Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
I see no reason why you should not give ACV a try with your ferret. Try 1 teaspoon into a tall glass of water to start. If he tolerates that well you can increase to 2 teaspoons into a tall glass of water.
Good luck!
Apple Cider Vinegar
When you purchase a ferret for your family, GET A FERRET that either has had all of its current shots and HAS BEEN STERILIZED(no breeding). this will cut down on their need to mark territory as much (marshall farms have the best track record for the best pet "weasels", cleanness and healthy)
Ferrets will use the bathroom only in corner or close spaces; thats what the corner litterbox thing is about.
If you want the nasty ferret duke smell to go away for good, FEED THEM A HIGH QUALITY CAT FOOD like iams- I have worked with, owned, raised and sold these animals. Ferret waste stinks amazingly like the ferret chow they sell bulk and cheap. Eliminate the smell going in, enjoy the benefits of the less smelly litter going out. And buy 2-3 corner litterboxes, cause if one is too full one day, they will find another corner (uggggh) its the food people, not the glands.
One more word of advise for any heat stroke animals is to immediatly apply rubbing alcohol to the pads of their feet and begin to cool them off with cold water or ice packs, just don't cool them off too fast, take it slow to not shock their system.
Apple Cider Vinegar
This is indeed an infection and should be treat by the vet. Total cost was about $170 for all. But since ferrets are very delicate and cant always be treated with cat meds or off the shelf meds, it was necessary to see the vet. Origin of infection may be her bottom canine tooth which seems to rubbing a continuous sore spot on her upper gum. Now that the swelling is down, we can verify this and have the ground down a bit. This is not painful and wont impair any chewing, biting functions, just stops the rubbing. Hope this helps you.
Apple Cider Vinegar