Bladder Infection - Cats
Natural Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar for Cat UTIs: Safe, Natural Relief

on Jan 13, 2024| Modified on Aug 26, 2024
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ACV Cats

Apple cider vinegar, particularly the organic variety, is a highly effective natural remedy for a cat’s urinary tract infection (UTI), according to over 50 Earth Clinic readers. Incorporating apple cider vinegar into your cat's routine can help prevent chronic bladder infections, especially when combined with essential dietary modifications.

Administering Apple Cider Vinegar

  1. Topical Application: The gentlest and most effective method is a topical application to the neck scruff and paw pads.
  2. Syringe Method: Dilute the apple cider vinegar with equal water for syringe feeding. This diluted mixture should be stored in a jar for easy use.
  3. Mixing with Food: If your cat is not a picky eater, mix the apple cider vinegar into their wet food.

Dosage Guidelines for Apple Cider Vinegar

  • 15-20 pounds: ½ teaspoon (direct) or 1 teaspoon (diluted for syringe)
  • 7-14 pounds: ¼ teaspoon (direct) or ½ teaspoon (diluted for syringe)
  • 4-6 pounds: ⅛ teaspoon (direct) or ¼ teaspoon (diluted for syringe)
  • Under 4 pounds: 5 drops (direct) or 10 drops (diluted for syringe)

Administer 2-3 times a day on the first two days, then reduce to 1-2 times a day for the rest of the week if symptoms improve.

How It Works

Apple cider vinegar combats urinary tract infections in cats by:

  1. Creating an alkaline environment that's inhospitable to the microbes causing the infection.
  2. Acting as a potent antimicrobial to eliminate these microbes.

Importance of Water

Proper hydration is crucial in preventing UTIs. Use purified spring water or well-sourced tap water. Since cats derive much of their water from food, it's important to consider the moisture content in their diet. Canned cat food, with about 78% water content, is preferable over dry cat food, which only contains 5-10% water.

Special Consideration for Diabetic Cats

For diabetic cats, any dietary change should be approached cautiously. Keep the carbohydrate intake below 7-10% of daily calories to avoid hypoglycemia.

Recognizing UTI Symptoms

Common signs of a urinary tract infection in cats include:

  • Urinating outside the litter box.
  • Frequent visits to the litter box.
  • Blood in the urine.
  • Signs of pain or discomfort.
  • Increased water consumption.

Please share your experiences treating your cat's UTI using apple cider vinegar, and read tips from our readers who used ACV to treat their cats!

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

54 User Reviews

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4 star (2) 

Posted by Jet (California ) on 11/17/2023

Our cat had a urinary tract infection and we tried dipping his paw in ACV and water, he got better the next day!! However, he licked his paw so much that some of his chin fur got thin because he licked so much! It grew back.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Teresa C. (Winona, Mo) on 01/25/2018

Our 17 year old cat showed signs of a UTI. She is an indoor/outdoor cat. First she soaked the rug at the door with urine, so I knew she wasn't blocked. Then she began squatting randomly, peeing just a little, with some blood. I googled natural cures for feline UTI, and was delighted to find this site.

She has been on a raw chicken diet for 5 years, which has been a lifesaver. Before we switched, her fur was thin, she had no energy. Since feeding the raw chicken, her coat is silky, and she acts like a kitten. Not really sure why she would get a UTI on this diet. There was a spell last summer when we didn't have time to make the raw food, and just fed dry for about 10 days. She started squatting on the floor depositing blood. Since then I never give her dry food. She is very obsessive about water. Whenever she hears water, she comes running and howls demanding fresh water in her dish. Possibly diabetic?

I followed the advice posted by Darlene on 6/2015.

"Used a 1.0mL syringe and gave her 1mL over a 15 minute period. I wouldn't give it to her all at once because it was strong! I gave about 1/3 then waited a few minutes. I gave her the second 1/3 then waited a few minutes. Then I gave her the last 1/3. One hour later she was symptom free but I repeated the 1mL dose again to make sure she would be fine through the night."

