Health Benefits

Mint: Top Health Benefits of This Herbal Wonder

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Posted by Lisa (S. California, Ca, Usa) on 11/18/2011

You have to take ENTERIC coated peppermint oil. Straight peppermint is way too strong to put into the stomach. Peppermint increase the gastric juices in the stomach, so it needs to bypass the stomach and get into the intestines. Peppermint relaxes muscles, ie intestinal muscles.

If I have a sudden attack and need IMMEDIATE relief, the capsules are NOT the answer. They take awhile to start working. For immediate relief, try peppermint tea ( will make you sleepy) or Altoids. With the Altoids, I usually eat around 10-15 in a 5 minutes period and it helps A LOT.

If you get stomach pain, eat some food with it or eat some DGL LICORICE chewables/lozenges from iherb. The taste is not great but it gets rid of stomach ( not intestinal) pain.

Posted by Mel (Kobe, Japan) on 11/10/2011

A friend had success with these but said you need to take them for a few weeks before getting results. That said, they didn't help my IBS-D.

Posted by Lisa (S. California, Ca, Usa) on 04/11/2011

I've been struggling with IBS and Celiac for a long time. I still get cramps even though there is no more gluten ( or hidden gluten) in my diet.

I found a softgel that has peppermint oil, fennel and ginger in it from iherb. Wow, do these things work great and really tame the tummy!!! I finally have some relief! I take 1 at night and one in the morning. If I still get painful cramps, I take another one. They don't help with diaherra though.

They are a bit hard on the stomach at first so take with a bite or two of food until you get used to them.

Posted by Butterflycari (Heber City, Ut, Usa) on 03/06/2011


One thing I notice is you have to get the ENTERIC COATED peppermint oil capsules. I have had really good results by using these and usually one dose is sufficient.

Posted by Natasha (Winnipeg, Manitoba) on 02/12/2010

I tried peppermint oil capsules for my severe IBS C and they gave me a severe attack. They are way to strong for my sensitive stomache sadly.

Posted by Moises (New York, Ny) on 11/02/2009

I have tried enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules numerous times and they had no effect on my IBS.

Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 06/21/2009

I had no success with the Peppermint Oil. Although I've tried Caprylic Acid, and alot of it, that had no effect either.

I have some kind of fungal infection, probably candida, could be a different fungus though. I've had success with two things so far:
1. Mega-Garlic (to the point that you smell offensive).
2. Coconut Oil (2 TBSP, morning and evening)(this is a bunch of calories, though). I'm sold on the coconut oil

I suspect mega-iodine (see Sporotrichosis for doseage) may help, but I can't confirm yet. Iodine is twice as strong of an antibiotic as Chlorine, less toxic, disolves starches(and yeast), and heavy metals. I've seen some success in the mouth with iodine, where success has been dificult to come by.

Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 03/31/2009

Peppermint Oil can cure IBS in many people. It also kills candida.

"Based on the combined data, the researchers estimated that one in 2.5 patients would get significant relief of symptoms if treated with peppermint oil, compared to one in five patients taking antispasmodics and one in 11 patients taking fiber. Peppermint oil is sold in capsules, and the study participants took about 200 milligrams two or three times a day.


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Posted by Tammy (Bridgeport, New York) on 12/10/2011

I used about 4 drops of peppermint oil used in candy flavorings and coconut conditioner- mix together coat head really well, cover with shower cap for about 30 minutes. The peppermint and coconut oils kill lice on contact and after you rinse it out, the nits comb right out with ease.


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Posted by Randahl (San Jose, California) on 04/10/2008


For those looking to use Oil of Oregano for it's antimicrobial properties, I would like to specify that Oil of Oregano is NOT Oregano Essential oil, which would have to be diluted. If you're looking to buy this remedy, make sure that the ingredients list states that there is a carrier oil (like olive oil). Otherwise, be prepared to dilute it yourself, or there could be serious negative effects.

I have seen some people writing in remedies that include putting undiluted essential oils on their skin. I think I saw a remedy for headaches or migraines that recommended putting peppermint essential oil on the temples. I have been studying aromatherapy for 5 years, and one of the most basic lessons is that you almost NEVER use essential oils undiluted. Peppermint essential oil in particular is considered to be a skin irritant to all skin types when used undiluted. If put on the temples, the strength of the fumes could seriously irritate the eyes and the delicate area around the eye. If you are going to try any remedy including essential oils, DILUTE FIRST! Even if the remedy doesn't specify it, you'll be saving yourself from possible complications.

Replied by Frank

I have used oil of oregano directly on facial pimples, you have a stinging and a red patch but the latter disappears overnight as does the pimple. BUT you have to make sure it gets nowhere near the eyes!

Posted by Claudette (Houston, Tx) on 03/06/2008

For the lady who thinks she will quit having migraines when she gets 50. You can quit dreaming. I am 64 and have had migraines for years. I take Imitrex and sometimes when it is not available and I get one, I pinch my hand between the thumb and index finger. And garlic does help, I also drink peppermint tea with honey. Dairy products cause me to have migraines because of the thick mucus it causes at night.

Replied by Trish
(Vancouver, Wa, Usa)

kind of a negative comment. just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it won't work for someone else.

Posted by Samantha (Albany, NY) on 02/12/2006

I used to get an average of 4 migraines per week. Now that I regularly visit my chiropractor I very rarely suffer from a migraine. When I do get one, I rub peppermint essential oil on my temples. It helps with both the headache part as well as the nausea.


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Posted by Sue (Vermillion, Ohio) on 03/14/2011

I have the morgellons on my eyelids and have found chapstick a relief, for some reason it is so thick they can't move too much, and the tried the peppermint burt bees chapstick and it stings for 1 minute then gave me good relief. It works for a time but if I stop using it they come back.

Posted by Izzy3 (Vero Beach, Fl.) on 01/03/2010

Am a long time sufferer of Morgellons, if they are in your ears try a dab of Peppermint oil on the outer ear, never put down in the ear and keep off your fingers, should you rub your eye it can sting badly, use Qtip or cotton ball, I also buy the Peppermint extract in the baking section and use a capful in my wash with the borax. Be very careful using Pantothenic Acid ( B 5 ) I may have done permenant damage to myself overdosing on it, research it first online and you will see that the body needs very little, and they sell it in high doses, high mg. It can cause wheezing and shortness of breath, which if your lucky goes away, but you are left with tingling in the feet etc.Cats Claw needs to be researched well also, we all want to get well , but self medicating can be lethal be careful and if possible talk to a doctor about doses of anything your not sure of. Mentholated body powders are a great help on the sheets in order to sleep, they do not like it ! God Bless and remember to share safe remedies.

Nail Polish Remover

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Posted by Donna (Janesville, WI) on 07/16/2008

I had heard that Pure Peppermint Oil stops bug bits from itching. Well, it did, but guess what?! It also took off my nail polish!! WOW! I was in utter shock! How cool is that! Ok, I'll try and calm down now~ much love donna

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