Aural Haematoma
Natural Remedies

Aural Hematoma Remedies

| Modified on Nov 13, 2024
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Aural Hematoma Remedies

An aural hematoma is a distressing and uncomfortable health issue for your dog or cat. Natural remedies can be used to prevent aural hematomas and heal smaller hematomas. Larger hematomas will benefit from having a drainage “plug” inserted into the ear by your vet. Even though this may seems extreme for a hematoma, remember that pets are often long suffering and you may not realize how painful the swelling at the site of the ear is. The more quickly you can resolve this issue for your furry friend, the better.

What is an Aural Hematoma?

Aural simply means that it has to do with the ear. Hematoma is a fancy word for bruise. But an aural hematoma is more than “just a bruise.” The “bruise” is usually more significant that the purple discoloration that people experience. Blood pools beneath the skin causing swelling and pain.

Aural Hematomas can be caused by a direct injury to the ear, but more commonly they are caused by a dog shaking his head vigorously or scratching his ear. Dogs scratch their ears when they have bacterial or yeast infections in their ears or when they are dealing with fleas, ticks or mites in or on the ears.


Arnica can be found at the health food store in the form of a gel, oil, cream or salve. Each will work to treat bruising assuming the product is of high quality. You can also make your own Arnica oil, ensuring and excellent end result.

  • 1 cup dried arnica flowers
  • Olive oil

Place the arnica flowers in a glass canning jar. Pour olive oil into the jar until it just covers the flowers. Cap the jar and let it sit for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, strain out the flowers with a coffee filter. Now you have arnica infused olive oil. You can use the oil before two weeks is up, but it will not be as strong a solution.


Homeopathic Lachesis 30 and Hamamelis 30 have been used as internal remedies to complement topical treatment of aural hematomas.

Bentonite Clay

Bentonite clay can be made into a paste and applied topically to a bruise. The clay needs to be kept moist as it becomes uncomfortable when it dries on the skin. It can be applied right to the skin or it can be made into a poultice and applied to the ear.

Surgical Procedures

Draining the Hematoma

Sometimes a vet will drain the hematoma in the office. While this provides some immediate relief, often as soon as a pet begins to shake his head again the hematoma will return.

Surgical Pluf

A better option is a small plug that is inserted into the ear flap by the vet. Then the owner will drain and clean the plug twice a day for several weeks. (Removing the plug early may mean that it must be reinserted.) To keep the dog from agitating the plug, usually an E-collar is used, unless the pet is being carefully supervised, as on a walk.

Preventing Aural Hematomas

Preventing a hematoma in the first place will save your pet misery and pain and save you trips to the vet and the cost of vet care and possibly surgery.

Make ear care part of your weekly routine for your dog. Clean his ears weekly (or even twice weekly if he is prone to having trouble.) Keeping ears yeast, infection, flea and mite free will usually ensure that he is not scratching his ears and shaking his head.

Choose a remedy to use weekly that will prevent the cause of your dog shaking his head or scratching his ears.

If your dog is prone to yeast infections in his ears, consider Arcane solution.

If your dog swims a lot, a combination of white vinegar and rubbing alcohol, used after each swim will help to dry out his ears and prevent infection. Mix together 1 tablespoon of white vinegar and 1 tablespoon of rubbing alcohol. Keep this in a small bottle and apply several drops into each ear.

Dogs that struggle with mange or mites can use Ted’s Mange Cure as a preventative on a weekly basis.

If your dog is plagued with fleas, a spray of apple cider vinegar and water can be sprayed onto his ears each day. Use 1 cup apple cider vinegar and 1 cup water in a spray bottle. Avoid getting this into his eyes or on broken skin.

At the first sign of scratching the ears or shaking the head, check your dog’s ears!

Certain breeds are more likely to have trouble with aural hematomas. Dogs with droopy ears and larger ears tend to have more difficulty.

Has your dog had an aural hematoma? We would love to hear your story!

Additional Iages of Interest:

Flea Prevention

Ear Infections in Dogs

Treating Ear Mites in Dogs

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


7 User Reviews
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1 star (1) 

Posted by Dee (Florida) on 10/26/2024

My dog has a ear Hematoma. I contacted 2 online holistic vets Dr. Jones in Canada and Dr. Basko in Hawaii for advice. One recommended to me to apply homeopathic arnica cream or gel. The other recommended to apply Traumeel ointment or Traumacare cream same ingredients less costly on I bought the Traumacare cream and in 2 weeks the swelling went down. It is almost healed.

Replied by Daniel Whitton
(Justin, Texas)

That is great news. Must have been a smaller seroma. For the big balloon sized aural hematomas, no amount of ointment will keep it from shriveling. the size of the resulting clot is the largest determining factor to amount of shrivel. By removing the blood before it clots and applying an aural splint, the blood will be forced to clot in a thin layer, enabling all the benefits and very little of the consequences of shriveling. All we do is help heal aural hematoma in dog.

Posted by Julie (Akron, Ny) on 06/08/2016

I have a 12 yr. old goldendoodle that had a "puffy ear flap" - come to find it was a hematoma and day by day was growing. I could not imagine putting the old girl through surgery so I found out about Arnica Oil online. I bought it at a local health food store in a gel tube and applied it to her ear 3 days ago - it is almost completely gone and looks no different than the other ear. Why would someone put their dog through surgery when a $12 tube of Arnica Gel can heal it.

Replied by Donna

My golden mix has a swollen left ear lobe. Is arnica gel the best way to apply? what about arnica tablets also in their food. I do not want to go to vet and spend $200 or more if this can really be treated at home. He is in no pain and not even scratching it.

Replied by Suseeq
(Sydney, Australia)

Yes, I would use that.

Replied by Cassandra
(Omak Wa)

My dog gor his first hematoma about two or maybe three months ago now. We took him to the vet (of which I'll never return to because of the horrible receptionists and rudeness) and had it lanced and a drain placed in it. He had to wear an e-collar for 10 days, then go back to have the drain removed and then wear the collar for another 7 days to make sure it was all healed. It was terrible. There was no room for the collar and it kept needing repaired with duct tape to hold It together (my dog is not calm ever). His hematoma returned last night and I can't stand going to have surgery done to him again. It's too expensive and we have no money to our name. I found some arnica oil at the health store and am wondering how exactly do I applyy It to the ear? How often and should I be doing anything else? He seems to just have itchy ears and I don't know how to stop that. No infection or mites have ever been found, he just scratches.

Replied by Suseeq
(Sydney, Australia)

Cassandra, the itchiness is from the build up blood. Apply the arnica oil to the ear. Also I would add a bit of tumeric as well. Apply twice per day. Let us know how you go.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hello Cassandra,

Untreated itchy ears can lead to reoccurring aural hematoma. If you can stop the itch, then the scratching will stop - so to that end you might consider a few things.

You are interested in the arnica oil - I would use the oil or any salve or cream by directly applying to the ear leather - do this 3-4 times per day.

For immediate relief: Zymox Otic hcl - buy it online, for treating ears. It works on bacteria and yeast [has enzymatic digesters] and you don't need to clean the ears to use it. Use at first sign of an itch, or if the ears seem gunky or have redness. This is one product that is well worth the purchase price.

