Natural Remedies

Epilepsy Remedies for Dogs

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Ocular Compression

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Posted by Joanne (New Brighton, Mn) on 02/22/2011

Our male Viszla/lab mix has been having seizures for nearly 4 years, and we have discovered that we need to watch his diet carefully... No MSG, or wheat, cheese, or foods with coloring. He loves fruits and vegetables along with Natural Balance dog food. I keep ground beef for treats in the frig.

I would like to pass on to you a remedy that I read on the internet for the 'post-ictal' phase... That's the stumbling around phase where they seem to be blind at first and stumble into furniture and try to walk through walls. (At a hundred pounds, that's a lot of damage! ) The minute he goes into his cluster seizures (which occur with the full moon) I gently press on one of his eyes for 8 seconds on, 8 seconds off for maybe 4-5 cycles. At first the eye will be darting around, but it quickly settles. This releases the amino acid GABA into the brain along the optic nerve.

The results are simply amazing! No more stumbling!

Replied by Shawna
(Puyallup, Wa)

I have been reading a lot about the ocular compression. My concern is that, is it safe? I'm always told to stay back from my dog until she is done and is confident enough in who I am for her to apprach me. In the fit of the seizure, are they aware if you get close to them? This is a new thing for us and are 1 1/2 year old collie mix. I'm concerned that because her mouth is open and her teeth are showing that she may bite because she is so confused and hurting? Any help and suggestions to this would be greatly appreciated. It's so hopeless of a feeling and would like to do what I can to help the process be a bit more gentle on her. Thank you- S

Potassium Bromate, Acupuncture

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Posted by Helaine (Jacksonville, Fl) on 07/06/2011

I had a dog (70 lbs) that had grandmal seizures for years. For control I gave him Potassion Bromate caps (made in manipulate pharmacy) quantity depending on his weight. And what really made the difference was acupuncture. I was succesfull controling the attacks and lived to be 14 years.

Potassium Bromide

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Posted by Phyllis (Tuscumbia, Alabama) on 12/28/2014



I have two Boston Terriers, George and his daughter Tina. It seems their seizures center around the new moon. Not every month by any means, but if it's going to happen they will both have a seizure on the new moon.

A few months ago Tina had at least one seizure three weeks straight. While I waited for a day off to take her to the vet I came on site here and was encouraged to find good suggestions on alternatives to phenobarbitol. I know it causes liver damage and I wasn't willing to go that route. As an herbalist the last thing I want to do to my dogs is give them drugs that don't always work and cause damage. So I talked to the vet and he assured me that Potassium Bromide is a safe alternative. I had already been using Bach's rescue Remedy with pretty good effect, but dosing is kind of tricky, too little isn't effective and too much becomes more stimulate than sedative.

Well, we put them both on Potassium Bromide and at first everything seemed fine. Then Tina started developing symptoms of Ataxia, at first I thought it was just too strong a dose so I started giving her a smaller dose. Every day it got worse, she was becoming more and more crippled in her back legs. it scared me enough to put her back on the RR. Sure enough she started improving right away. In about two weeks she was walking normally and being able to jump on the furniture again. The next new moon she had two seizures in two days and that scared me into going back to the PB. Eight days later she was blind in her left eye and quickly losing sight in her right eye. She's been back on the RR for about a month now and her vision has almost completely recovered.

I won't say absolutely do not use Potassium Bromide. My George hasn't had any problems. Except that, and I can't be completely sure missing a dose will cause them to be able to seize. Christmas Eve Tina seized before breakfast, and I was still upset when I fed them and forgot to give George his meds and he seized that afternoon.

So if you do plan to use PB watch your pet closely. Keep a constant check on hearing and eyesight and if you notice they have become clumsy when they usually aren't watch closely to make sure it doesn't continue to worsen. I wouldn't want anyone to have the tragedy I came so close to with my little girl.

