Posted by Abigail (Idaho) on 03/05/2016
I used the Yakeow, or Yarrow for three days in English, and that was four times a day. Plus I used Thunderberg lauifolia, or blue trumpet vine four times a day with lysine 4 in morn and four at night and the lechithin. Snake grass, and now I've added olive leaf twice daily and I'm alkalizing with baking soda half lemon and teaspoon of baking soda twice daily. Now I'm using 6 drops lugols internally daily and lugols, magnesium chloride and zinc tablets crushed up to make a topical but I'm not so sure about how to do the measurements! I started six days ago and this is the worst breakout I've ever had as I've only had it three months and since day one I was detoxing my system and using herbal topicaLd. That produced small blisters, not huge ones like this, maybe worse than the first. How long will it take for the Yakeow to stop producing blisters? Or this virus to clear from my body? I am in tears because I believe in Ted's remedies but no one posts back their results. I am using dmso also. I just want to know if anyone has done this with success. I am sick and losing work, I need this to go away!
Plus, how long after the blisters stop stop can I go in to retest for herpes antibodies? So I can see if it's not in my system? I've had this for three months and when I did the blood test it was negative. The culture came back positive for hsv2. Thank you, and God bless, Ted's remedies always helped so much when I thought nothing else would.