Aloe Vera
Since aloe vera is one of those remedies that can cause some confusion, here is a clear explanation that I find helpful:
"When you open an aloe vera leaf, you will see that it has a clear center which is the aloe gel. The plant also has a white or yellow colored substance located around the edges, beneath the aloe leaf's surface. This portion of the plant is the aloe latex, and the latex contains a natural chemical named aloin. Aloin can be toxic to animals. It has a laxative effect, so it can cause diarrhea and irritate the intestines, leading to electrolyte loss. Also, if an animal has a latex allergy, aloin can cause skin irritation. When this occurs, the skin will turn red after coming into contact with the aloin.
To reap the benefits and avoid any possible toxic effects, pet owners just need to make sure the latex part of the aloe vera plant has been removed during processing. To ensure a product is free of aloin, the label should state that it contains only the gel of the aloe vera plant I.e. the inner fillet. Avoid labels stating “whole leaf” since products would then include the latex substance that contains the aloin. Fortunately, most products on the market have removed the latex part of the plant."
Aloe Vera
Has anyone tried probiotics for their cat's constipation?
(So Cal)
Yes, I have used probiotics on my cats. I rescued a kitten 13 yrs ago and he had the worst poop. Black, tarry and way stinkier than a normal cat and he was so tiny ... I don't know what this poor little guy had been eating but it took about 2 weeks of good food and probiotics to get him back to normal. He grew to be a big, beautiful cat and very healthy too :)
(Mpls., Mn)
Just an FYI: black, tarry stool is indicative of bleeding farther up in the GI tract. It may be related to parasites and worms or a very upset tummy/distemper. Super stinky stools can indicate poorly digested food and/or bacterial or viral infection. Kudos for nursing your kitten to good health!
I've taken aloe every day for years is gods medicine and repairs alot of problems in the body...I cant see why it wont work on a pet as well as it has treated my hepatitis...After 40 years with hep "c" my liver enzymes are still normal..
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera
(New York, Ny)
I had to leave a feedback on the Aloe Vera Treatment. I went to see what it also says on the web in regards to using Aloe Vera on a cat. Please see attached link. It says it's poisonous for cats. So anyone who is thinking of trying it do some research before you give that to a cat.
(Wichita, Kansas, Usa)
To Debi from Pace, Florida: ,Cats should not be given Aloe vera in any form! It is lethal for cats. Please do NOT give your cat Aloe vera. Go back to that link and you will see that the article is for DOGS! The reason cats will throw up if you give them too much is because it is poisonous to cats, in any dosage.
It is only the *latex* that is found in small amounts in between the skin of the leaf & the clear gel that is toxic ... *not* the clear gel! This latex (yellow or white) is thoroughly *removed* from the gel-only products made for consumption. The clear 100% gel with NO preservatives & NO additives is *safe* for humans & pets.
Conventional medicine at one time used straight aloe latex to treat constipation, which was far too strong & extremely painful ... thus giving Aloe a much undeserved bad reputation for using any part of the Aloe for that purpose. However, the clear gel is a far cry from the latex, and very soothing & helpful. In some cases it works like a dream, while in others it may not work, but won't cause distress, either.
I stronly urge those afraid of using Aloe gel to consider this article:
"Is Aloe Vera Toxic to Pet Cats, Dogs, Other Animals?"
(Bellevue, Wa)
I have given my cats aloe juice daily for weeks without any problems. It is the outer leaf of the plant which apparently is toxic, not the inner "fillet" (as they call it). My vet prescribed a product, which is distilled from the plant, to give to one of my cats (for a skin allergy problem). Very expensive, though, so I bought the juice which does not have any of the outer leaf.
Please for the love of God, don't play Doctor on these helpless animals and FORCE things down their throats without the PROFESSIONAL ADVICE OF A LICENSED VETERINARIAN! What is wrong with people!! Would you eat something that could potentially hurt you on the 'advice of a friend" without speaking to a DOCTOR??!!
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Stopit!
Do you see the YEAS next to posts where the remedies have proven helpful and successful?
In an ideal world, we all would be able to use a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment, but the real world is not so ideal. In those cases where folks cannot afford a vet, or are unable to travel to a vet, Earth Clinic does a good job of offering first hand accounts of proven remedies.
(Ontario, Canada)
My Bengal cat chose to eat my large aloe vera plant daily. She never threw up or had loose stools. She's very healthy. The proof is in the pudding, as they say.
(Arizona, US)
Your pet may not have immediate symptoms from Aloe Vera, but it is poisonous to cats, and it will cause kidney failure.
Toxicity, Symptoms and Treatment
The toxic compound in aloe is saponins, which is a naturally occurring detergent found in various desert plants such as Yucca schidigera and Aloe vera. Unfortunately, saponins are toxic to cats as well as dogs, birds and lizards. Symptoms of aloe poisoning include diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, depression, tremors and a change in urine color. According to the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, the first symptoms typically appear six to 12 hours after the cat ingested the plant. If you suspect your cat has ingested aloe, stay calm and immediately take the pet to your veterinarian along with any remaining parts of the aloe plant. Even if your cat doesn't show signs of poisoning, you should seek medical assistance since symptoms may not appear for several hours or possibly days later.
