Colloidal Silver: Blue Man

Colloidal Silver: Blue Man or Miracle Supplement?

| Modified on Mar 22, 2018
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by Dave Thomas | December 3, 2013

I'm not a scientist, but I can speak from experience about the many practical uses of some of my favorites: vitamins (natural Vitamin E), glandulars (pancreatin), minerals (magnesium) and antivirals (Colloidal Silver). Colloidal Silver (CS) is my favorite antiviral. In fact, CS is so versatile that its uses are only limited by one's imagination. I will illustrate this with my personal experiences. I will also describe how I make my own silver water: The CS I've used for about 20 years.

How Plem Taught Me About Colloidal Silver (and Beat the Flu...)
Twenty-one years ago I thought that I was dying. Maybe that's an exaggeration, but I really believed that I was in a serious physical decline. For three weeks, I had been terribly ill from the flu. I was becoming weaker and weaker as each miserable day went by. I'd tried all of my usual remedies and nothing worked.

One evening, a dear old friend (nearly a father figure) came by to see me. He had heard how ill I was. He's still alive and well at 92 years old. I told my friend that he'd taken his life in his hands just being around me since I had some kind of deadly disease.

He'd brought a little 6 oz. bottle of CS. I thanked him and shooed him along for his own safety. Obeying his orders, I drank half of the bottle in one long gulp, just to satisfy "Plem" (Dr. H.H. Plemmons), as his friends called him. Now I do not exaggerate. In fifteen minutes, I looked at my worried wife and said, "You know what. I feel fine. I'm feeling like myself again. What is that stuff Plem gave me?"

CS and Me...The Next Twenty Years
And so began my twenty year campaign of propagating the benefits of using atoms of silver to defeat viral infections. My stories are what the scientists call "anecdotal". This means that the events or cases are specific and not "double blind" scientifically controlled. However, there is also a theory in practical science that talks about the thing that repeatedly works. Folk medicine is just that. A community learns what is effective by experience.

One of the great books along these lines is the famous New England Folk Remedies written by an MD, Dr. Jarvis. He gave case studies of the effectiveness of Apple Cider Vinegar, a mild antibiotic. ACV cured me of virtually every lower tract infection. Worldwide, there are stories about it; I could repeat a hundred stories on ACV as well as CS. My point is that just as Dr. Jarvis did not use double blind studies to prove ACVs usages, I am also using examples that I have observed over the decades that demonstrate the startling effectiveness of CS.

Colloidal Silver Can Save Your Life
And turn you "blue"...? That's the rap on CS. The condition is called "argyria"; this means that the skin is permanently tinted by silver consumption. Here are the facts. There is such a condition; the tinting is usually a graying of the skin and apparently happens when one consumes compounds of silver. This is not what is made today by the thousands of CS makers. They use little 27 volt generators; the silver is only a light cloud of silver in a few cups of water. That is diluted again and again until one cannot even see the cloud or taste any metallic content at all. I've been taking four or five tablespoons weekly for about twenty years. Since I have never had any tinting at all, I know the argyria condition must be caused by using the wrong production method.

A gentleman from my church sold me my first CS generator shortly after CS cured that flu condition I told you about. He demonstrated how he had been making CS for fifteen years and how often he'd seen CS kill virus, fungal and bacterial infections. I told him I'd been plagued for years with sinus infections and was desperate to find something to keep the infections from running rampant. Because the CS had apparently zapped the infection that I believed was doing me in, I'd decided to have it on hand all the time. In no time at all, I found, again and again, that the CS would terminate any sinus infection that came along. What a discovery! So I got one of the little generators for myself. For a mere $69 dollars, I was on a path that became somewhat of a commitment.

What I found, over and over, was this: there was a remarkable association between even chronic disease and viral triggers. Again and again, I'd Google some condition and type "viral cause or virus" beside the condition and up would pop a number of studies that established a relationship between the condition and a viral cause. The virus, or often fungus, was at the start up of the disease.

Bell's Palsy, Shingles and DMSO
I found, for instance, there was a relationship with such mean and perplexing conditions as Bell's Palsy. I believe Bell's Palsy attacked me once. I quickly Googled "Bell's Palsy virus cause" and up popped a few articles suggesting it is a virus that runs up the main nerve on one side of the face, from mid lower to upper face toward the ear; this is possibly a specialty virus. This reminded me of how the shingles virus works on one side of the body: a specialized virus. I knew that CS could kill the virus if I could get it to the point of infection. I needed something to penetrate the skin and carry the CS with it. That, of course, is DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide), a good friend to anyone in the alternative world. I just mixed my CS and DMSO and applied it with a white paper towel to my "frozen" face (right side). In fifteen minutes, I peeled away the paper towel. Voila. Unfrozen. A miracle.

