Cushing's Disease
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Cushing's Disease in Dogs

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Multiple Remedies

4 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
4 star (3) 

Posted by Jean (Lindsay, Ontario, Canada) on 12/16/2008

I have a minature poodle who has Cushing's Disease. Dr did a blood test. Anipryl does not agree with her. Her skin got pimples all over. So I have bathed her twice with Ted's Remedy. I have put her on a raw meat diet. I also give her some ACV and yogurt. Ted do you have any more ideas I could do. Is there anyone else out there with a dog with this dease. She had blood work early Nov/08. She is starting to smell better and pimples are going away. Thank you.

Replied by Jean
(Cerritos, CA)

Our 3 year old Maltipoo named Mr. Bear (Maltise/poodle) was diagnosed with Cushings Disease. His skin was a bright pink, loosing control of his urination, muscle weakness with one leg, etc.

I'm in the process of using several natural things and there has been a great improvement, but not sure if I can say cured.

He is being treated by a lady who muscle tests to see what is needed for nutrition He is also taking Cat's Claw in liquid form to reduce tumors. On the Internet I found and they suggested, Cushex drops (for Cushings) and Thyro-Pet.

Wishing you well in your efforts. Jean

Replied by Ellen
(Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)

Try giving your pup virgin coconut oil. You could also apply it to any lesions your pup has as it's very healing. Also I would recommend giving your pup Moducare. It is wonderful for regulating the immune system in both directions...overactive and underactive. Also make sure your dog is on a holistic diet. No sense in doing a bunch of holistic things when the diet is bad.

Good luck...I hope your pup is feeling better real soon.

Replied by Jean
(Lindsay, On Can)

Jean from Cerritos, could you tell me how much Cats Claw liquid you are using and also what other herbs you are using for the cushing disease?

Replied by Jean
(Cerritos, CA)

Jean I hope this helps. Equal amounts a.m. and p.m. Cat's Claw 1/8 teaspoon. Other products are from Standard Processing is what the health professional uses. You might be able to get similar nutrition with other brands as the purpose is to give the body what it needs to heal itself. The products are the same every week as of now. Our dog is 15#. One tablet of the following a.m./p.m. Thymex, Immuplex, Adrenal Desiccated, Drenatrophin PMG,Caine Hepatic Support, Betacol, Ultimate Floramax. Last week she gave me a mineral to try and I don't have the name of that. I apologize as I don't know how these products work with the healing of the body.

I was not aware of the disease approaching and just thought he was fat because of eating too much, so it got a good head start with us. Since being on this prodocol the weak bladder and pink skin have diminished completely. I can't say for sure that he is healed yet, but I feel we are on our way with the body healing itself and not relying on medications.

Maybe Ted might have a different approach that might be easier. Jean

Replied by Jean
(Lindsay, Ontario)

To Jean from Cerritos, CA -- I am using a Liquid from Aomege Alpha, Healthy Pet Liver Tone and also using Sashas Blend for our 13yr old poodle. Her skin is not as pink, she is sleeping through the night. She still gets the odd skin sore. She is not in as much pain as she used to be. How is your dog doing?

Replied by Jean
(Cerritos, CA)

I'm glad that your dog is getting some help. This seems to be a hard disease to overcome. A friend is taking her dog to the Vet regularly for blood panels, etc. Our dog Mr. Bear, is on the same nutritional plan and holding his own. A lot of the original symptoms have disappeared. Only thing is his weight has stayed the same. I can recommend a MMS website called 'Welcome to MMS Answers' and under the Category and Topics for pets it tells how to use it for Cushings. I did use it for Mr. Bear and the 4pound Yorkie Gigi with no ill effects. During the holidays for some reason I got behind and today I started them back again. MMS comes highly recommended by my friend in the nutritional/medical field and a few know Jim personally. I feel it won't hurt to try. Even I was using it. Thanks for writing. I hope this helps. Thank God for this site, what would we do without it??? Blessings. Jean

Replied by Kelly
(Nashville, TN)

I went to the MMS Answers site but it only had two pages and I couldn't find any links at all on either page. Help? Thanks.

