Natural Remedies

Natural Approaches to Managing Glaucoma in Pets

| Modified on Aug 22, 2024
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Our pets rely on us to notice when something is wrong, as they cannot tell us when they are in pain or discomfort. Conditions like glaucoma can be particularly challenging to detect, as physical signs may only appear after the disease has progressed significantly. Because of this, it’s important to be vigilant and seek professional help if you suspect your pet may be affected by this condition.

Understanding Glaucoma in Pets

Glaucoma is often caused by an underlying eye disease, such as a dislocated lens, and results in a buildup of fluid in the eye. This fluid increases pressure within the eye, leading to symptoms like pain, light sensitivity, and dilated pupils. As the condition progresses, your pet’s eyes may become swollen and bulging, and if left untreated, glaucoma can eventually lead to blindness.

Natural Remedies for Managing Glaucoma

While severe cases of glaucoma may require surgery to relieve the pressure in the eye, there are some natural remedies that may help improve eye drainage and reduce discomfort in less advanced cases. These remedies can be used alongside professional veterinary care to support your pet’s eye health and comfort.


Symphytum, also known as comfrey, is a homeopathic remedy that can be beneficial in managing the symptoms of glaucoma. Symphytum may help to alleviate eye discomfort and support the structural health of the eye, potentially slowing the progression of the disease. Administer Symphytum as directed by a holistic veterinarian to ensure proper dosage and effectiveness.


Helleborus is another homeopathic remedy that may be effective in reducing the symptoms of glaucoma in pets. It is believed to help decrease excessive tear production and support overall eye health. Like Symphytum, Helleborus should be administered under the guidance of a veterinarian experienced in homeopathy to achieve the best results.

Proper Eye Care and Monitoring

In addition to using natural remedies, it’s important to maintain regular eye care and monitoring for pets with glaucoma. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to track the progression of the disease and adjust treatments as needed. Keeping your pet in a dimly lit environment can also help reduce discomfort caused by light sensitivity.

When to Seek Veterinary Care

Glaucoma is a serious condition that requires prompt veterinary attention. If you notice any signs of eye discomfort, swelling, or light sensitivity in your pet, it’s important to consult your veterinarian as soon as possible. Early detection and treatment are crucial to preserving your pet’s vision and preventing further complications.

Final Thoughts

Glaucoma in pets is a challenging condition that requires a combination of professional veterinary care and supportive natural remedies. By incorporating treatments like Symphytum and Helleborus, along with proper eye care, you can help manage your pet’s symptoms and improve their quality of life. Always work closely with your veterinarian to ensure your pet receives the best possible care.

Have you used natural remedies to help manage glaucoma in your pet? Share your experiences and tips! Continue reading below for advice from Earth Clinic readers who have explored various remedies for glaucoma in their pets.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

General Feedback

Posted by Staff (Earth Clinic) on 06/23/2012

Dogs, cats, and other pets are getting glaucoma in greater numbers these days, just as in people. Natural remedies can help you relieve your pet's glaucoma symptoms.

Glaucoma is a condition in which the pressure inside the eye is increased. This happens when drainage from the eye's interior is blocked, so that the aqueous solution that is continually produced inside the eye begins to build up and presses on the inside of the eye. This condition of increased intraocular pressure can result in symptoms of pain and reduced vision. At first, there are no obvious symptoms, but in later stages of glaucoma your dog or cat's eyes may become red at the edges, the pupil enlarged, and the retina may become clouded.

Caution: Glaucoma can create significant pain and can lead to blindness if left untreated. Take your pet to a vet to confirm a diagnosis and talk about glaucoma treatment.

Natural Glaucoma Remedies: Antioxidants can help reduce the blockage and release the pressure on the eye, especially if an antioxidant can be safely applied to the eye.

Replied by Marianne
(Clearwater, Fl)

You mention an oral treatment of Symphytum and Helleborus may greatly decrease the level of discomfort your pet is experiencing and perhaps help to slow down the progression of the disease (glaucoma).

I was wondering if you could elaborate on the dosages when combined? Do I do equal amounts?

I was able to get some Symphytum Officinale at my local health food store. It is 30 c. But I need to go online to purchase the Helleborus Niger. Would I get 30 c as well? Any recommendations as to number of pellets to give to start, and how often? Thanks.