But not a miracle. Silver-coated plates and goblets have been used since the times of the ancient Greeks. The Greeks who ate off the silver-coated plates and drank from the silver-coated goblets just didn't get sick as often as those who didn't. They learned this thousands of years ago. Even our forefathers knew to drop a silver coin in a container of fresh milk to keep the milk fresh longer.

CS Cures My Sinus and Ear Infections
My most common use of CS is for sinus and ear infections. Sniffing a teaspoon of CS into the sinus cavity or using an ear syringe to apply CS to the ear canals kills the ear and sinus infections. I might have to repeat this three or four times to finally knock out an upper infection. A "mean" virus (coated virus) might take longer. I have fought such horrid virus infections for over a month, but such an infection rarely gets down to the lungs. Even if it does get to the lungs, I've discovered that putting CS in a nebulizer can stop the infection from worsening. I deep breathe the CS steam three times a day for three or four days.

If I have a long term infection, I always assume that the infection has gone system-wide. I'll take two tablespoons of CS twice a day for three months until I'm convinced that my strength is back and I show no symptoms of infection. Energy level is the key. I sometimes see a bad infection (staph, strep, mono or a bad sinus or ear infection) followed by the onset of a mysterious "auto immune" disease. This convinces me that the virus had triggered and may be the underlying ongoing cause of the illness.

To overcome it, I take long term doses of CS, possibly for a year. I know if the infection is being overcome because if the original infection is the cause of the illness, energy levels return in a few weeks (sometimes within five days).

Multiple Sclerosis
I've covered the most common use of CS (sinus and ear infections) and how the use of an irrigation covering both sinus and ear can knock out an "upper" infection. And how continued use can kill a system-wide infection. Let's look at a tough one. Here's an anecdotal account of one of the worst: multiple sclerosis. I know personally a diagnosed family member who had two confirmed lesions in the dorsal. MS is associated with both a virus and heavy metal, usually mercury. Steps: Kill the virus with CS. Chelate the mercury (yes, mercury was found at elevated levels) and use Calcium AEP (which Dr. Robert Adkins found very effective in his MS patients). (Read Vita Nutrients by Robert Adkins.) In two weeks, the patient was walking again without difficulty. Occasional flair-ups were dealt with by using four or five caps of Calcium AEP. Basically, anytime a virus is suspected, I apply copious quantities of CS.

So, my base line summary is that I've personally used CS to effectively fight off infections and that virus and fungal infections are often at the heart of disease.

Now, for the bonus section: CS for Longevity...

Here's my theory:
- Our immune system produces antibodies which kill viruses.
- Our immune system's antibody production decreases as we age.
- Therefore, as we age, there must be a viral "load" build up of viruses in the body.
- The viral load build up of viruses will weigh down the entire immune system and negatively impact the body's ability to properly function.
- The viral load build up will accelerate the malfunctioning of vital systems.
- CS can kill viruses.
- The consumption of CS on a regular basis as we age will keep the viral load low. CS will work like an internal viral cleanser.

Hence, regular CS usage may have the impact of extending life by keeping viruses from running rampant, loading down the system and overloading immune functions.

And that is my Viral Load Theory of Aging and the Use of Colloidal Silver to Decrease the Viral Load Buildup.


About the Author

Dave Thomas, a popular contributor on Earth Clinic since 2012, is a lawyer from South Carolina who has studied in the area of nutrition as an avocation for 40 years. Dave has served in the State Legislature for many years and in local office too.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Best CS Brands

Posted by Lileetha (Andalusa) on 06/26/2014

Hi Dave,

You suggested CS in your post. Could you tell me how much and what brand, strength and dose etc. and where I could buy it.

I know you can make it, but I dont have enuf money to do that now.

I am still on psych meds, trazodone for sleep 100mg and gabapentin 250 for moods. I recently went down 50mg and felt much much worse, so I must proceed with great caution.

Please get back to me asap.

