Anal Glands, Infected/Swollen
Natural Remedies

Home Remedies for Anal Gland Problems in Dogs: Tips and Tricks

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Homeopathy - Silicea 6c

2 User Reviews
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Posted by Deirdre (CT) on 08/11/2020

Editor's Choice

My elderly dog started having anal gland issues - leakage and was licking his rear end constantly. I recently moved to the area and haven't found a vet yet so I researched remedies on Earth Clinic and the net and found a great article about Silicea 6c for Anal Gland leakage. I bought it online and promptly tapped 2 pellets into the side of his mouth to dissolve as soon as I got them. (Didn't touch the pellets). I repeated this twice a day.

His issue was better in 24 hours and solved in 3 days. What a fabulous remedy.


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Posted by Lori (Maryland) on 09/30/2013

As I read through the article on anal gland issues and then comments, I didn't notice anything on probiotics. My dog had several instances with impacted anal glands including them getting infected. The vet prescribed an antibiotic. But the second time he prescribed an antibiotic, the infection went away but came right back (like a child's ear infection would). So I thought about my kids and decided to try a probiotic. It worked great. In fact, it worked faster than the antibiotic. And now I add it to his food about once a week. He was already getting a healthy Merrick brand food, carrots and a little olive and or coconut oil. I have to be careful with olive oil and coconut oil. More than just a little and they will actually cause the impaction. My dog also can't have any steak fat or too much apple.

Replied by Lisa
(Ny, US)

Hi thanks for the post! Just wondering what kind of probiotics you used and how much? Was it a standard one for humans? Thanks so much!

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Lisa!

The reply you have posted to is from 2013; in case the original poster is not around I will try to help.

You can use the standard ones for humans with dogs no problem. Some people prefer to use yogurt or kefir; I prefer the capsules as there is no complication from dairy and they capsules contain greater quantities of the probiotic. I just use 1 capsule am and pm in the food. I switch brands up often so as to get a wider variety of strains of probiotic species because if you over load the gut with just 1 species of probiotic it can have the same consequences as having none.


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Posted by Cindy (Reese, MI) on 01/06/2008

A few years ago, German shepherd was very smelly and vet had to express his anal glands. After the 2nd trip to the vet in less than a year, plus the fact that the dog greatly dislikes going to the vet, did some research on Internet and found out someone recommended prunes. I give my 88 lb dog 2-3 prunes per day and have had absolutely no problems since. Was concerned that prunes might be in the same family as raisins (which are toxic to dogs) and possibly toxic but have not been able to find definite information. If there is a problem with giving dogs prunes, I would appreciate if someone would post something to that effect.

Replied by Brandie
(St Louis, MO)

I just wanted to say that prunes are NOT related to raisins. Raisins are dried grapes, and the grape seed is what is toxic to dogs. Prunes are dried plums. Since plums have a large pit, before drying they remove that pit. I dont think there is any problem feeding a dog prunes. I'm not sure if you will see this, I noticed that it has been quite a while since you posted, but I thought I would tell you anyway.

Replied by Liondogsden
(Big Spring, Texas)

Raisins are dried grapes, grapes can ferment into wine that is why they are toxic.

Prunes are from prune plums when dried they are prunes and not related to the grape family.

Replied by Jes
(Jackson Heights, Ny)

I started with 2 prunes for my Beagle. I now give her one prune daily and no scooting. I have to try to figure out how to get my cat to eat them since she has a scooting problem now.

Replied by Lisa
(Canberra, Act)

Curious about if Cherries can substitute for prunes?

Psyllium Husk Fiber

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Brandy Stone (A) on 04/30/2017

I used psyllium husk fiber mixed with low sodium chicken broth to help my dog express her anal glands. I noticed my dog scooting her butt across the grass when we were outside playing. She also had a slightly fishy smell coming from her back side, and she seemed to lick quite a bit as well. I figured she had a problem with her anal glands. I did some research- and decided to try increasing her fiber. I broke open some fiber capsules and measured about half of a tablespoon. I mixed that with some chicken broth (half a cup to a cup) and gave it to her rigbt away. The fiber expands quickly, so they have to drink it ASAP. She drank the mixture at about 5pm. The next morning, as soon as she got outside she took a healthy bowel movement, followed by 2 more a few minutes later! No more fishy smell, no more scooting, and no more licking!