Replied by Penny
(Tennessee, US)

One thing about homeopathic medicine is that it is made like other medications. The herb that is in the treatment has only a footprint of the original herb. You'd have to read about how succession works, but it is not as how we think of it as the medications from the drug store. Whether it is one pellet or 10, it will work the same, why not start with 1? When the pets symptoms subside stop the treatment ASAP. I am not a homeopathic doctor, but theory was covered in my college class for an Alternative Medicine degree. I personally would consult a homeopathic vet if possible.

Pam E.
(SouthWestern California)
153 posts

CORRECTION to: "One thing about homeopathic medicine is that it *is* made like other medications."

NO - Homeopathic remedies are *NOT* made like other medicines, nor do they work like them! They are oh-so-much-BETTER! (:


I think Penny meant to say, "One thing about homeopathic medicine is that it ISN'T made like other medications." We all goof.

Replied by Cherie
(Chicago, Il)

Hi, My little girl has had bilateral retinal detachment with glaucoma for one year now. She is on latanoprost 3x a day to right eye, twice a day to left, cosopt twice a day to both and dexamethasone once a day to both eyes. Her pressures in the left eye are always normal. The right eye fluctuates. The last reading was 53 though she doesn't seem to be uncomfortable. The eye dr doesn't want to try any additional meds and wants to do the gentamicin injection.

I would love to try some holistic treatments first. I've read here about the castor oil can I start giving this in addition to the medicine drops? If so how long in between should I administer the castor oil so it doesn't interfere with the medications. I will add in ester c too. Any other recommendations? She also has a bad heart murmur so she is not a candidate for enucleation because general anesthesia could put her in heart failure. She is on vetmedin twice a day for the heart. I also give her fish oil, glucosamine and coq10 supplements in her food daily. She eats canned organic food.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Deno (Pasadena, Ca) on 02/25/2013

My 7 yr old 90 lb. Lab has glaucoma, and pigmentary uveitis. The eye specialist in Pasadena rx was 70mls of glycerine divided into 4 parts; given over 15-20 minute in 1/4 cup of milk.. It worked to bring the pressure down. We had the pressure checked shortly after dosage was given. Dr is eye care for animals in Pasadena.

Replied by Patricia
(Pleasant Hill, Ca)

How often was it given?

Replied by Cherylb
(Warminster Pa)

My Shih Tz was diagnosed with Glaucoma, One eye is 70 and the other 35. His highest eye was bulging and red on the white part. the other looks fine. I did start using the drops the vet gave me and also started on castor oil drops. The red is much whiter and the bulging has gone down.

Also, the white cloudiness is almost gone, and I'm seeing brown/bluish back again. Is the cloudiness what happens when the pressure spikes? And do I have to bring him to the vet each time for a pressure check and how often? I want to know if it's working and I don't want to keep him on the meds. I can't find oral glycerine anywhere, my local pharmacy thought I was crazy even asking for it.

I also have him on Ester C and Beta carotene. He is healthy and active otherwise.

Any help is appreciated.

EC: Try Whole Foods for oral glycerine. That's where we found it (years ago now).

Carla Thurston

Did you put the Castor Oil in the eye or give it to him orally, what kind of Castor Oil (brand) did you purchase. My cat has Glaucoma in his left eye.

Thank you, Carla

Replied by Cherylb59
(Warminster Pa)

I will, thank you :)

Replied by Larraine

Oral glycerine is used in icing for cake decorating. So wherever icing is sold, you usually can get glycerine.

Replied by Cathy
(Corpus Christi, Tx)

My office kitty, SKRUFFY, has just been diagnosed with glaucoma. I have seen a lot of info about glycerin for dogs; but no info about how to dose a cat. Skruffy is 10yrs old. No Vet ophthamologist in our town. Left eye has been bad for a while but just recently the right eye started. He is only 8 lbs. I have ordered billberry and some other drops that I put in his food from Natural pet sites. But for his pain to abate I think we need to help reduce the IOP. Taking to eye doc in Houston, first appt is 4 weeks away.

I really hate all those chemicals they want us to put in him. We know he is gonna go blind and that we may lose him at some point. We just want him to have quality of life and no constant pain from eye pressure.

Dont know if kitty will eat fennel seeds? Lots of info on dogs but not our kitties!

