General Feedback
First off, cancer development can occur as a result of free radicals damaging healthy cells. They can destroy various cellular components like DNA and membranes and are often created by factors such as toxic environment and smoke inhalation. Aside from cancer, these free radicals can also cause a series of debilitating medical conditions such as stroke, emphysema, heart diseases and diabetes mellitus among others.
In line with this, the antioxidants found in Nutans Tea help clear out the toxins and trap free radicals. In addition, it also prevents damage to other organs and tissues with its anti-proliferative properties.
From lung cancer to leukemia, Sabah Snake Grass (SSG) has shown great potential in stopping the spread of the disease while helping to ensure the normal levels of cholesterol and uric acid.
In Singapore, the most common types of cancer are colo-rectum and breast. Predisposing factors include family history and age while precipitating ones are diet and activity. However, ensuring proper exercise and consumption of healthy foods do not automatically remove the risk, it only lessens it. For example, a non-smoking, athletic person can still have a higher chance of being diagnosed with colo-rectal cancer if he/she previously had Crohn's disease. This condition has been described by Mayo Clinic as, "both painful and debilitating, and sometimes may lead to life-threatening complications."
On the other hand, breast cancer may be common in women but it affects men as well. Most cases begin in the milk duct but can also start in other parts of the breast. Patients would often complain of lump and pain which may extend to the armpits. Although age is still a risk factor, younger women are still not safe. Initial test can be done through self-breast exam by looking for any abnormalities such as dimpling or swelling. To avoid any false diagnostic results, 2d mammograms can be combined with 3d but this should be done with doctor's orders.
Though most cancer patients would complain of pain, other complications include fatigue and weight loss. This makes it more difficult for them to perform their activities of daily living especially when they start experiencing nausea and difficulty in breathing.
Because cancer creates a huge impact on the lives of both the patient and his/her significant others, nature has provided a solution in the form of Sabah Snake Grass. And yet, it doesn't end there. Health benefits can extend up to the skin by slowing down the aging process. There's no need to apply cosmetics containing harmful ingredients just to retain that youthful glow. Nutans Tea cleanses your body inside and out. When your internal systems are working efficiently, it will show on your skin.
It's no wonder why Sabah Snake Grass is becoming more popular worldwide!
Nutans Tea (Sabah Snake Grass Tea) retains all the goodness of Sabah Snake Grass in a more convenient form for today's fast paced world, where even cooking your own meal is a luxury. Just like conventional tea, Nutans Tea sachets can be readily prepared with just immersion in boiling water. We had the initiative to make health products more appealing rather than using the phrase ?It is healthy for you, taste is not the main point'. Nutans Tea is blended with Traditional Chinese Herbal Flavouring to give a healthy and yet refreshing taste.
Genital Herpes
Plus, how long after the blisters stop stop can I go in to retest for herpes antibodies? So I can see if it's not in my system? I've had this for three months and when I did the blood test it was negative. The culture came back positive for hsv2. Thank you, and God bless, Ted's remedies always helped so much when I thought nothing else would.
Genital Herpes
Couldn't find anyone selling here in the US.
Genital Herpes
____ That's how it is spelled in Thai. It is used commonly to cure chicken pox (_____) but is antiviral and can be used to treat a variety of ailments that a lot of Thais don't even know about.
Editor's note: Unfortunately, our database does not support the Thai language, but anyone can look find the translation to Thai on Google Translate with the words "Green Medicine"|th|Green Medicine
and "chicken pox"|th|chicken pox.
(Jacksonville, United States)
Do you have to keep up with the remedy, also the store as no idea what yakeow is do you have a picture...
(Los Angeles, Ca, Usa)
I researched online (on Thai's google) and yaekow is, in English, the plant called Thunbergia Laurifolia, also known as Blue Trumpet Vine.
It's sold on a website called herbal organics. I guess that's one of the best choices around. Sabah Snake Grass is really hard to find; I haven't had much luck. Elderberry is easy to find.
(Baltimore, Md, Usa)
(Los Angeles, Ca, Usa)
Hi, South from Deep, sorry to take so long to reply, I wasn't looking at this thread!
Look up for rang jued on bonanza and you'll find it. It took 7 days to get in California!
Stormy, here is my update: I had my first outbreak in August 2010. Starting in February, after taking aciclovir, that poison, I kept having outbreaks twice a month. I took colloidal silver, which made the outbreaks weaker, but they kept coming, religiously, twice, sometimes 3 times a month.
I started on yakeow in August. I had one outbreak a few days later, then nothing for the whole month. On September 9th I was very stressed and had two outbreaks in the following week. I am currently fighting one outbreak right now. I noticed that once I am stressed, anxious or angry, outbreaks show up.