I have a 50 pound black mouth cur. If you have a small dog, I'd reduce the dosage. The fiber is meant to scrub the colon and make the dog have a solid bowel movement, so keep that in mind. Also, you should probably watch your pet to make sure they have a successful bowel movement after taking the fiber. They may need your assistance.

Replied by Sandy M.

hi! I have a 50# Pitt mix. I have tried just about everything! Pumpkin, carrots, apples, zuchinni, coconut oil, oatmeal, lentils, chia seed.... How often do u give the phsylium? Did a vet tell u to try it? So u gave it 1 time and it helped? Help!


11 User Reviews
5 star (11) 

Posted by Rhonda (Canada) on 11/03/2016

How to prepare pumpkin puree for anal gland issues.

Wash the outside of the pumpkin. Cut off the top. Scoop out the seeds. Put it in a shallow pan. Put in oven at 350 F for about 1 - 1.5 hours. It's done when you can easily pierce the skin with a fork. Remove and cool. Juice will pool in the bottom of the pan. Drain that off and set aside. The cooled pumpkin skin easily peels off. Put the flesh in a bowl amd mash/puree. Store in fridge up to 5-6 days in a covered container OR freeze pumpkin scoops on wax paper or a plastic tray. Then store in freezer bags for later use.

Replied by Shirley
(New Brunswick)

I have a kitten, he is only 6 months old and I just noticed he has this AG problem, I see a lot of people using the pumpkin cure, my question is, would my kitten, being so young be able to take this? and if so how much should I give him? I fell so bad for him and know he must be in pain, please help.

Thank you so much.

Replied by Carol
(North Carolina)

I would use this for a kitten. I would give about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon once or twice a day in food.

Posted by Opinion02122 (Attleboro, MA) on 08/21/2014

My dog just started with anal gland problems. I spoke to two different vets and was told a teaspoon of pumpkin a day will do the job. My dog is a 27 lb. Cavachon. The size of the dog I'm sure has an impact on how much to give, so check with your vet. Also, make sure it's 100% pumpkin and not pie filling. Check the ingredients!

Replied by Gabbysue
(Haltom City, Texas)

My 25 lb. dog, Rosie, has the anal gland issue. The vet has expressed them several times. She is dragging her butt again. I read about the pumpkin. Will the pumpkin take care of the problem or does she need them drained again before I start giving her the pumpkin? I know it's got to be painful for her for me or the vet to do that. I would appreciate any advice.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Gabbysue!

You can sure try the pumpkin, but it may help to take her in to the vet if you cannot express the glands yourself.

What may help resolve the issue is more exercise, and more fiber via the pumpkin on a daily basis. The pumpkin may cause your girl to have more bowel movements so keep an eye out to avoid accidents.

Replied by Alex
(La., US)

Hi, I have a ~15lb rat terrier mix that seems to have developed an anal gland issue.

I can see a smallish red bump that he licks from time to time. His activity seems normal - eats ok, plays, seeks attention, etc. I feed him a mix of chicken, brown rice, carrots, and greens twice daily. He just had a few days of diarrhea, which I feel may be related.

I honestly don't have money for a vet, especially as this does not seem to be an emergency. I've read a lot about the pumpkin solution, but I'm wondering if this works for dogs who are already showing signs beyond scooting? Any advice is greatly appreciated, thank you!

Replied by Carola
(Los Angeles)

Just read this post through.... learned about pumpkin for AG issues. My rescue cat (had him over 5 years now) has never had AG issues before.I love EC and have learned so much to help me, so thought I would give the pumpkin a try.

The biggest question seems to be about how much pumpkin to give your pet. Well, I just walked to my wholistic pet health center - they bake treats for our pets! - and found Organic Pumpkin. The product says 1 Tbs. per every 10 pounds of pet weight. The pumpkin is organic and the can is BPA free, made in Oregon.