For the long term approach: consider a rotation of treated water - baking soda for alkalizing and borax per Ted's borax protocol for dogs. The alkalizing and borax will help balance the body's PH and make it unfavorable to yeast -so fight a systemic yeast infection from the inside out.

Read your dog food label and change up the groceries to grain free. Even if you are already feeding grain free, try switching to a different protien base and monitor your results. **This is key, as grain based diets have been linked to systemic yeast infections, skin issues and ear problems.

Please report back!

Replied by Carolyn

My dog has had a Hematoma off and on for a year now. I will not do Surgery, so we have had it drained 6 times. It always comes back. I bought Arnica gel and have been using it for 6 days it is not working the Hematoma is still the same size.. I am so frustrated.. it pains me to see him so sad and it is heavy with the fluid in there. Guess its back to the drs again tomorrow.

Replied by Trinia
(Anaheim Ca)

How much and how often did you apply to your dogs ear? Please help my old lady Labrador is suffering and I can't afford the $800.00 price tag of the surgery!

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Trinia,

When I use arnica oil, I usually apply it a couple of times a day, generously but not soaking the area.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Carol

I have a 9 yr old spayed BC girl who has an aural hematoma. I just ordered the arnica oil. Is this better than the gel form? She is also itching and scratching, and does not have fleas.

Replied by Sarah
(Rhode Island)

Did you use arnicare GEL? I can't find anything approving the gel. Just want to make sure before I put it on.

Replied by Kaz
(East Anglia, Uk)

You are absolutely right. I have a 11 year old Staffie and she had an aural hematoma a couple of years ago and it was cured with Arnica oil, bought online and I added Lachesis homeopathic remedy by mouth, 30c 3 doses intermittently, as it was slow to heal and used when trauma is internal. The swelling reduced gradually and in a couple of months it was gone. I was determined to be patient and not go to the vet. I stupidly went to the vet for her previous ear. It cost a fortune. She was in so much pain, crying all the time, despite meds. She bit the cage she was in and broke her teeth as she did not want to be in there. More money to pay for teeth extractions. She could not sleep well because of the cone and discomfort, she had to wear for 3 weeks. It was a total nightmare. Where the swelling is slow to reduce or does not budge, Lachesis will do the job and reduce it. It can be a very slow process. She is a healthy dog, had severe arthritis of the knees - now improved thanks to homeopathy. Homeopathy promotes a feeling of well-being, which is also good for our pets during the healing process.

Replied by Venkatesh
(Hosur, India)

Our dog is 12 and half years old. Gin has the hematoma on her left ear and it has not ruptured. It is like a collection of lquid between the ear skin. She had a large one that was surgically removed. This is at present not a large one.

Can I administer 6C drops of Lachesis at 4 drops in the morning, afternoon and evenings?

Also, would application of Arnica oil on the skin where the swelling is seen, be of help to reduce it? She is old and severely arthritic and takes many joint supplements and Aloe Vera juice and Turmeric chews for the same. We would not like to have her go through another surgery.

Please advice on the Lachesis dosage for 6C.

We are from Hosur, in India.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hello Venkatesh,

If this were my dog I might dose every 2 hours and monitor results to check for progress. I would stop over night, and then perhaps go to your original dosing schedule. You might also consider Arnica Montana for this condition as it typically arises due to trauma. And because this tends to arise from ear conditions inside the ear that causes the dog to scratch and shake the ear, you might look at cleaning the ears very well and frequently and adjusting diet to grain free.

Replied by Venkatesh

Thank you, Theresa, for your valuable advice.

We are applying Arnica oil and turmeric, on the swelling. The size is remaining the same and has not broken.

As for Lachesis, we are yet to receive the drops. Shall give her as per your advice.

We are also giving her aloe vera oil and turmeric in food. We are also cleaning her ears frequently. Am hoping that it does not increase in size and slowly disappears.

Thank you very much for your timely response.

Replied by Melissa

Do you put the Arnica Oil on the inside or outside of the ear? And has anyone used the Hamamelis (witch hazel) mentioned in the article?

Replied by Venkatesh
(Tamil Nadu)

We apply Arinca Gel / Oil on the swelling on the inner side of the flap. We also use aloe vera gel application. We mix a bit of turmeric powder. We are giving her Lachesis 30C at 4 drops each in the morning and evening. Present observation is the swelling stays same size (it has not increased). It has not ruptured. Am considering going to the vet to drain it and continue with the present dosage. As I read in this forum, it could take more time. Am hoping that there is timely recovery.

Replied by Venkatesh

We have started Lachesis 30 and Hamamelis 30 at 4 drops thrice a day for few days now. Am able to see improvement (slow) in the ear. It appears to slowly reduce in size. For application on the swelling, we apply Arnica oil, turmeric and aloe vera gel (mixed and diluted) once in 3 to 4 hours.

Replied by Marielina
(New York City, New York)

Hey, my dog has a small hematoma that is forming. I want to get this treatment as soon as possible. Can you specify the exact treatments you used? Like are you using regular for humans? Or do I have to go to like a pet shop?

Replied by Marielina
(New York City, New York)

Hey, so for the Lachesis, I don't have drops but the pills instead. How much should I give my 2 year old pitbull/beagle mix who it 25 lbs?

Replied by Jason Payne

$200 is just for a syringe drainage, which usually doesn't work. The vet's preferred method is surgery for $7-900. So many stories of vets taking people to the cleaners during their moments of emotional weakness.

Replied by Michele

Could I ask what particular brand of Arnica Montana you would suggest and what the dosing is? TYIA!

Posted by Albert (California) on 09/07/2015

I have had 7 golden retrievers since 1972, including my current two. Four of my previous goldens had ear hematomas. A couple more than once. I have always had surgery done on them. Ears lanced, etc.

A couple weeks ago, one of my goldens got a hematoma on his left ear flap. I checked the internet and found Dr. Paws on YouTube. He made sense to me. I agreed with him. To put a dog through the surgery and recovery is terrible. Then I found a site where a comment mentioned success using Arnica oil. I figured I would try it. I bought a bottle online at Swanson's. I applied some to my golden's ear flap with some skepticism.

Three days later I noticed that the hematoma had shrunk. Really. Now a week later, the ear flap is almost flat with no cauliflowering. The flap is almost normal. It certainly seems that the Arnica oil worked. I will definitely use it again if needed.

Replied by Deb

I just ordered the oil you mentioned. Does it honestly work? I hate to see my pet in pain and I agree, I don't want to have surgery done on my dog.

Replied by Amanda

Albert , What is the brand of Arnica oil ? Thanks!

Replied by Betty
(North Carolina)

how to apply arnica gel to a hematoma; how often and how much...for a 20 pound jack russell terrier that had been drained but has it safe for digestion by other dogs?... thank you

Replied by Danielle

Hello. My lab is getting these more frequent and I would love to try the arnica oil as the vets bills are getting extreme and not working plus not wanting surgery just yet. How do you go about this? What's the process? Thank you xx

Replied by Rayanna

My 14 week old puppy has a hematoma in each ear. I think since birth as her siblings have them as well. How much arnica oil should be applied and how often?

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hello Rayanna!

