Feline Urinary Tract Disorders
Natural Remedies

Urinary Tract Disorders in Cats

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Apple Cider Vinegar

35 User Reviews
5 star (34) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Pat (Brookings, OR) on 11/05/2008

ACV works! Kitty, who is 7 was suffering from a 3rd round of urine problems in past 2 years. Displayed blood in urine, discomfort. Vet would only prescribe antibiotics again if extensive tests done so found this site and thought we'd give it a try. Blended 1/2 tsp. ACV into her wet food at each feeding, 3 times a day and 1/4 tsp. in her 1-1/2 cup water dish. Same day there was improvement and 4 days later under this regimen she is sleeping peacefully, and appears to be urinating normally. Give it a try, using unfiltered ACV bought at the health food store, don't know if that's necessary tho. Thanks again!

Apple Cider Vinegar

Okay,i am writing about the apple cider vinegar, my cat gary was showing severe signs of having uti and we were giving him small doses watered down in the morning and at night it took about five days and believe it or not my cat was up and being his usual self and going to the bathroom like he never had it. i was so happy because he was in so much pain and i just wanted to give it a shot before having to spend the money at the vet and it worked i am so amazed thank you sooo much for this website...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jay (Florissant, Missouri) on 08/05/2008

I used apple cider vinegar to cure my cat's urinary blockage after a 1500 dollar visit to the vet the first time this occured. A neighbor suggested trying a home remedy. I found this web site and learned about apple cider vinegar to cure cat's of urinary blockage.I had a syringe from the vet for giving my cat water to help him swallow his medicine I used this 6 militer syringe to give my cat ACV BY MIXING IT WITH ONE CUP OF WATER AND GIVING HIM 1FULL syringe in the morning and 1 at night the 1st 3 days then 1/2 a teespoon of ACV to his water dish which holds 2 cups.

I am pleased to report that MAX my male cat is doing fine and is urinating normally now will keep him on this for the rest of his life. my thanks to Earth clinic

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tonya (Houston, TX, USA) on 05/04/2008

Outstanding information on this site.

Why isn't Apple Cider Vinegar a staple in every household? Truly a life changing remedy the doctors sure don't tell you about. Thanks a million to everyone who took the time to provide VALUABLE information on this site. I'm using it now for my cat who almost died from crystals...a urinary blockage. The vet wanted to perform a painful $1,500 surgery, but the ACV is doing the trick to regulate his PH levels. Unbelievable...

Replied by Aynne
(Liverpool, NY)

I am reading about the ACV helping kitties with crystals. I've spent thousands of dollars on my kitty, usually rushing him to the vets and having him stay about 3 days. This is tough on all of us. He only eats specially ordered wet vet food, yet he still gets sick and I have to watch him all the time. What is the dosage for the kitties who have crystals? It would be a relief to finally get this under control. He has lost alot of weight since he can no longer eat grains. I am now retired and now longer have the financial resources I did, so I need better solutions.

Replied by Cindy
(Mount Shasta, CA)

Apple Cider Vinegar Regarding ACV and urinary blockage in cats, how do you administer it to kitty?

Replied by Beverly
(Spartanburg, Sc)

I cured one of my tomcats with apple cider vinegar earlier this year. Just spent $100 dollars to treat a second cat who developed a sudden complete blockage. Someone mentioned on a different thread here (bladder problems in cats) to PUT THE AVC ON THEIR PAWS and let them lick it off. This is a much more efficient way to treat than trying to administer with a syringe. I am going to start doing this regularly to prevent future problems. Earth Clinic is WONDERFUL!

Replied by Gerald
(Columbus, Ohio)

I haven't seen anybody mention putting some ACV in the drinking water of your feline friend. Thats what we have done for all of our pets and it works great for cats that have urinary problems.

As far as the amount, you will have to experiment with how much they will tolerate.... start with a teaspoon in a bowl of water and increase from there.

