Courtney recently cured a baby sent home to die with a massive brain tumor. CURED. You can see the full story by looking him up on YouTube or Google.
General Feedback
Until recently most of the limited research that has been done in the US has been on the compound THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), the active canabanoid that causes you to feel high upon cannibus consuption. Dr. William Courney, the leading researcher in medical cannibus, has isolated a previously unknown cannabanoid CBD (cannabinol) that is showing lots of promise as a cure for cancer and many other ailments. Strains of cannibus are even being developed that have a higher CBD to THC ratio and they do not even make you get the crazy head high that you get from THC. When you use Dr. Courney's prefered method of juicing, there is no high assoiated with it at all.
I am not very computer savvy, so I do not know how to post links, but if you type Dr. William Courtney MD into Google you will get enough info to keep you reading for days. He also has several very good lectures on Youtube.
Noteworthy cases are those of his wife Kristen, and he also recently cured two small children who were sent home to die with terminal brain cancer.
I am fully aware that marijuana is illegal in most places, however if you are sick and have the money to do so, moving to a state where it is legal could be a possible option....
In any case, it never hurts to be educated. I encourage you to learn as much as you can and educate others... Marijuana is a mirical plant that has many uses. The only way things will ever be changed is by education and by remembering to vote (assuming our votes count).
Before you write marijuana off as a drug, please concider this: when it was determined in supreme court that lifeforms could be pattented, the first pattent on a life form that the US Gov took for themselves was marijuana.
General Feedback
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
EC: Here is the cannabis section under "herbs":
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General Feedback
General Feedback
Cannabis is a herb that God created just like any other herbs it is not to be smoked. Smoking does defile your body, I do not know why people have cannabis as a crime if you are caught with it. Probably someone smoke it find out it get you feeling high, they like that feeling, pass it on to someone else then people that try smoking it, like it. Then someone decide to sell it, then they find out that can get you rich so someone in a higher position decide to make it illegal, so they can become rich. But as I say that God created all herbs for the healing of the nation.
Side Effects From Medications
Side Effects From Medications
General Feedback
If I was suffering from a serious condition such as cancer or something like it, I would definitely resort to cannabis if that meant helping and possibly living a lot longer. Correct me if I'm wrong, but nowhere have I ever seen anything saying consumption of cannabis is fatal. In large amounts it can have some negative memory effects, but I doubt the people using it medically are using it in that way. The reason people are so scared of it is because it's illegal in most areas and/or they have never tried it. It is sad because it is all natural, unlike a lot of medicines today. Millions and millions of people have had it. Don't judge what you have never tried for yourself. You'll never know until you do. It's obviously not for everyone, but if it means saving you a lot of discomfort, pain, nausea, etc. then by all means what are you waiting for??
General Feedback
General Feedback
General Feedback
The part of the plant that gets smoked is NOT curative. It is the oil that is extracted out of the bloom part at the top that is what is actually very, very healing and big pharma wants it clouded over, just like all of the other natural cures that come from the earth.
Side Effects From Medications
The legal issue and the propaganda which has sprung up around it are an entirely different topic. A different healing is called for in that case, but let me get on to my own experiences.
I have consciously used this herb medicinally since my late twenties. I began experimenting with spiritual/medicinal applications for a few years before I decided to take it seriously.
I have tried a few modes of ingestion: eating, smoking, vaporizing, tincture.
In my twenties I was very depilitated. I had chronic debilitating pain in my muscle tissue & joints.
Chronic inflammation- systemically.
Headaches/Sinusitius/depressed immune system
Endometriosis....the list is larger than this post necessitates, so I'll stop here.
I did several things to dig myself out of that hole. I was beyond the doctors' scope of knowledge & I had no patience for their convulted process when my own instincts were very clear.
What I have found to be most effective is small dosage. Eating the medicine is difficult to dose (although if you are in state where it is legal, many dispensiaries have honed that & have a wide variety of consumables), smoking has been the easiest form for me to take the medicine. I have used a vaporizer a few times, and think they are a fantastic answer to the concern over smoking. However, they are expensive.
I will talk more about tincture in a moment.
What I have found works best for me thus far, is to take in one or two small inhalations. And without any breath holding, exhale. Of course, because of the legal classifications of the plant the medicine is very different depending upon where it comes from and many people have taken breeding to a science. I think the best thing is to do your research on this and follow your conscience as to how you obtain it & how it's grown. Again, dispensiaries are good sources of knowledge.
Back to it: Sometimes I will increase of decrease the dosage, depending upon what my body is saying. I have used it successfully for premenstrual & perimenipausal pain & anxiety. This has been immensly helpful because of the endometriosis issue. It has helped a considerable amount with cultivating mindfulness- which is the richest resource for helaing I know of.
It has helped with headaches reliably & opens my sinuses.
It has also helped to take the edge off of debilitating pain & relieved inflammation (not in a lasting way). Although, there are some strains (and I have not cultivated a base knowledge of them, so I cannot tell you what they are and are not) which will increase the body awareness in such a way that it becomes "more" painful.
Yoga is quite helpful under such circumstances.
Now to tincture: I have tried this only once, but one dropperfull, a typical tincture dose was more than I needed for a simple medicinal application. I've been working with other tinctures in a homeopathic way for number of years to great success with certain issues. Thus, I've been very curious about using cannabis tincture in this manner- meaning just a few drops in some water. I finally started some tincture and it should be ready at the end of this month. I'm very excited to experient with it.
Finally, I just want to add that The National Organization for the Reformation of Marijuana Laws is a wonderful resource for information on both the medicinal and the legal issues surrounding this Gift of Earth. They have many links to reputable studies. There have been a plethora of studies and new information is being uncovered all the time. It is very exciting to see the science unfold (as many types of natural healing are being revealed in a similar nature).