She was, and didn't wake me up constantly during the night wanting to be let in and out. She was much calmer, her usual self. Purring and rubbing on everything. I followed the maintenance dose for 2 days, and then skipped 3. Symptoms reappeared, so I repeated doses. She would not eat it on her food, so I used a syringe, wiped the foam off her mouth, and gave her a little tuna and liquid. Guess I'll have to stick with this, and will try the topical approach.

Thanks so much for all the tips on this site!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by April (Louisiana) on 11/27/2017

My cat scrappy suffers from UTI's has and cystitis. ACV saved his life. He was completely blocked and gave him ACV & H2O 50/50 solution up to 5 times a day and within two hours he was peeing like a race horse! He did foam at the mouth with thick saliva upon administering the solution. I just wiped his face and he got over it fairly quickly. So yes they will foam at the mouth but its perfectly alright. It didn't hurt him. I know how expensive vet bills can be. I spent $2000.00 last year on vet bills and this has truly been Scrappy's saving grace because I def. couldn't afford another vet bill like that one again.....

Replied by Kimberlee

My cat just started uti signs tonight (Saturday) and all local vets are closed until Tuesday after Christmas. She's making constant trips to litter box with just dribbles and there's sign of blood in her urine.

I gave her 50/50 syringe of ACV and water at 7pm. She did foam at the mouth but forgave me when I gave her some wet food. How often should I give her the solution until I can get her to the vet? She's 2 years old and only about 7 pounds. Thanks.

Replied by Janet

My cat JUST started signs of UTI 2 nights ago too!!! Giving her ACV and Colloidal Silver.....hoping it helps as I hate the cost of emergency vet over the holidays. Plus, I want her to feel better, FAST!!!!

Replied by Tracy
(Geneva, Fl)

I buried my 1 year 8 month old beautiful cat today from listening to these posts. If there is signs of blockage, the Apple Cider Vinegar will not dissolve crystals fast enough. 1st sign of blockage get them to a vet to drain the bladder. Our cat showed first signs Friday, and this morning he passed. Acv as preventative steady diet, yes! But will not unblock anything in the short time you have to react

Pam E.
(SW California)
153 posts

SO Sorry that you lost your cat to Urinary Blockage! However, this thread is about Urinary Infections rather than blockages. You might want to learn more about blockages by reading this article By Karen Becker, Holistic & Conventional DVM: Urethral Obstruction or Urinary Blockages in Cats

Replied by Tonya
(Canyon Lake Texas)

What are the signs of blockage?

Read More

This according to the ASPCA's website:

"Common symptoms include:

  • Straining to urinate.
  • Frequent small urinations.
  • Blood in the urine.
  • Painful urination.
  • Inappropriate urination (somewhere other than the litter box)
  • Straining without urination (urinary obstruction)
  • Crying, restlessness, or hiding because of discomfort.
  • Loss of appetite."
  • And more

Pam E.
(SW California)
153 posts

Urinary Blockage Symptom = NO Urinary Output. You need to be aware of how often your cat pees, & take notice of it. When they stop peeing, they have a blockage. Symptoms of urinary blockage, according to Karen Becker DVM are: Straining to urinate Lethargy Urinating small amounts, often with blood Dehydration Licking the genital area Metabolic changes such as high potassium levels in the blood Crying, restlessness or hiding due to pain Decreased heart rate Loss of appetite Kidney damage Vomiting Bladder rupture

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Betsy (Ny) on 11/14/2017

You should always take your cat to the vet to deal with blockages and UTI's they can become life-threatening very fast!

That being said.

My cat had a blockage last year about this time, he was hospitalized for a week and they put him on a lifetime diet of special food, and medications and a monthly vet visit to check his levels. I considered rehoming him because with the special food and medication he would have cost me over $300 a month.

I researched, found many use ACV, but he wouldn't touch food with ACV. I watched him, and noticed he did not really drink much, research and the vet said he needed more water to avoid a relapse. I had bought the water fountain my vet suggested (HE HATED IT). I was at a loss, so I added more water to his wet food. Adding slightly more daily. Still taking him to the vet monthly to check his levels and ensure he was healthy. After 3 months he was up to 1 cup of water in his 3.5 oz of cat food twice daily. No meds, no expensive food. Vet says he's very healthy, the quality of his fur has also improved. I bought the breeze litter system so I can monitor his urine because I worry after last years ordeal.

