More fuel for energy ... Hairball prevention & treatment ... Stomach ache from eating who knows what from who knows where - at these times it has so far always worked within an hour after they've ingested it - BUT - when they are in such pain that they won't eat or drink ANYthing (despite C.O. being a TOP favorite of theirs) I spread it (softened) on the fur of a front paw/lower-leg, and eventually they force themselves to lick it off ... and an hour later they go to their dinner bowl & ask to be fed, eating it alll up, with no more problems! I also used it topically & orally on a 2x2" infected skin wound. It initially loosened the dried puss covering it so the feral cat was able to remove it, then kept it clear of infection. It needed some help to heal back up, tho, & I found that 1 drop of GrapeFruit Seed Extract (1 part GFSE + 2 parts Glycerine, by Nutribiotics) 2x daily with meals is what it needed, and he healed up beautifully, all fur growing in perfectly!
It's everything it's cracked up to be by those who use & truly appreciate it! Don't listen to the nay-sayers! . The article on this site about it + many reviews *>
"Coconut Oil: Add This Versatile Home Remedy to Your Pet's Food" - How Coconut Oil Can Benefit Your Pet . - Analysis by Dr. Karen Shaw Becker HDVM - Dec 14,2022 https://www.barkandwhiskers.com/coconut-oil-why-you-should-feed-your-pets/
Coconut Oil
I've given him approximately 1/4 teaspn every second day since as maintenance. Oco is anti bacterial anti fungal and many other benefits & this is still early days but the result was so startling and he seems cured. I would also never feed cats the cheaper biscuits as they're full of grains which contribute to uti problems, they need mostly wet foods.
No sooner was the boy cured than our female started rushing too often to her tray with little result, I gave her a little oil & it worked within a few hours, she actually loves the taste& eats it without me having to administer it - so I now give it regularly to both cats. It also must be very soothing to the whole urethral, bladder lining and theirfur looks wonderful. Wish I'd discovered this yrs ago for their health
EC: Cross-posted from Earth Clinic's cystitis page here.