Thanks, Lileetha

Colloidal Silver and Argyria

Posted by Harvey (USA) on 12/25/2013

Dave Thomas,

I first heard about Colloidal Silver back in the earl nineties. I fully enjoyed your article on Colloidal Silver which was passed on through the Earth Clinic newsletter. When I first heard about it my guru became Peter Lindemann. I purchased one of his silver generators in 1994, copied it as cheaply as I could and came up with one that worked identically for $8.22 not counting my labor. The same one now runs near $20.00. Peter has an article titled Colloidal Silver, a Closer Look.

One of the first questions asked me is about argyria. I was surprised you made no mention of how it is caused. Colloidal silver was first made as such in Russia by pulverising silver into powder and mixed into a solution and swallowed. The silver particles were so large they would clog up in the microscopic veins in the skin giving a blue appearance. As progress went on, argyria started appearing from use of certain brands of products referred to as Hi-Silver Protein. Colloidal silver as commonly made with distilled water and 27 DC volts has not at any time caused argyria.

There are so called cures for argyria at I do not know if they work. I have never had a case of flu or a cold since I started using colloidal silver in 1994. I am now 81.

Respectfully, Harvey

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Harvey,

Well, Merry Christmas, fellow CS maker. I see you have been making your own CS longer than me! Your article was very informative especially the reference to Lindermann. What steps do you use to make your CS? I'd love to hear some of your anecdotal stories.


Replied by Celin
(Ontario, CA)

Hi Dave

I read this article recently, I wonder whether this CS will work for Auto Immunity disease? My sister is suffering for the last few years.

Colloidal Silver Dosage

Posted by Azdevka (San Diego, CA) on 10/24/2014

Hi Dave,

I have a question for you regarding my husband's health. He is diabetic, and developed a lymph edema on his legs. One of his legs got infected and doc said he has cellulitis, very red, burning and painful. They put him on IV antibiotic Vacomysin for 7 days and I started him on colloidal silver 3 tbs 3 times a day ( started last Friday and I bought this in the store Trace Minerals Brand 30 ppm ) After a couple of days he told me there is no pain, a bit red and no burning...after a while in the same day everything came back except the pain, subsided in half what was before. I add one tbs more every day. He finished Vacomysin, next day they put him on on another antibiotic IV...and now he is taking 7 tbs 3 times a day of this colloidal silver.

I want to know what dose I should give him? Am I doing something wrong, is that too much or too small for that kinda infection. I don't see much improvement with redness, it is really red and inflamed with a lit pain. At one point, we were so sure it started to get better and all of a sudden it got worse. Could you pls help me with advise/dose..? I really appreciate your time and thank you . As today he has almost no pain, but it still red, some sores and boils ...Doc said there is something different going on in his leg and they gonna send him to a vascular surgeon.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Azdevka,

About the infection ... it seems you've described a more surface infection. If me, I'd add the colloidal silver as a poultice to his leg...on top of infection...I'd use a tablespoon of DMSO to help the six or seven tablespoons of CS to absorb. And the DMSO is anti inflammatory too. (Poultice; white cloth and saturate with two liquids...then apply to inflamed area.) If me I'd do this twice and after second application if improved would repeat twice daily for a week.

Colloidal Silver Dosage for Children

Posted by Tammy (USA) on 12/19/2013

To: Mr. Dave Thomas. CS expert.

I too believe in the healing power of CS, however,? I don't make it myself.? What is the mm strength of your solution? and how much do you suggest for children ranging age 10 and up? Is the solution super easy to make and the "ingredient" readily available? Thanks sooo much.? I enjoyed reading your article. Best regards, Tammy

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Tammy,

(Nice of you to call me an "expert" but I'm not. I have no special knowledge except by experience over 20 years and like tens of thousands of others, have the little 27 volt generator along with pure silver strands that make the Colloidal Silver. I've just seen again and again how effective it is on me and others who use CS.)

You ask 3 questions about CS.

I do make my own CS as the article stated. I usually dilute by 32 times...that is I keep diluting and diluting until the light cloud cannot be seen or tasted.

For children above 10 I have no opinion. I take on a regular basis (five times weekly) to enhance my body's ability to ward off infections or roving viruses.

As the body ages, we begin diminishing in ability for the immune system to adequately fight off infections, so after reaching the age of 50 (15 years ago) I began drinking a tablespoon four or five days a week.

And I apply CS topically to give myself sinus irrigations if I'm infected in nasal passages or if I have an ear infection.

Now, Tammy, it may be that it is all the other nutrients I take, but even though I am in my mid 60s, I feel as vigorous as when I was 40. But I more attribute my sense of health and vigor to just keeping out the viruses that (I believe) can accumulate with the reduction of immune system antibody production. I posited my "Viral Load Theory of Aging" in that article. There are lots of theories of aging. I have long been an advocate of the free radical theory of aging and so take antioxidants.