Please help! Thank you and God bless are fur babies! :)

PS: Skruffy doesnt squint. He is eating really good. He loves the sunlight. He sleeps in one of the windows in our office. Vision is impaired and Vet said IOP was up

Replied by Jennifer Lo
(Los Angeles)

After stumbling on this information (searching for holistic remedy for glaucoma for my cat) I'm so excited. I went to CVS they were out, Vons they don't carry it. I can order on Amazon but I can't wait. I"ll head to whole foods in the morning and start treatment for my cat poor guy's eye is so bulgy and the 3 drops a day are a)not improving b)hell to get him to receive and 3)medicine.

I found much more positive reasons for humans to take glycerin as well such as increased water binding in our cells (= hydration) and skin healing psioriasis.

Glycerin, Vitamin C

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Jeny (USA) on 06/22/2012

I noticed there were no glaucoma remedies on earth clinic for dogs so thought I would post my experience with my dog. She had an eye removed last year due to glaucoma and is currently having issues with the second eye. She is on the usual medications... Xalatan, Cosopt and Predneferin. However she still has pressure spikes every now and then that cause her to go temporarily blind. When this happens I give her oral glycerin. This was suggested by the eye specialist she is seeing. He said that in emergencies when the pressure spikes and the eye goes really cloudy to give her 10mls of oral glycerin.

Glycerin is amazing. Within about an hour or so, she has her sight back. My dog is an English Cocker Spaniel. I measure out 10mls and just pour it into a bowl. She licks it up as it has a sweet taste.

The second remedy I use is Vitamin C. There are a lot of studies online about vitamin c and glaucoma. For dogs you need to give them the Ester C form of vitamin c as the other types can be a bit harsh on their stomach. I give my dog 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet at night. Each tablet is 625mg. At her last visit to the vet her pressure was so low, the vet had trouble measuring it. I think the vitamin c has something to do with that.

Replied by Adrienne
(San Francisco, California)

Hi Jenny - our dog was diagnosed today w Glaucoma. He is a 95 pound American Bulldog and only 3-4 years old. He has lost 100% vision in one eye and 80% in the other. What dosage recommendations do you have for a dog of his size? Also, glycerin has warnings not to injest on the bottle - did your vet advise you of any risks in using it and where did you buy it, is there a particular brand? Lastly, can you note the name and location of your vet? We are new to this diagnosis and want to be as proactive as possible. Thank you. Adrienne

Replied by Jeny
(Act, Australia)

So sorry to hear about your dog. I know what you are going through.

I can't really give you specific dosages. All I know is that my dog weighs about 30 to 35 pounds and the eye specialist advised to take 10 mls. I live in Australia and have used two different brands of glycerin. The first was Faulding and the second was Gold Cross. Ask at your pharmacy for ORAL glycerin. On the bottle it says it contains 'Glycerol BP 1ml/mL'. The vet didn't advise about any risks. We only give it to her when she has a pressure spike and not on a daily basis.

I don't suppose it's worth me telling you my vet because like I said I am in Australia but I went to the Sydney Eye Clinic.

Replied by Adrienne
(San Francisco, Usa)

Thanks Jeny - Wilson had his eye removed 2 weeks ago. He has Glaucoma in his other eye and vet says "it's bad". We have started vitamin c. He is 91 lbs so 3x as large as your dog so we are giving 3000mg, but sounds like we can give 3500 (if we triple your dose for your 30lb dog). The Glycerine worked, but took 3 doses to help. Vet says it dehydrates the body (and eye) so only give when pressure seems bad (which is what you recommended). I hope your dog is doing well! Vet mentioned a procedure that is done only by a few vets called "endolaser" says it has a much higher success rate for long tern control of pressure and fewer side effects (different than common laser procedure). Thought I would mention it. Thanks for your help! We are consulting a nationally recognised vetrinary nutritional expert next week and he says there are supplements that can be helpful. I will post for you. Adrienne

Replied by Jeny
(Act, Australia)

Sorry to hear about your dog Adrienne. My dog had laser surgery a few weeks ago on the second eye but without much success. She is now blind in that eye and it looks like that will need to be removed too. I have an eye specialist appointment next week with her so will see what happens.

The oral glycerin still works wonders for her. Even after the laser surgery she is still getting pressure spikes but the glycerin gets her back on track.

Your vet is right about it dehydrating the body so it is only an emergency thing, although when my dog was going through a particularly bad time the eye specialist told me to give it to her twice a day. But that was only for a couple of days.

Did your vet give you a specific quantity for the glycerin for your dog? It might be helpful for others reading this to hear what sort of dose you used.

Since my first post on this site, I started a website called Blind Dog Support. I wanted to help others going through the same thing. It is easy to think that a blind dog needs to be put to sleep but really a blind dog can live happily. Mine does... she has been blind for about a month now and is doing just fine.