I will try this for the AG issues. Had them "squeezed out" by my vet yesterday, but thought to look for something organic and preventative. I hope this works!

IF I do not post again - it works great. Long live our furry friends.

Replied by Kerry
(Western Australia)

Hi, I have Rosie 8 year old staffy who has anal gland problems her whole life. I visit the vet regularly to get them emptied I've just read that pumpkin could help. She eats raw beef mince with boiled rice and grated carrots as her meal. She is 28 kg how much and how often should I give the puréed pumpkin to her? She sleeps in the house so when she leaks the smell is horrible

Posted by Liz12962 (Grand Island, Ny, Usa) on 01/30/2012

I have a 3 year old Beagle who has a problem with his anal glands. We have to keep getting them expressed on an average every 2 weeks. I have learned how to do this to cut the cost. I have started him on canned pumpkin. This has been going on for close to 3-4 months.

My vet has talked to me about surgically removing these glands, but surgery is so scary, and I have read about nasty side effects. Does anyone have any suggestions? We would really appreciate them very much.

Replied by Kathy
(Plainfield, Il)

Can you tell me how much you give daily? I have a 20 pound pug.

Replied by Sherie
(United Kingdom)

Hi everyone ... My female cat is about to be operated on for removal of anal glands next week ... I can't get pumpkin anywhere so I've sent off for some which should arrive tommorow and I'm not sure if it's got sugar in it yet!!!!! Is there anywhere that I can send off for it please ?? I'm in United Kingdom X

Replied by Wendy

If you can't easily get pure pumpkin (NOT the pumpkin pie filling which contains sugar & spices! ), get some virgin coconut oil. Start with 1/4 teaspoon added to her food (you do not need to melt it). Too much coconut oil could give her a mild case of diarrhea. So start with 1/4 teaspoon per day for a week, see how she tolerates it. I've given it to my dog and that totally solved her anal gland issues.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hello Sherie,

If you cannot find plain canned pumpkin at your market, do they sell fresh squash? Squash is far more common in the States, but I think it is increasing in popularity in your neck of the woods so you might be able to find it. Bake the squash and scrape out the meat and pulverize it in the blender and add that to your tinned cat food. Pumpkin /squash add bulk to the stool which helps express the anal glands when your cat defecates. To that end, in a pinch, many root veggies may suffice- beets are commonly added to pet food for bulk/filler because it does help with stool formation. You might also consider psyllium husks or other human products used to improve the consistency of stool.

Replied by Sharon

We have a Rottacollie. How much coconut oil do you think she could tolerate? Please and thanks!

Replied by Brenda

What can I buy to help my female cat that has infected anal glands. I can't afford the vet.

Replied by Leanne
(Wild Australia)

We don't sell canned pumpkin in Australia. Can I boil pumpkin instead for my dogs anal glands?

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Leanne,

You can use boiled pumpkin or squash or beets even - just make sure they are well broken down.

Replied by Suseeq
(Sydney, Australia)

Leanne yes, of course.

Posted by Poobo (Karachi, Pakistan) on 01/13/2010


I have a great dane with anal glands that need to be expressed quite regularly. because he stays indoors i can normally tell early on that he is developing a problem due to the odour and call in the vet. but it is a painful process for him and i want to avoid it if i can by starting a herbal remedy. i would like to start the pumpkin regime but have a silly question to ask. do i skin the pumpkin before i boil it? and for a great dane how much should i give him to begin with?

would really appreciate it if someone would please help me. i would like to start as soon as possible.

thank you.

EC: According to Margaret (11/11/2006): ..."feeding approximately 2 tablespoons canned 100% pure pumpkin 2X per day (for a dog weighing about 100 pounds)"

Posted by Zoe (Haslet, Tx) on 01/02/2010

My question regarding the pumpkin cure for anal gland problems, having a 20lb Cavalier, what dosage should be given and how often, and for how long? thank you so much for the great solution, as she is having an anal gland rupture today and we cannot see Vet for 2 days, he's out of town, so we are looking for any good help


Replied by Anya
(Milton, Canada)

If your pet has a ruptured anal gland, see vet ASAP; if your vet is , "out of town" see another vet! Anywhere! OR go to ER ... For animals! Your vet should have provided you with another, even if it's their competition!

