Blood Pressure
(New Jersey)
What dose has been effective for the 8 people you speak of? My husband has been taking Hawthorne for over a year, 3x/day and was just at the Dr where his B/P was 180/100!!!
(London, UK)
To Monica of New Jersey - the first essential is to get your own blood pressure monitor: readings taken in a dr's surgery are bound to be higher than those taken while resting quietly at home - apprehension alone will send them up (there must be countless thousands needlessly on medication from that cause alone).
And your husband should try more remedies than just the hawthorn - Apple Cider Vinegar for example: there are so many on this site, and when they are natural there is no need to confine yourselves to just one. My own miracle supplement for bp is niacin (vitamin B3), though no one should take this without first reading about the famous NIACIN FLUSH - extremely alarming when first encountered, though harmless and of short duration. I empty a 500 mg capsule into a cup and scoop up the powder with sliced grapes, bananas etc - in that way you can start slow, the flush is less of a shock to the system and you are not ingesting the capsule. Do report back!
(Oakharbor, Ohio)
180 / 100 is out of line. I use Hawthorn leaves and flowers extract - 2 capsules/ Check blood pressure, if not down two more capsules. Try cutting salt extensively and add garlic powder to anything you can stand to eat it in. I had similar blood pressure issue now at rest is normally around 117 / 55 good luck
Cardiac Health
Cardiac Health
Cardiac Health
First, I use a liquid extract, alcohol free if possible. I used to use an alcohol extract but it did not work anything like the alcohol-free. After experimenting with different manufacturers I settled on Nature's Answer alcohol-free hawthorn and Nature's Answer low-alcohol motherwort. These people are based in Hauppauge, New York, and I have no connection with them whatever except as happy user of their products. After a couple years, Nature's Answer turned their hawthorn into hawthorn berry (which it was originally), leaf and flower. On the Net I found this combo supposedly reinforced the properties of the hawthorn berry. I found it had no different ability to stop my cardiac arrhythmia. Same speed.
Nature's Answer motherwort is about 15 percent alcohol. Some experimentation with different manufacturers years ago made it clear you can't put motherwort in solution without using some alcohol, or it will come out of solution. Even so, you still need to shake the motherwort extract to get it evenly distributed.
This stuff can get rid of an attack of PSVTs like lightning. I keep a quarter ounce bottle with glass eye dropper on me at all times, mixed with a 50% hawthorn-50% motherwort mixture. That 50 percent is by volume, not weight, say a full level teaspoon of each. And I shake each one thoroughly before adding to the mix.
Once in a while I will get a warning jump in my chest saying my heart could go into fast heartbeat. I will sit down as soon as possible, take out my bottle of herbs, shake it well, and fill the dropper about 1/3 to 1/2 full. I always sit or lie down whenever I get a heart incident so I don't have any strain on the heart, and I will stay down for maybe ten minutes.
If I have gone into full tachycardia, where my heart is beating 160-200 beats a minute, I don't care where I am, I lie down. I get my bottle of herbs out, shake it thoroughly, and put a dropper full into my mouth. How fast is it? Once when I couldn't lie down, I was in my car on the freeway, I parked it as soon as I could and took my dropper full. I couldn't get the dropper back in the bottle fast enough to beat my heart getting back to normal. It took one second for my heartbeat to resume normal beating.
This remedy has NEVER failed me. I have gotten into the habit, over the years, of taking 1/3 dropper full after breakfast, 1/3 dropper full after lunch, and 1/3 dropper full after supper. I have noticed that scars that seemed to be getting deeper with age began to disappear, to where they are barely noticeable nowadays. I am 81.
Symptoms that might accompany this remedy being more effective: the tongue is red compared to a fresh cut pork chop. The left pulse between the wrist crease and the head of the radius tends to be weak, perhaps weaker than the pulse at any other position.
I can't guarantee this will work for you. I can tell you it is greased lightning working on me. My incidence of heart palpitations has dropped from several bouts per week to perhaps one every two to five years. I NEVER leave my hawthorn-motherwort on the dresser at home. It is in my pocket at all times.
If you need any further info, I'm at jerrmar1(at)
(Drexel Hill, PA)
Thanks Jerry from Seal Beach, Cal. I have had episodes of Tachycardia for close to 30 years and I really appreciate the advice you gave on Motherwort and Hawthorn. I will have to do a little more research into these two herbal treatments but it sounds like a good answer to my heart palpitations. Right now I use cayenne pepper in warm water to help slow down my racing heart. Thanks again and God Bless!
(Ravenn, Ohio)
I had the same problem with racing heart---I found a solution which was Hawthorn Berry and Motherwort--but not separate--so no reaching for two bottles---30 drops and it's instant relief. Keep one bottle upstairs and one down-if I go shopping I put just one bottle in my pocket-much more convenient and works. Bonnie
Cardiac Health
Erectile Dysfunction
Fortunately, it passed after a short while. But there was no positive outcome for me.
Erectile Dysfunction
Haw Flakes (Hawthorn)
I want to know its ingredients and whether eating lots of them can improve anything. Everytime I feel tired and food is not around nearby, I always have some packets of Haw Flakes in the pocket to give some energy boost for a little more time.
Is it good to eat lots of haw flakes? I have no idea. Could someone here advise?
Its just the right time of year to harvest hawthorn berries and put them to good use. I've just finished making a batch of hawthorn, rosehip and blackberry fruit leather which is labour intensive and tedious due to the large stones in the haws but its good and I have a horse with a heart condition so stocking up is a must! For the tincture though, pick a large amount of haws and put them in a zip lock bag and seal it. Mash the berries with a rolling pin or similar item. Fill a large jar with crushed berries to the half way mark. gently heat some apple cider vinegar (I recommend you make enough to last a year if possible, so you'll need enough vinegar to fill several jars) and for every litre, add a jar of manuka 10+ honey and stir till dissolved. Don't boil it or you'll damage the medicinal properties. Pour mix over berries and seal the jars. Put in a hot press or warm dark place for minimum 4 weeks or longer. Strain each jar through cloths and store in dark glass bottles. Leave the others to infuse till you need them. One tablespoon a day will keep you in top shape but remember to rinse out your mouth after or it will corrode your teeth. Hold some of the honey and vinegar mix back to use while the rest is infusing. You'll get the cholesterol busting benefits from that alone. You can make this recipe using the leaves, flowers or bark also so harvest and dry the leaves and flowers in the spring and summer while waiting for the berries. Enjoy :-)