Why don't you consider purchasing your own CS generator? Easy to make using what I call the "fast" method. See the article. But if you Google "colloidal silver generator inexpensive" or whatever is close to that a number of sites will come up. There are two camps of CS makers...those who use the "slow" method where nothing is put into the water to make the process faster. I have nothing against that method and would love to see double blind studies that compare the two systems. It's just that I was taught the fast method 20 years ago and that's how I've made it and used it successfully all these years. I just haven't "messed" with what least for me.

Colloidal Silver for Fibromyalgia

Posted by Kim (Yuba City, Ca) on 05/25/2014

To Dave - I have Fibromyalgia and along with this goes sinus issues. I used CS and it always clears the sinus problems in no time. I use Source Naturals Colloidal Silver nasal spray from Amazon. Now I'm wondering what it will do for the Fibro if I take it as often as you do. Could I feel better more often or get rid of the Fibro?? I'm going to try. I have gotten CS with dropper, (30 ppm) and will take it at least 5 times a week and see, nothing could be worse than how I feel now. Thanks for letting others know of the benefits of CS.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

To Kim from Yuba City,

RE: Your question/comment on Colloidal Silver and whether heavy use would help with Fibro.

You said you are going to try 5 times a week taking my posts saying I take a lot to be rid of fungi. Just my observation (if I had Fibromyalgia)...IF the Fibro were virally or fungus based, then five applications weekly would not be nearly enough to effect the condition.

I am now taking two tablespoons three times a day (on empty stomach) every day, and that regimen for likely six months. I USED to take CS five times a week to ward off virus build up, but that dosage was not enough to kill an established fungal infection I believe I have (seen via live cell microscopy) in my own blood. So if me, I don't think the five times a day will show an improvement (maybe small, and likely some increase in energy levels...and if you do get a general energy lift, then I'd KNOW the cause was very likely viral). An increase in energy tells me I'm on the right track. But again, for me... the level must be much greater to get rid of an established infection.

Also I take CS in about 200 ppm levels. But the ppm quantity may not be so vital as the constant presence of the Ag in the system. The issue is getting the CS throughout the system consistently 24 hours a day to overcome the virus especially when it duplicates. (Some viruses duplicate when "signaled" that it is opportune to do so. You can read all about the two basic viral duplication methods on line. Truly fascinating.)

And, you are right to suspect virus/fungus as the cause. You can google "fibromyalgia virus caused" and find some support for that theory. (Google "fungus caused" too.)

Colloidal Silver in Biocides

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 01/13/2015

HI U DAVE, , , , , , , , , doing a little research on precious metals in my quest to survive the dollar plunge. Thought you might be interested in the chart I found on Silver.

If you notice, it was not until 2000 that silver shows any appreciative use for Biocides. Can you elaborate on that? Did the medical world just catch on after 2000?

Oh, meant to tell you that the Bob Beck's blood purifier I recently purchased will also make Colloidal Silver, but I have yet to make any. As smart as I think I am, don't know why I have just learned of this brilliant man.

SJS, ======ORH=========

Colloidal Silver Side Effects

Posted by Doug (Usa) on 09/22/2014

Hi Folks,

Please ask yourselves how advising people to use a remedy that has no known function in the human body is wise? Sure Silver kills bacteria, but so do antibiotics which are foreign substances and have to be detoxed and eliminated after doing their intended duty.

The same for Silver. Unfort people are not perfect at detoxing, so whatever it is it accumulates in weak cells, tissues, lymph, organs. Why this is Lost on people so intelligent about health has amazed me for decades, including Mike Adams.

You are recommending something UNNATURAL, not intended for use in the human body. Why not promote 10000 drugs as well then?

With all due respect, my questions for contributers who have used Colloidal Silver are simple:

1. Is there a recommended dietary amount of (colloidal) silver suggested for the human body?

2. Are substances that are foreign to the body regardless of their source required to be detoxed and eliminated?

3. If the body is not perfectly able to do so do these substances therefore accumulate in genetically weak areas first and cause stress, hidden from view unless one is able to determine the amount of silver toxicity one is accumulating. The extreme is of course the skin turning blue. Eating a lot of chlorella will not turn your skin green or accumulate in your cells or cause damage.

