Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs: Natural Remedies for Common Issues

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Black Skin

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Sally (Wall, NJ) on 01/23/2009

I have to share this with all of your readers. I have a yellow lab who developed "black skin" on her belly with itching and consequently sores that became inflamed and infected, and she started to lose her hair! I first started giving her vitamin E pills and rubbed her belly with Apple Cider Vinegar daily. The AVC soothed the itching. I continued doing both and then added 50 mg of zinc to her diet everyday. Within one month there was noticeable improvement, and her hair was growing back! No doctors, no medications, just simple effective home remedies that work. Today, 4 mos later, everything is gone, and she has a beautiful coat of hair! I credit using AVC 1-2X daily, and the zinc tablet!

Good luck to all... it's devastating when this happens to your beloved pet. I am a firm believer in ALL NATURAL products, with vets as a LAST resort.

Replied by Jessica
(Vincennes, Indiana)

I don't understand why a lot of people are against taking their animals to the vet. People, Vets have the education and experience to treat our beloved pets. Why would you want to take advice of every Tom, Dick and Harry out there. Are you just too cheap to get a true and accurate diagnosis. There is no way I would ever take advise from somebody other than our Vet. Our vet is very honest and actually doesn't charge that much. I had a cat who ended up getting really sick and he had to stay at our vet for over a week and our vet did not charge us one penny. He just wanted to make sure if our beloved friend needed any extra treatment that he would be there to get that help A.S.A.P.


Unfortunately many doctors are in the business of treating illnesses, not curing them. They want the return customer, that cash cow that keeps on giving. I have experienced both, dedicated physicians and those not so. Blanketly stating someone is too cheap to go to a "real doctor" is saying you miss the point completely! We live in a time when drugs are pushed on us for everything, not a mention about diet or lifestyle changes to cure conditions. We need to go back to the basics of health, you are what you eat so to speak. Doing so puts us on to the road to being healthy without pharmaceutical intervention. This goes for pets as well as people!

Replied by Rosy
(Orlando, Fl)

Not all vets are so nice, or that ethical. I took my cat to the vet multiple times for tapeworms. They were just so hard to get rid of. She had four paste wormers, and one shot. After about 6 months of this she peed this horrid red stuff. I took her to the closed vet, not my normal one, and it turned out she had a tumor in her bladder, kidney failure, and liver failure. The red stuff was Liver juice. I ended up having to put her down because too many organs had gone too far. All because one vet was an idiot and never checked her organs for damage, and just had be keep coming in and getting her wormed. I know she had worms the first time, because I saw them in her litter box. The other times I went were for dehydration. I wish my vet had been like yours, then I would still have my best friend with me.

Replied by Itsybitsybug
(Bowling Green, Ky)

This is in response to Jessica from Vincennes. Using a vet as a last resort is not necessarily a bad thing. The average pet owner, even one more inclined toward natural remedies will take their pet to the vet if it is necessary. But if it is a minor problem that can be solved without the use of a vet and all the meds and chemicals they tend to prescribe then why not try it. I treat my pets health the same way I treat mine. I would try a natural cure on myself before going to the doctor and getting drugs that would kill my immune system and I do the same with my pets and I personally feel that they and I are better for it. Natural remedies have been around a lot longer than modern medicine and many of them have proven themselves to be effective time and time again. They may not always work but it is definitely worth a try in situations where it is not a time sensitive life or death sort of situation. A dogs skin problems are typically not life or death situation.

Replied by Mark
(Stockton, Ca)

In response to "Jessica from Vincennes", I have learned the hard way that many vets are in it for the money period. A good example of this is the dog food that they sale from there office. If you have done any research on dog food, then you know that any dog food sold at the grocery store is pure garbage and not fit for any dog. The same dog foods are being recommended and sold to the dog owner by these vets. These vets do not care about the animals best interests. I'm sure that they are getting kick backs by the corporations that are making this garbage dog food that is not fit for a maggot. This is just the tip of the iceberg, but a test that everyone could use as a basis for their vets ethics. If you don't know much about what should or shouldn't be in your dogs food, there is plenty of good info at your finger tips and you owe it to your dog to figure this out, like right now!