This is the url to the site but please admin remove it if it doesn't meet your guidelines -

Replied by Gina
(Orange, Ct)

Hi Jeny of Australia!

I'm glad to read your comments. can you tell me how did you use the real glycerin on your dog? Need more explanations and I would like for your instructions. Is it put oral glycerin in the food, water or the eye problem?

Is it oral glycerin which I am able to find at the local pharmacy? Or, is it vegetable glycerin? How often do you use it on your dog? What is the outcome?

Do you use glycerin alone? Or, still continue with drop eye drops instructed by the specialist? do you combined them both or just use the glycerin alone? How do you know if spike goes up?

Please write back. thank you!

Replied by Debbie

It MUST be ORAL Glycerine. Given in a treat. But, only for a couple of days to help bring down the pressure in the eyes. When, the pressure spikes it causes a migraine. So, you will probably notice a change in your Dogs behaviour. Due, to pain.

Crucially, DON'T use a collar on your Dog. As this, puts pressure on the jugular vein. Which, can cause pressure in the eyes. So, ONLY, use a harness.

Replied by Liz C.

My 8 month husky has just been diagnosed with congenital glaucoma on her right eye - devastating most certainly. She is being treated for pain and also some eye drops for her eyes. Will be seeing the opthamologist tomorrow for further diagnosis and treatment options. Any help in home remedies?

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

Black seed oil is supposed to be beneficial for glaucoma. See GreenMedInfo online.

Vetrerinary chemical drops are extremely damaging for liver and kidney. BEWARE. Also cold pressed castor oil into the eyes 5 x once a week.

Namaste, Om

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc Canada)

correction: drops five times a week twice a day. For glaucoma

Namaste, Om

Replied by Jocelyn

How much does your cocker spaniel weigh my mini aussie is 9 to 10 lbs and I want to try the glycerin but don't know how much to give.

Replied by Diana

My dog Darla just was diagnosed with Glaucoma. They thought it was a scratch on the first eye. My vet saw her for 4 visits before she sent us to a specialist, when she woke up blind in both eyes. It has been the most devastating news we could have heard. She was up to 85 pressure in the good eye and the other eye was 75 but she was already blind in this eye.

We are doing the meds and her good eye is seeing for now. We don't know for how long, but pray it's for a while. She does have spells to - but her sight comes back with meds or glycerin. Reading how your dog is doing well blind is reassuring - it's such a sad thing to see happen. But we love her and she will still have a wonderful spoiled life.

Replied by Susan
(Wimberley Texas)

How much should I give a 13 pound dog?

Replied by Nancy
(Barstow, Ca)


My 90lb Rottweiler has glaucoma. I gave her 70ml oral glycerin today to ease the pressure along with 1750mls of Ester C (I'm going to give it to her 2X's a day/1750 each time). I was reading that oral glycerin is not a long term treatment, what is the recommended days per week that is safe for her to take it? Thank you.

Multiple Remedies

3 User Reviews
5 star (2) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by BKR (COLDERADO) on 02/16/2023

My 16-year-old kitty named Violet has glaucoma in both eyes. Her vision fluctuates, but I can tell she's going blind. I'm treating her holistically. I'm feeding her Nulo Freestyle dry cat food and clean well water. Her manuer is dry, so I'm going to add some wet food. I put MSM eye drops in her eyes usually once a day, but I plan to up that. The MSM eye drops are by a company called Dexterity Health. The drops contain MSM, distilled water, and vitamin C. I'm giving her 3 products by a company called Standard Process: VF Hemp Oil for cats and dogs. It's supposed to relax the optic nerve and address pain. It seems to work for her; Feline Hepatic Support for liver metabolism. It has a long list of holistic ingredients to include amla extract (vitamin C), anti-oxidants, enzymes, amino acids, minerals....; A-C Carbamide which contains vitamin A & C, and carbamide. Carbamide is also known as urea and moves fluid through the system. People use it to reduce glaucoma eye pressure. I mix the A-C Carbamide powder with Dr. Vitamin Solutions Eye & Vision Support and put it in some tuna. She eats that up. At this stage of the game (she's 16), my goal is to keep her out of pain and prevent her eyes from being removed. I think that it is successful so far. She gets a little pissy about taking the meds, but too bad. I plan to get some of that glycerine to keep on hand in case she has a bad flare up. I also rife her, but that's a whole other can of worms. It would be so helpful if they could talk.

