Rabies Vaccine Reaction, Dogs
Natural Remedies

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects in Dogs

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Rabies Vaccine Side Effects

207 User Reviews
4 star (1) 

Posted by Cathy (Phoenix, AZ) on 01/30/2008

re: rabies vaccine: Took my pure-bred beagle female for shots last year (9/4/07) (rabies/distemper/ parainfluenza/adenovirus/ coronavirus/bordetella) a year ago and her muzzle and eyes swelled up and she was frothing at the mouth. Took her to vet where they administered dexamethesoneSP (4mg) and Dephenhydramine(50mg) and swelling went down and she was fine the next day. Got the notice in Jan. 08 from animal control that her tags were up and she needed a rabies shot. Took her for shot and told vet of reaction in Sept. 07. He gave her a 50cc shot of benadryl 10 minutes before shot. 20 minutes after rabies shot, she collapsed and was completely lethargic and uncontrollable bowel movement with vomitting. 2 hours later she perked back up but right muzzle and eye started swelling. Gave her .75ml of childrens benadryl. 12 hours later, swelling gone, but can't keep food down and keeps having bowel (or trying) movements. Taking her to vet this afternoon if no improvement. I am now reluctant to get her any shots at all after these reactions.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Jared (Portland, Oregon) on 01/19/2008

I took Cuda, my Australian Shepard,to the vet today for a rabies shot. The vet did not warn me about any possible complications. I took him home and left to go grocery shopping. When I got home 3 hours later Cuda's face was swollen and his eyes were half shut. He did seem to be breathing and acting normally. My vet had closed by this time so I called the emergency vet. Even though they said to come in immediately, I did some research and found that Benadryl can help dogs. I coated one pill (the dose for a child) with peanut butter and gave it to him. Within about 30 miniutes the swelling started to go down. He seems to be perfectly normal now, thankfully.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Laura (USA) on 01/15/2008

My year and a half old Yorkie received a rabies shot and had a bad reaction. She was lethargic and when she did walk, she appeared to be in severe pain. My husband took her to the vet and they gave her an IV which gave her energy back but now, over a month later, she still does not have hair near the shot area. Will her hair grow back?

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by June (Poughkeepsie, New York) on 01/14/2008

I just got my 11 year old doxie rabies shot and she sleeping alot and her back legs she cant walk. I think we all have to watch the dogs and cats vaccine. There is something wrong with this.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by tammie (ukiah, ca) on 01/01/2008

1 month ago my 2 yr old colby red nose pt had his second rabies vaccine. since then he has had very strange behavior, aggressive behavior, itchy skin, licking of his paws constantly. he in the past week since xmas morning has started 3 very violent attacks on my other pit who is 6yrss old. He gets completely out of control. does not listen when being told to stop fighting, its like he has gone mad! he has always been my eeyor dog, a forest gump if you will.. goofy loveable dog who has this flopsy mopsy personality.. but now he is a complete jerk! when he attacks my 6 yr old we cant get him to stop. i am convinced it is from his last rabies vaccine! HELP anyone else ever have this problem! i dont want to lose my 2 yr old loveable dog but i cant keep going through this aggressive behavior with no warning or reasons for the fighting.. i raise my dogs to be friendly and loveable and they sleep in bed wwith us! anyone got any ideas??? THANK YOU! feel free to email me

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Claudia (PDX, Oregon) on 12/17/2007

I have a dachshund that got a big lump at his injection site. This year I passed on his "yearly" shots. I also have a lab mix that has food allergies. He has not had shots for years but due to the law got his rabies one last year- immediately his allergies flaired horribly and it went on for a long time. I know it is not a food issue as I make his food and changed nothing.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Mary (Liberty, Missouri) on 11/27/2007

My 4 year old mixed Shih-Tzu had is 3 year Rabies vac yesterday and today he started having diarrhea. I called the vet and he said it would not have been from the vac and that he must be upset from being there yesterday for grooming and his shot. He has never been upset with his grooming like that and had diarrhea the next day!