Please google 'aural hematoma dogs' and do an image search to make sure what you are seeing in your puppy and her entire litter are aural hematomas and report back.


Replied by Dawna
(Port St Lucie Florida)

My dog keeps getting hematomas! I have had 2 surgerys! Another one came back while his third bandage change happened. I wanted to cry, which I did! He is still dealing with this! I keep his ears clean. Don't understand this...

Replied by Lizzy
(Asheville, Nc)

Dear Dawna, I can relate! Please read my posts on dealing with several hematomas in my dog. The trick is to keep your dog's ears clean and not let yeast and bacteria build up. You must use a ear solution at least once a week. If you slack off on this as I have learned, your dog is at risk of another hematoma. As soon as your dog scratches at his ear, rinse it out with one of the ear formulas. I haven't had any more hematomas to deal with after staying on top of cleaning his ears out once a week. When necessary, I have also used antibiotic ear drops from the vet (you can also buy enzyme formulas for ears online). Good luck!

Replied by Cindy

I have a 10 yr old Dachshund who has developed an aural hematoma on his left ear. How often should I use the arnica oil?

Replied by Chelsey
(Ca, Valley Springs)

How often did you put it on? My dog has one on his inner leg. And it has gotten so big, I don't know to treat this.

Replied by Gianna
(Brooklyn, Ny)

How much was in the oil? I'm using Arnica gel on my cat and praying it will help. It's 7% and I'm applying 3 times a day. Thanks!

Replied by Monica
(San Juan, Puerto Rico)

Can the arnica oil be applied to cats as well? Are there any precautions for cats?

Replied by Mama To Many

Dear Monica,

I am not aware of any concerns with using arnica for cats, unless the arnica preparation you have has essential oils in it. Essential oils are usually considered too strong for cats.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Jay
(Gravette, Arkansas)

I would like to try the gel on her ear. She has two hematomas again. Would it take very long for it to work? she is 13 and I don't want to put her through surgery.

Replied by Chirasree

How much dose plzz help I am facing same problem...its been more than 2 weeks. I tried sulphur 30x merbromine solution still no response..but once I applied arnica oil it seemed to swell up more so I got scared and stopped it plzz hlp...

Posted by Lois (Canada) on 11/21/2014

Arnica oil is amazing. Our baby is almost 13 years old. He got a hematoma in his ear. We took him to the vet, she drained it, a month later it came back, bigger than ever. My husband put the arnica oil on it. Within one week the blood has diminished and so far no cauliflouring. We use the Arnica at least once a day and keep his ears clean. No vet and no pain for my baby....yay

Replied by Becky

Hi Lois....I just came home from vet and my 11 yr old boston has a hematoma. Surgery is not an option as we don't think she would survive. Can you tell me what type of arnica oil you used and how much? I would really like to try this while it is small. Thanks bunches!

Replied by Stela
(Los Angeles, Ca)

Where can I find Arnica for dogs with Ear hematoma?

Replied by Ladymars
(Florida, Us)

Hi, I find dried arnica in the herb section of a Mexican market. We mix it with olive oil in a bottle and keep to rub on sore muscles and joint aches. Also available online, but only $1-2 in store. Might find it in hispanic or herb section of large supermarket also.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Stela!

Google is your friend :) Just enter "arnica oil Los Angeles CA" and you will get hits.

Replied by Elizabeth
(Rochester, Ny)

Just wondering how big some of the hematoma were and what they felt like? Did they ever get firm at all. We're dealing with the 2nd for our pup. Went 11 years with none and now 2 in one year :( last time we had a canula put in and it let the ear keep draining. It was a mess!! With a toddler and in our new smaller space we just can't go through that again. Looking for a better option than surgery!

Replied by Jennifer
(Montgomery, Alabama)

Hello, I was wondering how many times you had to drain it on your animals? My cat has one on his ear and we've drained it two or three times now but it keeps swelling back up, I was unaware that he had mites in his ears until it was to late so now I was just wondering how often you have to drain it? We also bought the arnica oil and are applying that to it. Thank you in advance for any help.

Replied by Matthew
(Allenton, Michigan)

Where can I find Arnica oil and how often do you use it?

Replied by Dot
(Pittsburgh, Pa)

Great remedy, for a perplexing problem. Thank you very much.

Replied by Tracie

Hi, my 12 year old kitty has an aural hematoma. We have been using the arnica gel for a couple days. Do you think the oil would be better? Any feedback would be much appreciated!!! :-)

Replied by Purushotham

Please tell me how to treat Hematoma with this Arnica oil..? How to apply this ..? Will this treat the Hematoma without a surgery ..? Please help me my pet is suffering with this from past 3 weeks.

Replied by Jeanne
(Oconto, Wi)

Does arnica salve work too?

Replied by Linn

I just purchased armica oil, arnica pills and turmeric at the healthfood store. $34.00

We've spent almost $1000 on my poor little Wally this summer, two stints....didn't work, and a major surgery. After he had the stitches out, within three days the hematoma is back as large as it ever was.

I just can't bear for him to suffer through another surgery and am activating the remedies here for a week. I will post the results.

Wish me luck, he is the love of my heart....

Replied by Heather
(Fort Worth, Tx)

My baby has the the same thing but now in both ears , I have been using arnica gel and it has helped a little, I was wondering if you used 100% pure arnica oil, maybe it might heal faster. Thank you for your help.

Replied by Vlanoa
(Delhi, India)

Hi... My two and half year old Golden Retriever is suffering terribly with a ruptured aural hematoma. His condition is different as it bleeds all the time and due to clotting and repeated healing it irritates, he shakes his head and it bleeds again. And it is like blood all over the house. I haven't tried any surgical process as the vet has said it is good it has ruptured. But I don't see any good in bleeding as of now. I've tried all treatments and finally have got a paraffin base Arnica cream to apply. Just wanted to know if I can apply to his wound as it is an open wound. I have applied it once now, but don't know if that is okay. I feel so helpless and frustrated seeing him suffer. Help.

Replied by Ben

Minor surgery is very simple and is the best option to avoid needless pain and the situation getting worse. Infection may be present and your dog might need antibiotics.

Replied by Nicole

My dog has her second hematoma in a year..different ears. Just noticed the newest one is starting to balloon so I read your say he put the oil ON the ear flap or IN the ear canal? The one in the summer was cut and drained..didn't have the 1200 CDN dollars to have her ear surgically operated on.

EC: On the ear flap!

Replied by Dani
(Ottawa, Ontario)


Did you try the Arnica oil on your dog. Where did you purchase the oil in Ontario? All of these products that are so readily available in the States sometimes aren't so much in Canada. I am trying to find it for my Boston Terrier. I would love to know if I can treat this without surgery.

Thank you!!

Aural Hematoma Remedies

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Robin H. (Tuscaloosa, AL) on 02/08/2019

I am trying to find a remedy for entire ear flap hematoma in my 13yrs of pit bull. It's been there approx 2 weeks and has not changed in size.