Replied by Froukje
(Costa Rica)

Hello, thank for all the information. How is she doing now? I just discovered what looks like developing glaucoma in my cat's eye. She is only 7. It does not look infected or swollen but a little "cloud" is appearing. She also has been super grumpy. Can I ask what MSM is? I am not sure what you mean by this. And do you have experience with Castor oil? Kind regards, Froukje

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Annalouise (Covington, Va) on 12/15/2014 4 posts

My 60 pound 10 yr old mixed chow chow was diagnosed with primary Glaucoma right eye in September 2014. The pressure stayed around 40 and times spiked as high as 63.. Three different eye drops were prescribed. It was suggested to use a harness instead of using choker chain, which I did. I was told that eventually the left eye would get glaucoma & that the eye drops would not work to bring down the pressure at some point in the future. The prognosis was NOT optimistic, it was the same as the other posts I've read. So I began a search for alternative methods for treating glaucoma.

1 -Massage therapy: Each time after I administer the eye drops, I hold his eye closed for as long as dog allows, (no more than a minute or less) and then massage gently around his eye socket, his ears, his temple, his neck, his jaw joint, his entire head and neck area. 2 - Herbs & supplements: Since September I give him one 00 capsule of powdered sweet carrot juice, one 60 mg capsule of bilberry, and one 60 mg capsule of Ginkgo Biloba. I tried the dog glaucoma Chinese herbs from acupuncture vet for about 3 weeks in October, and observed more cloudy blue color in his right eye, no improvements, so went back to carrot, bilberry and ginkgo and could see the brown iris again in about 3 days.

3 - Change of diet: I feed him baked chicken often. Began purchasing dog food that contained real vegetables and with zinc in the ingredients. 4 -Animal acupuncture: Also began acupuncture in September 2014 with a DVM certified in animal acupuncture. After first session my dog became active again, regained his appetite and the weight he had lost. At first acupuncture is more often, now days it is once a month, and working towards less often. The eye drops are still working so far. I can still see some of the brown iris in his right eye. The left eye is unaffected as of this date. He continues to have a good appetite, normal BM, is active, and the eye condition is holding, meaning not getting any worse. 4 - Glycerin, food grade: Per the other posts on this site I keep glycerin on hand in case of emergency spikes. Herbs take longer than meds so I am watching the eyes closely for any improvement. Will post again if any changes. Not cured but not getting worse and the dog is happy, active, his coat is shinny and his appetite remains good.

Replied by Gina
(Ct, US)

Hi, I'm glad to read your comments. Got some questions for you, what's 00 in your instructions for carrot powdered along with Bilberry, etc? Are those for remedy drops or add them in the food? How often? One meal? How long it took your dog's eye to be normal seen again?

i just found out mine got his primary glaucoma when his pressure reading was 71. Reduced a couple of hours later after putting Xalantan in his left eye. And retested his pressure at 15 from 71. Now, the specialist instructed me with 3 different eye drops like yours. Did your dog respond well with those drops? Let me know.

Just started yesterday night with those drops Until next Thursday for his re-check & see how he responds to his pressure results. Hope you can help & hope for a good resolution. Thank you!

(Covington, Va)
4 posts

Reply to Gina post dated 3/5/2015 & an update of my 12/15/2014 post. 00 is the size of the capsule I was using to put the freeze dried carrot powder in. At the time I gave him one a day by mouth. I have since changed to chicken dog food that contains carrot pieces and veggies that you can actually see in the food. I feed him cooked chicken often.

Instead of pills for Ginkgo Biloba and Bilberry, I have switched to a liquid form made without using alcohol and use the dropper to administer directly in his mouth once a day. Per the book Dr. Kidd's Guide to Herbal Dog Care, most dosages are based on a 150 pound human, so I do the math for a 60 pound dog. Sadly he did loose sight in the right eye, per the vet hospital, the optic nerve is dead due to the glaucoma, he still sees good with the other eye. Although encouraged to do so, I decided not to have the eye removed because the acupuncture treatments once a month and eye drops daily were working so very good at keeping the dog happy and eating good, and keeping the swelling and spiking down in the beginning. I still keep Heritage store brand food grade organically grown glycerin on hand just in case needed.And it was needed a couple of times at first onset for spikes.