Over the summer I myself had a urinary blockage due to meds I am on for migraines, surgery hospital stay, all that fun. I talked to my urologist, he said ACV won't do a single thing to dissolve crystals, it's an old wives tale. He said real lemon juice will work, 8oz daily for the average person will dissolve the crystals, no idea of the cat dosage though.

I personally think my vet overreacted with lifetime meds and lifetime new special diet, especially as this was his first issue and he was 6 at the time. The new diet of watery wet food has worked amazing and he's a healthy happy cat.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Violet (New Zealand) on 09/12/2017

We tried the ACV and water and the difference was very noticeable. Our little cat was passing blood in her urine - luckily she jumped into the shower box or I'd never have known! Once was not enough: 2 - 3 doses is needed.

Replied by Jenni R.
(Tarkio, Mo)

I'm trying the apple cider vinegar treatment with my cat, Tommy. I mixed with with high quality wet food (as my vet had told me t do) with purified water and half a cap of the vinegar (equals half a teaspoon, he's a 10lbs cat) he ate every bite. I mixed some of the vinegar in with purified water in the pets' watering bowls. I have read somewhere that apple cider vinegar also helps with fleas. I'll write another review in a week, hopefully this works to cure my Tommy of his UTI.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Karen C. (Roxbury, Ct) on 06/17/2017

My two year old cat had a really bad UTI.Vet gave amoxicillin for two weeks and a shot. Seemed to help but it came right back.Bloody urine and straining. Back on antibiotics. Still no improvement. I decided to do ACV and water in a dropper. I also mixed coconut oil and ACV and dipped her paws in it. In two days blood stopped, and soon she was able to urinate normally. We are still monitoring her condition and I will continue the treatment. I also stopped all fish, and of course no dry food. I add hot water to good quality wet food. Hope people try the ACV TREATMENT since that is what worked in my experience. I just don't know when I can stop. Do I do it all the time, since it's obvious it was crystals. By the way, my cat does not like the taste, and it isn't easy to administer!

Replied by Alison
(Cambridge Md)

How much acv to water ratio and how many times a day?

Replied by Pam E.
(SouthWestern California)
153 posts

Regarding water ... I mix the minimum (in cool weather) / more than the minimum amount (in hot weather) with my cat's dry (species specific) food, every meal. I also give Coconut oil when they show signs of illness (many times it corrects the problem, but there have been times of injury when it didn't & I took them to the vet). I also use C.O. reg. to prevent or move hairballs, as it's more effective than any other remedy I've tried, & mine LOVE it (except 1 that gets it put on his paw to lick off)! It works *great* for so many things, & they don't want to settle down at night until they've had their C.O.! I've also read that Coconut *water* is very useful for human UTIs.... Just thought I'd share.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Victoria (Rochester, Ny) on 03/22/2017

We filled a little 5ml syringe up with 50/50 ACV (organic with the mother) and water, getting it down my cat was a challenge, but before we even finished the first syringe he peed all over me. Never thought I'd be so happy to have my cat pee all over me! He had taken a turn for the worse, had vomited once and was pooping on things, because he was trying to pee so hard and couldn't, so we were quite desperate. Almost instant relief! So grateful for this article! Thank you!

Replied by Nash

How large is your cat? I'm not sure how much to give to my cat. he's around 7 lbs or so.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cindymc (Cleveland, Ohio) on 02/26/2017

My son adopted the best cat ever from our local shelter. Sadly he has had some health issues and was underweight. He has never peed outside the litterbox in all nearly 3 years we've had him (he is almost 5yrs old now). He was getting frequent uti's and bleeding allover, straining to pee, crying in pain, laying in the bathtub for the coolness. We took him to the vet (cha ching $$$$$) she put him on a special diet (more $$$$). he ended up getting the uti again, and I found this site, tried the emergency apple cider vinegar method using organic ACV with mother, then every few hours...with a couple days healed!

This was over a year ago, he has not had another uti since and is eating quality food we buy locally, with is way more affordable than the what the vet sells. I highly recommend ACV. I thought it was worth a try before running to the vet$$.