Replied by Caryn
(Schaumburg, Illinois)

WOW! A three week long seizure?! You mean seizures three weeks in a row, I'm sure. So sorry to hear your little ones are dealing with this. My precious Maltese, TuffPuppy's grand mals were caused by antibiotics that here body was incapable of tolerating. The introduction of phenobarbital is what actually did her in this last July 30,2015. She, OF COURSE, couldn't process that with a very compromised liver and kidney function. I still recall arguing and arguing with a VERY cold, unsympathetic and just plain unknowing vet (traditional vets are NOT taught other means than introduction of these very destructive drugs). TuffPuppy staggered around all the time and, well, I cannot even talk about it. When the "head pressing" started I knew the drugs had caused irreversible brain damage and there was no hope. I would give anything to go back a year in time and have the knowledge I've gained. My new Maltese is being raised holistically and her Vet (NO dog of mine will ever go to the vet that Tuffers went to) is a traditional Vet but with a very open mind to alternative treatment and he agreed to research and try non traditional approaches outside of extreme emergencies. YIPEE! I have to suggest to you two alternatives to potassium bromide and phenobarbital, both of which WILL ultimately cause organs to fail. One is COMMONLY used in Europe and it is a calcium supplement ampule and it does NOT cause the terrible side effects of PB or phenobarb. Magnesium is very effective as well. On the traditional end of things you have the option of Neurontin (generic name is gabapentin). One thing that, IMO, should be introduced in ALL cases involving powerful drugs is milk thistle, which helps to aid the liver in protecting this most vital organ from breakdown due to the toxicity of all drugs. I would always advise that your Vet agree to allow and work with a Vet trained holistically to enhance the prognosis o best outcome possible. Good luck to you and thank you for being so proactive as to look at websites such as this for your baby's welfare!

Rescue Remedy

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Posted by Wendy (Melbourne, Australia) on 12/03/2011

My 15 year old cat started having seizures about two months ago. As soon as she starts, I grab her and continuously tap FasterEft style on the point above her eyebrow all the time saying "Let it go, let it go, let it go, let it go" until the seizure stops. It usually stops within 10 to 15 seconds. (Go to Robert Smith's website fastereft.com for info on tapping. ) I then hold her and cuddle and reassure her and give her Rescue Remedy. I fill a 30 mil dropper bottle with spring water and add four drops of Rescue Remedy and I keep this bottle handy.

I give her a dropper full from this dosage bottle. Sometimes I can only get half a dropper in her mouth but it seems to be O. K. The length of time from the start of the seizure until she's back to normal is no more than a minute

Fastereft is a technique to help you release your stress and all emotional issues, e.g. Anxiety, trauma, depression, abuse, fear, anger etc. Etc.. I've been using it on myself for a couple of months and I can't recommend it enough. I thought I'd try it on my cat and the result was extraordinary. She is still having seizures but this shortens them dramatically. I think I'll try coconut oil as well.

Robert Smith founder of FasterEft is a most generous man and he has posted nearly 500 free FasterEft videos on Youtube so people can learn how to heal their emotional issues and stresses.

Do yourself a favour and check out his site, it is life changing stuff.

Rescue Remedy
Posted by Glenn (Portland, Or) on 05/02/2011

I am using something I got online called pet alive eazesure, and am having very few seizures. I was using natural Doc Ackerman's epilepsy and seizure formula and also drops from petessences.com. And had no seizures, I was just trying the different brands but I am going back on the doc ackerman's because I don't think we had any other than the first week we started it. I have a pom-poo with other health issues so the vet didnt' want to give her meds unless really necessary. I would try either or both, they are herbal.

When she has a seizure we use rescue remedy spray and put a cold wet towel on her back and neck area, both things really help, you can rub the rescue remedy in their ears if you can't get it in their mouths.

Rescue Remedy

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Posted by Kay (Jacksonville, Fla, Usa) on 02/25/2011


My dog, a GS about 85 lbs, has been having extreme nervous episodes where she shakes, etc. I have found that Rescue Remedy calms her down immediately. It can be found in local health food stores. Hope this helps

Seizure Tips

Posted by Avery (Hewitt, Nj) on 01/03/2012

Hi, I recently "adopted" a 10 y/o Purebred Chocolate Lab. She is the best dog in the world, and it breaks my heart to see her have Seizures. My stepfather had her from a pup, and I used to be the one who would take her to the vet when she started having the seizures. She was probably a year old when she had her first seizure. I have taken her to a total of 4 different vets over the years, and all 4 have said the same thing - Video record the seizure, if possible. They all said that they can get a better idea of :