The eye drops prescribed are Dorzolamide/Timolol (a combo) for both eyes 3 times a day, Latanoprost for the right (bad) eye twice a day, and NeoPolyDex for left (good) eye one drop a day. If it becomes necessary due to any future excess swelling or discomfort, I have found a naturalistic DVM who will remove the gland that is secreting the liquid that glaucoma condition is preventing the proper drainage, rather than removing the eye. With this operation the drops will not be necessary I was told. But he will still be blind in that eye account the optic nerve has been damaged.

In summary I have used immediate diet change, more chicken in the diet, immediate removal of collar, acupuncture, prescribed eye drops, changed to liquid form bilberry, ginkgo bioba and getting the benefit of carrots from the food. Within the last 6 months I am observing very little swelling, and less bulging of the eyeball, perhaps the herbs are kicking in by now? The blind eye has a cloudy blue color, and is back to a more normal size. The dog has adjusted, eats healthy, drinks water, and is living a normal life, showing no discomfort at this time.

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc, Canada)

Allopathic medicine for glaucoma is very toxic for the liver and kidneys. This is all the more incredible since good eyesight, and everything else in the body, depend on a liver in good working condition.

Do research always before using drugs. I fail to understand to this day why "scientists " or medical people are capable of such travesty as it does not make any sense. May be common sense is not so common.

Namaste, Om

Replied by Gina G.
(Orange, Ct)

This is for Namaste, Om. Were you implying my comments? Or, the others for "allopathic approach"? So far, my dog is responding well with Vitamin C and his pressure reading on left eye is low. I am optimistic and will take another pressure test this week to be sure, it isn't a fluke.

If you meant for those eye meds from the specialist, are pretty frighten due to these bloggers ' experiencing no help with control their dogs' eye pressure & altered them to do something more costly pains.

I never like the idea of pushing those useless meds for this eye condition on a dog & paying them for nothing. There is a miraculous cure for human glaucoma and that is used by conventional approach.

Even worst by altered way to deal with the pressure control is far more expensive which most specialists would say either do "laser treatments or eye removal and so on..."

Most importantly, I am making efforts to help my dog's eye pressure remains low and stay within normal range. Had him checked in with the vet yesterday while on his 3rd day of treatment!

I didn't disclosed anything about giving him the Vitamin C, Bilberry, Ginok Bilboa & others to my vet. Just saying that many vets & specialists out there to rob $$$$$ for unjustified cause and dishonesty about those useless meds! They're Not putting for the best interest of all dogs that come down with eye conditions. Just the $$$$$ for their services & so-called treatments.

Replied by Martha
(Upland, Ca)

What kind of glycerin or brand do you get to give to your dog? There are so many and they say not to consume orally.

Replied by Debbie
(East Sussex)

It's oral glycerine. Should be available from your pharmacist. You need to give ester C at the same time. Read other posts for the dosage, dependent on your dog's weight.

Replied by Debbie
(East Sussex)

It's oral glycerine. Should be available from your pharmacist. You need to give ester C. At the same time.

Read other posts for the dosage, dependent on your dogs weight.

Replied by Cheryl

My dog was diagnosed with glaucoma and put on the traditional meds. He pressure in one eye was 75 and the other 30. I did start him on the meds they gave me and also started using a castor oil in his eyes. After using the oil, the redness is almost gone and eye does not look as bulging . I am concerned about the toxicity of the meds though and want to use some of the supplements suggested here. I started him on vit C and also beta carotene.

Do you do regular eye testing at the vets to see if this is all working? My vet never even mentioned doing that and I'm looking for a more holistic one.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you!

Replied by Debbie
(East Sussex Uk)

Hi, give Ester C instead of vitamin C. Which can upset their tummy. You need ORAL glycerine. To help with the pressure spikes. And put castor oil in the eyes. Read the other posts for instructions. And never use a collar. Only a harness.

Replied by Kevin
(Bristow, Va)

To Annalouise (Covington, Va): it has been over a year since the post, how has the diet worked out. Can you provide details of the food brands that you have found to be beneficial, and dosages your using for maintaining. I have a 26lb shiba

Replied by Alexis

Hi there, if possible what is the prognosis of your little fur child? Would love to know? My dog was diagnosed with glaucoma and I started bilberry with the drops and homemade meals. If like to know how ur dog is doing? Thanks

Replied by Annalouise
(Covington, Va)
4 posts

To Kevin, Alexis & others who have questions, see my updated post in May 2017. Re his diet: at the onset he was eating (beef) dry Alpo, which I discontinued immediately. Now I use Science Diet dry Active Longevity for senior dogs as a side if he cares for any dry chewing. The canned dog food is Purina brand Smart choice, as long as it is chicken and has vegetables (carrots) included, and I make sure zinc is on the ingredient list. Homemade, organic or whole diet with chicken would be good choices too.

