1 User Review
My knees occasionally become painful if I use my treadmill too much. As soon as I recognize that I feel better with movement, I start taking Rhus Tox again and my knee feels better again after a few days.I have used this remedy at least six times in the last ten years and it has always worked.
(Roseville, Mi, Usa)
Hello, i was reading your comment because i was looking up calcium deposits on the shoulder, for thats what i suffer really really bad.. i lose complete movement of my arm and not to mention trying to go to sleep at night, thats very severe as well. my shoulder hurts me so bad through out the day that i could just cry. i've been to the urgent care for this in the past and they found the deposits on my x ray. i'm at my wits end with this, i've taking motrin, naproxin, mobic, robuxin, tylenol, i've even put those stinky creams on my shoulder too, nothings helping me!! i was wondering how to find the medicine you take for this and how much and how often... i think i'm at a point where i should just get the surgery, i suffer with this pain for about 3 weeks, then it goes away but returns in like 3 or 4 months. i've been going through this for 5 yrs now.. enough is enough!! thanks so much for your help!!!
Rhus toxicodendron is poison ivy. So what? Indians used to eat it to create resistance to the dermatitis. I ate it once too for the same reason. It worked. In any case, the amount in homeopathic remedies is miniscule.
On the rhus tox it is a homeopath, the ingredients in it is such a extreme low dose in minute amounts it is not harmful.
Hi Jackie
I have suffered the same problem, L4/5 not much disc left and C7 spur ….these are the two classic places of back degeneration, I also got the classic fibro pains …..took me about ten years of many different suppliments surgery ect …..just couldn't figure the pain was appropriate …..eventually I had a routine thoracic back x ray suggested by my physio, and I found the answer DISH disease, which causes much tightness in the upper back and neck ……it could be worth you checking
All the best,
Richard UK