Then I found this page about mullein, which we have growing wild all over. So I went and picked some leaves and made me some tea with honey. The chest congestion and coughing has improved immensely! I got my first 2 nights of sound sleep in about 2 weeks! I brought some to work to add to my regular tea (I drink several cups at day during the winter) and I am feeling so much better.
Such a simple and beneficial solution with quick relief.
Many thanks again!
Flower's Mom
Last week, a couple of my children came down with a fever and cough. The cough was the relentless type. Cough salve was helping. Garlic oil, as always, helped a lot. But they really don't like the garlic oil (I put it on their back and/or chest, over the lung area.) I really prefer using things that are pleasant to them if at all possible. I decided to try some mullein tincture. I also had some tincture of olive leaf (which is an antiviral/antibacterial herb). My daugther, 12, was 2-3 days into the sickness when I started to use the tinctures. I would give her 1 teaspoon each of mullein and olive leaf tincture in 5 ounces of water (She is the size of a small adult.) It helped her a lot! I dosed her at least 4 times a day, sometimes more.
When two of my little boys (6 and 9) began to come down with the sickness, I immediately started them on the mullein and olive leaf tinctures. I gave each of them 1/2 teaspoon of each tincture, in 3 ounces of water. I gave them this 4 or 5 times a day. They were sick for just a day! The cough is still around some and I will continue to give the tinctures a couple of times a day.
My daugther, 11, was beginning to feel like she was getting sick. She started on the two tinctures right away. While she took a nap one day (which she never does) she never had a fever and never was down from it.
Mullein is sometimes called, "Great mullein." And indeed, it is great! It is a gentle but powerful herb. I love when a humble plant is such a wonderful medicine. It is even growing wild in fields near me.
Mullein Tincture Recipe
- 2 ounces of fresh mullein leaf (chopped fine) or 4 ounces of dried mullein leaf (I get mine from Mountain Rose Herbs.)
- 16 ounces of 100 proof vodka
Place herb into a mason jar. Pour vodka over it. Leave on the counter and shake daily for 2-6 weeks. Strain out the plant material with a coffee filter. Store the tincture in a cool dry place in a glass container.
~Mama to Many~
What is the best way to prepare Mullein Tea? Coffee pot, french press. Anyone have a step by step process to remove the leaf hairs out completely?
Dear Betty,
When I am making mullein tea I put the dried mullein leaf in a canning jar. I pour freshly boiled water from the tea kettle over it. I let it steep for 5-15 minutes. Then I strain it through a coffee filter into a mug or another jar.
I don't know if a French press would remove all of the hairs. And a coffee pot might not let the tea steep long enough.
~Mama to Many~
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!
Respiratory Issues
"Mullein has been used for centuries to treat a variety of respiratory problems and help alleviate irritations in the lungs and throat. Mullein acts as a pain reliever, diuretic, antiseptic and antibacterial agent. It contains high amounts of iron and is a good supply of vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin B12 and niacin"
"Mullein contains a substance called mucilage, a saponin that helps lubricate mucus membranes soothing raw irritated tissues. As an expectorant, mullein helps expel excess phlegm from the lungs. The tannins in mullein are beneficial for reducing swollen and inflamed respiratory passages, making it a popular treatment for asthma, bronchitis, swollen glands and breathing difficulties".
"Mullein has also been known to relieve constipation, counter-act sleeplessness, protect the kidneys, and help ease nervous tension".
Buy it as a tea or in capsule form. One could make one's own tea by crushing the leaves too. Some people regard it as a spreading weed.
Cheers, Michael from New Zealand