1) The type of seizure, and

2) What type of medicine to be used, (either holistic or Vet-prescribed. )

They all also suggested that I "talk her through" the seizure. They said that she will be very frightened, even though she is accustomed to what is happening to her body because she's been through it before, they are like children who are nervous. The littlest bit of reassurance that everything will be OK makes a world of difference. I read in previous posts that some people were frightened to go near their dog during the seizure because their mouths were open and their teeth may have been exposed - but that is a naturally occuring phase of some types of seizures. Basically, I suggest that even if you are intimidated by the look of your dog during the seizure, and you don't feel comfortable approaching her, just make sure that they can hear your voice. With my Fudgie, I just simply tell her (during the seizure) "It'll be ok, Fudge! , " and that seems to make a world of difference. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me at AveryMeyer89(at)gmail.com

Hope this helps!! :)

Sunflower Seeds

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Posted by Barbara (Dayton, NEVADA) on 07/02/2007

Re Canine Seizures: When our 4 yo Brittany had his first seizure we weren't even sure what had happened to him. When he had a second two months later, I started to look for answers on the internet. Someone suggested giving him ground raw,unsalted sunflower seeds. This seemed like a doable thing so I got some from the health food store. He responded well and only had a seizure about once every 8-10 weeks. At 35 pounds we feed him 1 Tbls a day and we have learned to grind them fresh every day as they lose freshness very quickly. We also tried sunflower seed oil but that didn't work as well.


4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Dee (Sc) on 08/06/2016

I had a dog who use to get frequent seizures every year. I read up on holistic remedies for seizures. When I started giving my dog Taurine 500 mg. everyday and she hardly had any seizures.

Posted by Redright (Venlo, Netherlands) on 03/12/2012

My Maltese has been suffering from violent Grand Mal seizures for years and years. I tried everything I could find; including Earthclinic: phenobarb (which is outlawed now, trashed my dog's liver, thanks, and of course the vets have "no idea"), coconut oil, fish oil, hemp oil, eye pressure, organic food, doctors' food, multiple treats/food thinking it was low blood sugar, baking soda, eggs, ACV, excersize, magnesium (which made my dog really sad, btw), vitamins, home cooked foods, natural dog seizure remedies.... Nothing worked.

The seizured continued, usually once or twice a week, on bad days 3-4 times in a couple of hours. I would bathe him all the time because after each episode he would look absolutley pathetic. It was horrible. With each seizure, he would go partially blind for hours. Felt really, really helpless.

Then I came across a cute little blog (http://www.canine-epilepsy-guardian-angels.com/taurine.htm) which reasoned that it was the lack of muscle meat in dog (and cat) food as pet food industry kept evolving to maximize profit; resulting in today's mostly corn/junk/chemical filled pet food.

As for my dog, his seizure would come when we started to get ready to leave the house. My dog would sense that we are about to leave, get nervous and would start to pant rapidly, then seizure usually followed.

According to the blog, the lack of muscle meat in today's pet food meant TAURINE deficiency, a vital amino acid which controls seizures. Well, I ran out (by now I was desperately trying anything) and bought a bottle of Taurine and immeditately started giving him one (1) 500mg capsule a day, divided to 2 doses.

It's been 2 solid weeks without even a hint of an onset of seizure!!!!!!! I couldn't be happier. My dog is much calmer now, rarely gets nervous and much less anxious. It's like magic.

Taurine is all natural with no known side effects. And since it has many benefits, I give them daily to my dog, cat and my family.

Hope my experience with Taurine helps someone and somepet out there!

Posted by Dee (Charleston, Sc) on 02/24/2012

My Shih Tzu used to get frequent seizures for many years. I did research on natural remedies for dog seizures. I found Info. that Taurine helps prevent seizures. I gave my dog 500mg. Taurine a day, and she has not had any seizures since. My dog Bijou is now 13 yrs. old.

Replied by Rhonda
(Canton, Ga.)

What brand of Taurine did you purchase and where did you purchase from, also where did you get the dosage amount to give your dog. My Molly (6Lb. 3 year old Shih Tzu) has seizures 1 to 2 times a day. She takes Phenobarbital 2 X a day and Keppra 3 X a day, but even with this medication she is still having 1-2 seizures a day. I'm hoping the Taurine could possibly help her. Thank's for sharing your story!