Replied by Mandi
(South Africa)

Hi everyone,

I have a question and hope someone can help. I have a female persian cat with blood in her urine and lately urinating outside the litterbox. She was on antibiotics from the vet for a week, but didn't clear up. Then ACV 3 teaspoons in a cup of water for a week twice a day as I am not home during the day. It started getting better but last night I saw blood in the urine again. I also give her a quarter teaspoon coconut oil per day. She is prone to being a stressed cat. I don't know what to do anymore. It is also extremely difficult to get the ACV down with the syringe as she spits it out or clamps her jaw. What else can I do. I cannot afford to take her back to the vet and we don't have a holistic vet in our area as we live in a small town. She won't take any ACV or coconut in her food, she will just refuse to eat. Doen't want to drink water, but eats canned food with added water. Please help?

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

I have had luck mixing ACV into a can of tuna and my cat eagerly gobbled it up. 2-3 tablespoons per half can of tuna was what I dosed for upper respiratory infection, not UTI.


The most peaceable way I treat my cat with ACV is on the scruff of her neck. Bonnie is only 7 lbs and has an extraordinarily small bladder so we go through UTIs quite often. Cats should never eat tuna, whitefish or any seafood, ever. I surprised our vet when I told her that I give our pets organic turmeric powder- 1/8th teaspoon mixed with canned food- she suggests continuing this course of action as it eases Bonnie's flow. She also suggested that we feed Bonnie salmon a few times a week. I began adding turmeric to my pets' food 15 years ago when our cat Jasper was diagnosed with skin cancer- that's when I found this site and became a more educated holistic pet care health advocate.

Pam E.
(SouthWestern California)
153 posts

Surely you can't mean 3 TABLESPOONS in one meal!!! Or even spread out over one day!!!

Replied by Margaret

ACV 3 tsps in a cup of water is not 50/50 ratio - which is what is recommended above.

Replied by Melissa

I am sorry I didn't see this sooner, but I've just discovered it myself. You dip your cat's paw in the ACV dilution (1/2 c. distilled water, 1/2 c. of ACV). The skin absorbs the ACV in the bloodstream. Easy, non-coercive way to help your cat! You can also put on the scruff of his neck. 1/2 teaspoon absorbed in a cottonball. Treatment needs to be 3 times per day (every 5 hours or so).

Replied by Cindy
(Sombra, Ontario)

I'm just curious what food you changed too?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Steph (Edmonton, Alberta ) on 01/29/2017

So my 2 year old cat began straining to pee last night. He was trying to per in every corner of the house but nothing was happening. So I began to panic. He's never had problems before and all I kept reading was that he was going to die and it's a hefty bill if I brought him in. So torn up and frustrated, as I couldn't afford to bring him in, I turned to google for home remedies. Ran out to the 24 hour grocery store, bought acv. Gave him a dose and waited. Stayed up til 5am and nothing happened, gave another dose. 5 hours later, still nothing and now he's throwing up and looking lethargic. But then suddenly, he peed. Not in the box but he peed quite a bit. This continued for about 20 mins. Just continuously peeing but not going in the box. I was so happy to see him finally have relief. But now my concern is is lack of control of his bladder. It's about 24 hrs since his first dose and he's looking better but is dribbling and not making an effort to use to box. He'll use it if I put him in it but he won't choose it. And will dribble if I pick him up. Is this just because he was so stressed and maybe this will get better with time? There's no blood, so that's also a bonus. But is this another issue? Or is this progress and things might look brighter with more time and doses? My poor kitty. I would love to get some feed back or opinions

Replied by Kellye

Steph, my cat had a similar problem. When the dams finally burst, so to speak, he became urinary incontinent for a couple days; pee would just leak out of him wherever he happened to be. He spent most of that time sleeping or lying around. It did clear up on its own eventually.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dnzk (Md) on 01/23/2017

More than 2 years ago, my husband and I spent more $1000.00 vet bill to have our ragdoll cat Manuel unblocked and treated. Manuel was in agony, can't pee and was crying. He was hopsitalized for 3 days, after discharged he still was suffering. I researched and found vitamin, vet's + best supplements and gave it to manuel twice a day as well as hydrate him water by syringe. It helped and what a relief. Then I work full time and I wasn't able to give Manuel his supplement daily. Last week he started having bladder problem. I cant handle to see Manuel having urinary trouble.