First stage swollen , constant licking, scooting, less pooping! If it's at the second stage "saculitis" its infected... with bacteria. Third stage is an abscess (vet will drain); next is ruptured... ( avoid this ) Which means a gaping slash that is guaranteed to get infected in a really serious way... also is extremly painfull!!!

If you got to the third stage, you really need to know your pet better! P.S. if you're too broke to even own a pet try hapar for 1 week if infected, then followed by silica the next week.... If no infection... Just use the silica for up to 10 days, call holistic vet/ doc or health food store .. find out dosage depending on weight... Or look it up, these natural remedies are not dangerous given in excess; better to give more then less. Don't forget a warm compress daily! Apply pressure if you're going to express yourself.... Keep away the crusties - don't wanna block the glands. P.S. ONLY buy Canned pumpkin at PET store... Try the lite, better for overweight, it also has oatmeal = more fibre.. Look up ways to add more fibre for a better stool, the more pushin expresses the cushions for the tushin... Lol

Replied by Brenda

Anya, Thank you for the info. But I resent the remark of being too broke to own a pet. I take very good care of my cat but my husband just died and that took all my money. Sometimes because you can't take your animal to the vet does not mean you are not a good pet owner.

Replied by Suseeq
(Sydney, Australia)

Brenda I totally agree with you. The people that care to look into their animals ailment and say to them self now what can I do to help my animal are totally dedicated. I have 3 occasions I took my animal to the vet and lost them every time. Now I treat them at home. I know when I need to go after all years ago. We only had old bush methods, but arm yourself with knowledge because you can help a lot of situations without drugs. Good luck for now and the future.

(Vermont USA)
25 posts

Yes, the number of animals lost by taking them to vets needs to be considered.

Posted by Belinda (Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia) on 08/28/2009

I have a 5 month old miniature dachshund that was experiencing discomfort associated with blocked anal glands. I read on a website to feed them pureed pumpkin as the fibre helps to clear the blockages. I boiled the pumpkin in plain water, then drained and pureed. Once cool, I gave him 1/2 a cup that night and 1/2 a cup the next morning. It worked a treat!! He has had no more symptoms.

Now i will freeze a batch in portions and give him some each week.

and he LOVES it!

Posted by Saskatchewan Girl (Estevan, Saskatchewan, Canada) on 07/09/2009

Pumkin for stinky dog

Our dog had an accident with a loose stool on the floor about 4 days ago. It has been walking around since with a skunky type smell coming from it. I washed the dog thinking that maybe it had rolled in the stool which also had the foul odour. It worked for about 5 minutes when the smell returned. The dog had loose stools for 3 days when I just put him on straight rice...still the smell was awful but no more accidents on the floor. After 4 days of smelling skunky dog fart smell in our house (truly enough to make your eyes water in any room), I found this site about pumpkin. I started yesterday around noon. I gave 1 cup food to 1/4 cup pumpkin. About 4 hours later I repeated the same as the dog was still hungry. I searched the yard around supper time for an orange stool to see if he had passed anything firmer. I didn't find stool but what I did find was totally disgusting. It looked like a kiwi skin with white bones sticking out of it entwined in hair. It wasn't there earlier so I'm guessing it came out of the dog. After inspecting it looks like just the fur from a mouse and bones that have been stripped of meat. I'm guessing the dog ate this small rat/gopher (probably taken from our cat who only kills for pleasure) and ate it. With the amount of hair and the looks of the bones I think the dog probably ate it whole, digested what it could and the rest was maybe caught inside. Anyway the dog still stank bad that night but I continued with another dose of pumkin mix in the evening, a long jog and by about midnight the dogs odor smelled more like poop than this other stank. This morning it appears that the smell has passed as she is not making the kids gag anymore. I gave more pumpkin in same dose this morning and will continue the rest of the day which will hopefully keep things clear. Thanks for the tip, the vet can't get to her for a few more days and I was really starting to worry.