Replied by Jean
(Cerritos, CA)

Kelly I am probably the most uneducated person you know who uses a computer. I have no clue as to how I originally found that particular site, but I did bookmark it. I was able to forward it to my email. I can forward to the administrator of this site, or you if you want. I apologize for any inconveniences to anyone. Ths site must list around 100 different health issues to treat with MMS. I started my dogs back on it 2 days ago and can see a slight difference. Information for Cushings disease has been hard for me to locate, maybe others could obtain more. Let me know if I can help you. Jean

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn)
490 posts

To Kelly from Nashville, Tn. wanting help with finding information on MMS: Hi Kelly, Go back to the top of home base on EC to find a search window. Type in Miracle Mineral Supplement click on web and hit go or search. It will give you a bunch of references. For a quick rundown on what to expect from it pull up the one that says: No miracle, just good chemistry for a fast read. I think Jim Humble still has his site where the first half of his book is free download and you pay for the 2nd half download. By the time you figure in your time, paper, and that expensive ink; it might be cheaper to go ahead and spring for one of those $l9.95 books you will find advertised in a lot of those references you'll get.

Replied by Kelly
(Nashville, TN)

Thanks! You can send it to my email address. The site I was on only had 2 links. One was the "home" page and I can't remember what the other was called. When I clicked on the "other" page there was nothing but some advertisements - pretty much the same as the home page.

Replied by Jean
(Cerritos, Ca)

A few weeks ago I was able to attend the National Natural Health Show in Anaheim, CA, and this event is by invitation only. I went to the Pet section and was unable to find anyone who knew about Cushings Disease for Mr.Bear, our dog. In another booth Dr. Cass Ingram (who has written 30 books) was kind enough to answer my question re: Cushings and gave me items to purchase from North American Herb and Spice. Hours later I asked Dr. Ingram to write the amounts to take, and I forgot to mention, as he had talked to many people by then that I was talking about a 15 pound dog and his reply to me was for adults.

This weekend I went to the Long Beach Health Freedom EXPO and the same company was there and gave me the breakdown for measurements for Mr. Bear.

At Dr. Joseph Mercola's presentation yesterday he had a slide of one of his last patients before he quit his practice 5 years ago and it was a man with Cushings. Dr. Mercola said he was speaking to 3,000 Dr. and asked how many new about Cushings and only a few replied.

I will list the ingredients Dr. Cass Ingram gave me and you can list if you choose as this products is useful for humans and animals. The company is North American Herb and Spice and what was recommended for humans.

Chag-0-power - 20 drops
Royal Oil - one half teaspoon
Purely-B - one Tablespoon
Green Flush - 20-40 drops
Oil of Oregano - 2-3 drops

For animals it would depend on the size and I am presently working with small increments.

I pray this helps as Cushings is a hard one to treat. Sincerely, Jean

Replied by Cynthia
(Los Angeles, CA)

I don't know if I'm posting in the right place. My 12 year old Rhodesian Ridgeback (93lb) has shown signs of cushings for 2 years or so but was given the diagnosis recently. She has a large tumor on one adrenal.

Her symptoms had escalated from non stop UTI's to thick patches under the skin that appeared and within a week had split and were bleeding. She lost hair in that area. We did an antibiotic to treat the bladder infection and skin.

We started the medication - trilostane - in the last month. At the same time, I read about horses with Cushings who were given tumeric - do the research on what kind, how much and with what - and their tumors shrank. It needs to be given with black pepper extract so it can be absorbed and healthy cold pressed fats like coconut, olive or sunflower oil. I started her at 500 mg 2 times a day, as well as cushex drops and at about a week or 10 days doubled her tumeric to 1000mg 2 x per day when she seemed to tolerate it.

What is amazing is that we ran out of medication after 2 weeks, and for more than a week she was off of it. During that time the hair continued to grow back where it had fallen out in the last 2 months - she was still visibly improving while off the medication. I have restarted the medication, but from what I am observing the alternative approach is having an effect - otherwise within a few days of her being off we would have seen a worstening of symptoms. Instead we saw a continued improvement.