I have also discontinued the 3 prescription eye drops as they did not help any more, appeared to me to aggravate the eye condition. I continue orally with the Ginkgo Biloba and Bilberry, both in liquid form, both approximately 1/5 of eyedropper at least once a day. In the beginning I did twice a day. There is most likely some Vitamin c in these herbs. Even though he has lost his sight in right eye, I will continue the herbs in hopes of saving sight in left eye for his lifetime. The glaucoma eye is shrinking and getting a light gray covering which his regular vet, who also does my dog's acupuncture when needed, said it is normal and referred to the covering as scar tissue. His pressure stays around 27 which is down from the higher 40/45 range he used to have. No longer need the glycerin for spikes, but it did work very good for that. I did not get the pressure checked often cause I already knew he had high pressure due to glaucoma. And I could tell by looking when the eyeball was larger or more red & tight, and his behavior too, when to give the glycerin to him orally for spikes early on. I noticed his eye pressure was higher when he was being seen by a different vet than usual.

Baked chicken from deli (remove skin) or Perdue brand chicken breast pieces (no antibodies) sold in packages at grocery store fed to him at least once a day.

Never used a collar or choker chain around his neck after onset of glaucoma and began using a harness exclusively. The only vaccine he gets now days is for rabies account it is a law in my state.

Chewy remains normal in every way and most people who see him do not notice his eye unless I tell them. He will sometimes bump into things on the side where he has lost vision so have to be careful of that. For outside flea/tick prevention, I dust his cedar shaving bedding with DE in the summer months and occasionally dust inside bedding and his dry food. His appetite is very good.

Hoping my posts will help others to try alternatives.

Vitamin C

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Maddie Hopper (Moscow, Id) on 04/03/2014

Just wanted to comment on a comment by Andrea of NY: Regarding the pharmaceutical companies, I had been able to buy Dorzolamide eye drops for my dog at Rite Aid. I don't remember the exact price, but it wasn't more than about thirty dollars with my discount card. Then, one day the pharmacist informed me I could no longer use the card, and the price would now be something like eighty dollars with a different discount card, but if I wanted to pay twenty dollars for yet another discount card the price would come all the way down to seventy dollars. Curious, I asked "What will it cost if I have no discount card, and the answer was one hundred and five dollars!

Shortly after, I was talking with our vet, not the one who prescribed the drops, and she offered to see if she could get it for me. She did, and it cost me twenty-six dollars. A similar travesty happened with Prednisolone drops for the same dog. The price our vet was given at local drug stores was over one hundred dollars. Then, she found a veterinary supply that sold it to her and she sold it to me for twenty-nine dollars. Don't know what she paid, but we can be assured it was less than what she charged me. So, all I can figure is that the prices some people have to pay for these drops are obscene and unjustified.

I just wish I could find a natural remedy for glaucoma for our dog. I know about Vitamin C, but it's really scary backing off the drops when you don't have a way to tell what's happening with the pressure. Thanks for listening,


Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Maddie!

You might try 2 drops cold pressed castor oil in each eye am and pm. In addition you might try supplementing the diet with Hyaluroni acid, and Glucosamine sulfate - you can google to find out where to purchase, and the bottle will give dosing guidelines.

Replied by Cheryl

I think my shih tz mix has glaucoma in one eye. Need to get a diagnosis and my car is not working until Monday (it's Sat.) but wanted to do something. His one eye is bulging and red on the white part.

He is normal otherwise, eating, playing.

I can't find Oral Glycerine anywhere. Is that prescription only?

I read here about Castor Oil? I have that .

Other supplements I can get for right now?

Thank you so much

Replied by Annalouise
(Covington, Va)
4 posts

Reply to Cheryl Pa post of 4/8/17 and others inquiring about glycerin for spikes. It is usually in health food stores. I found Heritage Store brand, organically grown vegetable glycerin 8 fl. oz. on Amazon for around ten dollars. As info I also get Botanic Choice Bilberry herbal supplement alcohol free liquid extract one ounce on Amazon also, for abt eight dollars. The Ginkgo Biloba Liquid extract, alcohol & sugar free I found on line at at Swansons Health Products, one ounce for about 8 dollars.

