Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
(Delbarton, Wv Usa)
Frank, I use a mix of baby oil, blue Listerine (cheap) and water 1/3 parts each to make the fur soft and keep my dog from itching. I also had another spray bottle with apple cider vinegar in it that I sprayed the beds with as well as the toys and any place they laid around a lot. The Listerine mixture helped to keep bugs off of them, also, when outside.
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
1. I used the Borax, peroxide & water, per Ted's directions, to fix the worst part of mange, spritzing my thick-furred keeshond-collie mix every three days.
2. I also gave him a weekly bath using Neem animal shampoo. Immediate normal skin coloring returned.
3. I fed him a daily dish of yogurt mixed with a spoonful of immune-fixing Spirulina. He was very sick before, inundated by the mange and not eating much. Within two days of Spirulina he left his favorite spot and joined us at activities.
4. I also spread a powdery mix of borax & diatamaceous earth all over the house for about a month, rather appreciating the spread being blown around by the ducts and ignoring the messy house look. This dried up all flea activity. And Finally...the healing:
5. Last week, I bought another spritz bottle, some non-scented hypo-allergenic baby oil (a cheap kind) and a blue bottle of Lysterine, original. Mix 1/3 water, 1/3 baby oil, 1/3 lysterine. The lysterine will not hurt, even the sores. It soothes and disinfects! I rubbed it in real good, giving a massage over the many many scales & little bumps and sores. My Rusty stretched into the pretend-scratching of his itches, loving it! It was nearly 5 hours before he scratched himself and bit into himself, so I gave him another spritz, rubbing it in.
Now I only spritz him with the baby oil mix every few days, when he 'points' to it. Then he frolicks all over, too energetic for the cat, so I let him out and he rolls in the snow to remove the smell, tossing snow into the air with his nose, wagging away. His horrible self-mangling has stopped. The bumps are nearly all gone. He rests & sleeps comfortably. He's much happier and so are the non-furred members of this group!!
(Salem, OR)
(Delbarton, Wv Usa)
I use a plastic bottle bought at Wal Mart. If you're using the borax solution try this first. Dissolve the borax in the the peroxide before diluting it. You may still end up with some settlement. Then, use cheese cloth or a strainer.
If you are using the lysterine, water, and baby oil solution you shouldn't be having a problem with the spritzer.
I'm thinking it was the borax solution that you were having problems with. Sorry it took so long to respond.
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
(Regina, Canada)
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
I washed my dog in this and let it dry naturally. The next morning I rubbed all affected areas with Castor Oil. I did this about every 3 or 4 days for two weeks. (4 washes)
My dog was fully cleared and healing. He now is completely restored and shows no signs of Mange.
There was zero ill effects. Amazing!
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
(Westport, Ct)
(Delbarton, WV/USA)
The smell is very indicative of mange. That is what gave away our pup that we found in an alley. He had a horrible smell and I thought he was just dirty from living on his own. As soon as one of my friends saw him, she said she hated to tell me but my dog had the mange. After visiting the vet, he indeed does. I was given the "dip" but it's so horrible that I'm trying the borax and hydrogen peroxide. He is getting more spots and has had 4 treatments. Do they get worse before they get better?
(Edmonds, WA)
Do you have a type of "good, nutritional" dog food that is recommended?
EC: Check out this page:
(Amite, Louisiana)
(Delbarton, WV, USA)
I am sorry I certainly didn't mean for my comment to be a NAY. I was commenting on the smell could be mange to someone else. Then got caught up in my little Ruff's problems. I took him in at about 10 wks old. I took him for his shots and a check up and the vet said he had scarcoptic (sp?) mange. He was put on medicine and by the time he went back for his second set of shots he was cured of it. Then in Dec. when I take him for his neutering the vet calls for me to come pick him up that he was ready to go but she needed to talk with me. She had done some scrapings and he had demodectic mange. She gave me vitamins, shampoo and the "dip" for him. I was to use it once a week. (all the instructions were included). However, it was so horrible I thought there was no way I was going to make him take baths in this. I began my search for natural remedies. I had not read far enough apparently cause I was only bathing him once a week. He is a bit of a wild pup (almost 8 mo) and growls and tries to bite me when I bathe him. He is a handful. My older dog will go get into the bathtub trying to showing him it's no big deal. He seems afraid of water and I have no doubt that he may have been doused with hot water before I found him by people trying to run him off.