Replied by Crisi
(Houston, Tx)

I agree. The last time I took Aj my mini schnauzer to my vet for shots he had a horrible reaction. I brought him back the next day for "observation" by a "visiting" vet everyone there did nothing to calm my fears they actually brushed them aside and told me it was nothing. They would not give me an explanation of why he might be having the reactions which led me to the conclusion that the shots he had were unecessary. He had fever, no appetite, vomitting and was lethargic. When we picked him up from an all day visit the "visiting vet" tried to charge me an extra fee of which I did not pay. Aj's symptoms did not go away even after the "VV" claimed nothing was wrong. The third day after his shots he seemed to get worse, I returned to my vet only to find them closed. I am on a paid plan and was under the impression I could not go to any other vets in the chain without big fees that I just don't have available to me.

Aj came through just fine a few days later. I feel that he is over vaccinated that the chain vet is not really there in the best interest of my pet that they are there as long as my pocket book is deep. If I can find a natural way to relieve his itching and discomfort I will do that because the vet has offered no solutions or relief for my sweet puppy.

Replied by Troubles
(Oak Ridge, Tn)

There's a place for vets, but I have never been to a vet that was proactive and provided advice about dog food. Had to do my own research to realize that Beneful was ruining my dog's health, ruining the quality of his life.

Replied by Pam
(Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)

You may have a vet who is caring and there for your animal, but not everyone is so lucky. My cat's face was swollen on one side, I took him to the local vet and after examing him the vet tells me it could be two things, cancer or an absess tooth. He wanted to do some testing for cancer which cost $350.00 and that didn't include the visit which was $50.00 plus tax and also if he had cancer and we couldn't afford to have treatments he suggested we have the cat put down right away. We suggested that maybe he treat the cat for an absess tooth. He gave the cat a shot of antibotics and within one week the cat was fine. We haven't been back to the vet since. The bill ended up being $84.00.

Replied by Andrea
(Ottawa, Ontario)

To "Jessica": It is unfair to broadstroke accuse people who love their animals of being "cheap". We are not against vets, we are against the propaganda we have been fed that states that vets because they are educated, know what's best.

That being said, why don't these "educated" vets tell us that dogs don't need to be vaccinated every year, that 1 out of 10 dogs may suffer a reaction and in the case of my dog, die as it did this summer from over vaccination? My heart aches every day for my Willis, who was the picture of health until he got his booster shots, which caused kidney failure.

These "educated" vets won't tell you that most vet schools are funded by the big dog food companies, and they provide kick backs to sell their food, and their "good food" is chemically-enhanced kibble, with a life span of up to 25 years!! So much for "natural". What dogs ate 50 years ago, before vet-recommended kibble was invented, was more wholesome, natural food. But of course, there's no profit in that.

I know people that work in the vet industry and they have said they've lost good vets and vet techs over constantly butting heads with the hospital owners who are in it for the bottom line - the profit margin, not your dog's ultimate health. That's why they want your dog coming in every year for unnecessary vaccinations - it's their biggest source of revenue, since the vaccine only costs about 90 cents, yet they charge up to $50. My dog's best interest? I think not.

The vets work for us, not the other way around.

Replied by Crusher1
(Austin, Tx)

Jessica, Have you ever watched a commercial on how many side effects there are for the medications that doctors prescribe to you. Do you think it's any different for animals? So what is so terribly wrong with someone wanting to be able to treat their animal with natural remedies? I think you need to find another website to attack people who are trying to do harm to animals instead of people who really care about them.

Replied by Lgomez
(Winnipeg, Manitoba)

I love my vet- she is very proactive and isn't in it for the money but for the love of animals. I can call her and she will give me home remedies before telling me to bring my dogs in. Even with dog food- sure she sells dog food- but she told me to buy Costco brand Kirkland food- due to very few fillers in the dog food. I do believe in doing your homework and going to the vet as a last resort - nothing wrong with that. But also do your homework in your vet as well, I drive outside of the city to my vet- I did my homework. Country vets are way better and more in the industry for the love of animals then the paycheck.