I found this ACV, plus put back Manuel vitamin C, Vet's + Best Urinary Tract support, and natural pet Urinary Tract Irritations cat supplement, thank goodness it help. Manuel is peeing regularly as well as has BM regularly. Well, he didn't like like the taste of the water with ACV but force hydrate him. Bringing him back to vet it's sighing $$$$$$$$ bills...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Virginia (Jay, Oklahoma ) on 01/08/2017

Cat's on her way to getting better!

I have spent $150 in the past month at the vet trying to clear a UTI in my 8 yr old Manx, Cleopatra 'Cleo'. She won't use the litter box to urinate which is a also a sign of a UTI, so I understand. I put adult size bed pads cut in half by the box and she uses that. So I see how clear or how much blood is in the urine. Right now it is pure drops of blood. She uses the box for everything else.

just back from Walmart with ACV and canned cat food. The water bowl which another cat and small dog share now has the vinegar added. I even took a glass with water as prescribed on the bottle. Very healthy!

The cats want the dry dog food so I put the dry cat food away, 😂 now the dog is wondering what's going on. Now everyone is going to learn that there is a dinner time, sigh, and the cats don't want wet food at all... But eventually they will when they are hungry!

I'm giving 10cc of the 1/10 ratio of vinegar to water every hour today and will drop to 3 times a day tomorrow.

Oh, Cleo now runs when she sees me with a syringe....yikes!

Replied by In Bliss

Hello Everyone

Thanks a lot earth clinic for these remedies and each one of you for your reviews.


I have a 2 year old male cat who recently wasn't able to pee and we had get him unblocked and he was on catheter for 4 days...After that he was on medication so his bladder can get back its elasticity...few days later his urine was cultured and there was an he was on antibiotics...Once the course was over I found earth clinic and started giving him ACV but I was giving very small doses(3ml of Standard Dose 4 times a day). It still worked and he was peeing much better than he had in a month.

Right now he is on Pain Medication and muscle relaxant and I have started a ACV in higher amount since today morning(12 ml of Standard Dose every hour)...

Can someone please tell me if it okay to give ACV with medicine????

Replied by Evelyn
(Rhode Island)

It's only vinegar. That would be like you wondering if you could eat salad dressing made with vinegar while you were on medication. Vets and doctors routinely mix several different medications together, sometimes to treat one problem. The ACV has cured my cat of a UTI a couple of times and we're currently working on another one right now :/

Replied by Paru

Thanks Evelyn I did continue ACV with medicine....he keeps visiting litter box every 2 min for some time when I give him ACV...He is off medicine now...Just ACV....Hope to see the results soon... Also I give him ACV (standard dosage)using syringe...generally 3-4 syringes(3ml syringe) every 2 to 3hrs...Is there any other way of giving him ACV(he doesn't eat it in food)

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Paru,

My cats readily accept ACV if I mix a few tablespoons into a can of tuna.

Replied by Bird
(Here And Now)

Very good question, actually. There are a lot of foods that do not mix well with meds. Grapefruit, bran cereal (for humans) but uncertain which don't mix well for cats/dogs. Maybe a vet can answer that question for you. Good luck and thanks to everyone for this feed. My cat has been drinking a lot and licking himself, (he's an indoor/outdoor cat so no litter box) and has been prone to uti's in the past. I will try the apple cider vinegar mixed with water. I was going to use bone broth but most is cooked with onions which are dangerous to animals as the do something to the red blood cells. Tuna is bad for cats too as is dairy, grapes, raisins, dairy, sugar, alcohol, chocolate ;) just fyi.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Krista And Mr. Pants (Mission, Bc ) on 09/30/2016

Last Saturday evening Mr. Pants, my 4 year old neutered male, started showing signs of urinary issues. My spouse found this site and he drove to the grocery store at 10pm and came back loaded up with ACV, coconut oil, cranberry juice and a load of wet food...