EC: Please check the aural hematoma page in our pets section here: ‎

Aural Hematoma Remedies
Posted by Racquel (Orlando) on 05/14/2014

Hi EC....I need you guys opinion urgently on a problem I have with my seems like out of nowhere, his one ear suddenly started swelling to the size of a quarter. I rushed him to the vet thinking the worst of course and he was diagnosed with hemathoma (not sure if I spelt it correctly)anyways, what it is is a ruptured blood vessel in the inner ear that is caused by some type of trauma to the ear. He recommended surgery asap but I told him I need to think about it because of the cost but most importantly I am worried about my dog....he is my best friend....any response would be greatly appreciated...thank you guys...

Replied by Lizzy
(Asheville, Nc)

Hi Raquel, I just went through this with one of my dogs. You can see my post on the aural hematoma page of this site. He got a huge hematoma the size of his ear flap on his left ear and then a smaller one the size of a silver dollar on his right ear as soon as the first one had healed. I couldn't believe it!!!

It was a LONG ordeal to heal the big hematoma, but thankfully a much easier time for the smaller one. If the hematoma is large and putting too much pressure on your dog's ear opening, I suggest you do the small surgery ASAP and get a drainage cap put in. Don't let your dog suffer with the intense heat and pressure from the blood building up in the ear. Don't do the other surgery where they stitch the ear, which is an older procedure most vets don't perform anymore. What my vet did was insert a drainage cap at the top of the ear flap. A very easy procedure. Just know that you will be emptying a small drainage cap twice a day and gently pushing the fluid up from the ear and out and it smells awful. Have paper towels ready!

If you get this drainage cap in, don't take it out until you are sure there is no more fluid coming out, which can take about 3-4 weeks. We pulled out the drainage cap too soon (after 20 days) and had to have another one put in 2 days later because the ear swelled back up. We had to wait until enough scar tissue built up in the ear and then the fluid/blood finally stopped. But it took 6 weeks total and he had to wear a soft fabric Elizabethean collar for all of it (though I took it off for his walks).

If the hematoma is only in one section of the ear flap, watch it to make sure it doesn't keep getting any bigger. If it doesn't grow, leave it alone. Don't even have the vet drain it (which is very painful for the dog) and it will heal in a few week's time without any intervention.

My vet told me she's been treating more hematomas this year in dogs than in years past, and she's not quite sure why. Let me know if you have any questions about this and good luck!

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Thank you for sharing your experience with us! Very helpful advice!

Replied by Racquel

Hi are truly a saviour....thank you so much for that detailed response. You will never know how grateful I am. I am keeping a really close eye on him as you suggested but thankfully, his does not take over the whole ear flap.....its the size of a dollar coin......I am hoping that it would go down and I don't have to do surgery....I feel so bad for him, he is the sweetest dog ever.....anyways, thank you again Lizzy...I am now feeling hopeful.....take care and be blessed.

Replied by Lizzy
(Asheville, Nc)

Hi Raquel, sounds like you have a best case scenario if it's the size of a silver dollar and I wouldn't be too concerned about it if I were you! Yea! Glad I was able to help.

The hematoma will probably start to shrink in about 2 weeks. My dog's smaller hematoma has been going down slowly and we're now on week 6. It will end up looking a lot better than the other ear, which had major scarring. But now I know in the case of hematomas, scarring is a good thing and will likely prevent another hematoma from happening in the future.

Replied by Racquel
(Orlando, FL)

I didn't know that....thanks for that tip....will let you know how he is doing. Thank you so much Lizzy....

Replied by Terry

My lab had an accident with a stick. It cut her tongue and she was in severe pain We used Arnica for trauma and took her to the emergency vet which really did not accomplish anything accept trying to give 4 different types of medication ad offered to clean the area out but there was no guarantee that they would get everything. I flushed her mouth with lugo'ls iodine and hydrogen peroxide for the next 2 days. Fast forward dog recovered nicely with arnica and 2 cloves of garlic daily.

About 10 days later a lump started to grow on her neck. It was the size of a golf ball and hard. I massaged it and it moved to the front of her neck and continued to get bigger. (the size of a tennis ball). I took her to a holistic vet and it was diagnosed as a hematoma after a needle aspiration. I was given 2 homeopathic remedies and was told it would take time to heal. The vet believed it was caused by the stick accident and would resolve on its own. I continued with the garlic and added turmeric powder 1 tsp 2 times daily. In about 6 days the lump became soft and the hair around the lump fell off but the size did not decrease.

She had scratched it so I decided to apply benonite clay in the morning of the 14 day after seeing the vet. In that same evening I noticed a black round patch under the scratch. It was wet to touch. I took my dog into the bathroom and laid her on a towel. With her lying on her side I squeezed the black spot softly and bingo, it started to drain. It took 4 hours. What amazed me was that splinters came out with the blood. It was blood with no pus and no smell. For the next 2 days it continued to seep and was hard to keep gauze on because of the position of the where the small hole was draining.

Two days later I have applied bentonite clay 3 times a day and rinsing it with lugols iodine mixed with distilled water. It is not filling up and looks like it is starting to heal. I believe the bentonite clay helped pull what had been lodged somewhere in her mouth area and had worked its way down her throat. I would have thought first hand that this would have been an abscess, however there was never any fever and no pus or discharge. I feel that the turmeric, bentonite clay and garlic were key to this hematoma rupturing on its own without surgical intervention.

Replied by Mama to Many

Dear Terry,

What a fascinating story! Thanks for sharing. Your did a great job on your dog!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc. Canada)

Hi Terry --- this was indeed a fascinating account. It shows, that all the intuitive answers are within when forms of love are the motivation. Congratulations. What a great experience. Namaste, Om

Replied by Mayan2012

Up-Date: Dog hematoma on neck

Just wanted to give an up-date on my dogâ€TMs hematoma. After the last post I made the hematoma returned 2 times. I kept using the garlic and turmeric and applied bentonite clay when it filled. The hematoma drained within 2 days of applying the benonite clay and the fluid was clear. It filled again with in 3 days and bentonite clay was reapplied. Again it ruptured with blood and continued to drain. This time I kept the bentonite clay on the opening which was much bigger on the last rupture. It healed over and the fur has grown back. They area has a bit of a cauliflower feel to it however because of the location it is not noticeable. It has been over a week and has not refilled.

Replied by Mayan2012

Up-date from July 2014 Dog's neck hematoma.(size of baseball)

It was successfully treated with bentonite clay applied on hematoma, turmeric and garlic internally. It drained 3 times on its own when bentonite clay was applied and left on area. Healing time was approx 6 weeks.

Replied by Wendi Akers

I just spent $1100 on my mastiff's hematoma for the surgical lance and stitch option that this new vet (I just moved here) threw out there as the only option. Welp, now he had one on his other ear yesterday. I chose the non surgical drain option this time and guess what? When I got him from the vet yesterday the growth is back full force in the previous $1100 ear! Ugh :-/

Aural Hematoma Remedies
Posted by Lizzy (Asheville, Nc) on 01/19/2014

I am at the emergency Vet with my dog who has a hematoma in his left ear. The whole ear flap is swollen. They are going to drain it and give me antibiotic drops, but the vet tells me that the hematoma will come back the next time he shakes his head. The next option is surgery but I declined that. While waiting for them to check out my dog, I am reading about a vet on YouTube who just lets the hematoma heal on its own after a few weeks. Says this is better than surgery as surgery forms scar tissue and doesn't prevent more hematomas. Does anyone have any suggestions how to prevent another hematoma from forming once this is drained. Oh, I also read about arnica helping to heal a dog's hematoma.