Replied by Dee
(Vancouver, Bc)

As sad as it is, part of most dvm's jobs are partially sales! I know because I did the whole 8 year haul and am not even working in a clinic. They all have shares in the crappy food they are selling and no breeder or competitor I know will ever buy that stuff. Most of my friends never bring dogs to the vet unless it's for breeding. I heard so many ridiculous stories and so called "remedies" vets have used. Dont hesitate get a second opinion!

Replied by Sherry
(Longview, Washington, Usa)

I have discovered most vets are in it for the money. When we took our much loved bird, named Rachel, to the vet when she had a runny nose- the vet gave her a shot. Rachel, who had been playfully cleaning her feathers, suddenly made a terrible noise and went limp. She died 30 minutes later while I held her. It was horrific. I wish I had not taken her to that vet. I got my money back. I said I didn't pay to have our bird killed. That shot should not have happened. If vets really cared about pet health they would have more affordable prices and would be opened on weekends. We do have to take our dogs to the vet for rabies shots and things like ear infections (the pills they gave our dog Ozzy made him very sick so I stopped giving them to him), but I am very careful about what I let them do to my pets. There have been times that made me doubt my pet was in good hands at the vets. I love reading the natural cures on this site and I will be trying them out.

Replied by Charlia
(Sydney, Australia)

I also have a very good vet and I also have a very good doctor and I believe both are invaluable and serve a purpose however in saying that I do feel that they're prejudice and limited when it comes to natural remedies. I have used natural remedies for years on both myself and my animals and had amazing results, when my vet told me there was nothing except a lifetime on cortisone that would solve my dogs skin problems I wasnt convinced, after much research I completely cured him with very simple techniques.

Vets and doctors do the best they can but unfortunately dont always have the answers.

Replied by Susan
(Orlando, Florida)

I am upset at the comment about natural remedies being used because the owner is too cheap. I have a wonderful vet who has treated my dog for his whole life and in that time I have spent over ten thousand dollars on his care. However, his body has reached a point at which it can no longer tolerate allergy injections because they have cause damage to liver. He now has a very long list of things he cannot have and natural remedies are my only option for his comfort and care. Those chemicals from the vet have wrecked my poor dogs body and had I put more effort into finding alternatives sooner I would not be in this position.

I agree with this "Vets and doctors do the best they can but unfortunately don't always have the answers."

Replied by Jlee

Quote: 01/23/2009: Jessica from Vincennes, Indiana replies: "I don't understand why a lot of people are against taking their animals to the vet. People, Vets have the education and experience to treat our beloved pets. Why would you want to take advice of every Tom, Dick and Harry out there. Are you just too cheap to get a true and accurate diagnosis. There is no way I would ever take advise from somebody other than our Vet. - Unquote

Cheap? No way!! I learnt the hard way, after having spent no less than USD3,000 on my two doggies, one of which had passed on - and experienced no less than 3 bum-vets. Between them, my doggies were either mis-diagnosed, under-medicated, over-medicated and worse, one even got my doggie overdosed on ivermectin and my puppy went blind for two dogs while the vet frantically tried to reverse the side-effects. One was even too arrogant to admit that he failed to take a skin scrape test to identify my puppy's problem, after pumping the poor doggie with needless antibiotics and steroids - not to mention having me pump in a few hundred dollars to no avail.

But thanks to this website, I found out some good home remedies from "Tom, Dick or Harry" here and much of the mange problem my puppy suffered over the months have been almost eradicated. That vet now recommends a few of the patients to use the home remedy I experimented on my puppy.

Replied by Jolynlo
(Oakland, Ca Usa)

In reading this thread and hearing the different views re: vets, I'm feeling alot of harsh criticism that I think is unwarranted. I am not a fan of going to the doctor or taking my dogs to the vet but I don't think the majority are in it just for the money. I have found that doctors and vets display a sincere concern for their patients, it's just that their modern education is about diagnosing and prescribing (hence the high cost of the visit). They are not not educated in nutrition ad have forgotten the old prescription of "Let thy medicine be thy food and thy food be thy medicine".

