Kidney Stones
Health Benefits

Lemon Juice for Kidney Stones: A Natural Remedy Guide

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

17 User Reviews

Posted by Jeff (Columbus, GA, USA) on 11/21/2007

Yea to the "Dissolve Kidney Stones". I was not real thrilled by the thought of drinking olive oil, so I tried just the lemon juice to start. I guessed the olive oil was to make things a little slippery. I've had four bouts with kidney stones over the last 10 years - all had to be lithotripsied. I took 2 ounces of lemon juice at 3:00pm and then at 9:00pm. The next day I felt the stone move, I repeated the processes and began to pass sand like pieces (indicative that the lemon juice may have broken the stone up). A day later the stone passed with VERY little pain. Next time, I'll brave up and try the olive oil too.

Lemon Juice
Posted by Michelle (Portland, Oregon) on 08/28/2007

I am so thankful finding this!!! I've had pain off & on for months but never did anything about it. Today though it got so bad I teared up. I really wanted to check the ph balance but didn't have the patience to get any strips (which would have taken 4 hours). Though I didn't have any lemons and the store across the street didn't either, limes seemed to do the trick. Now I'm not trying to product placement here but to be fair, honestly I had a shot of Noni juice too. Found some noni tea as well. I haven't drunk the tea yet but already with the lime & olive oil the pain isn't as sharp, it's a little more mellow. Followed with a liter of water and I'll continue to drink water. Good luck to anyone else needing this info. It tastes pretty strong but on the plus side it makes your lips feel great. I took a shot glass and regular glass to tumble the liquid together. Kinda airy but mixed well since I shot it like tequila!

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