Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Thank you for your time and wisdom.
I have a cat that obviously has mange, I have other cats in the house as well and they seem to be scratching on their ears and chin and head but not as badly as the first who has lost patches of fur and had deep cuts from scratching, I put a cone around her neck and the cuts have healed but the skin problem is the same, I used sulfur lym dip on all of them but it made one cat sick and the smell is so bad.
I was wondering if your treatment can be used on Cats and if so how would you recommend the measurement and how often should I treat them?
Thank you kindly for your time.
EC: Question already answered in the Q&A section:
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
(Garden Grove, Ca)
(Regina, Saskachewan)
(Wichita Falls, Texas)
(Regina, Saskchewan)
(Portland, Oregon)
For Mary of Regina, Saskchewan: I personally have taken Food Grade Diatomacous Earth internally for 2 years. My husband, children, and parents also have been taking it. We use it twice a year (spring/fall) to eliminate any bad bugs that may be hiding in our bodies. All of my pets (cats,dogs,guinea pigs)are given it in their food once a month. I buy mine at a ware house here in portland, but have bought products from wolf creek ranch and was happy with them. We have never had side effects. There is a cleansing period when first starting so start with small doses and get larger with each day.
(Wichita Falls, Texas)
(Regina, Saskchewan)
Hi JS: Thanks for telling me this it makes me feel safer. Is the bag labelled food grade? do all the same precautions exist? Like dont breath it in? Etc lung damage. Also how much do you take 2x per year and for how long? and about your dogs, how much and when do you give it to them. Mine are 10 lbs each.
Any more info would be greatly appreciated.
(Portland, Oregon)
Reply to Mary from Regina, Saskatchewan: sorry it took so long to reply, been on month long vacation. All precautions should be taken with DE even food grade. My animal get one teaspoon per 10 pounds daily for one week to ensure all parasites are dead. I make sure to clean up any fecal matter daily so not to reinfect them. When I first started giving them DE, I gave each 1/2 a teaspoon for 3 days then went to a whole teaspoon. I gave this everyday for the first month, after that I just give them a teaspoon for one week each month as a preventive. My parents only give it to their dog every three months for a week, however he never leaves their property and ours tours with us. My family takes 1 tablespoon with yogurt in morning for one week in February and another week in September. Sometimes if someone is feeling ill (stomach stuff) I will have them take a weeks dose. Any time something is ingesting it I make sure it is with wet food so it won't be breathed in. Hope this helps!
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
(Clinton, MS USA)
I have been treating Max for 6 weeks @ once a week and he is completely healed but as a precaution I will continue the treatment for a few more weeks. I have photos of before and after but I do not see where I can email these or post them. Please advise. Thanks again for being a life saver. I am a true believer in this method of treatment and would recommend this to anyone who has a pet that is going through the mange!
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
But, then came ol' neverending rainy season, with her spending most of her time indoors. Now, once again since last fall, she has gone right back to being the most pathetic looking animal ever. Constant scratching. Now, I've come to a conclusion that it may be mange afterall. When I did an online search for human head lice cures, I came across sites selling ultra-violet light wands for sanitizing and killing lice and flea eggs, it said. NOW it makes perfect sense why she improved so much in the summer, if u.v. light is really effective in killing germs and parasite eggs!!! So maybe some of your readers out there who are wondering how to sanitize their dog's sleeping quarters can try the lites and tell us if it is effective. And I highly suspect it will be.
thank you.
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
EC: More information here:
(Delbarton, WV/USA)
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
I have been trying the Mange Cure for aprox 2.5 weeks. Our puppy has had mange, treated with Mitaban dip (8 of em) and at the final dip follow up there were still live mites. Her hair stayed thin on the top of her head then one stressful day she had a breakout. I tried the good win ol and still no improvement. I came across this site and did the H2O2 1 cup, 2 cups water and 3-4 tbsp Borax solution 4 days in a row since she progressed so fast into elephant skin on her neck. I had noticed that the solution was stinging my arms so I switched to the ACV with Mother 1 cup, 2 cups water and 3-4 tbsp mixture and after 1 week of H2O2 treatment and 1 week of ACV treatment the pustules are no longer pussy, but still bumpy. I let her air dry, and at times will even spray the solution on problem areas between baths.