Prevention for animals and humans is far more effective than trying to treat the symptoms. Let's take responsibility for ourselves and when we really need them be grateful that the docs and vets are there. ;)

Replied by Dl

Hi Jlee from Singapore! Care to share your home remedy for mange? My poor doggie is suffering from domodex mites problem for the past two years and we have also spent bucks of $$$ for his repeated problem to a few vets and apparently could not see a cure to this annoying cause.

Replied by Robert
(Reading, Pa)

I really love people and animals. It drives me buggy sometimes how people get so carried away with experimenting with every thing they can think of on their beloved pets, that they would never think of doing to their children. Dogs are not some alien beings , they are very similar to us . If the label says don't get it on your skin and to wash right away if you do and keep out of the hands of children, WHY, WHY, WHY, would you ever put it on your sweet dog? Because your money grubbing Vet. says so?. Use your common sense, think first.

Example:To Di If your little doggie has demodex she has a weak immune system. Feed her a raw meat diet, no stress! Lots of exercise and as her immune system gets strong it will kill off the mites. It will take several months some times but it will make your doggie strong and healthy, be patient. In the meantime, ask Teresa about Teds Remedy for mites or you can look it up yourself. To the man asking about calluses on his dogs elbows and hocks . Mites also cause what looks like calluses on elbows and hocks , same answer, feed him right. You can't put something on your dog to strengthen his immune system.

Lots o love, from Robert and Amber, who also had a demodex infection and lyme disease and was cured by nothing more than good food and lol.

Replied by Brenda Robertson
(Smithville, Mo)

My comment is regarding any topical flea & tick POISION as I like to refer to it. Research all ingredients in Frontline Plus, Advantix, Hartz, Advantage etc..... and see for yourself what they do to your pets. BUT EVEN WORSE are the INERT INGREDIENTS. Companies don't disclose inert ingredents (which DOES NOT MEAN INACTIVE)! These ingredients are VERY ACTIVE! They are used to enhance the main ingredent and they are usually even worse in causing side effects than the main ingredient. By law, companies don't have to disclose these. This keeps other companies from coping their product formula. But the bad thing about this is, you don't know what all is in the product either.

I'm not knocking ACV because I just used it on my dog that was skunked about 3 days ago and it is really helping the smell. But there is another GREAT PRODUCT FOR FLEAS & TICKS it is DIATOMACEOUS EARTH FOOD GRADE. Not only can this be applied to your pets body to kill fleas and ticks, it is also fit for HUMAN consumption which means your dog could eat it too! It works great to kill bugs in your yard! It is safe for humans and animals! You can buy it on Amazon.

You can get it in smaller amounts too.

Replied by Al

Vets schools are subsidized by the animal feed/medicine manufacturers much the same as Med Schools (for humans) are subsidized by Big Pharma. Bottom line...neither vet schools nor med schools are interested in teaching about natural medicine treatments or cures because there is no money in it! They both would rather give you a "medicine" to relieve the symptoms than reach for a CURE..especially a natural one! The old saying is still true today...."follow the money"! And you cannot patent something that occurs in nature...Hence, there's no money in it!

Replied by J

What kind of zinc should I feed my dog? Is there a particular brand recommended for dogs?

Replied by Suseeq
(Sydney Australia)

I had my dog, who was medium size on half adult dose, 1xday and bought human kind of zinc.

Replied by Roz

I agree. The food is not very great. It caused my two dogs many problems. I was introduced to raw feeding and my dogs have been healthy ever since. Raw feeding consists of processed raw meat (I purchase from the butcher) and ground up fruits & veggies. I add dog vitamins, diatomaceous earth, salmon or cod oil and apple cider vinegar and they're good to go. No fleas, upset stomach, allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, hot spots, or any other ailment imaginable. It's not that expensive to raw feed. It cost about the same if not cheaper. I have a garden so I can get my veggies fresh and the fruit from the farmer's market. So give it try and you'll see the difference in your dog's health and well being.