Replied by Bel
(Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia)

I have a 5 month old miniature dachshund who was displaying the symproms of blocked anal glands. After reading this post i decided to try the pumpkin. I boiled the pumpkin, the drained and pureed it. Once it was cool, i gave him 1/2 cup with his dinner and another 1/2 cup the next morning. We could see a difference in him after just a few hours. By the next night he was back to normal. He actually loved the pumpkin too, so i've frozen some in portions to give him a dose every week, just in case.

Thank you for the suggestion, it worked a treat and will consult this site whenever i have questions from now on.

Replied by Hacinta
(Lake Worth, Fl)

Girl, I know your issue was what the dog ate. I just wanted to add something. About 20 years ago I had a Samoyed, he got very stinky, we really didnt know what the probelm was. This went on for almost a week, when I noticed his glands all red and swollen. The vet put him on antibiotics, 2 rounds, the infection came back. We ended up having to have the glands removed. This was long before I was intune with natural remedies and healing!

What made me comment was the smell, it was like a fishy stinky, that wouldnt go away. The dogs odor was so awful we made him stay in the kitchen on the tile floor. Easy to clean. This dog was about 100 pounds and he would stink up a room, while his infectin was active.

I now have an 8 pound chi, he has to have his glands expressed by the groomer every time he has his nails done. I would like to do it myself but am afraid of injuring him. Seems his stool is hard and normal most of the time. This is fairly common with small dogs.

Replied by Angelina

My dog is biting his back closer to his butt, and though it's not all day long I know something is wrong, I called the vet and the woman said to bring him in and explained it sounds as if he needs his anal glands cleared, this has never happened before. I keep reading these Post and they say to give your pet pumpkin. The pumpkin they and you are referring to, is it the Libby's Pumpkin?

Posted by Christie (Up North, Michigan) on 05/21/2009

Canned Pumpkin for dog anal gland problems:

My husband and I have been using 100% canned pumpkin on my cocker spaniel as needed for about a year. I found this remedy online when researching her abcessed anal gland problem. We are pretty in tune with her and can notice right away when she is beginning to get a little discomfort in the area, tucking her butt in when she sits, the licking and scooting etc.. we immediately give her a tablespoon of pumpkin every night for a few days and it completely takes care of the problem. Her stools become more formed and compact - not to mention orange from the pumpkin.. But it takes care of the problem for several weeks at least, we'll give it to her whenever we think she might be brewing another swollen gland, or if we notice her having a bout of loose stools. I swear by this and recommend it to every pet owner I know.

Replied by Devlin
(Toronto, Canada)

Pumpkin (Really low in sugar) 1 Big can has only 1% sugar. It's a really good source of fiber an option for not only anal gland problems but also for constipation. (As our pets age they go through the same issues a geriatic elderly person would go through). I have a diabetic cat that suffers with AG problems and my other cat suffers with constipation. They are both on a wet food diets with no sugars. Which means High in protein and low in carbs. . (No soy protein, grain, veg, fruits in the food etc etc) Absolutely no dry. Anyway since then the one with constipation issues it has not come back (Adding 1-2 table spoons of pumpkin a day) Keep an eye on their stool it should not be runny if it is cut back you are adding too much. Neither have a problem with eating it as I mix it well into their food, with egg whites which help to strengthen the kindeys, vitamins, and every second day Chicken Gizzards (RAW cut into tiny pieces - if you have a grinder grind. ) (The nutritional value is really high and it's the closest thing I can think of to implement what they would eat in the wild) Store bought for humans. (Really cheap)

