Flea Control
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Flea Control in Pets

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Posted by Margie (Coppell, Tx) on 12/28/2011

Just wanted to add beneficial nematodes to the flea arsenal (maybe it's already here somewhere). Several years ago, the big name flea treatment applied to the back of the pets neck just stopped working for us. We got infested. We used borax & DE in the house (too much carpet), but outside we used nematodes. I purchased a bulk supply with 3 types of nematodes and have continued putting them out every spring. These fabulous parasitic worms also kill June bugs, termites, fire ants and other creatures that spend at least part of their life cycle in the earth. Here in zone 7, I spray them 3 times @ 5 day intervals in early April.


1 User Review

Posted by Deb (Roseville, Mi) on 07/11/2014

Our 12 yo lab/pit mix is having side affects from the use of NexGard Flea and Tick treatment. He is in very good health as a rule . He had a vet check about a month ago. All was fine. Since giving him the flea mess we have noticed a loss of appetite, lethargy and dry flaky skin. This is by no means the norm for our baby. How long will this last? Are there any natural alternatives for flea and tick control. Seeing our dog like this is heartbreaking ...

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

Deb from Roseville. Mi --- as you may see in one post of mine below, natural orange cleaner which is essential oil of orange, kills even mites and is good for the coat. If it was my dog, I would not pay for poisons for fleas. Perhaps you may want to use charcoal or ESSIAC to clean out the poison now in the blood.

Namaste, Om

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Deb!

Om posted an excellent reply - re: Activated charcoal and Essiac tea to clean out the blood. I would also try to get him to take in as much liquid as possible to flush the chemicals out. In addition I would bathe your dog to remove as much of the topical as you can.

Also, since you have a senior with these symptoms you may wish to return to the vet and run a blood panel to rule out any complications with the liver or kidneys. The sooner you catch these things the better.

Oil Soap

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Posted by Bonart (Ravenna, Ohio, Us) on 11/24/2012

I have a Golden Retriever that was itching all over, I checked for fleas didn't see one. Vet found some droppings around her tail said to give her a flea bath and an antihistamine for her flea allergy.

That worked for a day or so----then found some research on Oil Soap for fleas---same one for furniture--and a lot of successful reviews--so I bought some and diluted 1/4 cup with 3 cups warm water--rubbed it in real good all over--rinsed her off-her coat was soft smelled clean-

she itched for an hour or so------then no scratching at all, and her belly had been red-now just pink--it worked. She's sleeping better and all night. What a cheap fix---then read cedarwood oil with a carrier oil kills fleas-----use that as a spray and this is 2 weeks now---no problems. I see a lot of Vets recommend the Oil Soap, wonder why my Vet never heard of it. It doesn't say anything on the bottle, just for furniture. So check it out on the internet. Molly had a great flea free thanksgiving and no more antihistamines-Bonnie

Orange Rind

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5 star (2) 

Posted by Teri In T Town (Tacoma, Wa, Usa) on 08/05/2011

I have used the orange rind on my dog who had a significant problem with fleas. I rub the inside of a peel all over her and then rub it in. It makes her smell heavenly meanwhile but really does a number on the fleas. I also made a spray by boiling 7 or 8 rinds down and filtering it. It is unbelievable how well this works. This and vacuuming seemed to eliminate our flea problem.

Orange Rind
Posted by Rosie (New York, New York) on 03/01/2010

Another natural remedy for fleas is orange rind. Very good for kittens and for your home. I don't know if it works on dogs. Orange rind contains natural chemicals (pyritherins I think) that kill insects. It must be fresh. Use an orange zester - the large or small gauge. Both will express the orange oil out of the skin. Then just move fresh zest over your cat's fur and watch the fleas fall dead. You do not have to rub it in- gentle moving it around in the vicinity of the cat works well. Cats really don't like the orange but it works so well and harms nothing. I zest oranges before making juice and then toss the zest on carpets, let it set about 10 minutes and then vacuum it up. For furniture I place muslin or a sheet on furniture to protect it. Flea free.

I am going to give the amethyst remedy a try too.

Outdoor Flea Treatments

Posted by Carol (Morriston, Fl) on 01/21/2015

My two dogs are loaded with fleas; had them on trifecta's and still have fleas. Can I put sulfur granules in my yard? I have 1 acre and a quarter size yard; need something inexpensive and that will work

Replied by Suseeq
(Sydney, Australia)

Spray a solution of white vinegar and water on dogs you will soon get rid of the fleas as they won't be able to feed of the dogs . It works and very cheap but don't spray near dogs eyes.

Replied by Susan B.
(Ct, Usa)

Hi Carol, Diatomaceous Earth, which you can buy at garden supply shops and online, is a great remedy to use outside for flea control. You'd need to look up directions on how to apply in the yard for fleas, but I lightly dust for food grade DE on all our pets around their tails and along the spine every few days. It's fabulous flea control remedy.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Carol!

It sounds like the fleas in your area have developed a resistance to Trifexis; since the product is not working on the fleas, you might want to discontinue using it on your pets.

There are many all natural products on the market for flea control for large areas; consider cedar granules, or sprays made from cinnamon oil, cedar oil or clove oil. These sprays and cedar granules are very effective but need to be regularly re-applied. I would also consider predatory nematodes/beneficial nematodes. I don't know if these products fit into your budget, but you can also make up these sprays yourself if you google for instructions. Diatomaceous earth is very affordable IMHO but I would not use diatomaceous earth in the outdoors myself because it could potentially impact and kill off the good bugs like honey bees.