Posted by Diane (Charleston, Sc) on 12/13/2011

My 12 yr. old Shih Tsu has been having seizures for a long time. For the past few years they increased to one a month. I researched online and found Taurine helps to prevent seizures. I noticed Taurine is not in dog food. 7 months ago I started giving my dog 500mg. of Now Foods Taurine capsules a day. My dog hasn't had a seizure since. I also feed my dog Organix canned dog food. I've tried different natural food brands and this one agrees with her.

Vaccines and Seizures in Dogs

Posted by Cristina (Bucharest, Romania) on 08/16/2008

I have an eight year old French Bulldog. Last year I took him to the vet for his annual rabies shot and DHPP booster. Over the years I noticed he didn't feel too well the first few days after his shots, but it always passed. Last year, the day of the shot he was completely lethargic, and that night he had his first seizure. I told the vet, and since it started out with my dog crying, and it lasted for one minute at most, the vet said he must have had a nightmare. He kept having a seizure every night for the following month. I knew they were seizures when he couldn't control his bladder during these brief moments. Since he only had a minute long seizure a night, we didn't put him on any medication. After a month the seizures started coming further apart, every 2, 3 nights, and not every single night. After a year they were down to one every 2 months or so. Since his last shot his hind legs have also grown weaker. He used to be able to jump all over and run. He can't even climb stairs any more. And this doesn't seem to be getting any better. I only hope that by not giving him any more shots it won't get any worse. Vets in Romania still insist on giving shots every year. Some even advise pet owners to come in earlier, so the shot's effect does not expire and leave the dog unprotected. Since no laws are being issued to protect pets, I only hope that more dog owners start doing research on their own and start acting in the best interest of their furry friends.

Replied by Diamond
(Salisbury, Usa)

Cristina;Here is a great web site where it says a dog after a certain age no longer needs any vaccines, also when dogs are still pups you or other person can give the pup a shot your self it's much cheaper. Please read info. Below. Good luck.


Vaccines and Seizures in Dogs
Posted by Sonia (US) on 08/20/2007

Hi my name is Sonia i have a Rat Terrier and Minature Pincher Mix. He is 3months old and i just took him to the vet for his distemper, parovovirus, rabies, and bordetella shots on friday. and he has already had two seizures in the past two days im scared and am taking him back to the vet today. its was the saddest think to see my puppy go thru and know that was nothing i could of done. i will NEVER give my dog another shot. if anyone could give me any advise about what i can give him for the seizures to stop. Thank You. Is it ok not to give my puppy anymore shot after this?

Replied by Diamond
(Salisbury, Usa)

Sonia; here is a website;on some good info. Not on seizures but your dogs shots. I don't give my animals any more shots at all. But you can choose to buy the dogs shots or opt out of not giving them as I did. I'm quite sure dogs that small could cause any one any real damage such as tear a leg or arm off haha. Good luck with your dog.


Vaccines and Seizures in Dogs
Posted by Veronica (Greer, SC) on 06/17/2007

It's me again.The one with the husky/lab mix pups.They just turned 18 mo on Sat.We lost our male this past Mon.He hadn't had any seizures since April 23.Sun.he was having cluster seizures;about every 2-3 hrs.He was howling,barking,and whining after coming out of each one.That is the worst thing my family has ever gone through. My female will NEVER get another booster shot.When I took our male to the vet he said-ironically-this is the age when "epilepsy" shows its ugly head. Duh, this is when people give their dogs their boosters, because you tell us to.I've let everyone I know not to give boosters to their dogs.There is no sense that this wonderful young dog should have died or had to go through this.I truly feel for everyone who has lost a dog so soon after booster vaccinations.It's time to get mad and take action!

Replied by Jeff
(tampa, florida)

I was reading the posts about seizures. My 3 cockers are due for their shots next month. One of them has seizures and I don't want her to have the shots. I have read not to give boosters, but whatabout the rabies? this is truly a remarkable website with wonderful information - what a service to all pet owners!!

EC: Perhaps some useful info in the the advice section of the Vaccination Side Effects page: https://www.earthclinic.com/pets/vaccination_side_effects.html#ADVICE

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