Diatomaceous Earth
Health Benefits

Diatomaceous Earth Benefits for Pets

| Modified on Dec 27, 2024
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Diatomaceous Earth Benefits for Pets

If you're tired of spending big bucks to control fleas, there's a dirt-cheap way to do that. Many Earth Clinic posters depend on food grade diatomaceous earth (DE) to control fleas on their dogs, cats, and other pets.

In addition to killing fleas, diatomaceous earth is effective against parasites within both humans and animals' bodies.


Only use FOOD GRADE diatomaceous earth, at least 90% pure and as close to 100% pure as possible. Food grade diatomaceous earth is non-toxic and safe for humans and animals when used as directed.


The pool or industrial grade of DE is contaminated with toxic ingredients. By the same token, check the label if considering diatomaceous earth sold as a flea killer. It is probably mixed with strong insecticides. While it might kill the fleas a little faster, the whole point of using diatomaceous earth is to avoid using dangerous chemicals.

What is Diatomaceous Earth?

Diatomaceous earth is composed of the fossilized silica shells of microscopic algae. It is a fine powder. When applying it, try to avoid doing so where wind or fans will blow it around as it is always a bad idea to inhale any kind of powder into the lungs. Also, if DE is blown around the house onto furniture, etc., the cleanup will make you wish that you had turned off the fans first.

How Does Diatomaceous Earth Kill Fleas, Worms, and Other Pests?

Diatomaceous earth kills fleas, ants, parasites, and other pests by cutting the pests and larvae's bodies with the microscopically sharp edges of the fossilized diatoms. Pests are unable to develop a resistance to DE because it kills mechanically by dehydrating the fleas. It has been reported that fleas die in about 4 hours.

The diatomaceous earth particles are safe to use because they are too small to cut a person or animal.

How to Use Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth

Food grade diatomaceous earth can be taken internally or applied externally to pets, carpets, bedding, etc. Diatomaceous earth absorbs moisture, so it is reportedly less effective in humid climates. If sprinkled outside, it will need to be reapplied after rain.

Internal use

Use no more than one tablespoon per day for dogs over 55 lbs. Small dogs can be given up to one teaspoon per day. Some people use DE only occasionally, perhaps once a month, as part of a flea prevention program. Consult with a holistic vet for dosage recommendations for parasite removal or for use on puppies or kittens.

External use

If the powder is put into a plastic bottle (such as the red or yellow ketchup or mustard bottles sold in dollar stores), it can be applied relatively easily. Run a line of the powder down the dogs back and rub in. Use once a week when fleas are active or once a month as a preventative. Using more often will dry out the skin.

Bedding, Sleeping Areas, Around Doorways or Outside: 

Spread some on, let it sit for a while, and then vacuum. When sprinkling on carpets to get rid of fleas, it's necessary to do this once a week for about 4 weeks to kill newly hatched fleas after the adults are gone.

If you have been using diatomaceous earth for your pets, please let us know your experiences and recommendations!

Continue reading below for exciting feedback from our readers who have used DE for years on their dogs and cats.

Related Links:

Maximize Your Health: Unveiling Diatomaceous Earth Benefits
Parasite and Worm Remedies
Ted's Borax & Peroxide Mange Treatment for Dogs

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Broad Benefits

2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Rebekah (Spotsylvania, VA ) on 03/28/2021

Editor's Choice

I have horses and dogs.

I had a dog, she passed from old age. But at age 12 she started to have troubles getting up in the morning after a long sleep and also had problems climbing a flight of stairs. I started her on 1 tablespoon of DE and within 2 days saw a dramatic improvement, on the third day it was as if she never had a problem and got up as her usual self and climb those stairs without a problem for the next 1.5 yrs until she started to decline as old age was getting to her. The DE helped her live her old age life to its fullest without mobility issues.

I have a horse that has been on DE for 5 years now. He use to get bad Abscess on 1 hoof. After just 6 months on DE he had no more issues. I transitioned him from an expensive all natural joint health supplements to DE over a period of 1 year. No experience of joint issues at all or Abscess.

