Natural Remedies for Adult Mono: Relief and Recovery

| Modified on Jul 31, 2024
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Adult Mono Remedies
Posted by Katie (Wisconsin) on 07/15/2018

**If you take prescription sleep medication, please read***

A female relative of mine was feeling non-stop exhaustion and had experienced mono (for the first time) the year prior. The doctor believed she was experiencing mono again, possibly as a flare-up brought on by stress. She accepted it but then remembered something: she'd recently upped her RX sleep prescription dosage, from 5 mg per night to 10 mg. She did this on her own, without a doctor's RX... she didn't think it was a big deal. She did it because she was so exhausted all the time and thought a better/deeper sleep could be achieved with a higher dosage.

After much research online, she learned that higher doses- especially without a doctor's advice or monitoring - is highly dangerous as the drug can linger in your system the following day and cause this exhaustion. Even to the point of making driving in the morning very dangerous. This is especially true in women or men with low testosterone. So much so that the FDA lowered the recommended dose of this particular RX drug to 5 mg per dose recently for women. It's higher for men.

She felt better IMMEDIATELY after starting to lower her dosage... she said she feels like her old self again. She is in the midst of gradually reducing her dosage and hopes to come off it entirely.

Adult Mono Remedies
Posted by Mary (Phoenix, Az) on 07/04/2015

I was diagnosed with mono 2 weeks ago but have been sick for over a month. I have incredible heat that swells up inside of me and then breaks and I sweat severely. When this happens my heart races and it keeps me full of anxiety and unable to sleep. I am also very weak and tired. Has anyone else had these strange symptoms?? I have been taking coconut oil and it has helped some, but I am at my wit's end. I am 54 and I thought mono was a teenager's illness. Any suggestions from anyone out there??

Adult Mono Remedies
Posted by Al Hudson (Homestead, Fl.) on 07/06/2015

Monolaurin worked quickly on my daughter in college...4 days. Have sent her to school with a 90 count bottle each semester and she has passed it on as needed. It is a refined ester of coconut oil and safe for all.

Adult Mono Remedies
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 07/07/2015 2043 posts

M: Any Liver disease causes immune suppression so anything to help in that area is a good start, but there are many other factors that cause immune dysfunction. So, just take one step at a time. Back to Liver. It is important to note any prescription or OTC pharma meds (like acetaminophen or statins) that might be causing toxicity.

There is also chronic nutritional deficiencies that can cause immune suppression, particularly Vit-A/Zinc/Copper. Start taking 50mg Zinc with 2-3mg Copper and 5,000iu Vit-A away from any fiber foods once daily. Raw Bovine Thymus Glandular plus placing a refrigerator magnet over the Thymus gland for about 1hr per day will also help. These two immune boosting remedies should show both immediate and long-term improvement.

If all-the-above is insufficient, whole body detox & cleansing will be needed.

Adult Mono Remedies
Posted by Anon (Usa) on 07/07/2015

Research large doses of vitamin C for mono.

Adult Mono Remedies
Posted by Mary (Phoenix, Az) on 10/09/2015

Apple cider vinegar and monolauren helped me a lot. I have been able to return to work, but I still have lingering achy joints, and some overheating. I'm curious what virus you were diagnosed with originally? I almost feel like I had something else that pulled my immune system down & then I got mono. I still have to be careful and I take lots of vitamins and of course say my prayers. Let me know what has worked for you also. Thanks!!

Adult Mono Remedies
Posted by Mary (Phoenix, Az) on 12/09/2015

Hi Nechama, Yes I finally recovered!! It was a horrible thing to go through. Those heat attacks are the worst. Hang in there. I prayed a lot!! I took loads of cocnut oil, monolauren, a liver cleanse capsule with milk thistle daily, dandelion tea, a good multiple, and vitamin C. I still take my vitamins, but rest is important also. I had to get a sleeping pill from my doctor because I had so much anxiety I couldn't sleep at night. It was a nightmare. It was 4 - 5 months in total. Hopefully yours won't be as bad or last as long. Apple cider vinegar tea is also good. A tablespoon in hot water with honey every day is good for the immune system. Let me know how you're doing. Best to you!

Adult Mono Remedies
Posted by Mary (Phoenix, Az) on 07/05/2015

Thank you for your reply. I am trying anything that will work. I bought some dandelion tea and will add milk thistle to my regime. I had no idea mono was so debilitating. I am curious how did you know your spleen was swollen? I have a little discomfort in that area but don't know for sure if that is what it is. Curious also how long in total it took you to get well. I know we are all different and heal at different paces, but this is just no fun at all.

Adult Mono Remedies
Posted by Mary (Phoenix, Az) on 07/07/2015

Thank you for the info. I will try these vitamins. I'm wondering where my thymus gland is and is any kind of magnet going to work?

Adult Mono Remedies
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 07/08/2015 2043 posts

M: Yes, any magnet will work. The rule-of-thumb is the stronger the magnet the less time needed for therapy. I use a strong music speaker magnet about 1-2 minutes about once per wk. I forgot to mention also for immune boosting is "Thymus Tapping" These two therapies plus the Bovine Thymus Glandular will very much boost immunity.

Here is a link on the subject, and do let us know of your improvements.

Adult Mono Remedies
Posted by Claire (New York) on 10/09/2015

I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. You're post struck me because it sounds exactly like my symptoms. I'm 29 and was diagnosed with a different virus last summer, then this June I was diagnosed with mono and slight lymes. It's been almost 5 months and I still feel tired and weak all the time... I get sore throats all the time, I feel over heated sometimes and sweat a lot. I get random day sicknesses that feel like the's awful. I've been to a few specialists and my doctor many times and all they do is blood work and tell me it's getting better. I've been taking vitamins and I'm going to try some of these home remedies Bc I don't know what else to do! You're not alone! It's beyond frustrating not feeling like yourself for so long! Let me know if anything else works for you...

Adult Mono Remedies
Posted by Kelly (Washington ) on 11/12/2015

I too thought mono was a kid/teen virus. Nope. 32 and have never been so sick in my life. Nice to know I'm not alone and there are natural ways to help with symptoms. I've had a high fever for 4 days, z care twice, ER once and still am waiting for a confirmed a most likely diagnosis with treatment of rest and pain killers. Wish docs could partner with naturopaths so patients don't leave feeling helpless when western medicine fails.

Thank goodness for coconut oil...took my first dose tonight and will be trying the other suggested remedies as well. Thank you all!

Adult Mono Remedies
Posted by Alan Hudson (Homestead, Fl.) on 11/13/2015

Kelly, would like to suggest the use of Monolaurin for is an mono-ester of coconut oil that will give you higher concentrations to beat the virus...which is known to come back stronger the second time if not finished off.

Adult Mono Remedies
Posted by Nechama (Toronto, On) on 12/06/2015

Hi Mary, I have the same exact symptoms! I heat up and feel like I'm going to faint. It's so scary. Just like you described. Do you still have mono?? I hope not. If you're all better, do you attribute it to something in specific?

Adult Mono Remedies
Posted by Mike (Ohio) on 07/20/2016

Yes, I have had all of that, the heat buildup is from a panic attack which I've given myself several... the best thing to do is to stay away from the symptom checkers because all they do is make ya paranoid. Mono is a SOB and requires a stress free period of rest!