I followed the 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar to 2 tsps of water. He took it from a syringe and did it because he knows how much Momma loves him and trusts me completely... I stayed awake with him during the might, each trip to the bathroom showed no signs of movement; but come morning he was gettting drips out and over the last few days, the amount of urine has increased and he is well on his way to being back to normal...

The thought of going to a vet I dont trust, and the only one open on a Sunday was not an option. We have been very dilligent, and continue to dose twice to three times a day....checking the box after each visit.

So nearly one week later, the Pants is running around being a brat again lol

This site and all of your comments, put my mind at ease and have allowed me to finally relax.

I am looking into getting in touch with a hollistic Vet, as there are way better medicinal options out there that we can get in our local grocery stores.

Cheers to all of us Critter loving humans

Replied by Tingting

hi everyone, I'm really worried and stressed about my cat snowpea. he's got UTI symtoms since last saturday. extremely frenquent using the toilet but only a few drops coming out. later on his urine became pinky and red eventually. took him to vet to get a shot and some anti inflammation medication. his urine has increased in a few days but not the same as before. and the color changed to yellow. but till today he still pees very often outside the house and in my bathroom floor. and I noticed that his urine has turned red pinky again! He still eats and spent lots of time outside. but not as energetic as before and I can feel his stress. It made me very stressed! I don't want to take him to vet again as I know they would only put him on more medication and painful precedure maybe. I'm going to try ACV now. How long it will take till I can see any improvement? waiting to see the effect is so hard for me emotionally. How do you cope with that?

Replied by Barbara
(Coatesville, Pa)

I have a 12 year old male long hair inside cat, Mr. Palomo. I noticed lately that he is using the litter pan a lot more for peeing, he does go but not a lot and it is very frequent and it takes him awhile to go. He weighs about 19 to 20 pounds .i was wondering if apple cider vinger would help him and if so will it also help with bowel problems too. If it is safe for cats?

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Barbara, ACV is safe for cats. You mentioned frequent urination for Mr. Palomo- what is happening with his bowel movements? When I have to give my cat ACV I do it in a can of tuna - I put a couple spoons of tuna with a couple spoons of ACV and mix well and the tuna hides the flavor of the ACV from my cat. For a UTI I would dose as often as possible, and would even use a syringe to get her to drink diluted ACV - maybe 2 tablespoons to 1 cup water.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cdelisle (Buffalo, Mo) on 06/15/2016

Thank you EARTH CLINIC! This remedy saved me another $75 vet bill. At first sign of UTI I came to your website and started my cat on ACV. I gave her 1/4 tsp. diluted 50/50 with water, 4 times a day to start and after just a couple of days I could tell she was almost completely better. It stressed her out too much to just administer like that so I mixed it with meat baby food (and additional water)and she lapped it right up with no problems. I also gave a couple of drops of kidney tonic mixed in. I will keep her on a lower dose to maintain UT health. Thanks again!!

Replied by Belky

By 50/50 you mean Apple Cider Vinegar 1/4 tsp acv and 1/4 of water tsp?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Loosehorse (Belgrade, Mt) on 06/05/2016

My six year old cat, 12 pounds, on a rice and chicken dry food diet, came down with a uti. After reading the comments here, I forwarded the whole thing to my niece, who is one of the leading cat vets in Canada. She came back and said yes, ACV with the mother is the best thing, as no drug, sadly, is very effective for this.

Switched over to a wet food regime, including liver, plus 1 mm of ACV w/mother in a 2 tablespoons to 8 oz. water (well) once daily administered with a 1 mm syringe in her mouth and voila...she's a healthy, cured, happy cat within a week.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nikkid (Omaha, Ne) on 10/27/2015 1 posts

I'm trying to cure UA in my cat that she's had for some time now. I've paid plenty to hear that she had been cured after treating her with medicine. I never seen any type of improvement in her health. Her urine is strong smelling and I was tired of wasting money on different vets. I decided to home remedy several things to help her. After a small amount of the 50/50 in her mouth, she immediately began foaming from the mouth and ran from me. Gave her some time and reapplied some more into her. Once again large foaming from her mouth began to happen again. Please tell me I'm not causing more problems to her by using this method to stop her suffering of UA??