As for the anal gland issue if he gets another infection (could be his stool is too hard affecting the glands) it will usually open the same wound from the last infection. The best thing for this is a Syringe and Saline solution that you can get from the pharmacy. Use it like an enema and the salt water will kill any kind of infection! Instantly!!! Do it as often as you can and watch the infection come out. This is only if you notice in an emergency situation (Late at Night) then bring them to the vet for a check up to make sure all the infection is gone. This happened to me before and when I brought him to the vet the vet said there is nothing wrong with him and didn't want to give an antibotic.. Which I was fine with. (A thermomonitor is also your best friend and to know what the normal level of for your dog or cat is valuable)!!! That is all the vet did was take his temperature and looked at where the infection was. (The whole lump dissapeared). You can also use saline for a wound, tooth infection, eye infection any kind of abcess... But you must also bring for a check up to make sure the infection is gone. Good Luck

Replied by Zoey Lover
(Huntington Beach, California)

After reading about pumpkin and how it can eliminate my dogs anal glad issues, I want to try it but she just had an anal glad rupture and is on antibiotics. I need to know when I should start giving her the pumpkin? Should I wait and let the glad heal before putting extra stress on it? thx

Replied by Samantha

What kind of pumpkin? In the can? Like you make pies with?

Replied by Anna

Yes, canned pumpkin. NOT "pumpkin pie filling, " which has added sugar etc. The ingredient should be pumpkin. Just check the label.

Posted by Rob (Denver, CO) on 01/02/2009

My 7 year old DLH cat, Cowboy has been plagued with AG issues for a couple years now. Initially after suffering an abscess a couple years ago, my vet advised me that it was rather rare for this to be a persistent issue with cats. Being otherwise extremely healthy, I figured once the scheduled anti-biotic dosage was complete we'd be alright. She also advised me I could take him in once a month to have the sacs expressed before an infection set in. I took him back several times to have them expressed but he ended up getting another infection anyway within 6 months.

Unfortunately, it didn't end there. After the third bout of infections, I decided I had to seriously find an alternative to surgery and anti-biotics.

I started searching more diligently for a holistic approach to prevent the build up in the first place. I've always been of the mindset that dealing with the cause is a much easier than dealing the effect later on. Most have suggested that I up his fiber/carbohydrate intake which is completely contradictory to the diet I prefer to feed him.

Once I read all the success stories here @ EC I thought I'd give it a shot and went out and purchased some Organic Pumpkin last night. It was an easy sell for me to give it a try after discovering others have reaped the benefits of pumpkin for not only AG impaction, but also for hairballs.

I wasn't sure he'd even go near it so I initially just put a little dab on his nose to let him lick it off and get a taste for it. I then mixed some into his breakfast this morning thinking it would still be there waiting for me when I got back from work today to discard. Much to my surprise he ate it all. Getting him to even try it was my biggest concern.

I'll report back as soon as I get some definite feedback as to the effectiveness of this apparently miraculous remedy. I just wanted to thank the contributing members here for giving us a glimmer of hope that we can beat this awful condition naturally.

Again, I'll post back when enough time has expired to give a true Yay or Nay on the effectiveness of this remedy. I'm already convinced this will be a huge Yay for us since he's proven he'll even eat it in the first place to give it a try.

Thanks again!

EC: AG = Anal Gland

Replied by Rob
(Denver, CO)

It's been just over 6 weeks since Cowboy starting using pumpkin for his anal sac and hairball issues and I'm simply blown away by the results.

He's been to the vet twice since his last anal sac abscess (12/20/08)for rechecks and each time his glands have been empty. That alone is simply miraculous. In the past he wasn't able to empty his anal sacs naturally through defecation. Prior to the pumpkin remedy both of those vet visits would have resulted in the vet having to manually express his glands to prevent them from abscessing. The pumpkin appears to have cured him of this horribly painful and long-term condition.

The other issue was the daily or 4-5x per week hairball vomiting. Having to clean the mess I've always monitored the condition very closely. I would mark the calendar each time he would throw up with either a V if he threw up and there were no hairball seen or an HB if I saw a hairball. It was very common for him to throw up between 18-24 days monthly. Since we've begun the pumpkin remedy he's thrown up only one time in February.