Recently my husband and I bought a truckload of straw and put it all over our front yard trying to old down the mud the dogs were tracking inside. Then, I notice Ruff is getting more spots...and sores on his privates and the mite pimples are all over him. I have been using the borax/H20/Peroxide but only once a week. I have a solution mixed that I put on him two or three times a day by gloved hand. Should this still be helping him out? He is on a yeast/garlic pills as well as a vitamin. He eats two to three times a day so he has a good appetite. He has been wormed and I do my best to give him all the love he can handle. He is house broken and it was really easy as he went out with his "big sister". She btw has remaind mange free throughout all this. *fingers crossed* Ruff had a poor beginning and probably has a poor immune system. The vet said stress can cause this to worsen and he stresses about taking a bath. How can I get him well when I can barely bathe him once a week? Also, I spent all day yesterday raking up the straw after I read it can give dogs mange. Then, I scatted borax all over the yard.
He is getting more and more spots of hair loss (black in these spots..not the skin just the hair color) The sores/pimples worry me most. I just feel so sorry for him. I am ready to try the dip again but don't want to. I just want him well. I have been reading this site for three weeks and he's had 3 baths with the solution. I did see some improvement but now he is worsening...straw probably didn't help.
I spray his bed area, wash his toys and covers and spray the carpets as well as shampoo them. I suppose I need someone to tell me how to get the solution on him daily without a fight. During the summer it was easy I just bathed him where he stood outside but it's way to cold to do that now and he knows what is up when he sees me gathering his towels and heading toward the bath area I use to bathe him in. Then it's a chase to catch him, put up with his trying to bite me. (Once I do have him in the tub, he is calm and the best puppy. I talk soothingly to him to assure him he is ok.) What else can I do? I apologize for this being so long. And Yea to this remedy. I am all for natural remedies and always have been. I am thankful this site is here!
EC: Thanks, Peggy. We'll remove the NAY from your other post!
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
(Portland, OR)
Benedryl has been shown to cause premature dementia (not that dementia is a normal part of aging). I wouldn't say it is not harmless. I don't recommend anyone take it on a regular basis. I read this in a report about 10 years ago. I can't believe this information is still not mainstream and so many people are still using it.
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
I have tried the treatment 4 times: two days in a row, skip a day, treat, skip a day, and treat. There has been some improvement in hair regrowth on her head -- new stubble has appeared! -- but her face and scalp are still scaly. Every day I read more posts and have adjusted my procedure, but before my husband insists on another Mitaban dip I would like to be certain I am performing the therapy correctly.
I mix 2 cups hydrogen peroxide with 4 cups water and add 2 handfuls of borax powder -- not measured precisely but about 1/4 cup ("20 Mule Team" brand). I am going to start waiting 15 minutes for the borax to fully dissolve -- something I just learned from reading a past post. I start pouring the solution on my puppy and begin to rub it into the skin -- like I was washing her if there were suds. Pour -- rub -- pour -- rub, for about 5 minutes. The first two treatments I was timid around her face, but now I really rub her closed eyes, inside the wrinkles, ears etc. I then give her a treat and stay with her in the shower for another 5 minutes. I just started rubbing a small amount of dry borax powder on her while she was still wet. I then let her out and keep her on a towel or in her crate until she is dry enough to play with the family. I am going to start doing the treatment every day instead of every-other-day. I haven't shampooed her with any another products -- just the borax wash. I am now giving her a high quality food and am going to research supplemental vitamins.
Am I doing everything correctly enough to tell my husband, "Have patience! This will work -- give it time."? I appreciate any response and greatly respect your commitment to this site.
(Athens, Texas USA)
To Jennifer in Dallas:
I had an earlier post about a stray dog that showed up here positively eaten up with the mange. I have not had to seek veterinary advice. I've used the borax/peroxide dip on this dog and he is now beautiful! I have five other dogs and have had to bathe them also to prevent them from getting it. I was bathing very often at first but quickly settled to once a week. It has taken about three months to get him completely over this but the solution works. He had NO hair over most of his body and many areas were raw and bleeding. I was using 4 cups of peroxide, 8 cups of water, and about 1 1/2 to 2 cups of borax. Mix the borax in until it won't dissolve any more. You can pour up some in a spray bottle to use on itchy places between bathing and I've sprayed bedding, floors, etc with it. Seems as if the dog would itch worse a couple of days after bath but each week he would look better. He now has hair everywhere totally except a couple of areas on his ears but this has healed and is slowly growing hair. I can't begin to tell you how bad this dog was and now he is a happy playful pup.... obviously feels so much better. It didn't happen overnight though.... it took persistence and he slowly improved. A couple of times I was frustrated and thought he was getting worse (especially if I didn't bathe every week--skipped the hurricane week and that wasn't a good idea) but he looks so good now and it's been three weeks since the last bath. The peroxide will bleach out hair color though and I think it dries the skin... one of the reasons I went to only once a week baths. Good luck. I've heard so many bad things about the mitaban and I've seen such good results with this.