Bladder Infection

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Rebecca (Winter Park, Florida) on 10/05/2008

I found this website last night while searching for home remedies for my dog's UTI. I thought why not lets give it a shot. With the horrible economy I can't afford a $200 dollar vet bill. I started using the ACV last night. I gave my 65 pound 5 year old boxer 1.5 tablespoons mixed in with some plain yogurt. When she went out for her morning potty break she urinated only one time. It was normal in color with no blood. Just the night before she was going every 5 minutes or so and nothing was coming out and when urine did come out it was bloody. I have continued to give her the ACV today and plan to keep her on it for about a week. Boy was this one of the most effective home remedies I have ever found.

EC: Many more bladder infection remedies for dogs here:

Replied by Wendy
(Bloomington, Minnesota)

My dog has a bladder infection took him to the vet gave him medication. He ran out and seems to still have it. Would like to try the ACV. He is also one Potassium Bromide 575 mg. for his seizures. Would this have a side affect on him?? Please help


Please get him off of potassium bromide. It crystallizes the liver and ultimately will be fatal. I used potassium bromide for yrs for my chihuahua with severe seizures, changed him over to CBD 20 to 1 ratio and he had been seizure free for months instead of weekly.

Replied by Brandismama
(Pomona, California)

HELP ASAP! i dont know if my baby (1.5 yr old 36lb pitbull) has a bladder infection or not. my roomies were watching her for a week and a half and they told me shes starting to urinate and number 2 inside(dont know exatly how many days now), even when the back door is open. tonight i got home and she peed on my twise, probably with in 2 hours, and the carpet soon after. theres no blood and she doesnt seem to be in pain, shes cheery and everything but i cant tell theres something not right about her. is it a bladder infection??? or seperation anxiety for leaving her so long??? (shes very attatched to me, she was horribly abused befor i got her, shes my shadow, so could leaving leaving for a week and a half have affected her in this way?)

theres no blood, and shes doesnt seem to be having a hard time cus its a lot of urine, not whining, can walk. but shes urinating way more often then normal, and on the bed which has never happened.

please dont hastle me about not being a good moma by not taking her to the vet and coming on here for adivse, i love her very much like a daughter but i cant afford the bills or else i would.

is ACV highly recomended? please help me

Replied by Swan
(Crystal, Mn)

My red nose pit bull 10 months old keeps wanting me to taking her out to pee but she is not peeing and she is not her self she is not running around playing so I am concerned. But early she was peeing fine.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hello Swan,

If you have ever had a UTI you know that you will feel the need to pee even if your bladder is empty. Monitor your girl's output; if she simply isn't peeing at all then you should see your vet. If she is peeing but in drips and drops, you might consider Ted's sea salt remedy for a UTI:

Use a quality sea salt - the aquarium stores tend to sell the best.

A crisis dose is 1 teaspoon of sea salt into a liter of pure, non-chlorinated water, for 1-2 days [play it by ear; you *should* see a rather immediate resolution to the symptoms in that time frame, but if not go for 3 days and consider adding cranberry juice to the water.

A maintenance dose after the crisis resolves is 1/4 teaspoon sea salt into 1 liter of water.

If your dog won't drink the water with 1 teaspoon of sea salt added to it, consider dosing 1/2 teaspoon sea salt into canned food and hiding it that way so your dog takes it. Give 1/2 teaspoon am and pm for up to 2 days.

Please also consider diet; a corn based diet has been linked to UTI's so look at your dog food bag ingredient label and if you see corn or grain in the first 10 ingredients you need to switch up, because the food you are feeding could be making your dog sick.

Please report back!

Replied by Leah
(Hampton Bays, Ny)

I read all the posts regarding Apple Cider Vinegar remedies. However, I am unsure of the dosage. My dog weighs 55 pounds. I think I would mix the Apple Cider Vinegar with yogurt. What would the ratio be?

Replied by Mama To Many

I would try a teaspoon, three times a day.

~Mama to Many~

Bladder Infection
Posted by Pete (VeryRural, MN) on 09/21/2008

Day 1 of ACV & I like what I see. Please read the below.

My 8 yr old Springer Spaniel had a bladder infection about 6 months ago, it was soon after she'd come out of heat, it gave her the typical discomfort, whimpering, peeing indoors, multiple dry pees outdoors etc... I took her to the vet who did the standard test & diagnosis exam, antibiotics and out the door for $275, a few days later Kayla was on the mend.