This was a chronic condition for most of his life and the vet kept telling me because he was a long haired cat it was basically something we'd have to deal with. She prescribed the petroleum malt products which is supposed to help lubricate the digestive tract and allow the hairball to pass naturally. I may have used 1/4 of a tube, if that, and just threw that stuff away because it didn't work. Also, I never felt comfortable giving my cat a petroleum based product anyway.

I am so elated to have discovered the healing properties of pumpkin. I'm convinced Cowboy will live a much more comfortable life because his digestive system is working efficiently now.

As for the amount I give him it's certainly been a process where I started off using approximately 1/2 tsp mixed in his meal of grain-free canned natural cat food and about 1/2 medallion of raw cat frozen food (nature's variety). We've worked up to 1 tsp with each meal so he's getting about 2 tsp daily now.

He's also getting a small amount of probiotics with his morning meals to help restore some of the good bacteria that died off with the antibiotic therapies for the abscesses in the past.

Thank you Earth Clinic contributors for this valuable natural remedy. I'm eternally grateful!

Replied by Cattis
(Auckland, New Zealand)

wow, I love earth clinic...big time...everyone is evolving, I'm so glad doctors and vets are loosing their so called power over us.....My dog is having his first ag experience and I think I now can prevent so much discomfort.

Replied by Lauren
(Tallahassee, Fl)

It sounds like pumpkin is the best remedy for this issue, but my cat is on urinary s/o food from the vet. Does anybody know anything about giving pumpkin for this issue to cats with dietary restrictions? I don't want it to make her block...

Replied by Haleh

Hi! I read your post. My cat is 7 and hes having the same issue, lots of puss looking liquid oozing and squirting from his bum:/ took him to the vet n they said he has no problem, doesnt need to be expressed and his blood work looked great. But there's CLEARLY a problem! They don't know s---t and the antibiotics did nothing. Feeling very concerned and frustrated. Did the pumpkin remedy work on Cowboy?? Thanks so much for your help!! Best, Hal

Posted by Kelly (Nashville, TN ) on 11/21/2008

Canned pumpkin (100% pure pumpkin) is a great cure for dog who must have their anal glands expressed due to impactions. Also, my two dogs take enzymes and herbs daily. The herbs smell (and most likely taste) really bad. I mix them in a few teaspoons of pumpkin and add a couple of drops of omega 3 and vitamin E and a drop or so of Agave nectar. No problem getting them to eat this.

Replied by Devlin
(Toronto, Canada)

Yes you can use pumpkin on a cat 1-2 tablespoons for 15 pounds I use it daily with my cats. One is diabetic/with anal gland problems and the other had constipation issues. They will get the same issues as a gerartic human as they age. . . Chicken Gizzards (RAW)(store bought from your butcher or at the grocery store safe as it's sold to humans - (egg whites will help to strengthen the kidneys), ground up and add to the wet food is a great source of nutrition as they age. . Make sure to add pumpkin daily! Good Luck with your furry friend please give his tail a tug for me. :)

Replied by Kerrianne
(Canberra, Australia)

THANK YOU!! My 5 year old Cavoodle, Napoleon, has had AG problems for the past 3 years. He has had infections approximately 6-8 times every year and been treated with antibiotics. It has reached a point where the vet has now recommended he has the AG's surgically removed. I have been desperately wanting to avoid surgery for my 'best friend' and I think you may have provided an alternative. I am off to get pumpkins tomorrow.

Replied by Allison

Wondering how you prepare egg whites?? Raw cooked how many and gizzards are the cooked or raw and any other advice for failing kidneys??? pumpkin???