I ran out of probiotics last week and I think that upset his yeast.. then he got ear irritation and itchiness and started shaking his head last night, which is when I think the hematoma formed. Thank you so much in advance for any suggestions.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Lizzy!

Do read up if you have not already on aural hematomas in pets:

The way to prevent another aural hematoma is to remove the cause of your dog's need to shake his head, ie you need to be on top of those itchy, yeasty ears. This may mean cleaning his ears every other day [or weekly or ???] whether it looks to you as if he needs it or not.

I like Zymox for ear gunky, sore infections, however there are plenty of remedies on EC:

One simple solution for cleaning ears that are NOT infected is 1 part isopropyl rubbing alcohol, 1 part ACV and 2 parts water - warm before using to flush out your dog's ears.

Consider these homeopathic remedies and herbs for treating aural hematomas in pets: Center/Homeopathy/First Aid/First Aid for Pets/home_remedies_for_cat_hematoma.html

Replied by Lizzy
(Asheville, Nc)

Thank you Theresa for responding to my post! I will check out the homeopathic remedies as you suggest. Yes, I will definitely stay on top of keeping his ears clean and gunk free. The hematoma came back today... my poor boy looks very uncomfortable. Giving him antibiotics ear drops from the vet and making sure he's not itchy. Gave him a couple of tramadol pills last night for pain that the vet gave me, but would like to avoid them if possible. Tough to see the ear flap ballooned like that. I will let you know how it goes, but thank you again for taking the time to respond.

Replied by Om
(Hope Bc Canada)

Re dog's hematoma:

This made me think. A few years back I missed a step and fell onto my knee . Later this became a large swelling; apparently fluid in the knee.

The chemical doctor said I should never kneel again and the fluid should be removed.! I declined. Went home and warmed up a quantity of pure sesame oil, dunked a cotton cloth into it and wound around the knee, finishing up with a woolen cloth. I kept my knee up on a chair for the treatment till the oil cooled down. I think I repeated it once or so. The result was NO fluid, the knee perfect and I could continue my yoga classes without problems.

The fluid around the knee is the body's protection and it is vital to keep it in the body. Removing it would result in a lot of ensuing troubles.

I would do the same to the dog's ear except one would have to stay for about twenty minutes for the warm oil to have a beneficial effect. However, I endorse Theresa's posting. That is what I do and what people in Europe have done for a long time. The doctor's advice was amazing, to say the least. Namaste, Om

Replied by Lizzy
(Asheville, Nc)

Thank you Theresa and Om for your posts.

I wanted to give everyone an update on my dog's aural hematoma. As I mentioned, I took him to the Emergency Vet 2 weeks ago and got the hematoma drained. It came back 24 hours later as they said it would. I then looked up remedies on the internet and found a woman who dissolved a hematoma on her dog's ear by massaging it with a tiny amount of castor oil, so I tried massaging his ear twice a day (very gently). It did nothing and in fact, I think may have made it worse. I took him to my regular vet 4 days later who looked at me incredulously when I told her I tried to massage his ear. She explained that a burst capillary is very small and that there is NOWHERE for the blood to go and that I should not be trying to increase blood flow to the ear right now! She wanted to do a quick surgical procedure where they insert a cap that you empty twice a day. This is what vets are mostly doing these days instead of stitching up the ear flap. But I opted to get it drained one more time hoping it would hold this second time since I had been treating his ear with antibiotic drops for 5 days at this point. Okay, so no, it didn't work and within 24 hours later, it filled up with blood again. Sigh. The weekend came and went and I took him back to get the surgery at the beginning of last week. Cost $600, but he is doing so much better now. I take off the cap twice a day and push liquid up and out through it. It actually oozes now and then around the cap. He is wearing the Elizabethean cone except on walks, which my husband trimmed down on all but the left side so that he can eat and drink without an issue and not smash into furniture. I will take him back to the vet in 10 days.

So basically, for those deciding what to do with an aural hematoma, I would suggest you NOT waste your money getting the ear drained (unless it's a small hematoma, unlike my dog's, which was the size of his entire ear flap) and opt instead for immediately getting the cap surgery. It would have taken forever for the blood to dissolve back into his body if we had done nothing, and I know he was in quite a bit of pain from having so much pressure build up in his earflap. I hope this helps people. I do regret waiting it out before getting this quick and easy surgery.

If I have any more news, I will write again! Lizzy

Replied by Lisa
(Brisbane, Australia)


Just wanted to say thank you all for posting! My Maremma has a huge aural hematoma but is NOT in pain. He's eating and drinking and wanting to run around and play. His ear is so swollen it looks like a giant samosa :( I took him to the vet who immediately said he needs surgery ($800). But he's nearly 10 so I don't really want to do that.

I am going to bite the bullet and leave it, using arnica cream, and see how we go. I iced it last night which seemed to help, so will try the arnica and tape it to his head (gently) so he can't shake it. Wish me luck! I will post results here. Thanks again. xx

Replied by Lizzy
(Asheville, Nc)

Hi Lisa, I just read your post about the huge hematoma in your dog. My dog also had a huge hematoma in his left ear, as you might have read in my other posts. Even though it looked like he was not in pain, the vet assured me it was very painful for him. The amount of pressure on the ear is intense as there is nowhere for the blood to go. I wasted a week treating the hematoma with ice, arnica, etc., and needle injections, which I later regretted. The drainage tube the vet added was a pain I must admit, but it was the best decision. It was about half the price as an ear flap surgery. He has had no more problems in that particular ear since last April, thankfully. Unfortunately he does have a cauliflower ear from the build up of scar tissue.

My beloved dog has had multiple, smaller hematomas in his other ear since the first big one (and an insipid skin infection that I will write about in another post). I left the first 2 hematomas alone with the vet's agreement, but every time he scratched, he managed to swell up his right ear and cause another hematoma. So the "leave it alone" method hasn't worked well for my boy dog at all.

About a month ago, I started seeing a new holistic vet who told me about a third method of treating hematomas with low dose prednisone. The treatment tapers off slowly in the 2nd week. This method has worked very well I am happy to say! Swelling went down after 1 week and the area is healing nicely.

Good luck! Let us know how your furry friend is doing!

Replied by Diamond

Some times prednisone has a huge negative kick back to the immune system, especially if taken too often. Good Luck

Replied by Daniel
(Justin, Texas Usa)

The use of the Auralsplint to correct the hematoma is in case studies at present and will be made available this year. In order to use the auralsplint, first the hematoma must be drained within 7 days of onset, or sooner. Thereafter or until time of the auralsplint treatment is applied, no longer than 5 days should pass without a needle aspiration to remove the fluids and keep a blood clot from forming in the hematoma cavity. As long as most of the fluid can be aspirated, the auralsplint treatment can be effective, corrective, and help keep the ear from shriveling.

Replied by Shelley
(Charleston, South Carolina)

Dear Sun,

I am sorry for your loss. My dog is a part of me and I would give my life for my dog. I don't have $ to pay for the surgery so I don't know what to do... I wish a Dr. could help me. I mean if veterinary loves animals than what I don't get is why a vet won't help me.


