Essiac Tea
Health Benefits

Essiac Tea - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Essiac Tea. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Essiac Tea Preparation Instructions

Posted by Celteyes (Pearland, Texas) on 10/23/2009

Editor's Choice

In response to questions re essiac tea.

You will need a big stainless steel pot. Never use aluminum. Another big pot, can be glass or pyrex or stainless to pour the liquid while straining. A stainless steel strainer.
32ounce amber glass bottles to store your finished product in.
You will need 3 for a half batch and 6 for a full batch.
The tea is light sensitive so if you can't find amber bottles you need to cover your bottles with aluminum foil.

1. To make the 2 gallon recipe- Mix the 4 herbs together. (appr. 1 cup) (you may cut the recipe in half if you wish, but it is recommended you halve each package of the herbs first, then mix them together. The reason for this is that the powdered herbs, such as the Turkey Rhubarb fall to the bottom and your recipe will not be evenly divided if you don't split them first.)

2. Full recipe- bring 2 gallons of distilled or spring water to a boil. If using half the recipe bring 1 gallon to boil. Stir in herbs replace the lid and boil for 10 minutes.

3. Turn off the stove, scrape down sides, mix well and allow pot to sit and remain closed for 12 hours. (this is the steaping and extraction process)

4.Reheat to almost boiling, anout 10 minutes. Let cool just a little and begin the straining process. Strain as many times as you like. A little herb left in the liquid will not hurt it in any way. Reheat the liquid once again for 2 to 3 minutes only. This will kill any bacteria in the tea that may have entered from the straining process and help keep it from spoiling.

5. Using funnel or glass measuring cup, put your hot liquid into preheated bottles. You can heat the bottles in the oven at 200 degrees-5 or 10 minutes. Do not put caps in the oven!

6. Cap and let cool and then put in the refrigerator. This will be good for 2 weeks. Label the day you made it and the day it expires. If you have some left over in 2 weeks, bring it back to a boil to re-sterilize it and you can use it for 2 more weeks. Then it must be discarded

Directions for use: Mix 2 ounces of the tea with 2 ounces of hot water. Distilled or spring. Never heat this formula or the water in a microwave! Take on an empty stomch for better absorbability. Wait 10 to 20 minutes before eating. This herbal tea is non toxic in proper doses. These herbs will stimulate the body to throw off toxins and therefore it is important that you drink plenty of clean spring water and have regular bowel movements.

Recommended supplementation 3 to 4 times daily for cancer and other serious ailments, twice a day for chronic and once a day for maintenance and gentle detoxification.