I am thinking of getting Elderberry, because Ted suggests it on his first post.
I think the Yakeow flushed out the virus and made it reproduce less, but it is still in my system because I need something else to eliminate it.
(Los Angeles, Ca, Usa)
@South from Deep... you can also buy it on ebay
They call it rang jued, but if you look up Thunbergia Laurifolia, you'll see is the same plant. I spent a lot of time researching Thai websites until I got the correct name of yakeow.
I found this study of Thai plants, and many of them have high anti-HSV-2 activity; take a look and you'll see that yakeow is part of the study. Ted, let me know if you have used the other plants for herpes treatment:
(Manchester, Uk)
Hello all, This question is probably more for Ted, unless there's anyone clued up on the subject...
I was just wondering, as I have only a limited supply of YaKaew could I use a herpes friendly food to flush out the virus? e.g. Peanuts? as I now from passed experience that peanuts gave me a severe out-break. When eating a particular food that aggravates herpes and causes an out-break, is this doing the same thing as the YaKaew?
This is my third day taking the YaKaew and I have to say I was expecting a much more severe out-break, I am not even sure if I can call my symptoms an out-break! Although, I have been taking an equal amount of andrographis paniculata, which based on a previous post on Earthclinic is ment to protect new cells from infection. Maybe this is the reason of the level of severity of my minimal out-break, and all the work is going on inside that I cant see... I hope! :)
I have also been taking a l-lysine supplement before bed, and have been taking 6 drops of iodine solution a day, as well as topicaly using Betadine on the area! I think some of my levels of medication may be a bit low based on some recommendations made here, but I am stightly concerned about damaging my liver in this process, and so am just testing these remedies out to see what is most effective for now.
If I could get some feedback on the food/peanuts question that would be great. Thank you!
Chok dee krup for everybody krup... :)
(Los Angeles, Ca, Usa)
@Trebor... Funny, when I started taking the yakeow I also had an outbreak right away... but I knew it was just the virus trying to fight his
Now, I e-mailed Ted about some of the remedies he mentioned, but instead of writing lecithin, for some reason I wrote lysine and asked if 20g a day was enough. This is his reply, from October 21st:
"No it's not 20 gram a day. Its likely to be 1000 to 1500 mg with each dose, so the maximum dose in one day is 1500 x 8,4 in evening and morning, but it is usually 4 doses morning and 3 doses evening. Rang jued is great for liver detox along with milk thistle. St. John's wort, milk thistle, andrographis paniculata, and lysine are the antiviral remedy that works, but lysine needs more frequent doses, hourly 4 doses in morning and hourly 3 doses in evening. The herbal remedies you need only 2 doses for the entire day, at 1000 mg to 2000 each. As to your question of getting rid of virus completely well it has to be gotten of completely in 3 days by following the package instructions. And it must be done within 3 days or it simply doesn't work if you don't follow package instructions. It works by causing low blood sugar to kill the virus, which it needs a lot, or they die very quickly. The same is true for cancer.
I think he refers to yakeow when he talks about "following package instructions" because I told him I was taking it, but on the label it said "rang jued".
I am not taking lysine at the time. Only yakeow and lecithin.
Genital Herpes
So how do you flush out a virus? One way is what Thai's used is the Chicken Pox remedies is referred to as Yakeow, and then there's others such as andrographis paniculata, and sabah snake grass, which does so by protecting new cells from infection, which means it prevents virus from reproducing and with time gets less and less. That's how I treated a man in Pattaya completely cured of genital herpes and he has not an outbreak for so far and counting four or five years.
You need to find immediate relief from genital herpes first so apply lugol's iodine 6 times a day, but it needs to be taken internally, try one drop once a day is never a problem, and build on the number of drops to 5 drops and 6 times is the number I always pursue. The second remedy I require is lysine, at the very least to control viral population to a minimum, that requires at least 4 times a day, lysine 1/2 teaspoon. To get virus from infecting new cells (viral replication is zero) I think you need herbal remedies, such as elderberry, andrographis paniculata, and sabah snake grass. Flush it out (if you so desire) you need at least the Yakeow, which is Thai herbal medication found in nearly all Thai drug stores, if you cannot find yakeow, somewhat substitute, not a good one, is camphor low dose say 1 mg to 10 mg per day.
Now the ones I did on the man in Pattaya was also lithium chloride in low dose 10% lithium chloride and give him a couple of drops also, some Lysine, zinc acetate, and iodine is the main cure. The topical was lithium, iodine, zinc and magnesium. I have since upgraded topical remedy or simplified to include just the tannic acid 25% solution with the lysine 20%, roughly speaking just to keep things simple because of the accessibility to supplements is limited. There are more, but that's about the main things I have covered.