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Nature's Best Remedies Book

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Nature's Best Remedies

Edited by Daniel P. Kray

Could You Find a Cure in Your Cabinets?

In a medical emergency, could you find the relief you need or a life-saving treatment in the cabinets, refrigerator, or gardens of your own home?

If you have ever wanted to be the at-home expert on safe and effective natural remedies for many of our most common health concerns, this book will give you the first aid tips you need!

The world’s most independent and trustworthy authority on global remedies for your alternative health options, Earth Clinic, presents:

Nature’s Best Remedies

Do you know what you should do when:

  • Your daughter has a sunburn and needs pain relief?
  • Your spouse gets a bad cut and needs to quickly stop the bleeding?
  • The kids bring lice home from school?
  • Your son has a stomachache in the middle of the night?
  • Life’s aches and pains pile up on you?

Quick answers, quicker relief! We’ve encapsulated the very best of the world’s natural remedies into this book for your long-term health and immediate relief.

Just the facts! Instant advice is the whole story when it comes to trustworthy home remedies. Find answers on well over 100 common health concerns!

Additional Books by Earth Clinic

pH Balanced for Life! The Easiest Way to Alkalize Candida Killing So Sweetly by Bill Thompson Earth Clinic Presents: Apple Cider Vinegar: A Modern Folk Remedy