She still has some of the symptoms - thirst, appetite, but overall seems so much better from when we started the protocol and it has only been about 5 weeks.

I am going to keep her on the trilostane but share this in case it helps others. I bought a high quality tumeric that comes with the pepper extract in capsule form online. I started my male who is 3 years younger and has fatty cysts on the same protocol. I have a hunch that it is preventative.

I will report any changes.

Over the Counter, Diet, Supplements

Posted by Pat (Elkton, Va.) on 08/22/2011

I want to tell eveyone with a dog with Cushings disease to try a product called Supraglan. My maltese was diagnosed with Cushings and was drinking water constantly and urinating uncontrollably. I tried the Cushex drops but Supraglan works much better. I could not believe the results. She rarely has an accident now. Its a little expensive but goes a long way. And the Petwellbeing co. gives a return customer discount. I also give her vitamens and suppliments and all natural dog food. She is now almost 13 and still doing great.


Posted by Grandixie (Little Rock, Ar) on 07/25/2015

My sweet, sweet Boston Terrier Bruce has just been diagnosed with Cushing's. He is 12 1/2 and has been really healthy until this set back. I got online and have read for days about changing his food to raw, adding fish oil and many other things. I'm a bit overwhelmed at this point with all the info out there. I read about the U of Tennessee havung great results with the supplement Supraglan. I just ordered it yesterday and wondered if anyone has used this and what results have you had. Any help as to where to start on this journey with my precious Bruce would be greatly apreciated. I'm on a fixed income but I will do without to provide for him. Thanks

Replied by Maureen

Do you know if ACV is of any benefit to dogs diagnosed with Cushings please?

Replied by Spirits Mom
(Kc, Mo)

My 13 1/2 year old chihuahua has cushings AND kidney disease and the vet wants me to decide if I will use trilostane or mitotane. I'm uncomfortable with both and like you have become overwhelmed with all the information. I looked into the Supraglan you ordered thinking maybe I would try it too, and wanted to share with you what I found - this article clearly states to stay away from Supraglan.

Replied by M Mccullough

Try going on They have a product called Adrenal Harmony Gold, specifically for Cushings disease. You'll want to read their positive testimonies. I ordered a bottle and my 14 yr old Boston Terrier is on her 6th day of treatment. I don't do specific recipes; she eats well as I've always fed her grain free kibble and she's very lively for her age; will continue to feed same till I see results of any decrease in her voracious appetite for food and water...hope this helps....blessings!

Replied by Darlene
(Isanti, Mn)

I too have a Boson Terrier with cushings and would love to talk to the lady in Ar.

Replied by Dee

My dog has cushings disease and want to control the symptoms naturally. I controlled most of the symptoms. Still need to control my dog Jake's content late afternoon & evening hunger. This Lignans for Life web site and article from Dr. Jack Oliver helped me. I give my dog a healthy diet, Flaxseed Lignans, Melatonin, Milk thistle, Multi vitamin, Vitamin E, Kelp powder, enzyme & probiotic powder, organic plain Kefir, Omega 3 oil, Chic seeds, . I make homemade chicken broth with added gelatin powder and 2 tbsp. Apple cider vinegar, and feed Jake a healthy diet. 3 days a week I add cold pressed olive oil in his foods. Also I give Jake the 12 cell salts which give him energy and helps his weak back legs.

Posted by Horsecrazy (Savannah, Ga) on 05/27/2009

Question: I have a donkey who has had cushings for at least 5 years. He has responded extremely well to a cushings formula I found at I only named it because I do not know the amounts of items in the formula and if they are safe for dogs but it thought it would be worth looking into. Contains: ginko, nettle, peppermint, wormwood. Have also seen chaste berries included in many holistic formulations, again I don't know the safety with dogs. Wondered if these would help cushings in dogs?