Silver for all its benefits is NOT native to US. To chose it therefore over 1000 other ways to build immunity is questionable. It is exactly the same conversation about choosing aspirin over white willow bark or in reality seeking the source of the issue to begin with. Immunity is in healthy elimination, healthy intestinal tract, healthy bacteria, healthy digestion, healthy assimilation, healthy circulation etc. Silver has what function building any of these aspects when it is not native to the body in the first place?

It is a crutch, ignoring the source of the issue and causing stress to those who use it based on what real ideology of natural healing? Especially from a site that purports to be based on "Natural Cures". There is, like in every other aspect of human existence individuals with economic interests in selling their wares. Take away that interest and ask simple direct questions and you will quickly get to the real story. Beyond that you simply have well meaning people that are doing harm without realizing it.

How you chose to proceed is of course up to you. I could be wrong, I hope so for all those that are using this substance in the name of natural healing.

Onward and best wishes, Doug

Replied by Jenn
(Cobbora, AU)

Until you have been saturated with the so-called life saving antibiotics don't ever assume that these will heal you..The side effects can be deadly and often lead to other life threatening illnesses, simply because they kill ALL the with so many people using Colloidil Silver, it has to be a far better alternative and as I have experienced all of the above I am about to embark on making some CS and hope to stem the recurring infections in my leg.

Replied by E.


Please be careful when using colloidal silver!!!!

It is like antibiotics and CS WILL KILL GOOD BACTERIA!!!! But it can kill over 650 other known human pathogens that cause disease and unlike antibiotics, CS will not create resistant pathogens.

I think Doug has a point in the benefits of keeping an eye on the level of silver toxicity in the body, proper detoxing and probiotics.

Please please please regenerate your good bacteria after your silver treatment.

How to Make Colloidal Silver

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 05/11/2015

To Dave, Fountain Inn SC ---

Dave, it is always good to read your posts, especially as I am a long time user of CS.

I have two questions. One relating to your video where you make a small quantity of CS and the dump it into a gallon jar, half full of purified water.

In the past I have made roughly 16 oz. cs in a glass that accommodated the full length silver rods. I never added more water later on. Any comment?

When I attempted to pour some cs into the pets drinking water, the water from the tap which is very pure and straight from the mountains, turned inevitably grey. I won't give them distilled water to drink though.

A comment I have wished to make: many years ago a US scientist took it upon himself, very much like you, to educate the public on cs making and the fabulous benefits.

In the DVD I saw he had a head full of dark hair but he related that he had lost all his hair before but for some time he misted his head with cs. His hair regrew in its original colour. He mentioned the hair loss was due to parasites which were exterminated by his use of cs.

After one of his lectures for the public, outside his hotel he was attacked and sustained a deep scar across his face.

In my experience, parasites panic upon the presence of cs in the body much like when using "Georgia" turpentine.

My own positive experience was with removal of "rosea" and my facial skin is perfect. I used a cotton ball and treated my face for an hour at a time which worked quickly. Now when sitting in the sun, R. does not return. Another time, years back, cs was extremely effective with bed bugs. They die upon contact.

Perhaps you can find the time to answer my two questions, just to know what your thoughts are.

Namaste, Om

Replied by Sue
(St. Joseph, Mi)

Dave, I missed the video. Where can I find it?

EC: Please see our videos page here.

Replied by Sue
(St Joseph, Mi)

Thanks, Dave and EC. I really enjoyed the video. It was very informative.

How to Make Colloidal Silver
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 05/11/2015

To Dave, Fountain Inn SC ---

Dave, it is always good to read your posts, especially as I am a long time user of CS.

I have two questions. One relating to your video where you make a small quantity of CS and the dump it into a gallon jar, half full of purified water.

In the past I have made roughly 16 oz. cs in a glass that accommodated the full length silver rods. I never added more water later on. Any comment?

When I attempted to pour some cs into the pets drinking water, the water from the tap which is very pure and straight from the mountains, turned inevitably grey. I won't give them distilled water to drink though.

A comment I have wished to make: many years ago a US scientist took it upon himself, very much like you, to educate the public on cs making and the fabulous benefits.

In the DVD I saw he had a head full of dark hair but he related that he had lost all his hair before but for some time he misted his head with cs. His hair regrew in its original colour. He mentioned the hair loss was due to parasites which were exterminated by his use of cs.

After one of his lectures for the public, outside his hotel he was attacked and sustained a deep scar across his face.

In my experience, parasites panic upon the presence of cs in the body much like when using "Georgia" turpentine.