Here is the link:
(Westfield, Nj)
The main part of the aloe vera plant may be toxic to a cat, but the inner fillet is not. I have given some to my cats on occasion with no ill effects, but first I researched it very carefully. Let's not have hysterics here, as we all try to help each other. I can appreciate concerns with our pets as they have different systems than ours, especially cats. But as I said the inner fillet is deemed safe for use. Obviously a little bit goes a long way. I take it myself every day and its a really good treatment for many gastro problems.
The part of the aloe vera plant that is toxic to cats is in the fibers of the plant. If it is juice fit for human consumption it should be fiber free and ok for pets. Or so I was told. Always good to double check any information from a stranger!
I can tell you the inner part of Aloe contains a latex and we use it in Chinese medicine to aid in constipation. It works fast but I would not recommend it long term and while degreed in Chinese medicine I am not a Vet. That said, if it is safe for pets, as some have tried, just be careful as long term can lead to electrolyte imbalances and irritation of the GI at least in humans.
You are correct. The ASPCA lists aloe as toxic to cats.[]=02&=Apply
It also lists Garlic as toxic (assuming it is just as toxic as onions), but Garlic has only a very tiny amount of the toxic substance that onions have ... and it would take a HUGE amount to cause any trouble! DVM Doctors Andrew Jones and Karen Becker both wrote articles that explain where the erroneous idea that it is toxic came from, and why we should not believe it ...
Garlic for Dogs and Cats: Good or Bad? Unveiling the Truth!
- Veterinary Secrets with Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM
Garlic - Contrary to Common Misconceptions, Garlic Is GOOD for Pets!
- by, Karen Shaw Becker (Integrative Wellness DVM)
(Burbank, Ca)
ABOVE ALL...find yourself a good holistic vet. You don't want to manage kitty's symptoms with toxic drugs in the cut, poison, burn method. You want to get to the root of the problem and help the kitty regain good health.
(Tucson, Az)
Doctors prescribe toxic things all the time. That is why there are so many lawsuits against the companies who make the poisons.
We do every day....the food we eat is poisoned now due to the approval of the FDA...monsonto is the king of culprits and even the Organic in grocery stores has been labeled safe, yet all they did was lower the regulations to put the label "Organic " on foods....lets not EVEN get into the chemical sprays Roundup....on food
Aloe Vera
(Charlottesville, Va)
I thought aloe vera was toxic to cats.
Yes. Doctors are so ready to stuff pharmaceuticals into you. I would rather listen to people's actual experiences like here on earthclinic than go to any vet or doctor who has a vested interest in getting you onto their drugs.
Agree, need to find something to feed a cat with kidney failure and my vet said to use miralax for constipation?
Double Helix - friend said it saved her dog with kidney failure 3 1/2 yrs ago. She uses it as well - Got it from: Pure Earth Products (FL) 352-459-4178
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
(los angeles, california)
how much water and vinegar do i use for a 4 lb dog (yorkie)?
Apple Cider Vinegar and Coconut Oil
Cat Grass
Coconut Oil
I use coconut oil. A little bit on a syringe. All will be fine. Give it a day or two in the beginning they will still strain a bit but when they finally pass the feces they will be fine. Just give it to them every other day. They don't mind the taste. If you can't physically put in your cats mouth put it on the paw and or in the food. It doesn't take much to do the trick. (The olive oil works too. Coconut oil (cosco or bjs) $10 also has positive effects on their body just like ours.
Hi there do u still give it to her when she is not constipated n doing fine pooping? My cat won't eat wet food at all... I started putting it on my finger n he licks it off... How much do u out in a syringe? Tx
Coconut Oil
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Karina!
My first thought at reading your post is to advise you to bring your kitten to the vet. A blast of diarrhea followed up with two days of no stool = bigger problem than not pooping - JMHO. A vet visit ASAP might be cheaper than waiting it out and then having to bring your kitten to the far more expensive emergency vet.
That said - in the post on 11/08/2011, Beth from Brighton, Mi, Usa offered this advice that may be useful to you: "Pedialyte (1/4 teaspoon in water bowl) to return electrolyte balance. Cold pressed virgin coconut oil - about 1/8 of a teaspoon, heated in microwave for 10 seconds, then add wet food on the plate you used in the microwave."
A 3 week old kitten should still be nursing. That would fix any constipation.
Coconut Oil
What did you do with the oatbran? What measurements did you use for the pumpkin, coconut oil and oat bran to their wet food?
Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil
I now give all my geriatric cats the 1/8 teaspoon of coconut oil in each (wet) meal. This has been a godsend for their health and well being.
Why would you heat cold pressed coconut oil in microwave? It ruins anything by changing it at a molecular level. Throw your microwave out. They are crap!
(Denver Colorado)
To Wendy from Ridgecrest - I totally agree wendy - microwaves should be avoided - total crap - and they turn food into crap.
She has chronic constipation and the lactulose was not working, she's had several surgeries and it seemed to really effect her, she's an old lady and I seriously got tired of her going through this every month and having all these surgeries to remove it and started thinking it was finally time to let her go. Out of desperation I went to the store and tried one last thing before I took her in which, I was going to do the following day. I bought some Mineral Oil and gave her an enema - it was so huge, there was no way she'd pass it, and you could see it. I've tried to take it out myself, but it was too painful for her. It was horrible and she got to the point, where she would sleep with her rear in the air. I started the enema of mineral oil, the next day looked at her rear it it was gone. I looked in the litter box and there it was. She had passed it during the night. I was so exstatic I couldn't believe it and still to this day I still use the Mineral Oil and it does work. It lubricates them so they can go easily.