Replied by Marcella
(Yelm, Washington)

Avoid feeding kitty with urinary track issues foods with any ash content in it. especially if you have a Simase kitty who seem to be more prone to urinary problems than other breeds.

Wile Ash is not the only cause of urinary problems it is a major contributing factor of flare ups and infections since the ash blocks the urinary track and makes it harder and very painful to pee.

You may be suprised how many dry and [wet] canned foods have a very high content of ash in them. The list of ingredients begin's with the highest amount contained in the food to the least amount on the bottom of the list.

hope this helps some. Marcella

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tonya (Houston, USA) on 05/04/2008

Apple cider vinegar is great for crystals and UTIs in cats. The vets would be out of business if they recommended ACV, because it heals almost everything. In addition to all the skin disorders that cause scratching and hair loss, I have cured my male cats crystals which almost killed him 4 yrs ago. I had great success clearing another cats urinary tract infection. Wish I had known about this remedy last year when I had a house full of foster cats with upper respiratory infections. It cost a bundle having them all on antibiotics. People and their pets should have Apple Cider Vinegar everyday for many many reasons as reflected in this outstanding site. Thank goodness for the Internet, because this is information the doctors sure won't tell us. They have an expensive office visit and a toxic pill for everything.

Replied by Suzette
(New Prague, Mn)

FLUTD and apple cider vinegar - I was actually wondering what the measurements were for the cats and how it was given I have a cat 4 yrs old that has struvite crytalls and keeps getting them which means vet which means unhappy kitty. His last bout #4, he was peeing all over our new house. I had a vet that was all over the place about taking care of him, so I would like to try this remedy. They want to keep him on amitryiptaline to see if that would help. Any thoughts would be greatly apprecited! Thanks for the time.

EC: Please see the following page for more information: https://www.earthclinic.com/pets/acv_for_cats.html

Replied by Joy Davison
(Johannesburg, South Africa)

Hi My name is Joy, i have a 2 and a half year old female doberman that was spayed about a month and a half ago. Two weeks later i have realised that she seems to have a weak bladder. I wake up in the mornings drenched in what seems to be water. It also almost has a weird smell.. cant put my finger on it but almost a weak blood smell but its clear water. I am not sure if it is urine.. sure doesnt smell like it. I am terrified. I phoned my vet who just told me very relaxed that it is a lifelong problem and she would need to take pills every day. I almost fainted when i heard that.. i came across your article on ACV and bought some last night. I fed it to her with some yogurt... she seemed to like it. I am still very worried about her.. but over here we have vet's that only want your money and your dogs best interest comes last. Can anyone please tell me what you think of the ACV and if it really works? Thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jennifer (USA) on 07/10/2007

I just wanted to let you know how wonderful ACV is. My cat started showing symptoms of a UTI. I stumbled upon your web site and thought I'd try this remedy on him hopeing It could decrease his infection until I could get him to the vet. It not only decreased it but he is acting like his old self again. He is having bowel movements and urinating normal again. He is energetic and running around the house with the energy of a kitten. His coat is shiny and soft. I will still take him to the vet and get his urine tested but I am confident that it will show no sign of his illness. Thank you for helping folks who are searching for natural remedies to treat illness.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cranberry

1 User Review
3 star (1) 

Posted by Russell (Sioux Falls, Sd) on 09/15/2009

Well, after my Catzilla (trust me, she's totally earned her name) started peeing all over my computer room, all over any loose clothing, boxes, carpet and anywhere else soft, I knew something was amiss. I, too, just like most of the people on this site, cannot afford vet bills or even a check up (I can't even get myself to the dentist as it is).

She started this behavior last week and after my wife and I had given her two capsules of cranberry extract with a 5 ml water chaser every day, she seemed to improve by week's end. But, a couple of days ago she started back again, same behavior. We started back with the cranberry as the wife believed this to be a better solution at the moment. I knew about this site last week and kept trying to remember to buy some organic ACV but would keep forgetting.