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Tamara (Keystone Heights, Florida) on 11/26/2007

I have a 15 year old Siamese mix neutered male cat. Last rabies vaccine he had about 3 years ago caused a lump to form after his shot, it grew fast and burst. No home remedies worked to close the gaping sore. I took him to two different vets who both diagnosed a carcinoma from the vaccine. I had to have it surgical removed and closed up. So his 3 year rabies shot cost me over $300 and he is an inside cat. I will never again give him any shots.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Stacie (Miami, Florid) on 11/24/2007

My healthy three-year old cat had a rabies shot two weeks ago. She has since developed a lump in her leg. She will be going into surgery on Friday. I am waiting on the results of the small biopsy that was taken today. The doctor told me that it may be benign or cancerous, but whatever it is, it was caused by the rabies shot. I am never giving my cats a rabies shot again. They are indoor cats, and I have asked in the past if it was necessary because I was worried about the side effects. Now I am angry that I didn't insist that she not get the shot.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Teri (Sparrowbush, NY) on 11/13/2007

I've had a dog seizer after getting her 2nd Rabies vaccine. I've seen puppies start chewing on themselves after getting the parvo vaccine. I had a puppy buyer tell me that she took her 3 yr old dog to the vet where they said he was in excellent health and they gave Dhpp and Rabies. The next morning he was dead.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Edith (Palmerston, Canada) on 11/13/2007

I was given a year old pure bred shihtzu. A few weeks before she came to me she had been given her rabies shot. She was bald in places from the intense itching all over. Her skin was hot to the touch. I started with Apis mellifica a homeopathy remedy which is very good for itching. When that seemed to give her some relief I quit the remedy for a few days then started with Arsenicum Albumen. This is another remedy for itchy skin but it has different action. I also used Thuja to clean the liver. The scratching continued for a few months she lost tufts of hair but rather than take her to a vet who in turn would prescribe more drugs which have side effects I chose to tackle this on my own. It did clear up and there were reoccurances but mild. Her hair were like starw, and she should have silky hair. Her eyes were always dull looking as was her coat. She was quite lifeless and lethargic. That was a year ago and she is finally getting on her feet and running around and being full of energy. Yes it took a long time but at least this way nothing more damaging was added to stress her system I do not have shots for my dogs. I have 3 and none of them will get shots.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by jane (pittsburgh, pa) on 11/08/2007

i took my 16 week old dashound to the vet for his rabies booster. immediately after the shot my puppy became limp. the vet said come back in a couple hours because they had to treat him for a reaction from the rabies shot. when i returned they handed me my puppy in a blanket, dead. i have never been so shocked in my life. if anyone has any information on deadly reactions to vaccines i would appreciate the feedback. thank-you

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Barb (Ohio, USA) on 11/04/2007

After receiving a rabies vaccine my dog started having reverse sneezing. She is 3-1/2 yrs old and has never had this before getting the vaccination. This was her first rabies vaccination.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Connie (San Diego, CA) on 11/02/2007

I got a Dachshund/Chihuahua mix from a pet rescue last September 2006. Kona was twelve weeks old. Last month I took Kona to have her routine vaccinations. The vet gave Kona all her vaccines, with exception of the rabies as she said they don't want to mix the vaccines as it is common for "this breed" to have a reaction to the rabies vaccine. Kona returned a week later to get her rabies vaccine and was fine. Two weeks later, my husband noticed a "lump" in her neck. Kona was also lethargic. She usually likes to play catch and dart through the house back and forth as fast as she could. I also noticed Kona's ears were red and had scabs in them. She is constantly licking her paws and scratching her ears and muzzle. I took Kona to the vet and was told she had a reaction to the rabies vaccine. (Kona was fine when she had the rabies vaccines at 4-months-old.) Kona is now on Medrol 4mg. The vet is treating her aggressively. The vet also told me that she can no longer have the rabies shot as the next time could be worse. The vet will now need to write an exemption letter to the Dept. of Animal Control. The great thing is Kona's appetite never changed. I hope she gets better soon as the family, especially the kids, miss the playful Kona.

Rabies Vaccine Side Effects
Posted by Catherine (Waveland, Mississippi) on 10/17/2007

I took my 4.5 month old pit bull mix (Ollie) in to get its 1st rabies shot yesterday evening, he had already been given his series of distemper shots (last shot 2 weeks prior) and this was the last thing I had to take care of with vaccinations. I took him in at 3:30pm and all night he seemed perfectly fine. At 2:30 am I was woken up by Ollie crying, as if he needed to go outside, so I took him out of his kennel and realized that he felt really hot to the touch, so me felling warm myelf I kicked the AC on and took him out to potty. I brought him back inside and put him in his bed and he immediately started crying again. So I took him back out and put him in the bed with my husband and I to cool off. Ollie just could not sit still. He kept moving around restlessly and scratching himself. So I brought him into the bathroom and turned the light on and realized he was covered in hives. He looked so bad it brought me to tears. I immediately put him in the bathtub and started to rinse him with warm water to try to realive some of the itching. I then ran to walmart and bought him some childrens benadryl and I have been up with him ever since. The swelling is going down a little but he looks horrible. My vet doesn't open til 9am but after reasearching more on the internet I have come to the conclusion that after this he is not getting another shot. This was so not worth it. I just hope this doesn't cause anymore complications.