My own positive experience was with removal of "rosea" and my facial skin is perfect. I used a cotton ball and treated my face for an hour at a time which worked quickly. Now when sitting in the sun, R. does not return. Another time, years back, cs was extremely effective with bed bugs. They die upon contact.

Perhaps you can find the time to answer my two questions, just to know what your thoughts are.

Namaste, Om

How to Make Colloidal Silver
Posted by Nancy (Arizona, US) on 01/23/2015

Hi Dave. I am so happy to have come across this page and be able to get good information. I hope you see this. I started making my own Colloidal Silver about two weeks ago and since then I have read and heard so many different things, I don't have the confidence in what I am doing like I did when I first started. My husband made our own generator by watching some Youtube videos and we are using the 3 9v batteries. I have a friend who makes his CS using the same type generator that I am, and I am using the same method that he showed me which consists of doing: He'll make three separate batches by brewing 16 oz of water for 15 minutes for each one, cleans the rods between each use, then will pour all three batches into the remaining gallon of distilled water and shake to mix to together. He doesn't dilute it. There is a very slight metallic taste to his CS, and I have noticed the same with mine.

I was in a CS group and mentioned how I made my batch and was asked by someone in the group how do I know what I'm making is in fact CS. He went on to tell me that I'm not making CS, I'm making ionic silver. I looked up ionic silver and it said silver chloride is a compound that is formed when silver ions combine with chloride ions, it goes on to say silver chloride is an insoluble salt that does not dissolve inside the body once it has formed and something about that this is what causes the blue skin problem if it's continually consumed.

Then I read somewhere else: typical ionic silver products contain between 3 and 20 ppm of ionic silver which would not cause argyria. I have no idea how many ppms are in the CS that I am making, should I get one of those meters and brew all three batches until they all reach 15ppm? My friend also said you could drink gallons of this and it wouldn't cause argyria. A question that I want to ask here is, my method takes 45 minutes total for all 3 16 oz of water. Someone in the group told me it takes at least 12 hours to make 15ppm of CS, and I have read where people mentioned anywhere from 4 hours up to 24 hours.

About how long does it take to make a gallon of 15ppm CS?

I was also told while you have the rods in the water and the generator is on, you should see a white cloud kind of thing coming off of the rod, that this is the CS, I had also read that this is not colloidal silver, but the silver chloride. When I made my first batch of the three 16 oz, I did notice this white cloud, nothing showed when I made the 2nd or 3rd batch, but you can taste a very slight thing of metallic in the water. I have also heard the water should be clear, like water, then I've been told true CS is amber in color.

My main concern is I don't want to worry about coming out looking like a Smurf. My daughter is also making her own CS, under the instructions I gave her and using the generator (3 9v batteries) that we made for her. She had recently come down with a very bad sore throat, she's sure it was strep because of symptoms that she has had before. She had taken about 1/4 cup every four hours for three days and got rid of it, but along with getting rid of the throat issue, she was having the problems one gets with taking strong antibiotics and had eaten yogurt to correct that situation.

This is another question, I'm not sure if it was the CS that caused this problem, but how much CS should one take daily and do you need to take a break every once in awhile, or can you take it all the time without breaks?

I just want to make sure that how my daughter and I are making our CS that this isn't going to cause bad health issues or argyria later. Is what we are doing right, or does anything different need to be done? Thank you for your time in reading.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Nancy,

In Re your many question on your Colloidal Silver generator.

Well...where should I begin?

Not to overload; let me begin by complimenting your obtaining a CS generator for yourself.

Watch my video on Earth Clinic...go to top of page and see "videos" to "books" and click the site and up will come eight videos. I have one video dedicated to the production of silver solution. it.

Next .... drink it.

If one dilutes as I describe, one is getting microscopic amounts of silver atoms...but even a tiny amount will impact infection in the system. Note a sinus, or ear infection requires (my system) taking the CS as an irrigation.

As for the chemistry...electrolysis produces one less electron in the silver atom. Hence the silver is an ion...still silver of course.

Next, if one wants to make silver chloride, one must use as an intermediate step, nitric acid to produce silver nitrate and THEN the silver nitrate is added to a cup or so of salt to produce silver chloride.

No where in my process is nitric acid used to produce a step that gives us silver nitrate ... thus, no silver chloride can be made.

How to Make Colloidal Silver
Posted by Anthony (Philadelphia ) on 02/05/2014

Hi, can someone safely explain or show me a video of how to make colloidal silver? Also, how to store it properly? And what is the strength and how can I tell What the strength is? And, if anyone in the philadelphia area makes this, could we possible meet and show me how to make it, as I'm nervous and don't want anything to happen that should not! Thank you!!!!