So, yesterday, I got some org. ACV and administered 1/4 tsp with 1/2 tsp of water. She's seemed on again, off again in her recovery. She was crying but her crying isn't nearly as bad. Ups and downs, really. I just gave her some more cranberry with water and she's laying down near the door on the carpet. Sometimes, she licks her "spot" but then she stops after a little while. I've been trying to give her at least two doses of the ACV a day. I know I can't expect miracles overnight, as most of you have received but I'm really frustrated and not sure what to do. We've decided by Thursday, if she isn't better, we're taking her in. Any pointers from those who have had success with the ACV I can use to try and expedite Zilla's recovery?

Thank you so much for your help. I just want Catzilla better. She's just so miserable lately.

Replied by Russell
(Sioux Falls, Sd)

Hello again! I have come here to testify!! :) After three days of worrying and hard work (and a bigger dose of ACV last night) I am pleas-- no, ECSTATIC (!) to report that my Catzila is 110% better. She's purring, and rubbing me with her tail (blech!)... and ignoring me... JUST like a cat. ;P

I think I misread the tsp to ml chart at a website I visited so instead of a decent dose to "kick it", this UTI just dragged on for the poor little thing. But, on a whim, I gave her a little over 2 ml with 5 ml of water in a syringe and now, I can see the pee stains in her cat box, not bloody, just... wet (sorry for the graphic nature of this post) I just need to shout it from the rooftops that ACV does, indeed, work. So, to those of you struggling and worrying about using this stuff, just trust me, you WILL get results. Just be patient.

I'm not giving her any this morning but I plan on it this afternoon before I go off to my second job. She's been through enough this week. One final note, and I pray I don't get flack for this. My wife had me crush up a non-prescription strength pain medication (it turns pee orange and helps you see if the kitty is peeing anywhere) to help alleviate the pain for Miss Kitty and it seemed to help. Thing is... she did pee more in the room but at least we got to tell if everything we were doing to help her worked or not. Now my left index finger and thumb are bright orange from the stain (it does wear off).

So, 2 ml of ACV to 5 ml of H2O in a syringe, cranberry extract and a lot of love -- a great combination! Your cat may fight you which is why you have to get right behind him/her and almost force feed them. Yup, they will drool and foam at the mouth and all that nastiness but it's only temporary. Thanks for letting me run off at the fingers, y'all. I'm just a happy lil' clam now that I got my Zillas back. Good luck with your efforts!

Replied by Russell
(Sioux Falls, Sd)


Hi. I'm returning to this site to voice my complete disappointment in ACV and its effects on MY cat. Catzilla's infection has come back, worse than before now. I've tried 2 ml to 3 ml of Water twice a day for the past couple of days and even with cranberry extract (two capsule a day), nothing is working. She's puking her food up and peeing everywhere again, even so much as (from what I could tell) defecating a bit on the wall (I only saw three small spots on the wall, nothing too gross). I've found blood in her urine when she pees on things so worse has finally come to worse. I must now take whatever money I can and put it toward her vet bill, which I'm sure is going to be through the roof. I was hoping it wouldn't come to this but I have no other choice. Very very disappointed in this remedy. ACV just didn't work for me. Good luck, everyone else. I hope your kitties get better.

Avoid Tap Water

Posted by Gena (Pasadena, California) on 05/19/2013

Re:crystals and blockages in cats...I have heard that the tap water that cats drink in certain cities causes crystals and blockages. One of the first things I would do is have your cat drink only purified water. This may prevent future issues. Maybe the city water in Sierra Madre is problematic. My pets only drink purified spring water. I don't trust LA water!!