Well here we are today, yesterday actually & Kaylas been out of heat for a week now when she suddenly developes the same symptoms, as it was Saturday all I could do was sympathise w/her & made sure to walk her often. Poor girl she was panting, whimpering, pacing & me knowing the vet was at least two days away. Late last night I came to this site & saw this Apple Cider Vinegar remedy forum and figured what the heck it couldn't hurt....... I got some fresh ACV at the general store this morning and gave her 1.5 Tbsp. mixed w/her kibble. One hour later she's sleeping comfortably for a change, no whining, no visible discomfort, in fact she's obviously feeling just fine 'n dandy all afternoon. I give her another 1.5 Tbsp with tonights supper feeding, still she's feeling well & really appearing to be back to her old self. I'm retired & I'm with my dogs 24/7 mostly so I'll be careful to watch Kayla & to try to be impartial in my continued assessment of ACV treatments for UTI or bladder infections. I'll update this every day or so with a few quick comments, sorry this was so long winded but it seemed only proper to give Kaylas known history.

Broad Benefits

5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Marilyn (Minnesota, US) on 08/16/2014

I have been giving my little Mia, a Jack Russell, 1/2 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar twice a day in her water. It seems to keeps ticks and bugs away. I also keep a spray bottle with ACV mixed with water to spray on her when she starts to itch and it seems to reduce this symptom. She is also on probiotics from the Vet which I mix with a tsp of natural yogurt daily. (No sugar type) After her baths I rinse her with ACV as well. ACV also helps with dog breath, a benefit of putting it in drinking water.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Linda (Hillsborough, Nc) on 07/14/2012

After reading all the feed back on here about Apple cider vinegar, I figured I would try it over the weekend before bringing my 15 year old dog to the vet on Monday. I went to the health food store and bought a bottle of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar and I mixed 2 tablespoons in organic yogurt or wet food every 4 hours I also put it in the water bowl. To my amazement it was gone!! I also have another dog with itchy skin and I mixed some in a water spray bottle with water, sprayed him down and he's doing great!! Thank you all for all your feedback!!!

Replied by Shelly
(Entiat, Washington)

How much of the vinagar do you put in the bath?

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

I do 1 part vinegar to 10 parts water - this as an a rinse once the shampoo is rinsed out.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Kayla (San Francisco, Ca) on 02/02/2010

I am very happy with the Apple Cider Vinegar. My dog was recovering from a stroke, so I have been very critical with the food he eats. The stroke apparently derived from an ear infection and his equilibrium was affected by the stroke. His heads is slightly tilted. Anyways, instead of taking him to the vet to try to cure his ear infection, I took the liberty to do my own research. Taking him to the vet only to get a pharma drug was only going to beget another drug, and so on which eventually will lead to major problems. I didn't want a temporary cure, nor can I afford to keep throwing money away just to hear that he may have to be put to sleep or a major surgery to look into his brain which will cost me over $3,000 . Well, I found this site and tried apple cider vinegar and mix it with his food at 2 tablespoonfuls. He eats twice a day, so I add to his dish and he chomps it down. I also clean his ears with ACV, probably about 2 tablespoon 50/50 spring water to dilute for each ear. So I make this a habit to clean his ear twice a week and add ACV twice daily on his food 3-4 a week. My doggie is doing great!! No vet. His UTI is diminishing after 2 weeks of doing this, his hearing is improving, his disposition is way much better and I feel he's getting healed as I see plenty of improvement. His eyes are getting better too. My dog is 8 years old. I cannot stress how thankful I am to be educated about ACV. I now make this part of his daily or at least 2-3x a week habit to include ACV in his dish. Also, I forgot to mention, I give him plain yogurt twice a week and he luvs it! Thank you Earth Clinic!! :-)

EC: Fantastic feedback, thank you!

Replied by Julie
(Columbus, Oh)

What is the portion size of plain yogurt to give my dog and how often? She suffers from yeast infections in her paws and ears.