I have another horse who doesn't digest dry foods at all. Meaning Hay, or any type of pellets (dry), or sry feed. I put her on 2 cup of DE and within 3 weeks she didn't only gain weight but was getting over weight. Had to slow down on her morning feed significantly, about half the amount. She maintained her nice shape all through winter. Once she was on Pasture, I lower the DE dosage to 1 cup during the Spring through end of Fall for benefits purposes. Saved me several hundred dollars a month on feed including lots of Alfalfa.

Just a basic idea of how much I fed her before starting her on DE to even help a little with weight. 2 full huge scoops of Alfalfa cubes daily including her, Alfalfa pellets, Oats, garlic powder, coconut powder and flaxseed. I use to spend at least 300 a month if not more just on her feed. Now, it's down to $100 every 2 months. Instead of Alfalfa pellets, I give her Timothy pellets. And I only give Alfalfa cubes as treats now.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Vreed27 (Seattle, Wa) on 07/28/2012

Yes she is trying to get your money. You can buy ten pounds of Food Grade DE on the internet for about $20 with shipping included!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Lesley (Neenah, Wi) on 03/13/2010

Ted, or anyone else, have any of you tried food grade diatomacious earth (DE)? It sure SEEMS to dry everything up fast, including MY white heads, dogs white heads, dogs' black heads (which came pooping out themselves, to be combed out easily with a flea comb) much else. It seems to be so effective at drying out shells/bodies of insects (fleas etc) and so safe, it made me try to use it as a dusting powder on the dog at the site of demodex infection. It certainly SEEMED to work.

I was so pleased (this before Dx with demodex). The vet thought TOO drying and told me to stop as antibiotics were started. My little old shih tzu girl became worse and worse.

When I restarted, (after visiting dog dermatologist who also said not to use, and AFTER things were looking really bad again) once again it all seemed to calm right down.

I also contacted a holistic vet who endorsed it on the site that I purchased the product from and she said it could be used as a cure for generalized demodex, but that I had to purchase her "package" ($125) for her further help.

Somehow, that seemed funny to me--my experience is vets who have answers try to give out that info as much as possible. Am I overly suspicious?


Diatomaceous Earth Side Effects in Dogs

1 User Review

Posted by Natalya (Florida) on 07/02/2016

Hi, I started giving to my dog diatomaceous about 5 weeks ago. She is 105 lb and I started minimum dose and increase to 1 1/2 table spoon. Two days ago she got a urine infection, which she never had it before, and she is almost 10 years old.

My question is, can the diatomaceous cause that? The doctor said if it has a high calcium, it can develop the bladder stones.

Ear Infections

2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Marisa (San Jose, USA) on 04/18/2008

My cat was miserable and his ear stank. I put a pinch of diatomaceous earth (swimming pool filter grade)in each ear. He seemed to be a bit better in about 40 minutes. He has stopped shaking his head and seems less lethargic. We'll see if he needs something more, (if he has a bacterial infection. His ear smelled like feces. ewwwwww!

Replied by Binxy
(Brisbane Australia)


In response to Marisa from San Jose, USA:

Never, EVER use pool grade DE. It has been specially treated and its crystalized structure is dangerous to your health (and your pets). ONLY use food grade DE with living creatures.

Replied by Karen

MARISA, ONLY use Food Grade DE Powder, the one for swimming pools can KILL your Pet

Replied by Pam E.
(SW California)
153 posts

"Swimming pool filter grade" is sold & labelled:

For *INDUSTRIAL USE ONLY* for a reason!

NEVER use it to apply or give to a living creature in ANY way!

ONLY use FOOD GRADE Diatomacious Earth for health reasons!

Ear Mites

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Soazburrolady (Southern, Az) on 09/01/2016

About 6 years ago, I trapped 2 kittens who were playing in a major retail store garden department. One of them, Rosebud, had the worst ear mites I have ever seen. Her ears had scabs in them. I used the diatomaceous earth to eliminate the mites by dipping my little finger in it and rubbing directly into her ear (no wetting) - at least twice a day. I think it probably took a few weeks to eradicate the little buggers. The good news is that she has never had them again - and to this day she is the only one of my kitties who willingly allows me to touch her ears. All the best.