Cantharis (Homeopathy)

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lidia (Fl) on 02/11/2018

This site has been so helpful for years and it's so much worth reading I'd like to put a grain of sand for those who are helpless -and terrified- seeing a cat with urinary blockage, especially when vets can do so little that they put mine through 4 catherizations (only to make matters worse) and then surgery for absolutely nothing. Only God knows how I stumbled upon Cantharis, the 6c dose, by Boiron. My little one is alive because of this. It may take a couple of days if it's been ongoing, maybe less. If he doesn't want to lick the 3 or 4 small pebbles I syringe them, first diluted in a tiny bit of spring or filtered water, or sometimes he'll lick the water-diluted little pebbles adding a tad of chicken baby food. 1st time depending on how bad the blockage I've given it twice in 3 or 4 hrs., then another couple of times during the day more or less according to progress. Has to be given on an empty stomach and with no less than 30 to 45 min. clear of any feedings, before or after. This is only to be given for a few days, so looking for everyday help, I'll try the ACV. Thanks.

Replied by Tracey
(Silver Lake)

Can you tel me more about this? My cat has had issues with Cantharis? I have a male cat who nearly died from a blockage I did not catch. He was traumatized by the catheterization and vet hospital stay. I do not want to put him through this again. But he started crying and strained in the liter box yesterday. Today he has not. But I know there is an issue again. I will need medication to even get him to the vet.

Clay, Healing

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Misschris (Nolanville, Tx, Usa) on 04/13/2012

I have been trying to combat problems with all my 4 legged family members for the past 3 years. My 10 year old male (neutered) cat, Mr. BB, gave me a bit of a scare when, 2 days ago, he didn't come when called for the noon feeding (he's usually the first and loudest when it comes to eating). It was a nice day and I figured he was enjoying his cat nap outside (enclosure with opening to get inside and vice versa). That night, after returning from work, still no Mr. BB, and no sound from him. Did he get out of the enclosure some way? After feeding everybody, I decided to investigate. Flashlight in hand I went outside and called him, no sound. I stepped into the enclosure and found him cowering on the ground, peering up at me with watery eyes. He did not move. I stroked him, talked to him, no sound, no movement. I got a spray bottle, and this time I got a reaction. So he was mobile, wasn't limping, but just squatted down somewhere else and there he stayed. I offered food, but he wasn't interested. Hmmm... I shone the flashlight around to see if maybe he had gotten hold of something he shouldn't have and found a small pile of vomit. Well, maybe he did ingest something he shouldn't have. I filled a syringe with clay water (bentonite clay mixed with distilled water) and he drank it without protest. Little more I could do at this time. The next morning he was still outside and I repeated the claywater, which he again drank readily. He did not eat. Early afternoon, before I go to work, another syringe of claywater, this time with pedialyte mixed in. That night, after work, he actually came inside, gave a few meager peeps (very unlike him), drank some water and settled down, and did some grooming. AND he ate. A sigh of relief. He was up and about more and I figured that whatever had ailed him must have cleared up. Then today, this morning, I noticed a couple of small puddles on the plastic trash bag I have under and surrounding the litter box. I figured they were from another male cat I rescued as a newborn from a litter of 4 of a ferrel queen, who had abandoned the litter. All other siblings died. Little Bit made it but lost control of his hind quarters at 3 months. At 6 months he regained partial mobility but is somewhat handicapped, and I figured he might not have made it into the box (wouldn't have been the first time). I did notice a rosy tinge in one of the puddles but didn't think much of it. Then earlier this evening I was getting a tub ready to bathe Little Bit (he can't do much grooming on his own so I do it for him and occasionally bathe him), when I saw Mr. BB squatting on the towel I had laid out to wrap Little Bit in after his bath. The result was a pink spot the size of a silver dollar. The bathwater is cold and I landed here. I have never had to deal with this kind of thing. So it wasn't his tummy, but the claywater helped. Clay can be used for many different things, and one thing it does is detoxify, draws out infection, soothes pain. That's probably why it helped initially. I have noticed Mr. BB frequenting the water bowl more than usual. Their diet consists of one feeding of brown cooked rice, mixed with a mush of greens, veggies, fruits, legumes, assorted herbs, fresh garlic, MSM, parsley water, organic apple cider vinegar, and raw ground beef, topped off with a daily vitamin tab (ground to powder), a dollop of home made yoghurt, and freshly ground flax seed sprinkled over it all. Occasionally I add offal (chicken/beef livers, kidneys, heart, etc) The ground beef making up the majority of the mix. The night feeding is raw chunks of chicken. After reading so many posts here, I am wondering where is this problem coming from. I read something about fish here.