Replied by Merilynrb
(Near Madison, Wi)

For my dogs I give about 1/3 cup, one dog is 100 lbs the other is a puppy and about 60 lb. My cats get about 1/2 Tbsp every night with mixed canned and dry food. They also all get Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 tsp for each. The dogs get it for preventative and the cats because one has irritable bowel and they switch bowls often. The IBS kitty will eat the ACV first. All pets now lose much less fur and have shinier healthier coats.

Broad Benefits
Posted by C.R. (Springfield, MO) on 10/05/2008

Im amazed! I found your website due to my border collie has... hotspots, yeast in ears and runny eyes.. I thought it was just me... Im glad to know im not the only one. I gave a bath, sprayed on the ACV and boom she is lying next to me finally no licking and biting. I'd say if your not a beliver try it!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Leslie (Rosarito, Baja California, Mexico) on 10/01/2008

I have used apple cider vinegar for several purposes for my dogs. I give it to them the way I drink it, in warm water with honey. This way the ph is balanced also. You can also try to give it to your dog in yogurt.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Christy (Waxahachie, Tx) on 06/25/2007

I have a 12 year old dog named Shelby.She has suffered with hot spots and has lost quite a bit of her hair.I also have a 4 yr old named Madyson.The fleas at my house were taking over. Since trying the Apple Cider Vinegar, our lives have become better. No more fleas on my dogs or in my house. Shelby's hair has started to grow back. It has been fabulous!!! Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful information. I have passed it on with hopes that many pets will live happy lives

Replied by Patti

I have a great Dane she was infested with fleas. I got rid of them but she has hot spots and has scratch so much she's lost her hair and has a few rashes. I've been using the apple cider vinegar and also epsom salt and water for a substitute for salt water at the beach. She is very much releived but I was wondering how much apple cider vinegar a day did you use on your animals? Can I spray her on a daily basis as the everyday routine? Thank you. I hope you get this question - we live in Texas right next to the coast but we can't get to the coast. Any feedback would be appreciated. Yours truly, Patti

Replied by Wendy

You can spray her coat (get her completely wet) with the organic Apple Cider Vinegar (the brand that begins with a B) and distilled water mixture. Mix the distilled water and ACV 1/2 and 1/2 in a spray bottle. Again, get her completely wet with the mixture, and then let her air-dry. No need to towel dry her. Letting her air-dry will let the mixture soak into her skin.

Also, make sure you're feeding her good-quality NO-GRAIN, NO-CORN foods, including grain-free treats if any.

Replied by Christina
(Huntsville, Texas)

I have 3 little dogs, Cleatis, a Dashound who weighs like 15 -20 pnds & Tucker, who is the smallest a long haired rat terrier weighing maybe 7 pnds.Holly is my Min Pin who weighs between 15 -20 pnds.Holly has very dry itchy skin.I'm so excited to use the Apple Cider Vinegar to bath &rinse her in. I have a half gallon bowel that I keep their drinking water in, I usually have to refill the water bowel every couple days.To prevent reinfestation of fleas how much Apple Cider Vinegar do I add to the half gallon of water?Can I add the Apple Cider Vinegar to their water that is left out at all times and how much Apple Cider Vinegar do I add to a half gallon bowel of water??Also since it's a half gallon bowel will it still help get rid of the fleas???Thanks for all the great ideas! Iv been desperate to help Holly stop itching & chewing, she's been misreable.So thanks to yall she will b itch free & hopefully they will b flea free too! 😄


1 User Review
1 star (1) 

Posted by Anonymous (Los Angeles)

Apple cider vinegar didn't help my dog. However, I found that keeping his eyes clear of discharge by using a clean index or thumb finger pad as often as possible cured the issue. You must be very gentle! At first your dog may not particularly like this being done. However, if you are very gentle with the process, your dog will soon allow you to clear his/her eyes and will be forever grateful for this ritual.

Replied by Debbiefudge
(Brighton, East Sussex Uk.)

Gently clean the eye area with some cotton wool and cooled boiled water. Not your fingers!!