Some of them are filled with blood instead of puss. Is that normal?
There is minor hair re-growth happening on her head and neck, but my boyfriend is rather dissapointed that she has relapsed after such expensive vet treatment (mitaban) and is wondering if she will ever recover fully.
How long does it typically take for a large localized (head/neck, 50% hocks, and armpits) case to heal? Since this is my first time using this treatment I don't have an answer for him and am trying to vie for more time to prove this treatment works. Otherwise... you know what most vets suggest for cases that relaps so quickly and vigorously... If I can prove this works I need to stand by a time line.
Also, She is heavily scratching her ears and shaking her head. Is there anything I can do to help her stop being so itchy in her ears?
To help her from the inside I am giving her one garlic tablet in the morning, 2-3 tsp ACV in her drinking water with a parasite tincture (10-20 drops), salmon oil in her kibble (Innova high protein), and just started with sulfur homeopathic pearls. If she is particularly itchy I give her a 25mg benadryl.
I am really trying and need to know if I am doing the right thing, if I need to modify something.
I tried to put a cone on her to stop the itching or licking and that stressed her out way too much. She ran into the wall and eventually just froze. Since stress is a big trigger I will not be doing that again...
Your advice and all the comments have been wonderful, but now that I am sort of fighting for her life, I want to make sure that I am doing everything possible to help her get through this and live a happy and healthy life.
(Delbarton, WV USA)
It sounds as though you are doing everything right. You sound a bit like me. I wanted an instant cure. It actually took just over two months to get him well. Go to page two and look at his pictures and read everything I did. Your dog might benefit from the listerine/babyoil/water solution which I also found on this site...just try everything...including a good diet, a vitamin and mine love the yeast/garlic pills which also helps. Are you washing it's toys, cleaning where he/she lays or spends time. I use ACV in a spray bottle and spray every where..carpets, toys, bedding. Ruff is better but I still rinse him at least once a month with the solution. He goes off into the hills (dont' have a fence up YET) and I have no idea what he comes in contact with. Just read through everyone's suggestions and don't stop...if anything you may have to bathe them every three days. Good luck.
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
EC: Thank you -- we'd love to post your photos!
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
(Calgary, Alberta Canada)
Did you have to treat the couches and bedding and such as well? They live in the hair follicle so nothing I have read other than at this site has said that you have to treat the bedding and premises as well.
I treat my pug, who is 9 months old, the skin looks white again, and then they have moved, onto his feet, or his face. I am giving him an immune booster in his food as well. But do I have to treat the whole house?
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
I bought the Borax at a Billiard's Store because I cannot find one in any of the supermarket's laundry and detergent sections and I used the 3% h2o2 solution.
I mixed 300 ml 3% h2o2 with 600 ml warm water then I carefully added the borax. The solution was milky white but there were a lot of borax lumps on the surface. Is this normal?
I dipped my puppy, Calyx, on this solution and he seemed to be doing just fine.
Your answer would be greatly appreciated!
(Delbarton, WV USA)
It should say 20 Mule Team Borax on the box. The box front is yellow with green trim. It has Since 1891 on the front top..It's also says "Natural Laundry Booster" and list the various multi=purposes on it. It comes in a 12 lb 4oz box . It is usually opposite of the detergents, top shelf and if you find two. It won't be there when you do go back. I always find mine at Wal-mart...not sure I'm allowed to say that but it is the old place short of a country store. Google it..I'm sure you'll find it online.
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
1.I have read that thera are 3 types of mange ( Demodectic Mange, Cheyletiella mange, Sarcoptic mange) I am not sure wich type my dog has, so my question is: Does this remedy cure all 3 types of mange?
2. My dog is old (9 years) is it safe to use this remedy on him?
I love my dog and I hope this can be the cure to his mange. THANK U anticipatedly for the help you all can give me in this matter.