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hey there Anthony,

About how to make Colloidal Silver...I've written about the "how" many times but am happy to describe it again:

Get you a cheap CS maker on "inexpensive colloidal silver generator" and you'll find some sources.

I do the "fast" method. The strands of silver go in warm water (90 degrees) and add ten grains of salt to give conductivity. Some CS purists refuse the grains of salt claiming that makes a different product. I reject that idea, but do your own research. I've done it the way I just described for 20 years.

Plug in unit, drop in silver strands and in four minutes (if batteries are new) you'll have your two cups of warm water permeated by a light cloud of silver atoms. Dilute again and again until the solution does not show any cloudiness. Nor can you taste the silver infusion.

Use as a sinus irrigation; an ear canal irrigation; a gargle; or just to drink if I believe I have an infection inside somewhere. For instance, if I see blood in my urine, I first drink extra CS on empty stomach for a few days to see if the CS does not kill the infection, before going off to have a biopsy done.

Write back for any clarification. I have seen over the decades hundreds of amazing results.

Replied by Mark B

I used to make my own colloidal silver but have trouble finding the pure silver strands locally. Would anyone be willing to share their source for pure silver, or an acceptable combination? Thanks.

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
12/07/2014 colloidal silver issue

You can buy a brand new unit generator for less than $100 which includes the silver strands. The units last forever. The first unit I have still is operational and the strands have lasted over 20 years. I make silver almost every month...also you can buy rolls of Silver Strand over the internet. I don't know how much a full roll would cost.

It might be cheaper simply to buy a new unit.

Replied by Om
(Hope Bc Canada)

Hello, Dave --- I had a short with my unit and the electricians I contacted won't come and repair small apps. Mine is a plug in which I have used for about twenty years.

Now I a looking at one just about $100, plug in with the rods. Can you tell me what to do about ppm? I have not done that before. Do I need to get a gadget?

Thank you very much.

Namaste, Om

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Om...

Here's the "eyeball" method for guessing ppm.

Once you dilute freshly made cs but can still see the solution is very lightly cloudy...dilute three more times...until no visible cloud is present. The water solution looks clear. THAT is about 25 ppm.

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

Hello Dave, --- Thank you for your reply. Is it o.k. if the water is yellow?

Also other people put it into drinking water. It inevitably turns grey. So that cannot be good.

Namaste, Om

Replied by Tony

Hi Anthony..i just bought a silver linings CS generator and am making my first batch now.. I'm using a wide mouth quart mason jar. Up here in the far NE

How to Make Colloidal Silver
Posted by Joanne (Newport, Oregon) on 12/03/2013

GREAT newsletter dated 12/3/13! I was wondering if there is a 'how to' on making your own CS??? Thank You so much! Joanne

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Joanne,

Thank you for commenting on Dec 3 EC Newsletter.

You ask about making your own CS. And it's a good idea to get the 27 volt battery generator...cost about 70 dollars bought on line. Google "economical colloidal silver generator" or words to that effect and you should find a reasonably priced CS maker. If you anticipate using a lot of CS then the purchase of a generator of your own is a wise investment. My original one I bought 20 years ago is still working. The thin silver strands are still producing CS all these years later. I've had to replace batteries 5 or 6 times but the silver strands last and last (because so LITTLE silver is being used) with each production. I just add twenty grains of sea salt to two cups of charcoal purified water...heated to 90 degrees. Insert silver strands plugged into the battery power of course and instantly you will see the cloud coming off the negative pole in the water. In four or five minutes the cups of water are saturated with a lovely cloud of "whitish" infiltration; that white cloud is silver atoms. Now, dilute in a large container until you can no longer see the presence of the silver and cannot taste any metallic. You have a few gallons of water at that point....but with silver atoms. That is what you use to kill viruses. That is CS.

Replied by Matto
(Fort Davis, Tx)

Thanks, Dave. I really know this will help. When I was a boy, I would go to gramma's, and could taste the silver (cutlery); I could also taste the metal in the water fountain. Best, Matto

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

To Malto,

Thanks for your comment. The best and sometimes most interesting "thoughts" of my life are about my grandparents. So much wisdom and folk remedies have been forgotten in the last one hundred years.