A spoonfull of ACV onto the back of the dogs neck, twice a day. In about 3 days the infection will have gone. If you don't have a syringe to apply it. Just soak some cotton wool in the ACV and squeeze it onto your dogs neck. This works on cats also. I think it's systemic. Just use it like you would put flea drops on the back of the neck. Try to get it on the skin, rather than just on the fur. With a cat, you may need someone to help you!!


Posted by Kim (Winnipeg, Canada) on 08/19/2014

I want to know how much apple cider vinegar I should use on my dog. She is 25 lbs and has cushions. The medication does not work and we have tried many. Do I spray on and leave? Do I rinse?

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Kim!

Please read up about Cushings disease on EC's page:

If you are using the ACV topically, you can dilute 10:1 - ten parts water to 1 part ACV and saturate your dog and just let him air dry.

Replied by Di
(Lake City Us)

Its always best to start out weak and move up to stronger solution... I suggest, after my own trial error and research to take 4 quarts of water to 1 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar (u can add 2 tbs of scent free tear free baby soap especailly for sensitive or irritated skin) this mix should last a 25# dog over a week.

For broken or irritated skin sponge or cloth on solution until coat n skin are damp and air dry. repeat daily until skin is healed, you can use more solution if needed just remember slowly increase the amount of acv, pat dry with towel wet dogs until damp then air dry, and never place dog where its under 70 degrees until its completely dry. ;) good luck

Dull Coat Issues

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Pippa (Picton, New Zealand) on 09/28/2011

I use apple cider vinegar on top of my dogs food, diluted with water. I may add some olive oil or blackstrap molasses to hide the taste. My dogs coat shines within hours. It is lush and soft.

My chickens look shiny with a dash of ACV in their drinking water.

Dull Coat Issues
Posted by FE (Laguna, Phillipines) on 02/17/2007

I've been giving my pets a dose of apple cider 3 x a week, and it reflects well on their coat!

Dull Coat Issues
Posted by Heather (Kathmandu, Nepal) on 04/17/2006

Our Tibetan Mastiff/German Shepard mix puppy had really itchy dandruff and a really dull coat. I started feeding her about 5ml of apple cider vinegar once or twice a day. She really doesn't like it, and when I add it to her food, then she doesn't want to eat her food. Instead I put it in a syringe and feed it to her that way. Her coat improved in about two days, and now it is thick and shiny and not much dandruff. She also had weepy eyes and now she doesn't. Other dogs from the same litter have thin hair and patches coming out. Our landlord was so impressed that they started using it themselves! They said that our dog looked like a different dog altogether.

Ear and Eye Infections

10 User Reviews
5 star (10) 

Posted by Katyvan (Wpb) on 07/31/2016

ACV for Ear Infections and Hot Spots

Each summer, my dog, Murphy, has had numerous issues with ear infections, head-shaking, smelly ears, and constant itching to the point of being totally miserable. I thought the problem was due to retaining water in his ears after our swim, so I very carefully dried his ears each time we got out of the pool. It didn't help. I was fairly confident his problem wasn't a result of his food because he's always eaten either high-quality expensive store-bought food and/or a BARF diet (Bones and Raw Food), and NO GRAIN! I tried several holistic remedies both internally and topically, and I also tried expensive prescription drops with very short-term results. The infections always returned. My vet told me it was quite possibly an environmental infection resulting from lawn chemicals used by my HOA.

In addition to his ear problems, he also would get one very nasty hot spot each summer near the top of his tail/butt area that took months to heal. The skin was completely bald in a baseball-sized area and the skin was raw and sore. The only treatment that provided a little relief was a bit of vaseline on the skin to keep the bugs away.

Then I remembered how my mom always said that ACV will cure “just about anything that ails ya.” It was then that I started adding about 1/2 teaspoon of ACV to his food every morning. (He is a 75 pound black lab.) No need to dilute or try to disguise the taste. He doesn't mind it at all. I just mix it in with his wet food. Within about 4-5 days he was hardly scratching at all and the smell and infection was gone very quickly and hasn't ever returned. And I haven't seen a hot spot in years! If you're going to use ACV, use a good one, not some cheap garbage from the grocery store. And don't use white vinegar except to clean your floors! Murphy now gets organic ACV every day.

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