Colloidal Silver
Health Benefits

Colloidal Silver - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Colloidal Silver. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Colloidal Silver

Posted by Belil (Los Angeles) on 08/22/2017

Editor's Choice

Please stop giving your pets Anti-biotics. Colloidal Silver (10 ppm strength) DOES the SAME & it's 10000000% SAFE!!!! It treats & fights more than 650 pathogens. It is an incredibly powerful antimicrobial. You can find it at most Super Markets (especially the health food ones), even Walgreen's (if you're in a hurry, start with that BUT for longer use I'd rather you get the best brand 'Sovereign Silver') I get mine from Sprout's (The Sovereign Silver). Silver is both effective and safe to use against bacteria, fungi and viruses because it suffocates the undesirable microbes (under 6 mins) without harming the living tissue of the animal. It doesn't interfere or cause adverse reactions with other medicine. It's TOTALLY SAFE!!!

Colloidal silver for dogs is most often used in treating skin, hot spots and ear infections as well as bacteria and viral infections. Colloidal silver for cats is most often used for treating UTI (urinary tract infections), feline herpes and rodent ulcers.

Colloidal silver for pets is also used in the treatment of many other illnesses including thyroid issues, yeast infections, tummy aches and can even help with eliminating parasites.

Colloidal silver works by surrounding the pathogen or bacteria and suffocating it, killing its ability to replicate.

Colloidal silver is safe in higher doses. It is not dose specific, which means it can be given in larger doses for more difficult health issues without any harmful side effects.

I see many sites online recommend 3-5 drops with meals. That is not really enough to address chronic health concerns. My opinion is that many people who are advertising ways to use colloidal silver do not have all the facts or have not actually used it on pets or themselves.


· Infections of all types

Colloidal silver is an all-around cure – good for treating bacterial, yeast and fungal infections, and viruses of all types (even parvo). It is the best all-around medicine for pets to have on hand for any disease. CS can be given as a natural preventative whenever exposure to illness or diseased animals is entirely unavoidable.

· Skin

Apply colloidal silver topically for skin problems. Good for almost any kind of skin infection, including ringworm, cuts, bites, wounds and even burns. CS helps to repair tissue damage and soothes the skin.

· Ears

Dogs with chronic ear infections - good news! Colloidal silver helps clear yeast and remove goop and odor from smelly ears. Use an oral syringeful directly into the ears to help kill yeast and bacteria.

· Eyes

CS treats many types of eye problems including pink eye, allergies, infections, inflammation and tear-staining. Since it does not burn or sting, it can be put directly into the eyes without bothering the pet too much.

· Immune Booster

Colloidal silver is a wonderful holistic pet care immune system booster. It can it be used to treat a number of immune issues and just to keep low-lying pathogens out of the system. It can treat respiratory issues as well, such as asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia, using a nebulizer.

Works wonders for the following:

· Helps Heal All Types of Infections; Bacterial, Fungal, Parasitic or Viral

· Removes Plaque From Teeth With Regular Use

· Helps Heal Burns, Treating Wounds, Cuts and Scrapes

· Improve Eye Issues – Doesn't Sting or Burn

· Reduces Inflammation in Certain Cases

· Boosts Healing, Stimulates Immune System

· Protects against Pathogens

· Improves Overall Well-Being

Many people and pets have seen improvements with:

· Breakouts

· Sore Throat, Colds and Flu

· Oozing Sores

· Cystitis

· Diarrhea

· Eye and Ear Infections

· Some Types of Tumours

· Reducing Ulcers

· Cancer

· Wounds

· Help Prevent UTI --->> (It also cures it)

· Hotspots

· Feline Herpes (certain types of human herpes as well)

· Ringworm

· Candida

· Toe Nail Fungus

· Yeast Infections

The smaller the particle size of the CS is, the greater its surface area and the higher its efficiency. That's why even a concentration of 20 ppm is still much more effective than other brands which contain up to 500 ppm!


For Maintenance: Once daily

Immune-Building: 2-3 times daily.

Treating a Specific Health Condition: up to 5 times daily.

Short Term Acute Support: up to 7 times daily.

Below are some guidelines for amounts to give for treating any kind of health condition; however, colloidal silver is not dose specific. (Some other information on the internet seems to make you think it is.) When your pet is dealing with an acute condition they can have much higher doses of the silver for short term help in curing something specific, with no ill effects.

· Small Dogs, Cats:

o 2 lbs to 10 lbs - 1 tsp - or half of 10ml syringe two to three times a day for 2 weeks or more

o 11 lbs to 25 lbs - 1 1/3 tsp

· Medium Size Dogs:

o 26 lbs to 40 lbs - 2 tsp or 10 ml (one syringe) two to three times a day for 2 weeks or more

o 41 lbs to 55 lbs - 2 1/2 tsp

· Large Size Dogs:

o 56 lbs to 80 lbs - 3 tsp, two to three times a day for 2 weeks or more

o 81 lbs to 100 lbs - 3 1/2 tsp, two to three times a day for 2 weeks or more

o 101 lbs to 150 lbs - 4 tsp, two to three times a day for for 2 weeks or more

o 151 lbs to 200+ lbs - 4 tsp, (2 syringes full) two to three times a day for for 2 weeks or more

This has been known to save the lives of many pets and people who are susceptible to viruses. Even those as dangerous as parvo and all chronic low-grade inflections can be greatly disempowered by this powerful preventive, nutritive, inexpensive health supplement.

It has been proven impossible for single-celled organisms to actually mutate into silver resistant forms, as happens with allopathic antibiotics and antivirals. This is great news as it means that no tolerance to colloidal silver ever develops.

Another great point about colloidal silver is that it cannot interact or interfere with other medicine being taken, and it has no side effects.

Inside the body, silver does not create any type of toxic build up, nor does it react with anything other than a pathogen's oxygen metabolization.

Colloidal Silver is a truly safe, natural remedy for many of your pet's health concerns.