Well, One day recently I had run out of ground beef and substituted canned salmon. Could that have been the culprit? Honestly, I have no clue. But I will continue to administer the clay water, and will begin to add some ACV to their drinking water. I have also read that slippery elm, horsetail, couch grass, marshmallow root or cornsilk powder, cranberry extract, uva ursi, and barberry are supposed to be beneficial in treating UTIs. The biggest reason I felt compelled to post this, are the many posts of people, who have taken their pet to the vet, and describe getting antibiotics, helped for a short while, then stronger antibiotics etc. I have read that urinary problems in male cats rarely involve an infection. If ther is an infection, it's mostly in female cats, because their urinary tract is wider and more prone for bacteria to get inside. You may find the following article helpful in understanding what is really going on


Antibiotics kill bacteria-period. That means not only the bad bacteria causing illness, but also the good bacteria needed in the gut for proper digestion and a healthy immune system. While I understand that in extreme situations an antibiotic can be of benefit, for the most part it will do little more than cause more damage by compromising the immune system, paving the way for more disease causing organisms to take hold. And nowadays, regardless if it's needed or what the real problem is, the first thing most conventionals vets will do is prescribe-you guessed it-antibiotics (just in case). This will definitely secure repeat visits. This next link is for information about healing clays. I found it and started using it a few years ago looking for a natural dewormer for my dogs. Since then I have used it for myself as well as my animals for many many different things. Little Bit, the kitty I rescued and raised from birth, developed a severe eye infection even before his eyes opened. What ahorrid sight. It swelled up so big in no time, it looked like a frog's eye, and the infection had nowhere to go since the eyes weren't open yet. I made a mushy clay mix and dropped it on the eye several times, and within 24 hours the clay had drawn out the infection. It caused a small opening and all the gunk came out. I continued until everything looked normal. The eyes finally opened and everything was fine. He did seem to have recurring bouts of tenderness in that eye, but I kept some drops (made with clay) handy and it cleared it up right away each time. I use the drops for my eyes too when they get red and irritated. Works like a charm. One of my dogs swallowed a bee. It came out with her first round of vomit. I fed her 3 or 4 syringes full of clay water, and after 2 more bouts of vomiting she settled down, slept and was fine. Whatever toxin was left in her tummy from the bee, the clay water helped to draw it and it came out the natural way. I cut my finger to the bone on some aluminum, but had to continue working, since I was re-setting a window. It bled profusely and hurt as if I had hit it with a hammer. I put clay powder on it to help stop the bleeding, wrapped it up and taped it to finish the project. Within just minutes the pain subsided. That night I packed the wound with hydrated clay and bandaged it over night. I left it that way for 2 more days, then I was able to go without bandaging it. It never got infected, and when I went without the bandage you could hardly see the cut anymore. It was tender, but healed so quickly and well that today I don't even know where it was. This is just to say that clay will work like an antibiotic, drawing bad bacteria to itself and is eliminated naturally. No pesticides are needed for internal parasites. And maybe it helped Mr. BB with the pain of his dilemma, or possibly even started the process of healing. Here's a good link to get started learning more about clay: http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/clay.htm

Replied by Michelle

Thank you for your very informative article! I really appreciated reading something I could relate to. Having only used natural remedies in my kids, I want to do the same for my cats. Thanks again I will read your links.

Replied by Facm
(Bay Area, Ca)

That's interesting. Occasionally my cat will eat her clay litter. Wondering whether she instinctively knows that clay can be healing.