My dog's blind eye now stays around 30 to 40 pressure which is a lot better than at first onset of glaucoma. His glaucoma eye does not seem to bother him anymore. He can still see with the other eye. Acupuncture is not needed as often now days, maybe one treatment every 3 to 6 months. He has a very good appetite, eats baked chicken often, drinks water normally, is still playful at 13 years old, & likes to go for walks and play with other dogs. I have not had his blind eye removed, only use the eye drops as needed, and no spikes in over a year. Per veterinary suggestion, he wears a harness instead of a collar.

Replied by Kathy

I do know that steroid eye drops have a side effect of raising eye pressure. I have uveitis (inflammation of iris) and glaucoma and one steroid eye drop (stronger than Prednisone) damaged my optic nerve. I had to switch to a mild steroid Loteprednol which I take in addition to glaucoma drops for the pressure. Just ask your vet about the steroid eye drops and if it is necessary. Take care.

Vitamin C
Posted by Jennifer (Anchorage, Alaska) on 03/06/2013

My 9 year old blue heeler was diagnosed with Glaucoma on 3/3/13. At the visit the vet was not optomistic of him retaining his vision as his pressure #'s were high. They gave me a combined eye drop and pain chew. The next day we went back to test the pressure again, it had risen 10 more points!! They gave me additional drops and also an oral med. I started doing research on the 3rd to see if I could find a holistic remedy to ease the pain and discomfort he was feeling as my vet explained that there isn't a cure. I found an article about vitamin C, well several articles... And also some articles about diets. He wasx already on a holistic diet so I didn't worry about that but the vitamin C option was interesting. Since vitamin C is water soluable he can't overdose and my vet refused to give me feedback on how much I should give him. I administered about 1000mg in his food on the 5th. I am watching his bowl movements for loose stool (sign to decrease the vitamin C dose). I took him back in this morning the 6th of March and low and behold his eye pressure was back down to 16 & 19!!! The vet was shocked and had many questions to ask about his diet and changes I had made. I am not a scientist but I do have a feeling this additional step I took may have saved my dog's vision.

Replied by Gina
(Ct, US)

Hi, I'm glad to read your comments. Yours sounded like mine. Just found out my dog came down with left primary glaucoma but not yet full blown yesterday. Still have his brown eye, only redness on white eyeball area. Been treated now with 3 different eye drops until next Thursday for his pressure reading. He had 71 on the left in the morning, the vet got alarmed & put Xalantan drop to help reduce the pressure. It was successful & brought down to normal range at 15 later that afternoon.

How much vitamin C should I give my dog? The regular vitamin C of 1000 mg? Or 500 mg tablet? Let me know.

His weight is 33.2 lb, an American Cocker Spaniel male. hope you can help & bring some hope for Charlie. thank you!

Replied by Gina

Hi Jennifer,

I'm glad to read your comments. What changes did you make for the meal your dog? How much Vitamin C did you give? At what mg? Is it 500 mg or 1000 mg on Vitamin C?

i would like to help my dog's eyes, too. He just got his redness on his left & his pressure was 71 this past Tuesday morning. My vet got alarmed & put Xalantan drop to help lower his pressure. It came down to 15, normal range on his left & right was 17.

Been given 3 eye drops for my dog until next Thursday, 3/12 for re-check his pressure reading & see how he respond those drops. I'm truly hoping he will be more than okay.

So far, he is still eating & active playing. Just his left eye still has the redness. Hope you can help & give hope. thank you!

Replied by Kl

What type of c did you give your dog for glaucoma?

Replied by Gina

It is the Vitamin C with rosehip @ 1,000 mg. I cut in half for his morning meal & other half for meal #2 in late afternoon. KI: Are you familiar with using this Vitamin C?

Replied by Debbie

Hi. Regarding using the Vitamin C. Use Ester c.

Which is much more gentle on their stomachs. And, more absorbable. Look at adding 2 drops of grapefruit seed extract. And Omega 3.

NEVER use a collar to walk your Dog. Only, a harness. As a collar can put pressure on the jugular vein and increase eye pressure. Which will cause terrible pain.

IF, there is high pressure readings in the eye.

Look at giving Oral Glycerine. Which can help to lower the pressure. But, must only be given for a couple of days.

It's easy to get your dog to take it all, if you hide it in a slice of ham. Just make a 'little parcel' and it will, likely be 'gobbled down', before they even realise they have taken anything!!