EC: Hi Nikkid,

Contributors on Earth Clinic have reported success applying 50/50 (ACV and Water) topically on the scruff of the neck. Apparently it works just as well.

Replied by Sita

My kitty threw up the ACV mixture and he won't eat so I am also having trouble disguising it. I have used it before and it helped a lot. So I am going to try putting it on his scruff. Anyone try this who can offer any other advice regarding this method? Thank you very much!

Replied by Stacie
(Palos Heights, Il)

Hi, I just left the vet before my 4yr old polydactyl (26 toes) Bambino, was even seen! I was sitting there with my 22 month old little boy and my sick cat for 3 hrs searching things like the truth about rabies vaccines (I knew they were going to say he needed his 2nd rabies vaccine, which I wasn't going to do since he is obviously sick and I have recently learned the truth about vaccines for humans) and the nurse came up to me and said the vet wants X-rays first. He hasn't even seen him, so I said no and continued to search how to naturally cure a UTI in cats...I happen to know the signs of UTI's and crystal blockages because I lost a cat to this years ago and that was after tons of $ spent on surgeries, antibiotics and prescription food, which now I know from reading this article is a bunch of money making garbage!!! So I left, they were saying your cat could die the Dr. hasn't even seen him yet.

I came home & gave him the 50/50 ACV and water, a 5ml syringe. He too foamed at the mouth. I also did 1 cup water 3T ACV and dipped his paws twice now and threw out his cheap dry cat food, gave him a can of tuna for now because he was looking to eat but I have to go buy him some wet healthy cat food...Any suggestions on what food to start feeding him? And should I continue to do the ACV/water 3 or 4 times a day? He did foam while I was giving it to him, but he seemed so much better right afterward...and I know that he wasn't completely blocked because he peed a little on me at the vet when I was trying to get him on the scale 👎 He seems ok now, actually up walking around looking to see what me & baby are doing. He was super sick this morning walking around crying trying to pee and squealing. He looked sick & tired! Now he looks pretty good. I was planning on continuing the ACV methods in this article until reading this post.

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!

Nancy Nurse

I pray your fur baby is all better!! But, PLEASE PLEASE NO MORE VACCINES!! AND RABIES IS ONE OF THE WORST!! More complications with it... do some research from Holistic vets and you will see that they don't even NEED Rabies, but if you feel you must, then ONLY once and get the HOLISTIC RABIES!!! Vaccines are LOADED with toxins and poisons!! And dramatically reduce your babies immune system, keeping them sick... that's the whole point of these frigin' vaccines!! Both human and animals!!

Replied by Maria

After reading your post I was hoping maybe you could help me out. I think my male cat has a uti as well. Just noticed today he will go to the litter and only a little pee comes out and when he gets out there was a couple drops of bloodish pee. I just started doing the ACV and hope it helps. How did you know it was an uti and not like a cyst or crystal. I really cant afford to take him to the vet right now so Im praying this helps and that its just an uti nothing worse. Any advice will be greatly appreciated

Replied by Jane

Yes your cat has a UTI. bloody urine is one of the first signs, frequent trips to the box, trying to urinate..similar to when we get uti's- the urge is there but cant and it burns. Feed your cat WET food. Using an eye dropper, put 4-6 drops of apple cider vinegar in the food and mix it up well and feed it to him. Be careful what types of food you use, I feed my 2 a can of wet in the am (split between the 2) and a 1/2 cup of good quality dry in the eve. cheap dry food is how it starts. There is a lot of ash in the cheaper stuff which causes the condition. Get him used to the ACV and just a few drops every day will keep him healthy.

Replied by Lynn

Cats are very sensitive. Forcing any treatment that has a bad effect on them should stop immediately. Some antibiotics cause the same reaction. Dogs, cats and kids alike, fight pink amoxicillin. I'm not a vet but I have had good luck with a few drops of apple cider vinegar in wet food 3 times per day. I've had better luck with extremely diluting the antibiotics in the water that I add tuna juice or low-sodium broth to. Small batches

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