Do a google search for: "all natural Flea Free"; cedarcide; beneficial nematode; homemade natural flea spray; etc. - and you will find many products and helpful information to control fleas in your yard.

Replied by Phyllis
(Tuscumbia, Alabama)

Hello Carol,

Artemisia Combination from Nature's Sunshine will make your dogs bodies an extremely unfriendly environment for fleas. I've been using it for my 4 Boston Terriers and haven't seen fleas for 2 years. I split one capsule between them once a month in winter and once a week during the warm months.

Peppermint Oil and Lemon Juice

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Diamond (Ma., US) on 08/07/2014

I found one of the very best inexpensive tick and flea repellents. I put small amount of peppermint oil and part lemon juice and the rest with water. All this summer we had absolutely no ticks/fleas or anything. I sometimes spray right quick around the area where they go out to go to the bathroom, but as long as they are covered not important to spray outside.

Pure Lemon, Rosemary and Lavender Oils

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Posted by Pati (Orangevale , California) on 08/03/2007

I have a Purebred Turkish Angora Cat that is 18 years old now & has never been sick a day in her life. So experimenting I decided to mix a few drops Pure Lemon Oil into my hand with natural Organic Shampoo & bathed her in that mixture. It rids her of any Fleas and Itching & makes her white long hair shiny & bright! It does not dry out her skin. So I decided to use just a drop or two of pure Lemon, Lavender & Rosemary oil mixed with my shampoo a large amount on my hand & left it on for a minute or so & then rinsed very well. I then Conditioned with Organic Conditioner or Marine Conditioner from the Sea & now my hair stops falling out, the itching has stopped from dry scalp & my hair is thick, very long down to my lower back and shiny.

Rosemary Spray

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Posted by Rhonda (TX) on 02/26/2022 33 posts

Flea protection for dogs, DO NOT USE ON CATS! Buy some Rosemary sprigs in your grocery store. put them in boiling water. I used 3 for a medium-sized stockpot. Let them boil for an hour and turn it down to a rolling boil for another few hours. The pot of rosemary water will turn dark.

Let cool, fill half the spray bottle with the rosemary water, the rest with cool water out of the tap.

You can spray on bedding, blankets, carpet, even the dog. Yes, its o.k. if they lick it.

Any questions, just ask.

Rubbing Alcohol for Flea Infestations

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1 star (1) 

Posted by Tangie (Jefferson City, MO) on 11/13/2008

I have a Chow German Shepard mix & a Lab both are outside dogs. In the summer months we had a problem with the biting flies, which causes bad sores on my dogs. I used (ACV/Water)1 cup of apple cidar vinear to 2 cups water sprayed my dogs every other day and it helped a lot. Don't spray on open wounds.

I also have 2 small dogs and a cat inside the home that have fleas I use 70-90% full strength rubbing alcohol put it in a spray bottle and spray the carpets and all cracks and crevices of floors (carpets and tile) not good on wood. Not good around birds, I saturate one room, close the door and then go to next room.


* Put birds in a room that isn't being treated.

** Do not stay in the sprayed rooms leave until carpet/floor dries.

Once I had a flea my arm and ankle I spritz the area with the alcohol and the flea died instantly.

Replied by Michelle
(Milford, OH)


A word of Warning: Rubbing Alcohol can discolor certain wood stains and some paint. We used it and it left streaks on our woodstained doors and walls. Test it out on a small area before you spray the whole floor!

Rubbing Alcohol for Flea Infestations
Posted by Holly (Bellevue, Ohio) on 09/26/2008

We had an absolutely horrific flea infestation on the entire second story of our house (which is uncarpeted, thankfully) and were disappointed by the 20+ flea bombs that failed to kill them, so having heard this from my mom, we filled spray bottles with straight Rubbing Alcohol (just the regular, cheap stuff from any store) and went crazy. We soaked the floor and about two feet up the walls. It worked great, and I mean, GREAT!!! You could watch them die within seconds. Just be sure to open as many windows as possible to provide lots of ventilation while you work; we didn't think it would be safe to use it on our cats or let them (or anyone) in the area for a few weeks until it aired out really well. Oh, and we also laid out ALOT of duct tape (sticky side up) to catch any survivors, of which there were very, very few.


15 User Reviews
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3 star (1) 

Posted by Nikki (Fl) on 06/14/2021

Gounded up salt like popcorn salt. The salt is so fine that the flea's legs pick it up and it drys them out

Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 05/10/2021 529 posts

Salt. Cheapo, salt in the round box. Iodized, not iodized, it doesn't matter what kind. Sprinkle on carpet and in corners. I didn't even have to de-flea the dogs who had brought home fleas from the groomer. Always a risk with groomers who offer walk-in nail clipping because those dogs don't get a bath BUT it's not a problem PLUS it's super handy to be able to just walk in and get their nails clipped when, with a 50 cent box of salt, it's never an issue!

Posted by Hisjewel (America, New York) on 09/12/2016

We have cats for pets.

I found that salts works like a charm. The finer the better. I use Diamond fine salt just for this purpose to sprinkle on the carpeted steps. Salt dehydrates them, big ones little ones, and the fleas yet to be born. And if a water bug passes by his fate is the same as the fleas.

I put it on my mom's carpeted steps before the hot weather comes in. I might leave it on a few days. Then I sweep it up.

Posted by Yankee (Seymour, Tn) on 08/05/2012

Regular table salt mixed with baking soda. Sprinkle on your carpets and let sit for awhile then vacuum it up. This is also safe to rub on your pet. I also heard apple cider vinegar but havent tried it.