That was back in the day.....When vets cared....And they did it for the LOVE of their Vocation.....Now it's about monetary gratification....They won't even help with split payment.....Sorry

Aural Hematoma Remedies
Posted by Poi571 (Detroit, Mi) on 12/27/2013

My 15 year old cat has a swollen ear. It's really bad, looks like it's about to burst, but hasn't. He's perfectly fine, yells at me everytime I come into the room! What can I do about this?

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Poi571!

This sounds like a veterinary visit is in order to determine if your cat has an aural hematoma or an abcess. Treatment will vary depending on the diagnosis.

Read up on aural hematomas:

Read up on injured ears and abcesses:

Now, was your cat scratching like crazy at his ear and caused an aural hematoma? Or did he get into a fight and the swollen ear is an abcess resulting from a bite wound?

I personally have no experience with an aural hematoma and can only recommend you seek your vet's advice. However if this were my cat, and if I knew I was dealing with an abcess, I would find the scab from the wound and pull it off, and then use some pressure to pop the abcess like a giant pimple to allow it to drain. I would flush the abcess with 3% hydrogen peroxide and then keep doing the same until it healed up [I have actually done this many times when I and an outdoor tom cat.]

If this is an aural hematoma some would attempt to treat this at home -and the links may supply some ideas for you. Also check out the use of leeches from a post on Earth Clinic's page.

Also check this out for herbs and homeopathic remedies for aural hematomas in cats: Center/Homeopathy/First Aid/First Aid for Pets/home_remedies_for_cat_hematoma.html

Replied by Poi
(Detroit, MI)

Thank you so much for all your information! He definitely has an aural hematoma. I can't see taking him to the vet, he's kind of old, and I know how that goes. The information you included on Yunnan Baiyao looks real promising. I'm going to go get some of that and I'll let you know how it goes. Thank you again!

Replied by Poi571
(Detroit, Mi)

Theresa from Minneapolis, MN. I got the Yunnan Baiyao, although it's expired. I put it on his ear, using the paste to put on the outside of his ear because it is expired. We'll see what happens now. I'm going to go to another Chinese grocery store and get some more that isn't expired, to give him it internally. He was really good, let me put it right on him!

Aural Hematoma Surgery

1 User Review
3 star (1) 

Posted by Emferrin (Utah) on 08/10/2015


I recently put my German Shorthair through the hematoma surgery. He has had to wear a cone the entire time and I've returned to the vet 4 times for bandage changes and to have his stitches removed. He had the stitches removed yesterday and the hematoma is back already!! It hasn't even been 2 weeks since the surgery and I'm out over $500! What do I do now?!

Replied by Lizzie
(Asheville, Nc)

Dear Emferrin from Utah,

I am sorry to hear about the hematoma returning but it sounds to me like your vet took out the stitches too soon.

This is what happened to my dog in 2014, except my vet used a drainage cap instead of stitches. She initially took it out after 2 weeks and his poor ear filled back up with blood within 24 hours. She had to put the drainage cap back in for another 3 weeks after that. She charged less for the procedure the 2nd time and didn't put him under anesthesia, thankfully. It was a simple insertion of a little plastic cap near the tip of his ear. You can read my thread on this site's hematoma page about what happened to our dog.

If it's a large hematoma, you will have to do the procedure again, I think. But you need to wait until enough scar tissue has formed in his ear and that takes about 21 days! (Sorry for the bad news). Expect a thick, cauliflower ear and extreme sensitivity to heat and itchiness once your dog has healed. The good news is that my dog hasn't had any more hematomas, but I have to stay very vigilant about cleaning his ears at least twice a week.

Replied by Helpheidi
(San Antonio Tx)

My Shih Tzu has a hematoma *HelpHeidi*

I took in a 12 year old shih Tzu because this kind hearted old lady couldn't find her a home and she was homeless. We feel in love with Heidi and felt so bad she was being abandoned by her owners. Now, I see how hard it really is to take care of an elderly dog. If I had the funds to care for her properly I wouldn't have a problem. I am scared the vet might take her from me or put her down because I don't have to money right now. Heidi has a hematoma in her ear and I need to take her to the vet as soon as possible. Please help any way you can. If you know of any foundation's that could help, we'd really appreciate it.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey there!

To help Heidi please google 'shih tzu rescue san antonio tx' and you will find plenty of resources.

Replied by Stellaluna

Arnica Oil/creme/gel and Castor oil - saturate the affected ear with either at all times, try to keep the pup from shaking excessively, this can make it worse... I also gave a turmeric supplement when my pup had hers, you can also just add a good quality turmeric to her food as well. My poor little girl had a pretty bad one and it took about a month to heal using the Castor Oil/Arnica and Tumeric. Sometimes I would add a few drops of pure lavender oil to the Castor Oil. You can do a "cone of shame" or better an inflatable-collar to keep her from pawing at it if it does bother her. Good Luck!


5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Daniel Whitton (Justin, Texas USA) on 11/13/2024

Dog aural hematoma is very confusing to most. Very expensive to surgical repair and surgery fails over 50% with regard to recurrence after sutures are removed. Not to mention the amount of pain and suffering the animal, and owner goes through while cleaning and draining the blood from the ear flap for 2-3 weeks after being sent home with an open wound. Owners should not have this responsibility. Even more, the dog should not be cut open for a blood blister to heal. Granted the arterial break is gong to be the problem until pressure is applied and causes sealing. It happens in nature when the hematoma grows complete and the blood clots. The dog uses this clot to seal and to regrow tissues. We at Auralsplint discovered this in 2001, and since that day have been researching and improving an aural splint treatment to heal the ear in its natural shape, without surgery or pharma injections. Just natural healing while safely enclosed in a splint and taping, forming a thin layer of clot to reduce quickly without shrivel. Far greater results than any other conservative or surgical attempts to treat. Visit us at to research your choice to order a Rx kit to your vet clinic or at home to use yourself. It requires a hypodermic needle aspiration before treatment and clean technique must be maintained.

Posted by Auralsplint (Justin, Texas) on 08/19/2021

Aural Hematoma Remedies in dogs ears:

First, identify your affliction. Swollen ear flap warm and red can be either firm or squishy. Most likely an aural hematoma.

Second, get a hypodermic needle aspiration to remove the fresh fluids before they begin to coagulate at or around the seventh day.

*Important: Do Not Lance the Ear!

Third, use an Auralsplint to encapsulate the ear and hold the tissues together to allow natural healing position. No surgery required, no general anesthetic, no added clinical costs of pharma agents. No wounding to ear, just healing. limited of no shriveling of ear flap. for details and ordering, and access to a five-year study for the effectiveness of treatment.

The Auralsplint is the only treatment available that addresses the broken blood vessels causing the actual hematoma.