Supplements, Diet, Exercise

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Peggy (Manhattan, Illinois) on 01/26/2010

Help for Dog's cushings

My now 16 year old Samoyed mix was diagnosed with cushings three years ago. I have been giving her a suppliment called Dogtorrx Humanofort. This product has made a huge improvement with her symptoms. I have also consulted with a holistic veterinarian that does classical homeopathy. These remedies have also helped relieve the symptoms. This vet's practice is 98% classical homeopathy and has many years of experience.

I have also found that high levels of toxins especially from pesticides,(what they spray for mosquetoes in our area) and fertilizers seem to be a trigger for cushings. Products that remove these type of toxins are also very helpful. I have fed her a raw diet most of her life. She still has her eye sight. We continue to walk one to two miles a day. Another product you might look into is a pure oxygen product. I use Cellfood and find it to keep her mentally stable. She is presently in the very late stages of cushings and I continue to research products that may keep her quality of life that she is used to.

Replied by Sarabelle
(South Bend, In, USA)

I've noticed a lot of dogs BEFORE getting Cushing's Disease have been over-medicated. A lot of vets are so quick to want to put our dogs on heart medicine "just in case", as well as steroids and other ridiculous drugs. I believe this causes the disease, among other illnesses, in our furry friends.

My grandparents' Sheltie used to be a vibrant, beautiful dog, then the vet wanted to put him on all sorts of medicines for minor things! Two years later, he is in pitiful shape with Cushing's Disease.

Now, our Standard Poodle and my parents' own Sheltie have NEVER been medicated outside of the typical rabies, etc. , vaccines, and they are both healthy and beautiful. Just like people, we don't need to be so quick to medicate our dogs.

Another thing I have learned: My father's friend had a small dog with this disease when someone finally said, "Get that dog off of all medication and the steroids NOW. " Instead, she gave him raw chicken mixed with 1-2 tablespoons of plain yogurt. She said her dog became more energetic and the disease started clearing up.

Replied by Lou
(Tyler, Tx)

If you read the Wikipedia description about the disease, toward the bottom it talks about the disease being doctor induced - via steriods and I think I read antibiotics somewhere else.

Replied by Linda
(W.minot, Me.)

I just stumbled across this site and have learned so much, thank you all, my Little Lasa-poo is currently having the Testing for Cushings, she has all the Symptoms..I felt so guilty thinking it was my Fault I didn't pay close enough attn. to her weight or so I thought it wasn't until she had a ravenous Appetite and uncontrollable thirst for water, not to mention a couple of accidents in the House, that I knew something was wrong..I love her so much, she is my little girl, she will be 8 in June..I am guilty of the bag food, canned food, all the pet chemicals for fleas etc...Which after this, I am so going to make Life changes for her, Thanks to all of you! I need any and all address you can post for Holistic food, supplements, etc..I do not want my little to go through anymore hell than she please help..Thank You So Much! ...Linda & Lucy!

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Linda! Sorry to hear about your dog's Cushing's diagnosis. Raw high protein diets are best. If raw is not possible feed them a grain free, potato free, high protein, high quality canned food such as Instinct canned or Vital chub rolls. Check out this site and look at the top end/5 star brands for high protien, grain free, potato free options: Http://

Replied by Linda Larry
(Cottonwood, Az.)

Where may I purhase Cushex drops for my 15 year old Jack Russel?

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Linda!

I have not purchased or used this product but I found it instantly with a google search. Try doing a google search "cushex drops cottonwood AZ" to find locations near you that may have it readily available. If nothing else it is available mail order/online. Good luck!

Replied by Carole
(Eagan, Mn)

I see that there are two types of Cushex Drops-M and Cushex Drops-S. Can the two be used together or do you use one or the other?

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Carole!

Please inquire directly to the manufacturer and let us know what you learn about this product:

Replied by Michele
(Burso, Ca)

My horse was recently diagnosed with Cushings. Can I give her the same remedies as for dogs?

Supraglan, Anipryl

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Phyllis (High Point, North Carolina) on 05/17/2010

I started my cocker spaniel on supraglan which is a holistic medicine for cushings disease...and giving her anipryl 15mg (1 a day)supraglan 1 drop for every 2 is doing very good on these...

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