Replied by Whitney

Hi, as far as the salmon, I'm sure that is an instigator. I have two males and the three times that they have had fish food or treats they have come down with a UTI. Upon researching I found that that can be a culprit in male cats.

Coconut Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Hugh (Florida, US) on 03/02/2015

My family male cat has urinary tract infections about every 3 months. He was in great pain and had to get a catheter at the vet$ office. The vet also gave three rounds of different antibiotic pills which did NOT work. Therefore, I tried cold pressed coconut oil since I read of its anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.

I gave my cat about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of cold pressed coconut oil over three to four days. I tried to give him the coconut oil each morning and night.

The cat stopped showing signs of his urinary problems. Please note, due to the cat's physiological issues, he gets UTI's every 3 or so months.

Therefore, when I see signs of a UTI (excessive attempts to urinate, loss of appetite, licking "himself"), I give him coconut oil for about two days. It is healthier for the cat and cheaper for me. :)

Replied by Samantha
(North Carolina)

How did you give the coconut oil?

Replied by Celia

Would you please tell me where you found the cold pressed coconut oil and how you gave it to your cat? Thanks!

Replied by Mama To Many


I have seen cold pressed coconut oil even at Walmart. Carrington farms, I believe is the brand. That is what I get from Costco also and really like it.

Replied by samah

Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory effect, anti-bacterial effect, soothing and moisturizing effect, and boosting the immune system. All these make it used for cat urinary tract infection.

Colloidal Silver

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jane (Kingston, Ontario) on 04/02/2012

I tried the AVC treatment the first time my female cat got a UTI. It worked for about a month then stopped working. After she had 2 more UTI's and 2 more useless, expensive shots of antibiotics, I tried something different.. Colloidal silver. I give her 1/4 teaspoon 3 times a day in canned food. It's going on 3 months now and she hasn't had another UTI. I also just started to give her 125 mgs of glucosamine twice a day. It acts like cranberry juice as it coats the urinary tract and prevents bacteria from sticking. Cats up to 10 lbs take 125 mgs a day. Cats over 10 lbs take 125 mg twice a day, preferably mixed in canned food. Some good vets are recommending this now.

Replied by Monica
(New Jersey, US)

Would like to know what strength of Colloidal Silver you used for your cat. I know the dose would vary depending on the strength of the CS. I have the Source Naturals brand CS at 30ppm strength and I'm currently searching the internet to find the proper feline dose. Thanks to anyone who can provide this info!


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Leta (Sierra Madre, CA) on 09/23/2008

I am fortunate to have a vet who respects my dislike of anti-bio-tics. She ran tests on my 18 year old cat's urine to find which specific bacteria/crystals caused his distress. She suggested I buy Trader Joe's Cranberry extract, and give my cat a half a tablet crushed up food mornings and a half in evenings. One week later, his urinary pH was back to normal, without bacteria, and no crystals. I'm assuming this would work only for certain kinds of distress, and DEFINATELY not if there's already a blockage....I also would not continue the cranberry full time, as it affects acid-alkaline balance.

Posted by Jennifer (Hackensack, NJ) on 01/13/2007

My cat was diagnosed with fleine lower urinary disease. She was developing struvite crystals. Vet had her on antibiotics and special food. Her eyes looked dull and her coat looked dull. I did some research and now she takes 6 drops of cranberry extract which dissolves the crystals and she eats human grade ingredient cat food. I haven't had a problem in 6 years.

Replied by Sasha
(Reston, VA)

Hi, my cat is very sick all the time. Can you please tell me what kind of cranberry extract do you use and how do you meger 6 drops and how many times per day do you give your cat the extract? Thank you in advance.

Dietary Changes

Posted by Beverley (Australia) on 08/09/2014

Hi, having lost a couple of cats to UVI's, I discovered the following.

Stop feeding dry food, and give WET cat food. Also, NO tuna-- it is high in purines ( purines, google it) or cat food containing liver or kidneys. These foods help form crystals in the bladder, particularly in neutered male cats. Hope this helps.

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