Posted by Auralsplint (Justin, Texas Usa) on 07/12/2020

Canine Aural Hematoma Repair – Pinna Surgery versus Pinna Splint

Persuasive Essay

An aural hematoma is a blood and fluid pool formed in an animal's ear flap, or pinna, after a blunt force injury causing arterial breaks forcing tissues to expand and fill. Aural hematomas represent a condition that in not mortal, but can be a contributing factor in contraction of the pinna and subsequent future ailments for animal. Traditional treatments include expensive and painful surgeries, and weeks/months of recovery. Moreover, there is often permanent damage to the ear and a good percentage of reoccurrence of future hematomas. Surgical aural hematoma treatments for removal of blood clots range from lancing, to skin section removal, to biopsy tool removal of skin allowing for holes to provide ability to draw semi-coagulated fluids out of hematoma region. All surgical remedies impart local wounds to aural canal side of pinna, and must be further addressed during post-surgical recovery. These blood pool surgical removals of fluids, along with non-surgical hypodermic needle aspiration, are intended to allow apposition of skin and cartilage tissues. Only the hypodermic needle aspiration does not impart wounding to the pinna, with aftercare required. (1)

A novel method in the treatment of aural hematoma may address some of the concerns with current surgical procedures. The purpose of this article is to inform the veterinary industry (veterinarians, technicians, and medical device suppliers) a new tool to perform corrective aural hematoma repair. Preliminary research on a novel cross-sectional study on the impact of the pinna splinting device AuralsplintTM was conducted between June 2012 and June 2017 (unpublished results). Of the 190 participants who used the Auralsplint device, there were 49 responses to the surveys (25%). The study was conducted by the creator of the device who has no academic training, but a researcher was consulted of interpretation of the results. The participants were instructed to report on the visible ear conditions before, during and after treatment. A gradient of results ranged from: Complete healing with no visible damage, lesser healing with slight visible damage, visible healing with no hematoma present, to no visible healing hematoma present. A control group of participants outside of the criteria were involved to present the need for treatment early in affliction and a comparison of results. Criteria requirements were hematoma present less than 7 days from onset without any aspiration, or hypodermic needle aspiration alone within first 7 days and subsequent hypodermic aspirations on a four day schedule thereafter. Participants willfully requested acceptance into study after they searched online for an alternative to options available. Results suggest that the Auralsplint device promotes healing for the modality with a promising future as a viable alternative to surgeries for the aural hematoma affliction. Given the potential for biases of the author, results should be interpreted with caution. Potential implications of the AuralsplintTM, with no disregard or disrespect intended to existing veterinary surgeries and procedures, the author attempts to provide surgery-free alternatives to the treatment of aural hematoma through a novel therapeutic device. In no way is the Auralsplint recommended to take the place of a professional veterinarian. Instead, canine owner with their animals depending are encouraged to talk with their veterinarians about multiple options to assist in making decisions about best practices. (2,3)

In any treatment modality we must look to the healing properties of the animal and how these properties are used. The understanding: The broken blood vessels causing expansion of the tissues in the pinna are subsequent to a blunt force injury causing the broken blood vessels. Any underlying conditions which may lead to irritation and discomfort causing shaking of the head or scratching of the ear most likely (but not always) have caused the aural hematoma, and are treatable outside of any reparative treatment for the aural hematoma tissue damages. Without any treatment to repair the torn tissues of an aural hematoma, the bulbous fluid filled into the hematoma will resolve and diminish over time. Serum fluids likely will be rapidly reabsorbed, whereas hemoglobin fluids will clot. Either way, the animal's own regenerative abilities are observed as in progress. Given this generalization and the fact the aural hematoma has not ruptured due to over expansion, at some point the animal's own abilities have sealed the broken vessels. Leaving us to examine the clot formation in the aural hematoma, rapid coagulation occurs upon ceasing of new fluids entering into the hematoma region. Granulation begins occurring in 3-6 days. This granulation process must be the precursor to the adhesion of tissues to the clot, respective both the outer skin and the inner cartilage. The interior of the clot at this point is not understood as to its purpose other than subsequent to volume of fluid generation during open vessels filling at time of active hematoma. Speculation of the migration from interior of clot to exterior of clot for granulation and other regenerative elements exists as reduction occurs, and spent red blood cells are removed and reabsorbed. It is this author's belief the reduction of the bulbous clot by reabsorbing, along with granulation occurring at all points exterior of clot, is the greatest contributing factor to contraction of the pinna, as the bulb is reduced from the furthest point from center towards the center, thus the attached tissues are drawn toward center. By establishing the animal is using the blood pool to provide healing and regenerative elements, we must attribute the blood pool, or clot, is essential in providing the tissue elements for permanent reattachment of the skin to cartilage. Even after healing of an untreated aural hematoma, the skin and cartilage are opposed, due to the reduction of the clot leaving the space between the tissues reduced from that of full bulbous clot. The contraction due to reduction has been addressed. However, at some point a blood clot is needed between the skin and cartilage to provide the elements for granulation to occur, and thus adhesion of said skin and cartilage tissues against clot, and subsequently skin to cartilage once absorbable spent red blood cells are removed. By this premise, the amount of contraction is proportionate relative to the thickness diameter of the pooled blood clot, therefore the thinner the clot, the less the contraction. By this same premise, the greater amount of surface area adhesion, the greater the attraction. Complete granulation of all area within the hematoma region would need to be considered the most effective for adhesion of tissues. Any allowance for deviation and sporadic development of granulation would contingently provide less adhesion and potential for less permanent reattachment. The amount of blood clot needed to perform sufficient granulation is left for further studies. But, without a blood clot directly opposed to both sides the skin and cartilage predicts less abilities to heal with same efficiency as areas with adequate blood clot. Therefore, a sporadic area of blood clotting, determined by thickness and location, is less supportive to animal's own ability to regenerate than that of a blood clot continuous in size and complete in total area of damaged pinna. The aspiration of the fluid pool is set to reduce the size of the hematoma bulb, allow for apposition of skin and cartilage tissues, thus reducing the amount of contraction during healing. Aspiration can be performed in different methods. If the fluids are still fluid, then a hypodermic needle aspiration is sufficient to remove nearly all the fluids present. If the length of time from onset is greater than 6-7 days, and coagulation in the pool has started, the removal by surgical means is required to allow apposition of the skin and cartilage tissues. (1,4,5,6,11)

It is time to look at the surgical treatments themselves and how the decision to use surgery for canine aural hematoma repair compares against the other options the clinic can offer. The clinic has to assume a patient visiting a clinic knows he or she is being offered an assortment of options, and costs to treat their animal's condition. With the cost of surgery the pinnacle of pricing, the patient must assume this choice is the greatest care. Reality shows this is the greatest abilities of the veterinary surgeon to use his or her training in an operating room environment. To assume this is the best care for the aural hematoma affliction is based on perspective. With blood pool now removed, apposition by surgical method is achieved by carefully suturing the skin to cartilage by means of choice by surgeon. Critical to success is the ability of the surgeon to oppose the tissues in such a fashion to allow granulation to occur in the areas between sutures. The small segmented sporadic blood pools subsequently clot and healing begins to occur. The amount of granulation at suture penetration locations cannot be consistent with the areas between sutures due to nature of modality. As the author has already established, the more consistent the blood clot, the better the production of granulation and adhesion after healing. To summarize, the surgical aspiration has imparted wounds to the skin of the pinna and now in need of post-operative care, the sutures are providing sporadic ability to adhere, and any clot formation is now non-consistent. (2,9,10,11)