Regards, Dave

Replied by Jeff

Colloidal Silver is a wonderful thing. I have tried several ways to make CS. You really do not need to heat the water and it is not recommended to add salt. Aeration with a small aquarium pump will accomplish the same thing and yield a clean batch. Go with a 24Volt transformer. The best source for kits and advice I personally use can be found if you Google "colloidalsilverhowto".

Replied by Sue
(St. Jospeh, Mi)

Dave, would you please tell me which colloidal silver generator you have?

Replied by Jens
(North Vancouver, BC)

I have been making Colloidal Silver CS for thirteen years. I started with salt in the mix but changed to using a little of the previous batch to speed things along as Steam Distilled water is a very poor conductor. I have read that "Silver Salts" are not CS and as such are potentially toxic. I started out with two fine silver wires and three 9 volt batteries. The three batteries were clipped together two one side exposing a positive and a negative terminal. This arrangement allowed the batteries to bridge the top rim of the glass and the electrodes to be separated. Not perfect but it worked. You can get good results with old cell phone chargers. Presently I use a unit from SOTA Instruments which makes excellent CS and also doubles as an electronic blood cleanser (as developed by Bob Beck). I aim for a light golden colour which I will dilute into my Brita water filter. CS is also used in my cleaning products which are home made and usually also contain H2O2.

Nebulizing With Colloidal Silver

Posted by Om (Hope, Bc, Canada) on 03/06/2015

Hello, Dave --- I bought a new silver generator and it is still in the mail. It was tough not to be able to use the one I have as the electrician would not bother to repair the plug in I have used for years.

It seems to be the same generator you use on your video. I have cats with upper resp and they are hanging in there. In addition I have a recurring cough with irritation along the trachea. I also need to drive mites out of nose, eyes and ears. So, for multiple purposes do I need just a plastic bottle for inhalation as per video or a machine type for nebulizing or what. Can you give me a bit of guidance? I suspect mites are in the air passage ways. I have to keep in mind that the cats need it too.

Thanks, Dave. Namaste Om

Nebulizing With Colloidal Silver
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc, Canada) on 03/06/2015

Hello, Dave --- I bought a new silver generator and it is still in the mail. It was tough not to be able to use the one I have as the electrician would not bother to repair the plug in I have used for years.

It seems to be the same generator you use on your video. I have cats with upper resp and they are hanging in there. In addition I have a recurring cough with irritation along the trachea. I also need to drive mites out of nose, eyes and ears. So, for multiple purposes do I need just a plastic bottle for inhalation as per video or a machine type for nebulizing or what. Can you give me a bit of guidance? I suspect mites are in the air passage ways. I have to keep in mind that the cats need it too.

Thanks, Dave. Namaste Om

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hi Om,

Re Colloidal Silver question to me

Use a "steamer-inhaler"...I get mine at Walgreens. The CS goes in the pan of course, and I breathe deeply three times daily for a week if necessary to knock out infection. If I believed mites in sinus I'd use Boron (Borax), a quarter teaspoon in eight ounces of purified water. I'd try that in a ear syringe to get at the mites. My thought is that Borax might be more effective than silver in killing mites. But I might try both in alternating fashion. Boron has worked well for me on ringworm fungus too.

So in summary:

1. For respiratory infection I use a steamer-inhaler and with DEEP breathing, three times daily for a week, use CS for bronchial and lungs.

2. For sinus and ears, I use an ear syringe to give a through irrigation using CS.

3. For mites, I'd try Boron with in an ear syringe diluted as described above.


Replied by Mr. Ree

Take apple 1 teaspoon of cider vinegar with a 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda 3 times a day...

Put apple cider vinegar on your cat's paw and they will lick it off...This will be the end of the mites...Read Lugol's web site for more information..

Where to Buy Colloidal Silver: Canada

Posted by Greta (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 12/04/2013

Hello, I just read Dave Thomas's Collidial Silver piece. Sounds great. I was wondering if you could give me an e-mail for him as I would like to ask him a question about the colloidal silver use for spinal stenosis. Also where I could purchase the silver in the correct balanced measurement? I would really appreciate a response to this e-mail. Warm regards, Greta

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Greta,

About the spinal stenosis issue.

CS can't help with that. There is a surgical procedure you can read about on line using laser that you might be interested in. Easy to google search. (laser spine institute) So sorry about your back issues but CS only helps where a virus is involved in my opinion; can't do anything about back issues.

And your other question about "correct" measurements; no science on that. The various manufacturers produce at differing ppm. You could buy different brands and see what works best for you.

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