Replied by Lisa
(Athens, Tn)

Thank you for your reply. I will start doing the treatment. I have also read using yellow dock but all of the remedies use dried herbs or tincture to make a tea. I have it in powder form and don't know what ratio yellow dock/water to use. Thanks again Soazburrolady

Ear Mites
Posted by Lynn (Gulfport, Florida) on 01/21/2009

My male cat had scratched his ears so much that the ear developed a huge bubble and separated the ear skin/flesh. I had to take him to the vet for expensive treatment and surgery. It was due to ear mites. The ear is now permanently disfigured and ruined his appearance. I used diatomacious earth (food grade) mixed with a little water for transport, and and eye dropper, and put it in his ears when the mites came back. The water will evaporate and leaves the DE in the ear for ongoing treatment, as it is a powder and coats the inside of the ear a little. You don't need much. He stopped scratching by that night, and he hasn't had a problem since. That was a couple of years ago. My other cats are having problems though, and I am going to use it on them. I HATE ear mites and see how my cats can suffer with them. You can buy it (food grade) online or sometimes in a plant nursery (they use it to kill insects). It pays to remember that there may be an infection in the ears as well, and without a proper examination, you can't know. As much as I don't like vets offices, checking for an infection is worth it, especially in severe cases. One of my cats had mites and an infection. Her energy picked up after treatment for the infection, and I felt guilty that maybe she'd had it all along and it was painful. It's important to find a vet you like. Talk to people and get a referral for one you trust. Treatment can utilize both natural and standard treatment when appropriate.

Replied by Lisa
(Athens, Tn)

What would you say the ratio is for DE & water. How much did you put in the ears? I brought my mom's cat home to live with me after her recent passing. I'm in dire need of help. My vet wants me to use Ivamec he mixed with mineral oil & I've read to my bad things about it. Urgent need of some help for him. Than you!

Replied by Julie

HI, for ear mites in dogs, cats, rabbits use Thornit Powder. Try Amazon or Ebay

Ear Mites
Posted by Lynn (Jeannette, PA)

I have found that putting a pinch of food-grade diatomaceous earth into the dog or cat's ear kills the mites. I do it daily for about a month since that is how long the mites can take to hatch. Within a few days though the animal has absolutely no symptoms of mites and it is completely safe for pets of all ages and sizes. It is also a great way to get rid of mites on birds and to rid a pet of internal parasites.


6 User Reviews
5 star (6) 

Posted by Tony C. (Calif) on 01/25/2021

I used to mix the Diatomaceous earth in my kennel to get rid of the fleas. I would buy large bags of the earth. It worked good, never saw a flea.

Posted by Keener (Larryville Ks) on 07/20/2018

It REALLY works for fleas and ticks. I live in an area of the US known for having lots of fleas and ticks. I started using the diatomaceous earth in May and it's now July and I have had NO fleas on my dog or in my house :) I simply put it in one of those red ketchup bottles from the dollar store. I put it on my dog and on his bedding. We have been flea free all summer :)

Posted by Peggy (Delbarton, WV US) on 12/20/2014

I was reading all the comments. I have used FOOD GRADE diatomaceous earth on all my dogs and cat for years. It eliminates worms, and handles the fleas. During the worst season for fleas I use it around my doors. I only use it on their wet food, not dry and just a pinch once a month. I have yet to see any ill effects from the use of Food Grade DE. Pool Grade is very dangerous for humans and animals, make certain you purchase Food Grade, I get mine at Tractor Supply.

Posted by Tara (Baton Rouge, La) on 12/25/2011

My cat had a tick behind his eat for a while because I didn't know what it was. Luckily my brother came over one day and recognized it. I had some food grade diatomaceous earth on hand because I've used it for other things. I sprinkled some on the tick area and rubbed it in once daily. The tick just seemed to shrink and disappear and was gone within a week or two. I even forgot to do it some days. :D

I also sprinkle it on my cats' fur and rub in every now and then to control fleas. It works well.

Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is awesome and has many uses and benefits. I bought 50 lbs. online.

Replied by Sherry
(Virginia Beach, Virginia)

Help! I adopted 2 ferals who I can't put collars on because they are still warming up to me. What can I put in their food that they will eat? How much is it? I have 1 adult and 2 6 month olds.

Replied by Suseeq
(Sydney, Australia)

I would go all raw and spray their coat with apple cider vinegar and water. Also put some in drinking water. Diatomaceous earth dosages can be found on this site. I have never used it so can't speak from experience here.

Posted by Jp (Monroe, Ny) on 10/28/2010

Hi Pennie from Indpl, I also use food grade Diatomaceous Earth. It is awesome stuff. I use it around my foundation to kill fleas and ticks, instead of pesticides. I also mix 1/2 cup, with 1 tablespoon of dish washing soap, into a gallon of water. I mix this into a pump sprayer and spray my lawn. It's alot less messy looking, than spreading it dry. No tick and fleas;0) You can also give it to your dog as a dewormer. I don't use it as a dewormer, because I use garlic and RAW ACV. Garlic will get rid of heartworms and intestinal parasites and ACV will get rid of fleas. I've also used Diatomaceous Earth, to get rid of bed bugs. Fill up a sock and pat around your house. Wear a dust mask while doing this. Than leave your house until the dust settles. Leave it there for 3 weeks and say goodbye to the bed bugs and roaches;0)

Replied by Matthew
(Onamia, Mn)

How much of this food grade DE stuff do you put your dogs and cats? I'm planning to go buy some somewhere (i heard hardware stores carry it).

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Matthew!

Hardware stores do carry DE however it is not the kind for applying to your pet or taking internally. The type to be used on the pet- and safe for your pet to lick up - is the food grade DE, not the hardware store kind. Only use the product from the hardware store outside.

Posted by June (KC, KS) on 12/25/2008

Hi, I bought my DE from www.herbalremedies.com. They have great prices. I mix it in my cat's food, and sometimes sprinkle it on their fur but don't use it on the carpet.

As far as keeping fleas out of your house, vacuum of course, this kills fleas. I mix up a spray that really helps. I use a blend of any of these oils: neem, eucalyptus, tea tree, citronella, etc...and add water in a spray bottle. Add as much oil needed to get a strong smell, roughly 20-30 drops of each oil. I spray this on the carpet as often as I need and lightly on furniture. It helps repel and will also destroy eggs.

I've also read you can place liquid dish soap in a plate and put these around your house. The fleas are supposed to be drawn to the soap and drown. You then pick up the plate, dump the fleas and start over. I haven't tried this, but heard it's a good remedy.

Also, google for information on www.holisticat.com. This site charges for membership, but their old posts are free to read. They have great suggestions on natural pet treatments.

Posted by Lyn (Jeannette, PA)

I just wanted to comment on the fleas section. It is true that any shampoo will kill fleas, but it needs to be left on for 30 min. Also, if you have a flea infestation in your house, just spraying your animal wont help. You must treat where the fleas live. See, they only feed on your animal. I have tremendous luck using table salt and food-grade diatomaceous earth all over the house to kill fleas and prevent. The salt (I prefer organic unprocessed sea salt) cuts into the body of the flea and then allows the DE to dehydrate the animal. Salt by itself does seem to work also, I just like a faster approach. Keep in mind though that this means of defense does take up to 2 months to work as some fleas are still hatching. In really bad infestation, it could take longer. I think flea eggs can survive up to 280 days. I would also like to recommend quadruped pet products. I work at a holistic pet care center and this is what we use to bathe the animals. They do not contain(unlike most pet shampoos) any harsh chemicals. Also, all their products are concentrates so it is much cheaper than buying the harmful stuff from pet shops or grocery stores.

Replied by Wendy
(Alabama, US)

The Diatomaceous Earth. cuts them and dries them as well as the salt dries them.

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