Stated here in this interpretation, surgery shows increased chance for infection with regard for surgical procedures imparting wounds to pinna, as well as sporadic development of the essential blood clot. Suture placement is critical to keep from cessation of fluids to any point interrupted. Included in surgical modalities is the continued allowance for any blood and fluids re-entering the hematoma region to flow freely out of the region through wounds or drains specifically placed for this reason. Previously established in this interpretation is the need for the blood clot to form to produce the granulation and regenerative elements required in permanently healing the aural hematoma, complete with blood vessel sealing of breaks and adhesion of skin to cartilage. It appears less than necessary to allow the essential regenerative elements to escape the area in need of said elements. It is understood the continued flow of fluids into a surgically repaired hematoma region may introduce recurrence of expansion, and therefore contribute to alteration of the surgeon's treatment modality. Finally, pinna surgery post-operative care is substantial and must be included in the considerations for its use and results. (5,6,8)

The alternative modality presented is Pinna Splinting. Splinting of the auricle is a therapeutic treatment modality process allowing the animal's own abilities to re-grow the tissues in an environment suitable for the least amount of contraction after healing. By all indications in this interpretation, a consistent thickness blood clot throughout the entirety of the hematoma region provides the greatest chance of non-sporadic granulation and adhesion of tissues. The uniformity of the thickness of the blood clot, or more accurately presented thinner blood clot, provides lesser ability for contraction during recovery. Pinna splinting treatment occurs without wounding imparted to animal, therefore the post-operative care is lessened and the chance of infection therefore lessened. Also, for those patients unable to afford surgery or are unable due to health or general anesthesia complications, pinna splinting allows the animal owner the option for corrective clinical treatment, and for the clinic the additional income. (4,9,11)

Pinna splinting is achieved by locating the pinna in a fixed position where, after aspiration by hypodermic needle, a rigid device is attached by medical dressings to the pinna, presenting a wall against the damaged tissues, preventing the uncontrolled expansion of fluids into the hematoma. Once the small area of hematoma refills into a thin layer and equalization of fluid pressures is achieved, rapid coagulation and granulation begins to occur, without interruption or sporadic locations, but instead throughout the entirety of the hematoma. As per the previous evidence established, the animal now can function as though the hematoma has been left untreated, and can begin to and fully regenerate the needed tissues to seal the broken blood vessels and form the permanent attachment tissues between skin and cartilage at all points directly adjacent to blood clot layer. Once absorption of the spent red blood cells in clot layer occurs, the distance between skin and cartilage tissues being of a small size, the reduction and contraction is limited, relative to thickness of clot layer. The treatment duration for splint device in place has been established as 14 days consecutive. (11)

It would be difficult to describe the need for a new modality in a clinical environment without addressing the costs associated. A Veterinary Clinic needs revenue to not only survive but to thrive. The licensed veterinarian needs to charge appropriately for his or her services to generate revenue to employ the manpower to sustain the business model. By this standard, the amount of revenue per treatment generated is based upon the need of the clinic's business model. The larger the revenue generation per treatment equals the better the outcome for the business. This support for the business model can be altered by the number of patients treated against the number of patients not treated (due to lack of financial means). To sum this relationship, the more patients treated for less revenue equals the lesser amount of patients treated with higher revenue. (2,3)

The author, Daniel Whitton, is President of Auralsplint Inc. PBC, an aural hematoma researcher, inventor, and advocate for better animal healthcare through improvements in current modalities. The AuralsplintTM treatment is proprietary through US Patent 7,153,313 awarded to Daniel Whitton 2006. Subsequent patent protection is at present in place for further intellectual property and proprietary rights. The Auralsplint, through voluntary Pre-Market Approval, has been concluded by the FDA “the animal medical class 1 device is safe as prescribed for use under supervision of licensed veterinarians”. Without establishing a concrete analysis by dissection of both modalities in post mortal studies, the author is left to make interpretations of scientific expectations. However, having a tool to bridge the gap in treatment modalities could and should be used to satisfy the needs of the clients. The AuralsplintTM introduces a non-invasive, cost-effective, pain-free clinical device providing an alternative solution to surgery. Although study results are preliminary and non-casual, there is support for future clinical trials with this device as part of a whole purposed industry treatment. (6,11)

Author: Daniel Whitton
Auralsplint Inc. PBC

Krista Best, PhD
Professeure adjointe/ Assistant professor
Faculté de médecine / Faculty of Medicine
Université Laval

Sources Cited:

1. MacPhail C. Current Treatment Options for Auricular Hematomas. Vet Clin Small Anim. 2016; 46: 635–641

2.; 2018-econ-rpt3-veterinary-services.pdf

3. Hall J, Weir S and Ladlow J. Treatment of canine aural haematoma by UK veterinarians. Journal of Small Animal Practice. 2016; 57: 360–364.

4. Asinga T. Treating aural hematomas. Banfield. Accessed on February 20,2020.

5. Pavletic MM. Use of laterally placed vacuum drains for management of aural hematomas in five dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2014; 246:112–117.

6. Lanz OI, Wood BC. Surgery of the ear and pinna. Vet Clin Small Anim. 2004;34: 567–599

7. Hedlund C. Incisional Drainage of Aural Hematomas. Complications in Small Animal Surgery, First Edition. Edited by Dominique Griffon and Annick Hamaide. Published 2016 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

8. Aural Hematoma. American College of Veterinary Surgeons.

9. Hall J, Weir S and Ladlow J. Treatment of canine aural haematoma by UK veterinarians. Journal of Small Animal Practice. 2016; 57: 360–364.

10. Lahiani J, Niebauer GW. On the nature of canine aural haematoma and its treatment with continuous vacuum drainage. Journal of Small Animal Practice. 2020; 61(3):195-201.

11. AuralsplintTM – Descriptive Report, author: Daniel Whitton; DOI:


Posted by Daniel Whitton (Justin, Texas) on 06/21/2020

A new non-surgical corrective treatment for aural hematoma in canine. The Auralsplint provides an alternative to surgery and corrects the aural hematoma using the animal's own regenerative abilities in an environment suited for the least amount of contraction. No wounding, no general anesthesia, no pain medications.

Posted by Daniel W. (Justin, TX) on 03/05/2020

The best way to combat an aural hematoma is with an Auralsplint. Any other treatment will either allow the hematoma to shrivel down, or worse cause undue wounding to your animal. It is very important to diagnosis the hematoma early, before 6-7 days. After this, the blood will begin to clot, and you will not be able to use an Auralsplint. The Auralsplint works very much like it sounds. It holds the ear in suspension until the animal fixes the problems. Not rocket science, not an invasive and gruesome surgery. Just common sense and some tape and plastic. I make this out to sound easy, and it is.

Castor Oil, Turmeric

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Krista (Oregon) on 02/19/2017

Castor Oil also does wonders for the inflammation! My pup Stella had an aural hematoma, I used Arnica as well, but saw that using Castor Oil slathered on/in the ear gave me great results too (sometimes I added some lavender to the oil). I also gave her a Turmeric supplement which also helps with inflammation. It was gone in about a month and her cauliflower ear isn't so bad, barely noticeable. Good Luck!!!

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