Posted by Linda (Moncton, New Brunswick ) on 10/11/2008

Hello, my dear sweet old cat Murphy had an infected and impacted anal gland, the my golden. Have purchased 100% pumkin and started the dog on it. Had anyone tried it on a cat? If yes how much per day?

with thanks! Lg

Replied by Kari
(Oxnard, Ca)

I have not used it on a cat, however we have a cocker spaniel who weights about 20 pounds and we would mix the pumpkin with honey, as per our vet 1/4 cup 2 times a day. Good Luck

Replied by Sherie
(Kent, England)

Hi , my cat has anal gland issues and is in the vets once a month!! How on earth would I get a cat to eat pumpkin?? And at the moment in England pumpkin is being grown all over the place!! I need to know how to cook it, disguise it and the quantity????.. Please fellow comrades... Sherie

Replied by Om
(Hope Bc Canada)

Hi Sherie, Kent UK --

Fresh pumpkin, steamed till soft. Then mix a quantity in the food, decrease or increase if needed. If you top the food with Nutritional Yeast from the health food store, it will be easily disguised and add the important vits B. A dab of VCO is always good. You may find more info. on EC on anal gland issues if you do a bit of EC research. All the best. Namaste, Om

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Sherie!

Try 1 tablespoon of soft pumpkin and mix well into 1 can of wet cat food. You have to monitor your results from there, as it is all very individual. So he may need to take 1/2 tablespoon more or 1/2 less as you monitor your results.

Replied by Jackie Page
(New York, Ny)

SHERIE (And LINDA) - Many years ago, my German Shepherd had an impacted anal gland. Her vet expressed the fluid - and told me that it would never go away. That I would have to keep bringing her in every so often so he could expel the fluid.

So, I started her on Vitamin C. The impaction never came back. This was a long time ago, so I forget what dosage I gave her (I'm guessing 500mg/day - spread out. She weighed 90 lbs) And, I don't remember for how long.

As I understand it, Vit C can be safely be given to cats up to 1500mg/day. I wouldn't use this much for your cat - maybe start with 100mg/day spread out over 3 meals. If it doesn't work - then, SLOWLY up the dose a bit. Repeatedly, if needed. (I've never needed to use more than 300mg/Day for a 10 lb cat for issues like Upper Respiratory). Use Vitamin C Capsules - so you can empty the powder into her food. Get a low dose capsule - so you can guesstimate the amount you're giving. And, Use Ester C or a buffered C, so it has less chance of upsetting her stomach. Do keep Baby Rice Cereal around to mix in her food - in case it causes diarrhea. AND, VERY IMPORTANT - if your cat has kidney problems - the C may not be safe for her. You should check with your vet (an alternative/holistic vet may be better to ask). If she's an older cat - Kidney problems are more likely. You might want to have her kidney function checked with blood work - even if she's not that old.

PS: Libby's makes pure pumpkin in a can - no other ingredients.

Another option that might work: 4Life Transfer Factor - Classic Formula. This is more expensive than Vit C ? but, it has alleviated/cured virtually every condition I've come across personally. Even conditions that vets had given up on (Including mammary tumor cancer in cats).

It is very safe, and will not conflict with any meds (Except for High-Dose Steroids - since Steroids knock down immune cells - and TF builds them up). TF is comprised of the same immune molecules you find in mother's first milk (Colostrum). It transmits immunities ? and quickly helps the body make more immune cells (I've seen this documented in blood work on my cats). I've also seen it actually repair "Stem Cells" (which are the cells that develop into tissues/organs)- so that it can sometimes even "fix" the damage.

It comes in capsule form - Open Capsule and add the powder to wet pet food. Most animals like the taste ? will lick it off the top (Otherwise, mix it into food). It can also be used topically ? sprinkle/dab the powder onto wet area. You can make the area lightly wet first - with a small amount of water on skin).

It is available only on the internet ( or through distributors. I recommend this specific company, because - this is the only company I have found that makes a product that contains ONLY Transfer Factor Molecules (Nothing else added).

This Transfer Factor Formula is much better than colostrum (which you can get in retail stores) - as it does not contain any milk, so can be used cross-species (This is a human formula), and, these TF molecules are 2000x more concentrated than in Colostrum. Good Luck, Jackie

(West Covina, Ca)

My dog was actually on 4Life Transfer Factor and had been for 2 years when he developed chronic anal sac infections. It did not help him. I no longer give it to him. It is too expensive to keep buying if it is not helping.


How much of the 4life transfer factor capsule do you give to a 12 lb cat?

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